936 resultados para message dissemination


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Dissertation presented to obtain the PhD degree in Biology


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biology/ Molecular Biology


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Toxoplasmosis is frequently acquired through the oral route by the ingestion of cysts or oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii. Once ingested, the parasites penetrate the intestinal epithelial cells and rapidly disseminate to all organs in the host. During T. gondii infection, the intestinal microbiota plays an important role in stimulating a protective immune response against the parasite. In this sense the use of probiotics is worthy of note since they are live microorganisms that have beneficial effects on the host through stimulation of the immune response that can be important in the control of T. gondii proliferation and dissemination in the host. In the present study, the action of the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis was investigated in C57BL/6 mice infected with oocysts of ME49 strain of T. gondii. The probiotic had an immunomodulatory action, inducing CD19 lymphocyte proliferation and consequently increasing anti-T. gondii antibody level.Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactisprovided protection in supplemented mice, compared to the control group. In addition, supplemented animals had milder inflammatory process in the small intestine, indicating that the probiotic protects the intestinal mucosa during infection with T. gondii. It was concluded that the probioticB. animalis subsp. lactis induces humoral immune response capable of providing protection against T. gondii infection.


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Dissemination of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) remains one of the most difficult challenges for prevention, control, and treatment of health care-associated infections. A survey and interviews were conducted on nurses from a hospital center. We found that most nurses' perceived risk of acquiring MRSA related to themselves (72%), other nurses (88.5%), and patients (97.8%). This perception influences attitudes, leading to compliance with the existing recommendations.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de doutor em filosofia


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Sabbatical Studies Report


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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RESUMO - A legionella em meio hospitalar tem sido alvo de preocupação e de várias discussões, sendo esta uma bactéria patogénica que coloniza vários tipos de ambientes aquáticos (naturais e artificiais). Estas bactérias têm a particularidade de se desenvolver em meio aquático mas a infeção apenas é transmitida através de aerossóis de água contaminada, ou seja, por via aérea. Não se transmitindo de pessoa para pessoa. Pelas suas características os sistemas de arrefecimento de ar, nomeadamente as torres de arrefecimento, condensadores evaporativos, humidificadores e sistemas de ar condicionado, são fontes importantes de disseminação da legionella. Assim surge a necessidade da existência de programas de prevenção, que deverão ter em conta uma adequada manutenção, limpeza e desinfeção. Dada a quantidade de frequentadores assim como da especificidade dos mesmos, em meio hospitalar é particularmente importante a eficácia destes sistemas. Ou seja, os sistemas de arrefecimento em hospitais devem, para além de garantir o conforto térmico, ser responsáveis por manter a qualidade do ar e reduzir os riscos existentes a ele associados. O presente estudo pretende conhecer a verdadeira eficácia dos programas de manutenção e vigilância da Legionella, apenas nos sistemas de arrefecimento. Trata-se então de um estudo exploratório, descritivo recolha desta informação in-loco dos sistemas em estudo, de X hospitais da cidade de Lisboa. Na metodologia serão utilizadas grelhas de observação e resultados de colheita de água dos locais de maior risco. A realização deste estudo visa obter um retrato do panorama existente e contribuir para o início de novos estudos epidemiológicos.


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Dissertation to obtain a Master Degree in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine


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The limitations of access to finance in Africa, together with the recent boom in cell phone use in that continent, created high expectations regarding the introduction of mobile money in many African countries. The success story of M-PESA in Kenya raised the bar further. We designed and conducted a field experiment to assess the impact of randomized mobile money dissemination in rural Mozambique. For this purpose we benefit from the fact that mobile money was only recently launched in the country, allowing for the identification of a pure control group. This paper reports on the first results of this ongoing project after the first wave of dissemination efforts in rural locations, which included the recruitment and training of mobile money agents, community meetings and theaters, as well as individual rural campaigning. Administrative and behavioral data both show clear adherence to the services in the treatment group. Financial literacy and trust outcomes are also positively affected by the treatment. We present behavioral evidence that the marginal willingness to remit was increased by the availability of mobile money. Finally, we observe a tendency for mobile money to substitute traditional alternatives for both savings and remittances.


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The alignment of collective goals and individual behavior has been extensively studied by economists under a principal-agent framework. Two main solutions have been presented: explicit incentive contracts and monitoring. These solutions correspond to changes in the objective situation faced by individuals. However, an extensive literature in social psychology provides evidence that behavior is influenced, not only by situational constraints, but also by attitudes. Therefore, an important aspect of organization is to choose the structures and procedures that best contribute to the dissemination of the desired attitudes throughout the organization. This paper studies how the initial configuration of attitudes and the size of the organization affect the optimal organizational structure and the timing of information flows when the objective is to align the members' attitudes. We identify and characterize three factors that affect the optimal organizational structures and procedures and the degree of alignment of attitudes: (1) clustering effects; (2) member cross-influence effects; and (3) leader cross-influence effects.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design Gráfico pela Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco em associação com a Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Os espaços públicos das cidades, sobretudo os daquelas para onde converge o turismo mundial, são sujeitos a múltiplos mecanismos de representação que os fragmentam e, em última análise, os reduzem a imagens idealizadas. Os autores dessas imagens, e dos seus sentidos, são muito diversificados, mas os profissionais ligados ao turismo (agências de viagem, revistas turísticas, documentaristas, etc.) e as instâncias públicas interessadas na divulgação turística das cidades (câmaras municipais, governos regionais, etc.) são, sem dúvida, duas das instâncias que mais operam no interior desses processos complexos de representação (e de mercadorização) do espaço das cidades. E se esses processos se associam hoje à relação feliz que milhões de pessoas estabelecem com as cidades no mundo inteiro, é no entanto necessário não esquecer que parte dessas paisagens são cuidadosamente construídas de forma, por um lado, a obliterar a lamentável realidade do urbanismo envolvente e, por outro, a delas excluir todos aqueles que inviabilizam a dinâmica cultural de construção de paisagens. We consider that the public spaces of cities, especially those which converge to the global tourism, are subject to multiple mechanisms of representation that fragment and, ultimately, reduce its idealized images. The authors of these images, and their senses are very diverse, but the professionals linked to tourism (travel agencies, tourist magazines, documentaries, etc.) and the government stakeholders interested in the dissemination of tourist cities (municipalities, regional governments, etc.) are undoubtedly two of the actors that operate within these more complex processes of representation of all urban space. And if these processes are associated today with the happy relationship that millions of people have with cities worldwide, it is however necessary not to forget that part of these landscapes are carefully constructed in a way, on one hand, to obliterate the unfortunate reality of the urban environment and, secondly, to delete all those that prevent the construction of dynamic cultural landscapes.