910 resultados para local government services


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Parents play a critical role in promoting fruit and vegetable consumption, for eating patterns established early in life tend to persist into adulthood. Despite this, the factors that facilitate or inhibit parents’ capacity to socialise fruit and vegetable consumption into their children’s daily diets remain poorly defined. Thirty-eight semi-structured interviews with residents, allied healthcare professionals, community leaders, community programme leaders and a local government leader living or working in two low socioeconomic suburbs were consequently conducted to ascertain factors exogenous and endogenous to the family unit that shaped parental food socialisation practices. Budgetary and time constraints emerged as exogenous factors that constrained fruit and vegetable socialisation. Constraining effects were also found for a range of endogenous factors, including commensal experiences, children’s food fussiness and the feeding styles employed by parents. As such, while many caregivers may wish to socialise fruit and vegetable consumption into their children’s daily diets, their capacity to do so is often inhibited by factors beyond their volitional control. Failure to take heed of these factors could therefore result in the development of social marketing campaigns that are ineffective at best or give rise to unintentionally harmful outcomes at worst.


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Responding to gentrification has become a key planning issue for many urban municipalities. Local governments need to balance the often-competing agendas of urban regeneration, social inclusion and arts access and participation. This paper argues that arts and cultural units within local government bear the impact of such tensions. More importantly, however, local government policies and their implementation represent a third position in the polarised discussion on the cultural impact of gentrification. The example discussed here is the rapidly gentrifying City of Maribyrnong in Melbourne’s western suburbs: a municipality where any potential realisation of the economic benefits of gentrification is balanced against the needs of a significant population of resident professional artists, and the social inclusion needs of socio-economically disadvantaged residents. Maribyrnong’s arts and cultural unit, like those within many municipalities in the developed world, has had to develop cultural policies and plans as tools for negotiating complex relationships and diverse needs of community members by considering the economic, social and cultural benefits of the arts for all residents.


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This report was commissioned to investigate the level of arts participation in Moonee Valley, and the barriers local residents face in experiencing and accessing the arts. The need for this research is motivated by a desire to ensure the success of Council’s investment in the arts and culture, and to maximise the benefits of participating in the arts for all residents.


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A strategic framework for arts and cultural development for the Maribyrnong City Council, prepared by consultant researchers at Deakin University. The framework acknowledges that Maribyrnong is a municipality on the cusp of great demographic and economic change, and that arts and culture are both the driver and potential victim of this change. Arts and culture must be an urgent priority for Council.

This framework forms the basis for future planning of arts and cultural development in the City of Maribyrnong, and sits under the strategic directions identified in the Maribyrnong City Council Plan. This framework is based on new research into the environment in which arts and culture occurs in Maribyrnong and the strategic role Council plays in supporting this sector.


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Negative impacts of invasive plants or weeds on biodiversity have been well established yet their role in providing key habitats and resources for wildlife has been little understood. Weed removal thus has the potential to adversely affect wildlife but whether this is considered during weed management is poorly known. To determine the extent of this knowledge, we examined the perceptions of weed managers regarding wildlife and weed management in Victoria, Australia. We surveyed 81 weed managers of varying levels of experience from different types of organisations, including state and local government, community groups and private companies. We found 90% of managers had observed wildlife-weed interactions and that most (70%) adjusted management programmes to accommodate wildlife. Despite this, few (19%) had adopted the recommended practice of combining gradual weed removal with re-vegetation. While management programmes included monitoring of native vegetation, consideration of wildlife monitoring in weed management was rare. This highlights the need for management to better understand and respond to wildlife-weed relationships. If the improvement of wildlife habitat is included in the objectives of weed programmes, as it should be, then wildlife should also be incorporated in project monitoring. This would lead to a greater understanding of the role weeds and their management have in each situation and, ultimately, more informed decision making. Copyright: © Carlos et al. 2014.


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This study examines participants’ responses to first year students’ street performances as a non-placement work-integrated learning (WIL) activity over a two year period. The purpose of the study was to determine: (1) community perception, (2) continuous improvement, and (3) future needs. Data was collected through surveying participants’ post-viewing of the street performances, students’ reflective notes, and a recorded focus group interview. The findings indicated that audience members require additional assistance to value the students’ street performances. The results revealed that students require more guidance around researching the sites of practice, understanding group work dynamics, relaxation methods, intra- and interpersonal skill development, conflict resolution and how to effectively build community relations with the local government Council. From the findings, specific recommendations for continual improvement are made. These include offering an explanation of the street performances’ historical and aesthetic connections to the building sites for audience members, affording battery operated body-microphones and light rostrum for improved sight lines, delivering group dynamics information and arranging opportunities for students to engage more effectively with the Council. While the recommendations in this study are intended to advance the field of research that evaluates non-placement WIL performing arts curriculum in higher education, the findings are relevant to any group-based performance activity in learning and teaching.


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Courvisanos J., Jain A. and Mardaneh K. Economic resilience of regions under crises: a study of the Australian economy, Regional Studies. Identifying patterns of economic resilience in regions by industry categories is the focus of this paper. Patterns emerge from adaptive capacity in four distinct functional groups of local government regions in Australia, in respect of their resilience from shocks on specific industries. A model of regional adaptive cycles around four sequential phases – reorganization, exploitation, conservation and release – is adopted as the framework for recognizing such patterns. A data-mining method utilizes a k-means algorithm to evaluate the impact of two major shocks – a 13-year drought and the Global Financial Crisis – on four functional groups of regions, using census data from 2001, 2006 and 2011.


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OBJECTIVE: Despite the importance of the charitable food sector for a proportion of the Australian population, there is uncertainty about its present and future contributions to wellbeing. This paper describes its nature and examines its scope for improving health and food security. METHODS: The review, using systematic methods for public health research, identified peer-reviewed and grey literature relevant to Australian charitable food programs (2002 to 2012). RESULTS: Seventy publications met the criteria and informed this paper. The sector includes food banks, more than 3,000 community agencies and 800 school breakfast programs. It provides food for up to two million people annually. The scope extends beyond emergency food relief and includes case management, advocacy and other support. Weaknesses include a food supply that is sub-optimal, resource limitations and lack of evidence to evaluate or support their work towards food security. CONCLUSIONS: The sector supports people experiencing disadvantage and involves multiple organisations, working in a variety of settings, to provide food for up to 8% of the population. The limits on the sector's capacity to address food insecurity by itself must be acknowledged so that civil society, government and the food industry can support sufficient, nutritious and affordable food for all.


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Market Square was a public reserve located in the centre of the Victorian regional city of Geelong. It was established by Governor Sir George Gipps during the initial surveying of the area in 1838. The square later became a produce market, before being progressively built upon for public and commercial purposes. Today, the modern Market Square Shopping Centre occupies a substantial portion of the original site. Opened in 1985 by the City of Geelong, the complex initially drew high rental incomes for the Council. However, by the early 1990s revenue began to decline after the collapse of the Pyramid Building Society and competition from the new Bay City Plaza shopping centre (now Westfield) that was built directly opposite. In 1993 the city council decided to sell the complex. Today it remains privately owned and while it adjoins the Little Malop Street Mall which was also part of the original public square, its connection with the surrounding urban environment is poor. The introverted architectural nature of Geelong’s two large retail shopping complexes has significantly altered the city’s spatial dynamic. The traditional intimate urban structure and streetscape has been fragmented. This has led to a deterioration of the city’s social cohesion, sense of place and economic prosperity. This paper chronicles the myriad errors of judgement by the institution of local government that have contributed to this situation. Heeding past mistakes, it explores ways in which the Council might work with private landowners to improve the permeability of the city’s public urban spaces and internalised retail centres for improved use, integration, functionality and resilience. Achieving a shared culture of concern for the city’s urban fabric presents some significant challenges. How might ‘big box’ shopping centres be reconsidered to make a positive contribution to the city’s urban spatial network while remaining commercially viable? The built environment has an important role to play in addressing the problem by presenting opportunities for these new urban institutions to also benefit from stronger connections between the public and private realm.


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This study investigates the relationship between extrinsic, intrinsic and social rewards, and the organizational commitment of 239 Chinese public sector employees. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that although variables included to measure extrinsic and social rewards were strongly related to organizational commitment, variables included to measure intrinsic rewards had limited influence. These findings suggest that the antecedents of organizational commitment in the Chinese public sector are significantly different from those in the Chinese private sector and public sector organizations in the West. © 2013 © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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Descontinuidade administrativa, ou o rompimento de atividades e programas na troca de governos e autoridades federais, estaduais e municipais, tem sido tópico constante de comentário e elemento central da imagem da área pública Brasileira presente na conversa quotidiana. Curiosamente, são poucos os estudos empíricos sobre a questão como também são poucas as reflexões sobre os fatores que podem contribuir para a continuidade. O estudo busca contribuir nos dois eixos a partir da análise de ações governamentais em 89 prefeituras no período de 1995 a 1997.


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Este relatório apresenta os resultados de pesquisa sobre a incorporação da perspectiva de gênero por políticas públicas e programas governamentais desenvolvidos por governos municipais e estaduais no período recente no Brasil. O trabalho dá continuidade a pesquisa anterior sobre este mesmo tema (FARAH, 1998a), considerando um novo conjunto de programas e políticas. Analisam-se tanto iniciativas que têm como foco a mulher, como iniciativas de diversas áreas e setores, em que a questão de gênero é integrada a políticas e programas governamentais. Utilizou-se como base empírica banco de dados do Programa Gestão Pública e Cidadania, programa de premiação e disseminação de inovações em governos subnacionais, desenvolvido pela Fundação Getulio Vargas de São Paulo e pela Fundação Ford, com apoio do BNDES, considerando iniciativas governamentais inscritas no Ciclo de 1997. O trabalho analisa 41 programas, dos quais sete têm foco na mulher e 34 consistem em programas de diversos setores que incorporam a questão de gênero. A principal referência para a análise consiste em agenda formulada por movimentos e entidades ligadas à questão de gênero, agenda esta reconstituída no âmbito da presente pesquisa e da que a antecedeu. A análise sugere que, tanto nos programas com foco na mulher, como nas demais iniciativas governamentais, ao lado de uma abordagem que tende a reforçar os papéis tradicionais da mulher ou que apenas a considera como um grupo de risco sobretudo nos programas de saúde materno-infantil emerge uma nova perspectiva que incorpora reivindicações de movimentos e entidades ligadas à questão de gênero, as quais destacam a existência na sociedade brasileira de desigualdades de gênero. Neste segundo caso, os programas governamentais desenvolvem mecanismos e estratégias orientados para a redução das desigualdades de gênero, nos campos específicos de sua atuação.


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar um modelo de avaliação de desempenho da gestão pública municipal que leve em consideração aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos da gestão e que permita comparar entre si os diversos Municípios existentes no Brasil. Para possibilitar a identificação e a análise, o meio utilizado foi a pesquisa bibliográfica. O levantamento bibliográfico permitiu concluir que não há modelos desenvolvidos que mensurem adequadamente o desempenho da gestão municipal. Além disso, o levantamento bibliográfico forneceu informações sobre a origem dos Municípios e sua evolução no Brasil, as principais características do sistema municipal brasileiro e a função do Município na nossa sociedade, bem como as principais práticas e formas utilizadas na avaliação de políticas públicas. Identificaram-se também nesta etapa do trabalho os tipos de indicadores possíveis de serem utilizados na avaliação da gestão pública e suas características. A seleção de diversos indicadores encontrados na base de dados de órgãos governamentais permitiu a construção de dez índices que sustentaram a construção de um indicador composto que avaliasse a gestão municipal sob diversos aspectos de importância para o cidadão usuário dos serviços públicos. Nem todas as áreas do serviço público municipal puderam ser avaliadas em razão da ausência de dados desagregados por Município. Os resultados demonstraram as potencialidades e as limitações do modelo desenvolvido e confirmaram que o uso do modelo favorece a identificação de governos municipais de acordo com o nível de eficácia e de eficiência.


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The present study analyses the relationship between Democracy and Local Government concerning Public Health Policy of small and medium Brazilian municipalities (with less than 50 thousand inhabitants). The management of the Department of Health in these municipalities was analysed to observe the democratization of public health through the main innovations on the way of management and on the health assistance. A comparison between the answers of the Health Department Managers of municipalities with less than 50 thousand inhabitants and the ones with more than 50 thousand inhabitants (collected in another research) was made as well as the elaboration of a factorial analysis model which verifies the relationship between Manage Profile, Innovating Management and Municipality Demographic Size. Innovating features are found in the small and medium municipalities although in a weaker degree than in the big ones. The relationship observed between the Demographic Extent and Innovating Management as well as the first and Manager Profile are not as strong as the Manager Profile and Innovating Management, concluding that the small dimension of a municipality is not an impediment to a more democratic health management.