982 resultados para increment rings


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PURPOSE To evaluate the prevalence of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients presenting initially with atypical chest pain and suspected to have pulmonary embolism (PE) or acute aortic syndromes (AAS). To evaluate the overlap between ACS, PE and AAS in routine practice and determine how many patients could have benefit from a single CT protocol to rule out ACS at the same time as PE and AAS. METHOD AND MATERIALS Our electronic hospital database revealed 1122 consecutive patients who underwent a thoracic CT angiography for PE or AAS from 2004 to 2006 (mean age, 63±13 years). Patients without chest pain were excluded from this study. Thus, 447 patients presented with isolated atypical chest were included in the analysis. All patients who underwent a thoracic CT scan previously received standard clinical care and were initially considered as non ACS. The final diagnosis was obtained by the hospital stay report. RESULTS Among the 447 patients with atypical chest pain, 25 (5.5%) were finally found to have ACS: 19 patients (4.2%) were suspected for PE and 6 (1. 3%) were suspected for AAS. There were 90 patients diagnosed to have PE, 89 (98.8%) of them were suspected for PE while only 1 (1%) was suspected for AAS. Eleven patients diagnosed to have AAS, 9 (82%) of them were suspected for AAS while 2 (18%) were suspected for PE. CONCLUSION In clinical practice, the overlap between PE, AAS and ACS is limited which make the triple rule-out studies less recommended to be done at the time being because of the high dose radiation. A double rule-out investigation is suggested to be done for patients being evaluated for atypical chest pain and suspected of having AAS or PE because of a significant overlap between the two entities as well it doesn't implicate any increment in radiation dose. CLINICAL RELEVANCE/APPLICATION With 64-slice CT, coronary circulation and total chest can be evaluated at the same time offering new opportunitie for the evaluation of three major life-threatening conditions :ACS,PE and AAS.


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This paper analyzes the relationship between spatial density of economic activity and interregional differences in the productivity of industrial labour in Spain during the period 1860-1999. In the spirit of Ciccone and Hall (1996) and Ciccone (2002), we analyze the evolution of this relationship over the long term in Spain. Using data on the period 1860-1999 we show the existence of an agglomeration effect linking the density of economic activity with labour productivity in the industry. This effect was present since the beginning of the industrialization process in the middle of the 19th century but has been decreasing over time. The estimated elasticity of labour productivity with respect to employment density was close to 8% in the subperiod 1860-1900, reduces to a value of around 7% in the subperiod 1914-1930, to 4% in the subperiod 1965-1979 and becomes insignificant in the final subperiod 1985-1999. At the end of the period analyzed there is no evidence of the existence of net agglomeration effects in the industry. This result could be explained by an important increase in the congestion effects in large industrial metropolitan areas that would have compensated the centripetal or agglomeration forces at work. Furthermore, this result is also consistent with the evidence of a dispersion of industrial activity in Spain during the last decades.


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An Actively Heated Fiber Optics (AHFO) method to estimate soil moisture is tested and the analysis technique improved on. The measurements were performed in a lysimeter uniformly packed with loam soil with variable water content profiles. In the first meter of the soil profi le, 30 m of fiber optic cable were installed in a 12 loops coil. The metal sheath armoring the fiber cable was used as an electrical resistance heater to generate a heat pulse, and the soil response was monitored with a Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) system. We study the cooling following three continuous heat pulses of 120 s at 36 W m(-1) by means of long-time approximation of radial heat conduction. The soil volumetric water contents were then inferred from the estimated thermal conductivities through a specifically calibrated model relating thermal conductivity and volumetric water content. To use the pre-asymptotic data we employed a time correction that allowed the volumetric water content to be estimated with a precision of 0.01-0.035 (m(3) m(-3)). A comparison of the AHFO measurements with soil-moisture measurements obtained with calibrated capacitance-based probes gave good agreement for wetter soils [discrepancy between the two methods was less than 0.04 (m(3) m(-3))]. In the shallow drier soils, the AHFO method underestimated the volumetric water content due to the longertime required for the temperature increment to become asymptotic in less thermally conductive media [discrepancy between the two methods was larger than 0.1 (m(3) m(-3))]. The present work suggests that future applications of the AHFO method should include longer heat pulses, that longer heating and cooling events are analyzed, and, temperature increments ideally be measured with higher frequency.


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En aquesta aproximació al desenvolupament i situació de l'àlbum il·lustrat a Catalunya durant el bienni 2008-2009, es constata un increment del seu prestigi entre les diferents modalitats del llibre infantil i juvenil, tot i que determinades inèrcies no acaben de permetre'n la seva total eclosió. Tanmateix, s'ha pogut observar un interès creixent per l'àlbum dins els grups de recerca acadèmics on s'hi han iniciat diferents vies d¿estudi que haurien d'anar consolidant tant el terme "àlbum" com el contingut d'aquests llibres. També des dels espais virtuals es manifesta un dinamisme al respecte que no es constata en els mitjans de comunicació de masses. Finalment, cal deixar constància d'alguns dels títols més representatius i interessants del bienni i d'alguna de les activitats públiques o privades que han contribuït a dinamitzar-ne i consolidar-ne la presència.


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Many DNA helicases utilise the energy derived from nucleoside triphosphate hydrolysis to fuel their actions as molecular motors in a variety of biological processes. In association with RuvA, the E. coli RuvB protein (a hexameric ring helicase), promotes the branch migration of Holliday junctions during genetic recombination and DNA repair. To analyse the relationship between ATP-dependent DNA helicase activity and branch migration, a site-directed mutation was introduced into the helicase II motif of RuvB. Over-expression of RuvBD113N in wild-type E. coli resulted in a dominant negative UVs phenotype. The biochemical properties of RuvBD113N were examined and compared with wild-type RuvB in vitro. The single amino acid substitution resulted in major alterations to the biochemical activities of RuvB, such that RuvBD113N was defective in DNA binding and ATP hydrolysis, while retaining the ability to form hexameric rings and interact with RuvA. RuvBD113N formed heterohexamers with wild-type RuvB, and could inhibit RuvB function by affecting its ability to bind DNA. However, heterohexamers exhibited an ability to promote branch migration in vitro indicating that not all subunits of the ring need to be catalytically competent.


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Les caractéristiques avançades de Delphinium L. subgèn. Delphinium (taxons anuals) son comparades amb les del subgèn. Delphinastrum (DC.) Wang i del subgèn. Oligophyllon Dimitrova (taxons perennes). La morfología floral mostra un intercanvi de funcions entre els petals laterals i els petals superiors i restructura de la inflorescencia de molts taxons anuals afavoreix un augment de les taxes de geitonogàmia-autogàmia. L'evolució dels cariotips és basada en una disminució de la longitud total dels cromosomes i en un increment del grau d'asimetria; el nombre cromosómic roman constant per a totes les especies anuals (2n = 16). Leficàcia de la dispersió de les especies anuals és mes gran que no pas la de les especies perennes, per causa d'un increment en la producció de granes i per l'augment de la flotabilitat, tant a l'aire com a l'aigua. D'altres caractéristiques adaptatives avançades son l'adquisició de noves defenses químiques i l'aparició d'un nou tipus embriogènic. Els nínxols ecologies del subgèn. Delphinium corresponen a habitats oberts i alterats, en comparado amb els habitats estables i relativament tancats dels subgéneros Delphinastrum i Oligophyllon. Es presenta una hipótesi global de les tendencies évolutives observades en anuals vs. perennes en connexió amb consideracions biogeogràfiques, així corn un resum taxonomic final.


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With the objective of verifying the response of Euterpe oleracea seedlings to seven arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi species, an experimental trial was carried out under greenhouse conditions. Seeds of E. oleracea were sown in carbonized rice husk. Germinating seeds were initially transferred to plastic cups, containing fumigated Reddish Yellow Quartz Sand and inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Two months later, seedlings were transferred to 2 kg black plastic bags, containing the same soil without fumigation. Plant growth and mineral nutrients were evaluated nine months after mycorrhizal inoculation. Differential effects were observed among the species tested, with Scutellispora gilmorei being the most effective ones in promoting growth and nutrient content of E. oleracea seedlings. The increment resulted from inoculation with S. gilmorei were 92% in total plant height, 116% in stem diameter, 361% in dry matter production, 191% in N, 664% in P, 46% in K, 562% in Ca, 363% in Mg and 350% in Zn contents, comparing to uninoculated controls. Infected root length was positively correlated to nutrient content and plant growth. It was concluded that growth and nutrient uptake of E. oleracea seedlings could be significantly improved by inoculation of effective arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.


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The objective of this work was to determine the early physiological changes throughout shelf life of fresh broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) cv. Piracicaba Precoce at 25ºC and relative humidity of 96% in the dark until complete senescence. Head inflorescences showed lack of turgidity and commercial value when weight loss reached up to 5%, coinciding with 48 hour after harvest. Chlorophyll content was stable until 24 hours after harvesting; afterwards, an intense degradation phase took place. At 72 hours, total head yellowing was observed when chlorophyll content dropped to 30% of its initial content. Peroxidase activity increased by 1.4 fold during the first six hours, dropping to its lowest level approximately 24 hours after harvesting. However, from this time on, an increment of activity was observed until 72 hours. At 24 hours after harvesting, respiration was reduced by 50%. At later stages of senescence, respiration of florets was stable, but in a lower level than that determined at harvest. Sharp reduction of starch and reducing sugars was observed within 24 hours after harvesting, followed by continuous period of decline in starch and non-reducing sugars.


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Background: The relative contributions of fat and protein to the incretin effect are still largely unknown.Objective: This study assessed the incretin effects elicited by a mixed meal, and by its fat and protein components alone, with the use of a hyperglycemic clamp combined with oral nutrients.Design: Eight healthy volunteers were studied over 6 h after ingestion of a sandwich containing 1) dried meat, butter, and white bread; 2) dried meat alone; 3) butter alone; or 4) no meal (fasting control). Meals were ingested during a hyperglycemic clamp, and the incretin effect was calculated as the increment in plasma insulin after food intake relative to the concentrations observed during the control study.Results: A significant augmentation of postprandial insulin secretion, independent of plasma glycemia, occurred after ingestion of the mixed nutrients and the lipid component of the mixed meal (203 +/- 20.7% and 167.4 +/- 22.9% of control, respectively; both P < 0.05), whereas the protein component did not induce a significant incretin effect (129.0 +/- 7.9% of control; P = 0.6)Conclusions: Fat ingestion, in an amount typical of a standard meal, increases insulin secretion during physiologic hyperglycemia and thus contributes to the incretin effect. In contrast, ingestion of protein typical of normal meals does not contribute to the augmentation of postprandial insulin secretion. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00869453.


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The objective of this research project was to service load test a representative sample of old reinforced concrete bridges (some of them historic and some of them scheduled for demolition) with the results being used to create a database so the performance of similar bridges could be predicted. The types of bridges tested included two reinforced concrete open spandrel arches, two reinforced concrete filled spandrel arches, one reinforced concrete slab bridge, and one two span reinforced concrete stringer bridge. The testing of each bridge consisted of applying a static load at various locations on the bridges and monitoring strains and deflections in critical members. The load was applied by means of a tandem axle dump truck with varying magnitudes of load. At each load increment, the truck was stopped at predetermined transverse and longitudinal locations and strain and deflection data were obtained. The strain data obtained were then evaluated in relation to the strain values predicted by traditional analytical procedures and a carrying capacity of the bridges was determined based on the experimental data. The response of a majority of the bridges tested was considerably lower than that predicted by analysis. Thus, the safe load carrying capacities of the bridges were greater than those predicted by the analytical models, and in a few cases, the load carrying capacities were found to be three or four times greater than calculated values. However, the test results of one bridge were lower than those predicted by analysis and thus resulted in the analytical rating being reduced. The results of the testing verified that traditional analytical methods, in most instances, are conservative and that the safe load carrying capacities of a majority of the reinforced concrete bridges are considerably greater than what one would determine on the basis of analytical analysis alone. In extrapolating the results obtained from diagnostic load tests to levels greater than those placed on the bridge during the load test, care must be taken to ensure safe bridge performance at the higher load levels. To extrapolate the load test results from the bridges tested in this investigation, the method developed by Lichtenstein in NCHRP Project 12-28(13)A was used.


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The productivity and the translocation of assimilates and nitrogen (N) were compared after inoculation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. BR-23) seeds with two strains of Azospirillum brasilense (strains 245 and JA 04) under field conditions. The inoculation of wheat seeds was done with a peat inoculant at sowing time. Plant material for evaluations were collected at anthesis and maturity. No differences in grain yield and in the translocation of assimilates resulting from inoculation were detected. Differences were observed in relation to N rates (0, 15, and 60 kg ha-1). N content in the grain increased significantly in the bacteria-inoculated treatments in which N was not added. This increase in N content in the grain with inoculation was probably due to higher N uptake after anthesis without any significant contribution on the grain yield. Such increment was of 8.4 kg ha-1 of N representing 66% more N than in no inoculated treatment. Regardless of the inoculation and the rate of N applied, it was observed that about 70% of the N accumulated at anthesis was translocated from vegetative parts to the grain.


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Background and Aims: The international EEsAI study group aims to develop, validate and evaluate the first pediatric EoE activity index (ped-EEsAI). We report on results of phase 1, which aims to generate candidate items. Methods: This study involves 3 phases: (1) item generation, (2) index derivation and testing on a first patient cohort, and (3) validation in a second cohort. In phase 1, item generation, weighting and reduction are achieved through a Delphi process with an international EoE expert group. The experts proposed and ranked candidate items on a 7-point Likert scale (0 = no, 6 = perfect relationship with EoE activity). Results: 23 international EoE experts proposed and ranked 39 items (20 clinical, 6 endoscopic, 8 histologic, 5 laboratory items). Rank order for clinical items: dysphagia related to food consistencies (median 5, range 2-6), severity of dysphagia (5, 3-6), frequency of dysphagia episodes (5, 3-6), regurgitation and vomiting (4, 2-5), response to dietary restrictions (4, 1-6); endoscopic items: whitish exudates (5, 3-6), furrowing (4, 3-6), corrugated rings (4, 2-6), linear shearing (4, 2-6), strictures (3, 2-6); histologic items: intraepithelial eosinophil count (5, 4-6), lamina propria fibrosis (3, 2-6), basal layer enlargement (3, 1-5); laboratory items: % blood eosinophils (3, 0-5). Conclusions: These items will now be reduced in further Delphi rounds, tested on a cohort of 100 pediatric EoE patients and validated in a second independent cohort, resulting in a robust, broadly accepted disease activity index for use in clinical trials and daily care.


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A digitized image method was compared with a standard washing technique for measuring citrus roots in the field. Video pictures of roots were taken in a soil profile. The profile area analyzed was defined by iron rings, which were also used to remove the roots to determine their dry weight. The roots presented in the pictures were quantified using SIARCS software developed by Embrapa. The root length and area determined by digital images provided a good estimate of root quantity present in the profile.


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En aquest article es presenta una anàlisi de les dades sobre alumnat segons la nacionalitat per al període comprès entre els cursos acadèmics 2000/2001 i 2006/2007 per al total del Principat, i amb més detall, per al curs 2007/2008 a la Delegació Territorial de Girona lliurades pel Departament d'Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Entre els principals resultats, destaquem l'increment d'alumnes a causa de l'augment de la fecunditat, creixement que es concentra en els primers cicles educatius, així com de la immigració, que n'és conseqüència directa. S'ha apuntat també com la permanència en el cicle formatiu és preocupantment diferencial per nacionalitats. D'altra banda, s'ha vist clarament com la titularitat del centre té un paper fonamental en la segregació de la població per nacionalitat, però, al mateix temps, com la planificació en aquesta matèria pot corregir aquest fet, amb independència del nombre d'immigrants estrangers residents al municipi.


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Como una alternativa de manejo agronómico de la hipomagnesemia en rebaños a pastoreo se estudió, durante dos años, el efecto de la fertilización magnésica (0, 24, 48 y 96 kg ha-1 año-1 de Mg) sobre la concentración de magnesio, calcio, potasio y sodio y sus relaciones en la materia seca del forraje cosechado de una pradera permanente compuesta por Lolium perenne y Trifolium repens. El ensayo se realizó en un suelo Hapludand (Serie Valdivia) con un nivel inicial de 0,8 cmol c kg-1 de Mg. No se detectó un efecto de la fertilización magnésica sobre la producción de materia seca de la pradera, pero la concentración de magnesio en la materia seca se incrementó proporcionalmente a la dosis de magnesio aplicada. Considerando el promedio ponderado anual el aumento de la concentración de magnesio fue de 0,006 y 0,012 g kg-1 de materia seca por cada kg de magnesio aplicado, durante el primero y segundo año, respectivamente. La fertilización magnésica disminuyó la concentración de calcio, pero no afectó la concentración de potasio ni de sodio en la materia seca del forraje cosechado. Las relaciones entre Ca/Mg, K/Mg y Na/Mg en general disminuyeron en la medida que aumentó la dosis de fertilización con magnesio.