965 resultados para horridus species group
Skates and rays constitute the most speciose group of chondrichthyan fishes, yet are characterised by remarkable levels of morphological and ecological conservatism. They can be challenging to identify, which makes monitoring species compositions for fisheries management purposes problematic. Owing to their slow growth and low fecundity, skates are vulnerable to exploitation and species exhibiting endemism or limited ranges are considered to be the most at risk. The Madeira skate Raja maderensis is endemic and classified as ‘Data Deficient’ by the IUCN, yet its taxonomic distinctiveness from the morphologically similar and more wide-ranging thornback ray Raja clavata is unresolved. This study evaluated the sequence divergence of both the variable control region and cytochrome oxidase I ‘DNA barcode’ gene of the mitochondrial genome to elucidate the genetic differentiation of specimens identified as R. maderensis and R. clavata collected across much of their geographic ranges. Genetic evidence was insufficient to support the different species designations. However regardless of putative species identification, individuals occupying waters around the Azores and North African Seamounts represent an evolutionarily significant unit worthy of special consideration for conservation management.
Ongoing developments in laser-driven ion acceleration warrant appropriate modifications to the standard Thomson Parabola Spectrometer (TPS) arrangement in order to match the diagnostic requirements associated to the particular and distinctive properties of laser-accelerated beams. Here we present an overview of recent developments by our group of the TPS diagnostic aimed to enhance the capability of diagnosing multi-species high-energy ion beams. In order to facilitate discrimination between ions with same Z / A , a recursive differential filtering technique was implemented at the TPS detector in order to allow only one of the overlapping ion species to reach the detector, across the entire energy range detectable by the TPS. In order to mitigate the issue of overlapping ion traces towards the higher energy part of the spectrum, an extended, trapezoidal electric plates design was envisaged, followed by its experimental demonstration. The design allows achieving high energy-resolution at high energies without sacrificing the lower energy part of the spectrum. Finally, a novel multi-pinhole TPS design is discussed, that would allow angularly resolved, complete spectral characterization of the high-energy, multi-species ion beams.
[EN] Despite the considerable population genetic and connectivity research on the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and the species being critically endangered, the eastern Atlantic remains understudied. We present the first analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences (n = 28) of hawksbill juveniles in a foraging aggregation at the Cape Verde Islands. Our results showed three haplotypes non-reported in any nesting population to date, with one of them accounting for 68% of the samples. These three haplotypes were closely related to each other but highly divergent from all known Caribbean and Western Atlantic haplotypes.
[EN] The Canary lsland lizards constitute a monophyletic group which separated from the rest of the family shortly after the first islands of the archipelago emerged. Five living and at least one recently extinct species belong to the genus Gallotia. In addition, two of the living species, Gallotia simonyi and Gallotia stehlini have become extinct on Gomera and Tenerife, respectively. Juveniles of all species present tricuspid teeth. This character is preserved in the adults with changes to one degree or another in G. galloti, G. caesaris, G. simonyi and G. goliath. In G. atlantica there are only two cuspids and G. stehlini has 4 or more.
University of Buffalo New York Department of Art Gallery. The ancient philosopher Protagoras is most famous for his claim: “Of all things the measure is Man” and today, Western societies continue to promote anthropocentrism, an approach to the world that assumes humans are the principal species of the planet. We naturalize a scale of worth, in which beings that most resemble our own forms or benefit us are valued over those that do not. The philosophy of humanism has been trumpeted as the hallmark of a civilized society, founded on the unquestioned value of humankind defining not only our economic, political, religious, and social systems, but also our ethical code. However, artists recently have questioned whether humanism has actually lived up to its promises and made the world a better place for humankind. Are we better off privileging humans above all else or could there be other, preferable, ways to value life? With the continued prevalence of violent crimes, even genocide, in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, we see the ways in which the discourse of humanism falters, as groups are targeted through rhetoric reducing them to the subhuman, and therefore disposable. But what if the subhuman, nonhuman, and even the non-animal and material, were reconsidered as objects of worth even if far removed from us?
Over the past decade, the number of biological records submitted by members of the public have increased dramatically. However, this may result in reduced record quality, depending on how species are promoted in the media. Here we examined the two main promotional approaches for citizen science recording schemes: flagship-species, using one charismatic species as an umbrella for the entire group (here, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) for Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), and general-group, where the group is promoted as a whole and no particular prominence is given to any one species (here, bumblebees, genus Bombus (Hymenoptera: Apidae)). Of the two approaches, the general-group approach produced data that was not biased towards any one species, but far fewer records per year overall. In contrast, the flagship-species approach generated a much larger annual dataset, but heavily biased towards the flagship itself. Therefore, we recommend that the approach for species promotion is fitted to the result desired.
Understanding the evolution of sociality in humans and other species requires understanding how selection on social behaviour varies with group size. However, the effects of group size are frequently obscured in the theoretical literature, which often makes assumptions that are at odds with empirical findings. In particular, mechanisms are suggested as supporting large-scale cooperation when they would in fact rapidly become ineffective with increasing group size. Here we review the literature on the evolution of helping behaviours (cooperation and altruism), and frame it using a simple synthetic model that allows us to delineate how the three main components of the selection pressure on helping must vary with increasing group size. The first component is the marginal benefit of helping to group members, which determines both direct fitness benefits to the actor and indirect fitness benefits to recipients. While this is often assumed to be independent of group size, marginal benefits are in practice likely to be maximal at intermediate group sizes for many types of collective action problems, and will eventually become very small in large groups due to the law of decreasing returns. The second component is the response of social partners on the past play of an actor, which underlies conditional behaviour under repeated social interactions. We argue that under realistic conditions on the transmission of information in a population, this response on past play decreases rapidly with increasing group size so that reciprocity alone (whether direct, indirect, or generalised) cannot sustain cooperation in very large groups. The final component is the relatedness between actor and recipient, which, according to the rules of inheritance, again decreases rapidly with increasing group size. These results explain why helping behaviours in very large social groups are limited to cases where the number of reproducing individuals is small, as in social insects, or where there are social institutions that can promote (possibly through sanctioning) large-scale cooperation, as in human societies. Finally, we discuss how individually devised institutions can foster the transition from small-scale to large-scale cooperative groups in human evolution.
We review our work on generalisations of the Becker-Doring model of cluster-formation as applied to nucleation theory, polymer growth kinetics, and the formation of upramolecular structures in colloidal chemistry. One valuable tool in analysing mathematical models of these systems has been the coarse-graining approximation which enables macroscopic models for observable quantities to be derived from microscopic ones. This permits assumptions about the detailed molecular mechanisms to be tested, and their influence on the large-scale kinetics of surfactant self-assembly to be elucidated. We also summarise our more recent results on Becker-Doring systems, notably demonstrating that cross-inhibition and autocatalysis can destabilise a uniform solution and lead to a competitive environment in which some species flourish at the expense of others, phenomena relevant in models of the origins of life.
The 42th meeting of the ICES Working Group on Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms (WGITMO) was held in Olbia, Italy, 16–18 March 2016, with Anna Occhipinti-Ambrogi as host and Henn Ojaveer as chairperson. Representatives from 19 countries participated in the meeting. Attendants were from Belgium, Canada, Dennark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States. Sweden contributed by cor-respondence. The objectives of the meeting were to update information and discuss several aspects related to the introductions and transfers of non-indigenous aquatic species. Data and information management were two of the discussion topics of the meeting, with special focus on the better exploitation of the ‘Information system on aquatic non-indigenous and cryptogenic species’ (AquaNIS). The WGITMO also dedicated time for addressing the MSFD D2 issues: indicator on new non-indigenous species introduced by human activities, and opportunities and problems related to cross-regional comparison of non-indigenous species indicators. Preparation of the manuscript of the alert report on sea squirt Didemnum vexillum, which is to be published in ICES CRR series, was discussed and the steps to be taken to finalise the report were agreed. As usual, adequate time was devoted to discuss national reports, to exchange of information on the management of NIS and to review ongoing and planned research activities. The approach taken during the meeting facilitated presentations and discussions on the issues of relevance related to the Terms of References as well as on a few generic and strategically-important issues of general relevance to bioinvasions. The meeting began with a full-day joint meeting with the Working Group on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors (WGBOSV), which provided an opportunity to discuss and address issues of common interest, such as shipping and biofouling as introduction vectors. The proposed ICES demonstration advice on ‘Risk management of non-indigenous species associated with shipping in the Arctic’ was discussed, and edits were suggested for both the orientation of the demonstration advice as well as for the exact questions to be asked. Both working groups agreed that the practice of conducting back-to-back meetings with one joint day is useful and will continue in 2017. All Terms of References to be addressed for 2016 were discussed. For some Terms of Ref-erence, more detailed presentations were given, and a short overview of the information and subsequent discussion is provided herein at the end of each section. This report is structured so that each Term of Reference is dealt with in sequential order. The main body of the report contains summaries of the presentations and discussions with the more detailed documents being contained in the Annexes. WGITMO progressed each of the Terms of Reference by either completing the task or clearly identifying and agreeing on the inter-sessional activities required to still finalise the work in 2016. From 2017, WGITMO will be shifted to multi-annual management.
The Stock Identification Methods Working Group (SIMWG) worked by correspondence in 2016. The working group was chaired by Lisa Kerr (USA). The work plan for SIMWG in 2016 comprised four Terms of Reference (ToR), some of which are continuing goals for SIMWG: a ) Review recent advances in stock identification methods; b ) Build a reference database with updated information on known biological stocks for species of ICES interest; c ) Provide technical reviews and expert opinions on matters of stock identifica-tion, as requested by specific Working Groups and SCICOM; d ) Review and report on advances in mixed stock analysis, and assess their po-tential role in improving precision of stock assessment. ToR a) is an ongoing task of SIMWG in which we provide a comprehensive update on recent applications of stock identification techniques to ICES species of interest, summa-rize new approaches in stock identification, and novel combinations of existing applica-tions. ToR b) is a multi-annual ToR in which SIMWG has taking steps to build a reference data-base consisting of SIMWG reviews of issues of stock identity for ICES species. ToR c) is a key ongoing task by SIMWG in which we addresses specific requests by ICES working groups for technical advice on issues of stock identity. This year we provided advice on mackerel in the Northeast Atlantic as requested by WGWIDE. ToR d) is a multi-annual ToR that is focused on tracking developments in the application of mixed stock analysis and the integration of this information into assessment and management.
In this study, the genetic variability among 130 accessions of the Portuguese germplasm collection of Cucurbita pepo L. maintained at the Banco Portugues de Germoplasma Vegetal was assessed using AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) and RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) techniques for the identification of a genetically diverse core group of accessions for field phenotypic analysis. The surprisingly completely different molecular patterns exhibited by multiple accessions was later confirmed in the distribution of the putative C. pepo plants into two clusters drastically separated at a very low level of genetic similarity (DICE coefficient = 0.37). Additional analyses with RAPD and ISSR (inter single sequence repeat) markers and the introduction of standard genotypes of C. maxima L. and C. moschata L. into the analyses allowed the identification of multiple accessions of the last species wrongly included in the C. pepo collection. This study is a good example of the usefulness of DNA markers in the establishment and management of plant germplasm collections.
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
Ten species of Copestylum (Diptera: Syrphidae) were reared from fruits and flowers in Costa Rica, Ecuador and Trinidad. Seven were new and in this paper, we describe them, their development sites and the third stage larva and/or the puparium of all ten species. One new synonym is proposed, Copestylum pinkusi (Curran) [= Copestylum cinctiventre (Curran)]. Similarities and differences between these new and other Copestylum species, suggest they separate into two groups, referred to as the Vagum and Cinctiventre species groups. Features characterising these groups for both adult and early stages are assessed. Each species was also distinguished using adult and early stage characters. Within the Vagum group, adults were more disparate morphologically than the larval stage; this was reversed in the Cinctiventre group. Adult colour patterns are probably cryptic in function and for disguise. Vagum species have disruptive marks, while the Cinctiventre species have reflective colours. Biologically, the groups are almost distinguished by larval development sites. Vagum species use predominantly fruits and have a larval stage that is relatively generalised in form and habit. Cinctiventre species are confined to developing in flowers and the larva is more specialised. A key to both adult and early stages of all ten species is provided.
Purpose: To investigate the occurrence of Listeria spp., (particularly L. monocytogenes ), in different foods and to compare diagnostic tools for their identification at species level. Methods: Samples of high protein foods such as raw meats and meat products and including beef products, chicken, fish and camel milk were analysed for the presence of Listeria spp. The isolates were characterised by morphological and cultural analyses, and confirmed isolates were identified by protein profiling and verified using API Listeria system. Protein profiling by SDS-PAGE was also used to identify Listeria spp. Results: Out of 40 meat samples, 14 (35 %) samples were contaminated with Listeria spp., with the highest incidence (50 %) occurring in raw beef products and raw chicken. Protein profiling by SDSPAGE was used to identify Listeria spp. The results were verified with API Listeria system. Approximately 25 % of the identified isolates were Listeria seeligeri , Listeria welshimeri , and Listeria grayi (three positive samples), while 16.66 % of the isolates were Listeria monocytogenes (two positive samples); 16.6 % of the isolates were Listeria innocua (two positive samples), while 8.3 % of the isolates were Listeria ivanovii (one positive sample). Conclusion: High protein foods contain different types of Listeria species; whole-cell protein profiles and API Listeria system can help in the identification of Listeria at the species level.
In this study, the genetic variability among 130 accessions of the Portuguese germplasm collection of Cucurbita pepo L. maintained at the Banco Portugues de Germoplasma Vegetal was assessed using AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) and RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) techniques for the identification of a genetically diverse core group of accessions for field phenotypic analysis. The surprisingly completely different molecular patterns exhibited by multiple accessions was later confirmed in the distribution of the putative C. pepo plants into two clusters drastically separated at a very low level of genetic similarity (DICE coefficient = 0.37). Additional analyses with RAPD and ISSR (inter single sequence repeat) markers and the introduction of standard genotypes of C. maxima L. and C. moschata L. into the analyses allowed the identification of multiple accessions of the last species wrongly included in the C. pepo collection. This study is a good example of the usefulness of DNA markers in the establishment and management of plant germplasm collections.