892 resultados para primary prevention
Although uncommon, invasive aspergillosis in the setting of AIDS is important because of its peculiar clinical presentation and high lethality. This report examines two AIDS patients with a history of severe cellular immunosuppression and previous neutropenia, who developed subacute invasive aspergillosis. One female patient developed primary lung aspergilloma, with dissemination to the mediastinum, vertebrae, and spine, which was fatal despite antifungal treatment. The second patient, who had multiple cavitary brain lesions, and eye and lung involvement, recovered following voriconazole and itraconazole, and drugs for increasing neutrophil and CD4+ lymphocyte levels. These cases demonstrate the importance of Aspergillus infections following neutropenia in AIDS patients, and emphasize the need for early and effective antifungal therapy.
Neurotransmitter diseases are a group of inherited disorders attributable to a disturbance of neurotransmitter metabolism. Biogenic amines are neurotransmitters with multiple roles including psychomotor function, hormone secretion, cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal control, sleep mechanisms, body temperature and pain. Given the multiple functions of monoamines, disorders of their metabolism comprise a wide spectrum of manifestations, with motor dysfunction being the most prominent clinical feature. Methods: Case review of 12 patients from 4 families, with primary disorders of biogenic amine metabolism. Results: Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency (4 patients from 2 families), and GTP-cyclohydrolase (8 patients from 2 families) were the two diseases identified. Age at first symptoms varied between 2 months and 6 years. Developmental delay was present in all cases except 2 patients with GTP cyclohydrolase deficiency. The combination of axial hypotonia and limb dystonia was also frequent. Children with aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency exhibited temperature instability, oculogyric crisis and disturbances of sleep. The index case of one family with GTP cyclohydrolase deficiency presented with Parkinsonism (bradykinesia, rigidity and hypomimia). Analysis of neurotransmitters and their metabolites in CSF was crucial for the identification of index cases. Response to therapy was variable but in general unsatisfactory except in a family with GTP cyclohydrolase deficiency. Conclusions: These disorders should be considered in the differential diagnosis of paediatric neurodegenerative diseases, in order to allow an adequate therapeutic trial that can favor prognosis.
RESUMO: O instrumento de avaliação de sistemas de saúde mental da organização mundial de saúde (WHO-AIMS)foi usado para a recolha de informações sobre o Programa Nacional de Saúde Mental de Moçambique. O presente estudo tem como objectivo melhorar o Programa Nacional de Saúde Mental e fornecer um ponto de partida para a monitorização das mudanças. Os resultados do estudo permitirão a Moçambique fortalecer a sua capacidade para desenvolver planos de saúde mental baseados em informações com pontos de partida e metas bem definidos. O relatório será também útil para a monitorização do progresso da implementação de reformas nas políticas de saúde mental, na disponibilização de serviços de base comunitária, e no envolvimento dos utentes, seus familiares e outros actores na promoção, prevenção,cuidados e reabilitação em saúde mental. Tendo em conta os antecedentes históricos da saúde mental em Moçambique, a realidade actual clama por reformas profundas voltadas para uma intervenção mais humanizada e com enfoque nos cuidados primários. É nesse contexto que o estudo realizado apresenta resultados relacionados com as políticas, legislação, estratégias e planos de acção e financiamento para a saúde mental; serviços de saúde mental;cuidados primários; recursos humanos e ligação com outros sectores chave. A saúde mental foi avaliada desde o sistema de gestão até ao nível comunitário. Relativamente aos órgãos de gestão, a principal constatação é que existem instrumentos legais para sustentar as iniciativas desta área e influenciar os meios políticos em prol da saúde mental. Todavia, o caminho a percorrer ainda é longo uma vez que não está ainda aprovada nenhuma lei de saúde mental e os financiamentos para a área não permitem a implementação das reformas necessárias. Os serviços ao nível clínico debatem-se com a problemática dos recursos humanos (constituídos principalmente por técnicos de psiquiatria) e disponibilidade de psicofármacos. O modelo biopsicossocial ainda não é implementado integralmente uma vez que são poucos os serviços que oferecem apoio psicossocial (que inclui a reabilitação e reintegração) para além da intervenção farmacológica. Esta pode ser considerada uma das principais causas de recaídas identificadas em todas as províncias. Há uma necessidade urgente de se realizarem pesquisas e levantamentos epidemiológicos que possam servir de suporte para a advocacia em saúde mental com vista a melhoria dos cuidados a prestar aos pacientes e comunidade. Os instrumentos de recolha de informação de rotina não são adequados limitando a fidelidade dos dados recolhidos e a possibilidade de uma gestão dos serviços de saúde mental que responda as reais necessidades da população. Em suma, os resultados aqui apresentados mostram que Moçambique tem uma base que pode ser considerada uma mais valia para a reforma do sistema de saúde mental. Existem, ainda que escassos, recursos como humanos, infra-estruturas e legislação para a prestação dos serviços clínicos. É preciso investir na saúde mental para que os recursos existentes sejam melhorados e expandidos, apostando na criação de equipas multidisciplinares e qualificação das equipas de gestão e equipas clínicas. --------ABSTRACT: The World Health Organization Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Services (WHO-AIMS) was used to collect information about the National Mental Health Program of Mozambique. The present study aims to improve the National Mental Health Program and provide a starting point for monitoring change. The study results will allow Mozambique to strengthen its capacity to develop mental health plans based on information with starting points and well-defined goals. The report will also be useful for monitoring the progress of implementation of reforms in mental health policies, the provision of community-based services, and involvement of users, their families and other stakeholders in the promotion, prevention, care and rehabilitation in mental health. Given the historical background of mental health in Mozambique, the current situation calls for reforms aimed at a more humane intervention focused on primary care. In this context, the study presents results related to policies, legislation, strategies and action plans and funding for mental health; mental health services; primary care; human resources and liaison with other key sectors. Mental health was assessed from the management system to the community level. With regard to the management, the main observation is that there are legal instruments to support the initiatives in this area and to influence the political means on behalf of mental health. However, the pathway is still long as it is not yet approved any Mental Health Law and the funding for the area do not allow the implementation of necessary reforms. Services at the clinical level are struggling with the issue of human resources (consisting primarily of psychiatrist technicians) and availability of psychotropic drugs. The biopsychosocial model is not yet fully implemented since there are few services providing psychosocial support (including rehabilitation and reintegration) in addition to pharmacological intervention. This can be considered a major cause of relapse identified in all provinces. There is an urgent need to conduct research and epidemiological surveys which could provide support for advocacy in mental health in order to improve the mental health car for the patients and community. The routine data collection instruments are not appropriate limiting the fidelity of the data collected and the possibility of a management of mental health services that meets the real needs of the population. In summary, the results presented here show that Mozambique has a groundwork that can be considered an asset for the reform of mental health system. There are, though scarce, human resources, infrastructure and legislation for the provision of clinical services. It’s necessary to invest in mental health so that existing resources are improved and expanded, and to invest on the creation of multidisciplinary teams and qualification of management teams and clinical teams.
Objectives: The aim of this article is to analyze the factors associated with HIV testing among 767 sexually active women. Methods: Participants were administered several self-report questionnaires that assessed behavioral and psychosocial measures. Results: Overall, 59.8% of the participants reported ever having tested for HIV. Results show that higher levels of education, being pregnant or having been pregnant, concern about AIDS, AIDS knowledge, self-efficacy in condom negotiation and perception of no risk in partner significantly predicted the likelihood of testing among women. Attending the mass was negatively associated with HIV testing. Conclusions: These findings provide information that can be used in the development of a focused gender sensitive HIV prevention program to increase HIV testing.
Analisando numa perspectiva mais ampla, esta Tese/Dissertação deverá ser uma ferramenta de apoio a quem necessite de implementar e integrar sistemas de gestão normalizados. Seguindo uma abordagem empresarial, visa ajudar os praticantes de uma filosofia Kaizen, a melhorar continuamente, acrescentando valor às suas organizações, através de um conjunto de estratégias e técnicas de carácter prático. Em termos mais específicos, o objectivo foi apresentar um caso prático onde se aplicassem essas mesmas ferramentas. O case-study incidiu na análise da implementação da certificação integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança na Divisão de Equipamento Industrial da Toyota Caetano Portugal. Esta tese/dissertação retrata a implementação teórica e prática do SIG QAS, aplicando os requisitos definidos pela TMHE (Toyota Material Handeling Europe), entre os quais o TPS (Toyota Production System), Kaizen, Toyota Way, Elimination of Waste, Gemba, JIT, Genchi Genbutsu, etc. Os resultados obtidos foram positivos por várias razões. Por ter conseguido elaborar um documento simples de entender, com sugestões de fácil aplicação futura e porque as propostas resultantes do case-study permitirão à TCAP - DEI a promoção da qualidade, a eliminação do desperdício, a completa satisfação dos clientes pela análise, antecipação das suas necessidades e expectativas e pelo cumprimento dos requisitos legais Ambientais e de Segurança aplicáveis, adoptando boas práticas ambientais e de prevenção de acidentes. Temos assim o comprometimento de que esta Tese/Dissertação contribuirá de forma inabalável para o principal desígnio, de assegurar a melhoria contínua do desempenho, garantindo a sustentabilidade da Organização.
INTRODUCTION: Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has emerged as a pathogen in individuals without traditional risk factors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: MRSA nasal carriage was assessed in individuals consulting at a Primary Health Unit in Brazil. RESULTS: A total of 336 individuals were included: 136 were tested only for MRSA and 200 for any S. aureus. No MRSA was found among the 336 individuals and 23 (11.5%) of 200 were colonized by S. aureus. DISCUSSION: Low prevalence rates have been found in non-hospitalized individuals, but MRSA surveillance should be encouraged to monitor clinical and molecular epidemiology of CA- MRSA.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Didáctica do Inglês,
The objective of this study is to identify subtypes of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) and to analyze the presence of mutations associated to antiretroviral resistance in the protease (PR) and reverse transcriptase (RT) regions from 48 HIV-1 positive treatment naïve patients from an outpatient clinic in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil. Sequencing was conducted using PR, partial RT and group-specific antigen gene (gag) nested PCR products from retrotranscribed RNA. Transmitted resistance was determined according to the Surveillance Drug Resistance Mutation List (SDRM) algorithm. Phylogenetic and SimPlot analysis of concatenated genetic segments classified sequences as subtype B 19/48 (39.6%), subtype C 12/48 (25%), subtype F 4/48 (8.3%), with 13/48 (27.1%) recombinant forms. Most recombinant forms were B mosaics (B/F 12.5%, B/C 10.4%), with one C/F (2.1%) and one complex B/C/F mosaic (2.1%). Low levels of transmitted resistance were found in this study, 2/48 (2.1% to NRTIs and 2.1% for PI). This preliminary data may subsidize the monitoring of the HIV evolution in the region.
O Mesotelioma peritoneal maligno é um tumor maligno relacionado frequentemente com exposição prolongada a fibras de amianto, de mau prognóstico, de diagnóstico geralmente tardio, face à pouca expressão clínica na fase inicial da doença. Como o mesotelioma evolui geralmente só na cavidade peritoneal, doentes seleccionados poderão ter maior sobrevivência se for possível a peritonectomia extensa e quimioterapia hipertérmica intraperitoneal intraoperatória. Os autores referem a sincronicidade ainda não descrita, de mesotelioma peritoneal maligno primário e carcinoma de Grawitz. São revistos concisamente: a clínica destes tumores, síndromes paraneoplásicos (disfunção bioquímica hepática, emagrecimento extremo); etiopatogenia da acção cancerígena das fibras de amianto; mecanismos de disseminação intraperitoneal; avaliação tomodensitométrica; importância da imunohistoquímica no diagnóstico histopatológico; estadiamento; importância do tratamento multidisciplinar destes tumores.
A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the frequencies and characteristics of occupational exposures among medical and nursing students at a Brazilian public university, in addition to their prevention and post-exposure behavior. During the second semester of 2010, a self-administered semi-structured questionnaire was completed by 253/320 (79.1%) medical students of the clinical course and 149/200 (74.5%) nursing students who were already performing practical activities. Among medical students, 53 (20.9%) suffered 73 injuries, which mainly occurred while performing extra-curricular activities (32.9%), with cutting and piercing objects (56.2%), in the emergency room (39.7%), and as a result of lack of technical preparation or distraction (54.8%). Among nursing students, 27 (18.1%) suffered 37 injuries, which mainly occurred with hollow needles (67.6%) in the operating room or wards (72.2%), and as a result of lack of technical preparation or distraction (62.1%). Among medical and nursing students, respectively, 96.4% and 48% were dissatisfied with the instructions on previously received exposure prevention; 48% and 18% did not always use personal protective equipment; 67.6% and 16.8% recapped used needles; 49.3% and 35.1% did not bother to find out the source patient's serological results post-exposure; and 1.4% and 18.9% officially reported injuries. In conclusion, this study found high frequencies of exposures among the assessed students, inadequate practices in prevention and post-exposure, and, consequently, the need for training in “standard precautions” to prevent such exposures.
Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii has been implicated as the primary vector of human and simian malarias out of the Brazilian Amazon and specifically in the Atlantic Forest regions. The presence of asymptomatic human cases, parasite-positive wild monkeys and the similarity between the parasites infecting them support the discussion whether these infections can be considered as a zoonosis. Although many aspects of the biology of An. cruzii have already been addressed, studies conducted during outbreaks of malaria transmission, aiming at the analysis of blood feeding and infectivity, are missing in the Atlantic Forest. This study was conducted in the location of Palestina, Juquitiba, where annually the majority of autochthonous human cases are notified in the Atlantic Forest of the state of São Paulo. Peridomiciliary sites were selected for collection of mosquitoes in a perimeter of up to 100 m around the residences of human malaria cases. The mosquitoes were analyzed with the purpose of molecular identification of blood-meal sources and to examine the prevalence of Plasmodium. A total of 13,441 females of An. (Ker.) cruzii were collected. The minimum infection rate was calculated at 0.03% and 0.01%, respectively, for P. vivax and P. malariae and only human blood was detected in the blood-fed mosquitoes analyzed. This data reinforce the hypothesis that asymptomatic human carriers are the main source of anopheline infection in the peridomiciliary area, making the probability of zoonotic transmission less likely to happen.
Introduction: Vaccination is the main preventive strategy against Yellow Fever (YF), which is a public health concern in Brazil. However, HIV-infected patients might have insufficient knowledge regarding YF, YF prevention, and vaccines in general. Methods: In this questionnaire-based study, data from 158 HIV-infected individuals were addressed in three distinct outpatient clinics in São Paulo. Information was collected on demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as patients' knowledge of vaccines, YF and YF preventive strategies. In addition, individual YF vaccine recommendations and vaccine status were investigated. Results: Although most participants adequately ascertain the vaccine as the main prevention strategy against YF, few participants were aware of the severity and lack of specific treatment for YF. Discrepancy in YF vaccine (patients who should have taken the vaccine, but did not) was observed in 18.8% of participants. Conclusion: YF is an important and preventable public health concern, and these results demonstrate that more information is necessary for the HIV-infected population.
We report 1 female patient with situs inversus, dextrocardia, a complex heart malformation, hydrocephalus due to aqueductal stenosis, and abnormal ultrastructure of the respiratory epithelium cilia. Several animal models of this disorder implicate abnormal ciliary function in the genesis of hydrocephalus, and 11 patients were previously reported with hydrocephalus and the syndrome of primary ciliary dyskinesia. primary ciliary dyskinesia–associated aqueductal stenosis should be considered as a possible cause for fetal or neonatal hydrocephalus if heterotaxy, heart malformations, and/or a probable genetic etiology are present.
The human immunodeficiency virus replication cycle begins by sequential interactions between viral envelope glycoproteins with CD4 molecule and a member of the seven-transmembrane, G-protein-coupled, receptors' family (coreceptor). In this report we focused on the contribution of CCR8 as alternative coreceptor for HIV-1 and HIV-2 isolates. We found that this coreceptor was efficiently used not only by HIV-2 but particularly by HIV-1 isolates. We demonstrate that CXCR4 usage, either alone or together with CCR5 and/or CCR8, was more frequently observed in HIV-1 than in HIV-2 isolates. Directly related to this is the finding that the non-usage of CXCR4 is significantly more common in HIV-2 isolates; both features could be associated with the slower disease progression generally observed in HIV-2 infected patients. The ability of some viral isolates to use alternative coreceptors besides CCR5 and CXCR4 could further impact on the efficacy of entry inhibitor therapy and possibly also in HIV pathogenesis.
INTRODUCTION: There are several risk scores for stratification of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), the most widely used of which are the TIMI and GRACE scores. However, these are complex and require several variables. The aim of this study was to obtain a reduced model with fewer variables and similar predictive and discriminative ability. METHODS: We studied 607 patients (age 62 years, SD=13; 76% male) who were admitted with STEMI and underwent successful primary angioplasty. Our endpoints were all-cause in-hospital and 30-day mortality. Considering all variables from the TIMI and GRACE risk scores, multivariate logistic regression models were fitted to the data to identify the variables that best predicted death. RESULTS: Compared to the TIMI score, the GRACE score had better predictive and discriminative performance for in-hospital mortality, with similar results for 30-day mortality. After data modeling, the variables with highest predictive ability were age, serum creatinine, heart failure and the occurrence of cardiac arrest. The new predictive model was compared with the GRACE risk score, after internal validation using 10-fold cross validation. A similar discriminative performance was obtained and some improvement was achieved in estimates of probabilities of death (increased for patients who died and decreased for those who did not). CONCLUSION: It is possible to simplify risk stratification scores for STEMI and primary angioplasty using only four variables (age, serum creatinine, heart failure and cardiac arrest). This simplified model maintained a good predictive and discriminative performance for short-term mortality.