974 resultados para iodo ligands
A sizable fraction of T cells expressing the NK cell marker NK1.1 (NKT cells) bear a very conserved TCR, characterized by homologous invariant (inv.) TCR V alpha 24-J alpha Q and V alpha 14-J alpha 18 rearrangements in humans and mice, respectively, and are thus defined as inv. NKT cells. Because human inv. NKT cells recognize mouse CD1d in vitro, we wondered whether a human inv. V alpha 24 TCR could be selected in vivo by mouse ligands presented by CD1d, thereby supporting the development of inv. NKT cells in mice. Therefore, we generated transgenic (Tg) mice expressing the human inv. V alpha 24-J alpha Q TCR chain in all T cells. The expression of the human inv. V alpha 24 TCR in TCR C alpha(-/-) mice indeed rescues the development of inv. NKT cells, which home preferentially to the liver and respond to the CD1d-restricted ligand alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer). However, unlike inv. NKT cells from non-Tg mice, the majority of NKT cells in V alpha 24 Tg mice display a double-negative phenotype, as well as a significant increase in TCR V beta 7 and a corresponding decrease in TCR V beta 8.2 use. Despite the forced expression of the human CD1d-restricted TCR in C alpha(-/-) mice, staining with mCD1d-alpha-GalCer tetramers reveals that the absolute numbers of peripheral CD1d-dependent T lymphocytes increase at most by 2-fold. This increase is accounted for mainly by an increased fraction of NK1.1(-) T cells that bind CD1d-alpha-GalCer tetramers. These findings indicate that human inv. V alpha 24 TCR supports the development of CD1d-dependent lymphocytes in mice, and argue for a tight homeostatic control on the total number of inv. NKT cells. Thus, human inv. V alpha 24 TCR-expressing mice are a valuable model to study different aspects of the inv. NKT cell subset.
The TNF family ligands BAFF (also called BLyS) and APRIL regulate lymphocyte survival and activation. BAFF binds to three receptors, BAFF-R, TACI and BCMA, whereas APRIL interacts with TACI, BCMA and proteoglycans. The contribution of BAFF and APRIL to B-cell and plasma-cell survival, CD154 (CD40L)-independent antibody isotype switching, germinal center maintenance, T-dependent and T-independent antibody responses, and T cell co-stimulation are relatively well understood. Constitutive BAFF produced by stromal cells determines the size of the peripheral B cell pool, whereas inducible BAFF produced by myeloid and other cells supports local survival of B lymphocytes and can be associated with development of autoimmunity when deregulated.
Neurotensin (NT) is secreted from neurons and gastrointestinal endocrine cells. We previously reported that the three NT receptors (NTSRs) are expressed in pancreatic islets and beta cell lines on which we observed a protective effect of NT against cytotoxic agents. In this study, we explored the role of NT on insulin secretion in the endocrine pancreatic beta cells. We observed that NT stimulates insulin secretion at low glucose level and has a small inhibiting effect on stimulated insulin secretion from isolated islets or INS-1E cells. We studied the mechanisms by which NT elicited calcium concentration changes using fura-2 loaded islets or INS-1E cells. NT increases calcium influx through the opening of cationic channels. Similar calcium influxes were observed after treatment with NTSR selective ligands. NT-evoked calcium regulation involves PKC and the translocation of PKCalpha and PKCepsilon to the plasma membrane. Part of NT effects appears to be also mediated by PKA but not via the Erk pathway. Taken together, these data provide evidence for an important endocrine role of NT in the regulation of the secretory function of beta cells.
In mammals, many aspects of metabolism are under circadian control. At least in part, this regulation is achieved by core-clock or clock-controlled transcription factors whose abundance and/or activity oscillate during the day. The clock-controlled proline- and acidic amino acid-rich domain basic leucine zipper proteins D-site-binding protein, thyrotroph embryonic factor, and hepatic leukemia factor have previously been shown to participate in the circadian control of xenobiotic detoxification in liver and other peripheral organs. Here we present genetic and biochemical evidence that the three proline- and acidic amino acid-rich basic leucine zipper proteins also play a key role in circadian lipid metabolism by influencing the rhythmic expression and activity of the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα). Our results suggest that, in liver, D-site-binding protein, hepatic leukemia factor, and thyrotroph embryonic factor contribute to the circadian transcription of genes specifying acyl-CoA thioesterases, leading to a cyclic release of fatty acids from thioesters. In turn, the fatty acids act as ligands for PPARα, and the activated PPARα receptor then stimulates the transcription of genes encoding proteins involved in the uptake and/or metabolism of lipids, cholesterol, and glucose metabolism.
Vitamin A signaling occurs through nuclear receptors recognizing diverse forms of retinoic acid (RA). The retinoic acid receptors (RARs) bind all-trans RA and its 9-cis isomer (9-cis RA). They convey most of the activity of RA, particularly during embryogenesis. The second subset of receptors, the rexinoid receptors (RXRs), binds 9-cis RA only. However, RXRs are obligatory DNA-binding partners for a number of nuclear receptors, broadening the spectrum of their biological activity to the corresponding nuclear receptor-signaling pathways. The present chapter more particularly focuses on RXR-containing transcriptional complexes for which RXR is not only a structural component necessary for DNA binding but also acts as a ligand-activated partner. After positioning RXR among the nuclear receptor superfamily in the first part, we will give an overview of three major signaling pathways involved in metabolism, which are sensitive to RXR activation: LXR:RXR, FXR:RXR, and PPAR:RXR. The third and last part is focused on RXR signaling and its potential role in metabolic regulation. Indeed, while the nature of the endogenous ligand for RXR is still in question, as we will discuss herein, a better understanding of RXR activities is necessary to envisage the potential therapeutic applications of synthetic RXR ligands.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific cytolytic activity is mediated mostly by CD4+CTL in humans. CD4+CTL kill infected target cells by inducing Fas (APO-1/CD95)-mediated apoptosis. We have examined the effect of Fas ligand (FasL)-induced apoptosis of human macrophages infected in vitro with M. tuberculosis on the viability of the intracellular bacilli. Human macrophages expressed Fas and underwent apoptosis after incubation with soluble recombinant FasL. In macrophages infected either with an attenuated (H37Ra) or with a virulent (H37Rv) strain of M. tuberculosis, the apoptotic death of macrophages was associated with a substantial reduction in bacillary viability. TNF-induced apoptosis of infected macrophages was coupled with a similar reduction in mycobacterial viability, while the induction of nonapoptotic complement-induced cell death had no effect on bacterial viable counts. Infected macrophages also showed a reduced susceptibility to FasL-induced apoptosis correlating with a reduced level of Fas expression. These data suggest that apoptosis of infected macrophages induced through receptors of the TNF family could be an immune effector mechanism not only depriving mycobacteria from their growth environment but also reducing viable bacterial counts by an unknown mechanism. On the other hand, interference by M. tuberculosis with the FasL system might represent an escape mechanism of the bacteria attempting to evade the effect of apoptosis.
RESUME : BAFF est un membre de 1a famille du TNF qui contrôle l'homéostasie des lymphocytes B. BAFF lie les récepteurs TACI, BCMA et BAFF-R sur les cellules B, tandis qu'APRIL, son proche homologue, lie seulement TACI et BCMA. BAFF et APRIL sont des protéines transmembranaires pouvant -être relâchées sous forme de cytokines trimériques solubles suite à un clivage protéolytique. Le BAFF soluble peut s'assembler en 60-mère. Les rôles physiologiques des BAFF membranaires et solubles sont inconnnus. Nous avons étudié la capacité de diverses formes de BAFF et APRIL à activer différents récepteurs. BAFF-R répond à toutes les formes dé BAFF, tandis que TACI nécessite du BAFF ou de l'APRIL membranaire ou oligomérisé pour être activé et pour transmettre des signaux de survie dans les lymphocytes B primaires. TACI ne répond pas aux ligands trimériques bien qu'il puisse les lier. TACI est essentiel pour la réponse humorale aux antigènes présentant des épitoges répétitifs, une réponse qui est indépendante des lymphocytes T (réponse TI-2). Des souris exprimant moins de BAFF ont un pourcentage modérément réduit de lymphocytes B et leur réponse TI-2 est atténuée. Par contre, des souris qui n'expriment que du BAFF membranaire ont encore moins de cellules B mais répondent efficacement aux antigènes TI-2. Ces résultats suggèrent que le BAFF soluble est impliqué dans le maintien de la population des lymphocytes B, alors que le BAFF membranaire peut activer TACI lors d'are réponse TI-2. Le BAFF 60-mère est un autre activateur potentiel de TACI in vivo. Le BAFF 60-mère existe dans des surnageants de cellules productrices de BAFF mais n'est pas détecté dans le plasma de souris saines, même lorsqu'elles présentent des niveaux élevés de BAFF. BAFF 60-mère est néanmoins présent dans le plasma de souris transgéniques pour BAFF et de souris déficientes en TACI. Comme ces deux lignées présentent des signes d'autoimmunité, ces résultats suggèrent que la présence de BAFF 60-mère pourrait être liée à des conditions pathologiques. Summary : The TNF family ligand BAFF is essential for B cell homeostasis. BAFF binds to the receptors TACI, BCMA and BAFF-R on B cells, whereas its close homolog APRIL binds to TACI and BCMA only. BAFF and APRIL are transmembrane proteins, which can be proteolytically processed to release trimeric soluble cytokines. Soluble BAFF 3-mer can further assemble in a 60-mer. The physiological roles of membrane-bound and soluble BAFF are unknown. We studied the ability of various forms of BAFF and APRIL to signal through different receptors. BAFF-R responded to all forms of BAFF, but TACI required membrane-bound, cross-licked or oligomeric BAFF or APRIL in order to transmit productive signals in primary B cells. TACI was unresponsive to trimeric ligands, although it could bind them. TACI is essential for T-cell independent antibody responses to antigens with repetitive epitopes (TI-2 responses). Mice expressing lower than normal levels of BAFF displayed a moderate B cell reduction and impaired TI-2 responses, whereas mice expressing membrane-bound BAFF displayed severe B cell reduction, but unimpaired TI-2 responses. These results suggest that processed BAFF is involved in the maintenance of the B cell pool and that membrane-bound BAFF can activate TACI during T-cell independent humoral responses. BAFF 60-mer is another potential activator of TACI in vivo. BAFF 60-mer was detected in the supernatant of BAFF-producing cells, but not in the plasma of healthy mice with either norma1 or elevated BAFF levels. It was however present in sera of BAFF transgenic mice and TACI-/- mice, both of which suffer from autoimmunity, suggesting that GAFF 60-mer may be linked to pathogenic conditions.
In vertebrates, melanin-based coloration is often associated with variation in physiological and behavioural traits. We propose that this association stems from pleiotropic effects of the genes regulating the synthesis of brown to black eumelanin. The most important regulators are the melanocortin 1 receptor and its ligands, the melanocortin agonists and the agouti-signalling protein antagonist. On the basis of the physiological and behavioural functions of the melanocortins, we predict five categories of traits correlated with melanin-based coloration. A review of the literature indeed reveals that, as predicted, darker wild vertebrates are more aggressive, sexually active and resistant to stress than lighter individuals. Pleiotropic effects of the melanocortins might thus account for the widespread covariance between melanin-based coloration and other phenotypic traits in vertebrates.
B cell activating factor of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family (BAFF) and a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) are closely related ligands within the TNF superfamily that play important roles in B lymphocyte biology. Both ligands share two receptors--transmembrane activator and calcium signal--modulating cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI) and B cell maturation antigen (BCMA)--that are predominantly expressed on B cells. In addition, BAFF specifically binds BAFF receptor, whereas the nature of a postulated APRIL-specific receptor remains elusive. We show that the TNF homology domain of APRIL binds BCMA and TACI, whereas a basic amino acid sequence (QKQKKQ) close to the NH2 terminus of the mature protein is required for binding to the APRIL-specific "receptor." This interactor was identified as negatively charged sulfated glycosaminoglycan side chains of proteoglycans. Although T cell lines bound little APRIL, the ectopic expression of glycosaminoglycan-rich syndecans or glypicans conferred on these cells a high binding capacity that was completely dependent on APRIL's basic sequence. Moreover, syndecan-1-positive plasma cells and proteoglycan-rich nonhematopoietic cells displayed high specific, heparin-sensitive binding to APRIL. Inhibition of BAFF and APRIL, but not BAFF alone, prevented the survival and/or the migration of newly formed plasma cells to the bone marrow. In addition, costimulation of B cell proliferation by APRIL was only effective upon APRIL oligomerization. Therefore, we propose a model whereby APRIL binding to the extracellular matrix or to proteoglycan-positive cells induces APRIL oligomerization, which is the prerequisite for the triggering of TACI- and/or BCMA-mediated activation, migration, or survival signals.
The activation of CD40 on B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells by its ligand CD154 (CD40L) is essential for the development of humoral and cellular immune responses. CD40L and other TNF superfamily ligands are noncovalent homotrimers, but the form under which CD40 exists in the absence of ligand remains to be elucidated. Here, we show that both cell surface-expressed and soluble CD40 self-assemble, most probably as noncovalent dimers. The cysteine-rich domain 1 (CRD1) of CD40 participated to dimerization and was also required for efficient receptor expression. Modelization of a CD40 dimer allowed the identification of lysine 29 in CRD1, whose mutation decreased CD40 self-interaction without affecting expression or response to ligand. When expressed alone, recombinant CD40-CRD1 bound CD40 with a KD of 0.6 μm. This molecule triggered expression of maturation markers on human dendritic cells and potentiated CD40L activity. These results suggest that CD40 self-assembly modulates signaling, possibly by maintaining the receptor in a quiescent state.
The tumor necrosis factor (TNF)/TNF receptor (TNFR) families of ligands and receptors are implicated in a variety of physiological and pathological processes and regulate cellular functions as diverse as proliferation, differentiation, and death. Recombinant forms of these ligands and receptors can act to agonize or antagonize these functions and are therefore useful for laboratory studies and may have clinical applications. A protocol is presented for the expression and purification of dimeric soluble receptors fused to the Fc portion of human IgG1 and of soluble, N-terminally Flag-tagged ligands. Soluble recombinant proteins are easier to handle than membrane-bound proteins and the use of tags greatly facilitates their detection and purification. In addition, some tags may provide enhanced biological activity to the recombinant proteins (mainly by oligomerization and stabilization effects) and facilitate their functional characterization. Expression in bacterial (for selected ligands) and eukaryotic expression systems (for ligands and receptors) was performed using M15 pREP4 bacteria and human embryonic kidney 293 cells, respectively. The yield of purified protein is about 1 mg/liter for the mammalian expression system and several milligrams per liter for the bacterial expression system. Protocols are given for a specific ligand-receptor pair, namely TRAIL (Apo-2L) and TRAIL receptor 2 (DR5), but can be applied to other ligands and receptors of the TNF family.
The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is a key element for the maintenance of sodium balance and the regulation of blood pressure. Three homologous ENaC subunits (alpha, beta and gamma) assemble to form a highly Na+-selective channel. However, the subunit stoichiometry of ENaC has not yet been solved. Quantitative analysis of cell surface expression of ENaC alpha, beta and gamma subunits shows that they assemble according to a fixed stoichiometry, with alpha ENaC as the most abundant subunit. Functional assays based on differential sensitivities to channel blockers elicited by mutations tagging each alpha, beta and gamma subunit are consistent with a four subunit stoichiometry composed of two alpha, one beta and one gamma. Expression of concatameric cDNA constructs made of different combinations of ENaC subunits confirmed the four subunit channel stoichiometry and showed that the arrangement of the subunits around the channel pore consists of two alpha subunits separated by beta and gamma subunits.
Introduction: In the middle of the 90's, the discovery of endogenous ligands for cannabinoid receptors opened a new era in this research field. Amides and esters of arachidonic acid have been identified as these endogenous ligands. Arachidonoylethanolamide (anandamide or AEA) and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) seem to be the most important of these lipid messengers. In addition, virodhamine (VA), noladin ether (2-AGE), and N-arachidonoyl dopamine (NADA) have been shown to bind to CB receptors with varying affinities. During recent years, it has become more evident that the EC system is part of fundamental regulatory mechanisms in many physiological processes such as stress and anxiety responses, depression, anorexia and bulimia, schizophrenia disorders, neuroprotection, Parkinson disease, anti-proliferative effects on cancer cells, drug addiction, and atherosclerosis. Aims: This work presents the problematic of EC analysis and the input of Information Dependant Acquisition based on hybrid triple quadrupole linear ion trap (QqQLIT) system for the profiling of these lipid mediators. Methods: The method was developed on a LC Ultimate 3000 series (Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) coupled to a QTrap 4000 system (Applied biosystems, Concord, ON, Canada). The ECs were separated on an XTerra C18 MS column (50 × 3.0 mm i.d., 3.5 μm) with a 5 min gradient elution. For confirmatory analysis, an information-dependant acquisition experiment was performed with selected reaction monitoring (SRM) as survey scan and enhanced produced ion (EPI) as dependant scan. Results: The assay was found to be linear in the concentration range of 0.1-5 ng/mL for AEA, 0.3-5 ng/mL for VA, 2-AGE, and NADA and 1-20 ng/mL for 2-AG using 0.5 mL of plasma. Repeatability and intermediate precision were found less than 15% over the tested concentration ranges. Under non-pathophysiological conditions, only AEA and 2-AG were actually detected in plasma with concentration ranges going from 104 to 537 pg/mL and from 2160 to 3990 pg/mL respectively. We have particularly focused our scopes on the evaluation of EC level changes in biological matrices through drug addiction and atherosclerosis processes. We will present preliminary data obtained during pilot study after administration of cannabis on human patients. Conclusion: ECs have been shown to play a key role in regulation of many pathophysiological processes. Medical research in these different fields continues to growth in order to understand and to highlight the predominant role of EC in the CNS and peripheral tissues signalisation. The profiling of these lipids needs to develop rapid, highly sensitive and selective analytical methods.
The CD3ε cytoplasmic tail contains a conserved proline-rich sequence (PRS) that influences TCR-CD3 expression and signaling. Although the PRS can bind the SH3.1 domain of the cytosolic adapter Nck, whether the PRS is constitutively available for Nck binding or instead represents a cryptic motif that is exposed via conformational change upon TCR-CD3 engagement (CD3Δc) is currently unresolved. Furthermore, the extent to which a cis-acting CD3ε basic amino acid-rich stretch (BRS), with its unique phosphoinositide-binding capability, might impact PRS accessibility is not clear. In this study, we found that freshly harvested primary thymocytes expressed low to moderate basal levels of Nck-accessible PRS ("open-CD3"), although most TCR-CD3 complexes were inaccessible to Nck ("closed-CD3"). Ag presentation in vivo induced open-CD3, accounting for half of the basal level found in thymocytes from MHC(+) mice. Additional stimulation with either anti-CD3 Abs or peptide-MHC ligands further elevated open-CD3 above basal levels, consistent with a model wherein antigenic engagement induces maximum PRS exposure. We also found that the open-CD3 conformation induced by APCs outlasted the time of ligand occupancy, marking receptors that had been engaged. Finally, CD3ε BRS-phosphoinositide interactions played no role in either adoption of the initial closed-CD3 conformation or induction of open-CD3 by Ab stimulation. Thus, a basal level of open-CD3 is succeeded by a higher, induced level upon TCR-CD3 engagement, involving CD3Δc and prolonged accessibility of the CD3ε PRS to Nck.
PURPOSE: Ipilimumab is a monoclonal antibody that blocks the immune-inhibitory interaction between CTL antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and its ligands on T cells. Clinical trials in cancer patients with ipilimumab have shown promising antitumor activity, particularly in patients with advanced melanoma. Often, tumor regressions in these patients are correlated with immune-related side effects such as dermatitis, enterocolitis, and hypophysitis. Although these reactions are believed to be immune-mediated, the antigenic targets for the cellular or humoral immune response are not known. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We enrolled patients with advanced melanoma in a phase II study with ipilimumab. One of these patients experienced a complete remission of his tumor. The specificity and functional properties of CD8-positive T cells in his peripheral blood, in regressing tumor tissue, and at the site of an immune-mediated skin rash were investigated. RESULTS: Regressing tumor tissue was infiltrated with CD8-positive T cells, a high proportion of which were specific for Melan-A. The skin rash was similarly infiltrated with Melan-A-specific CD8-positive T cells, and a dramatic (>30-fold) increase in Melan-A-specific CD8-positive T cells was apparent in peripheral blood. These cells had an effector phenotype and lysed Melan-A-expressing tumor cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that Melan-A may be a major target for both the autoimmune and antitumor reactions in patients treated with anti-CTLA-4, and describe for the first time the antigen specificity of CD8-positive T cells that mediate tumor rejection in a patient undergoing treatment with an anti-CTLA-4 antibody. These findings may allow a better integration of ipilimumab into other forms of immunotherapy.