838 resultados para lean thinking
Introduction: Obestatin is a controversial gastrointestinal peptide purported to have metabolic actions.
Objectives: This study investigated whether treatment with a stable obestatin analogue (PEG-OB(Cys10, Cys13)) changed plasma metabolite levels firstly in lean and subsequently in diet-induced obesity (DIO) C57BL6/J mice.
Methods: Untargeted LC-HRMS metabolomics experiments were carried out in ESI + mode with plasma extracts from both groups of animals. Data were normalised, multivariate and univariate statistical analysis performed and metabolites of interest putatively identified.
Results: In lean mice, 39 metabolites were significantly changed by obestatin treatment and the majority of these were increased, including various C16 and C18 moieties of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine and monoacylglycerol, along with vitamin A, vitamin D3, tyrosine, acetylcarnitine and 2α-(hydroxymethyl)-5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol. Decreased concentrations of glycolithocholic acid, 3-dehydroteasterone and various phospholipids were observed. In DIO mice, 25 metabolites were significantly affected and strikingly, the magnitudes of changes here were generally much greater in DIO mice than in lean mice, and in contrast, the majority of metabolite changes were decreases. Four metabolites affected in both groups included glycolithocholic acid, and three different long-chain (C18) phospholipid molecules (phosphatidylethanolamine, platelet activating factor (PAF), and monoacylglycerol). Metabolites exclusively affected in DIO mice included various phosphatidylcholines, lysophosphatidylcholines and fatty acyls, as well as creatine and oxidised glutathione.
Conclusion: This investigation demonstrates that obestatin treatment affects phospholipid turnover and influences lipid homeostasis, whilst providing convincing evidence that obestatin may be acting to ameliorate diet-induced impairments in lipid metabolism, and it may influence steroid, bile acid, PAF and glutathione metabolism.
Diagnostic errors are responsible for a significant number of adverse events. Logical reasoning and good decision-making skills are key factors in reducing such errors, but little emphasis has traditionally been placed on how these thought processes occur, and how errors could be minimised. In this article, we explore key cognitive ideas that underpin clinical decision making and suggest that by employing some simple strategies, physicians might be better able to understand how they make decisions and how the process might be optimised.
Increased complexity in large design and manufacturing organisations requires improvements at the operations management (OM)–applied service (AS) interface areas to improve project effectiveness. The aim of this paper is explore the role of Lean in improving the longitudinal efficiency of the OM–AS interface within a large aerospace organisation using Lean principles and boundary spanning theory. The methodology was an exploratory longitudinal case approach including exploratory interviews (n = 21), focus groups (n = 2), facilitated action-research workshops (n = 2) and two trials or experiments using longitudinal data involving both OM and AS personnel working at the interface. The findings draw upon Lean principles and boundary spanning theory to guide and interpret the findings. It was found that misinterpretation, and forced implementation, of OM-based Lean terminology and practice in the OM–AS interface space led to delays and misplaced resources. Rather both OM and AS staff were challenged to develop a cross boundary understanding of Lean-based boundary (knowledge) objects in interpreting OM requests. The longitudinal findings from the experiments showed that the development of Lean Performance measurements and lean Value Stream constructs was more successful when these Lean constructs were treated as boundary (knowledge) objects requiring transformation over time to orchestrate improved effectiveness and in leading to consistent terminology and understanding between the OM–AS boundary spanning team.
Idag är det vanligt att företagen konkurrerar med produkter som innefattar en fysisk vara som har utvidgats med olika tjänster för att kunna tillfredsställa kundens behov. I takt med detta ökar produkternas komplexitet och högre krav ställs på leverantörerna. Denna utveckling har lett till att många företag som tillverkar produkter med hög variation måste arbeta helt kundorderstyrt för att kunna tillgodose kundernas ökande krav. Företagen som tillverkar dessa komplexa produkter har en tillverkning som karaktäriseras av hög variation och låg volym vilket benämns med förkortningen HVLV. Utmaningen för dessa HVLV-företag ligger i att ha en hög produktmixflexibilitet med så låg resursanvändning som möjligt. För att effektivisera verksamheten har många företag därför intresserat sig för Lean production som har visat sig vara ett framgångsrikt koncept för tillverkande företag runt om i världen som effektiviserat sin produktion. Ett flertal artiklar har uppmärksammat begränsningar vid implementeringen av Lean production i HVLV-miljöer. Artiklar pekar vidare på behovet av ytterligare forskning kring Lean productions applicerbarhet i HVLV-miljöer och detta var uppkomsten till examensarbetets bakgrund och syfte. En fallstudie har genomförts på Tibrokök som är ett företag med en helt kundorderstyrd produktion som kännetecknas av HVLV. Med hjälp av fallstudien syftar examensarbetet till att undersöka om verktygen processkartläggning inkl. tidsstudier och layoutflödesdiagram kan bidra till att skapa förutsättningar för implementering av Lean production i en enskild tillverkningsprocess i en HVLV-miljö. Trots att verktygen har behövt anpassas något så anses de ha varit användbara och bidragande till skapandet av förutsättningar för implementering av Lean production i denna HVLV-miljö. Detta eftersom vi kunde identifiera många orsaker till slöseri samt ta fram ett förslag som skapar effektiviseringar av Tibroköks ytbehandlingsprocess i det framtida läget.
Otto-von Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Dissertation, 2016
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En este artículo se presenta el diseño de la nueva formación en intervención social para todas las personas desde la accesibilidad universal, en concreto el caso de las profesiones sociales, a través de la metodología del design thinking curricular. En el mismo se trata la relación íntima que surge de vincular dos conceptos, por un lado la inclusión –que responde positivamente a la diversidad de las personas y a las diferencias individuales, entendiendo que la diversidad no es un problema, sino una oportunidad para el enriquecimiento de la sociedad, a través de la participación activa en la vida familiar, en la educación, en el trabajo y en general en todos los procesos sociales, culturales y en las comunidades (UNESCO, 2005)– y, por otro, la accesibilidad, como nuevo paradigma de la integralidad en la intervención de los/as nuevos/as profesionales dedicados al sector social, haciendo realidad el concepto de ciudadanía en sentido amplio.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
In this article I reflect upon the educational writings and teaching experiences of the 19th-Century Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy. Tolstoy is known to have attached much importance to his own writing on education, even more than to the literary creations for which he is best remembered. His writings on education have much to contribute to our present-day understanding of the learning process and cover such issues as, ‘learner autonomy’, ‘motivation’, ‘relationship’ and ‘student voice’. Tolstoy’s teaching experience was with multiethnic peasant children in his schools in Yasnaya Polyana. I intend to illustrate that the themes and issues that arose from his experiences in the 1860s can still find resonance with students and teachers in the 21st century.
This reports summarises research that began in March 2014 and was completed in October 2015 by an experienced inter-disciplinary research team from the Centre for Social Justice and Change and Psycho-Social Research Group, School of Social Sciences, the University of East London (UEL) and included Dr Yang Li from the Centre for Geo-Information Studies, UEL, for the first phase of the study. Tottenham ‘Thinking Space’ (TTS) was a pilot therapeutic initiative based in local communities and delivered by the Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust and funded by the London Borough of Haringey Directorate of Public Health. TTS aimed to improve mental health and enable and empower local communities. TTS was situated within a mental health agenda that was integral to Haringey’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2012-2015 and aimed to encourage people to help themselves and each other and develop confident communities. On the one hand TTS was well-suited to this agenda, but, on the other, participants were resistant to, and were trying to free themselves from labelling that implied ‘mental health difficulties’. A total of 243 meetings were held and 351 people attended 1,716 times. The majority of participants attended four times or less, and 33 people attended between 5 and 10 times and 39 people attended over 10 times. Attending a small number of times does not necessarily mean that the attendee was not helped. Attendees reflected the ethnic diversity of Tottenham; 29 different ethnic groups attended. The opportunity to meet with people from different cultural backgrounds in a safe space was highly valued by attendees. Similarly, participants valued the wide age range represented and felt that they benefited from listening to inter-generational experiences. The majority of participants were women (72%) and they were instrumental in initiating further Thinking Spaces, topic specific meetings, the summer programme of activities for mothers and young children and training to meet their needs. The community development worker had a key role in implementing the initiative and sustaining its growth throughout the pilot period. We observed that TTS attracted those whose life experiences were marked by personal struggle and trauma. Many participants felt safe enough to disclose mental health difficulties (85% of those who completed a questionnaire). Participants also came seeking a stronger sense of community in their local area. Key features of the meetings are that they are democratic, non-judgemental, respectful, and focussed on encouraging everyone to listen and to try to understand. We found that the therapeutic method was put in place by high quality facilitators and health and personal outcomes for participants were consistent with those predicted by the underpinning psychoanalytical and systemic theories. Outcomes included a reduction in anxieties and improved personal and social functioning; approximately two thirds of those who completed a questionnaire felt better understood, felt more motivated and more hopeful for the future. The overwhelming majority of survey respondents also felt good about contributing to their community, said that they were more able to cooperate with others and accepting of other cultures, and had made new friends. Participants typically had a better understanding of their current situation and how to take positive action; of those who completed a questionnaire, over half felt more confident to seek support for a personal issue and to contact services. Members of TTS supported each other and instilled hope and build community-mindedness that reduced social isolation.
O projeto desenvolvido tem como objetivo principal a melhoria da eficiência na prestação de serviços de reparação de chapa e pintura na Caetano Auto Colisão, através da aplicação de ferramentas associadas à filosofia Lean. Apesar das ferramentas e técnicas lean estarem bem exploradas nas empresas de produção e manufatura, o mesmo não se verifica em relação às empresas da área dos serviços. O Value Stream Mapping é uma ferramenta lean que consiste no mapeamento do fluxo de materiais e informação necessários para a realização das atividades (que acrescentam e não acrescentam valor), desempenhadas pelos colaboradores, fornecedores e distribuidores, desde a obtenção do pedido do cliente até à entrega final do serviço. Através desta ferramenta é possível identificar as atividades que não acrescentam valor para o processo e propor medidas de melhoria que resultem na eliminação ou redução das mesmas. Com base neste conceito, foi realizado o mapeamento do processo de prestação de serviços de chapa e pintura e identificados os focos de ineficiência. A partir desta análise foram sugeridas melhorias que têm como objetivo atingir o estado futuro proposto assim como tornar o processo mais eficiente. Duas destas melhorias passaram pela implementação dos 5S na sala das tintas e pela elaboração de um relatório A3 para o centro de lavagens. O projeto realizado permitiu o estudo de um problema real numa empresa de serviços, bem como a proposta de um conjunto de melhorias que a médio prazo se espera virem a contribuir para a melhoria da eficiência na prestação de serviços de chapa e pintura.