977 resultados para geriatric care
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Background: Poor outcomes of invasive candidiasis (IC) are associated with the difficulty in establishing the microbiological diagnosis at an early stage. New scores and laboratory tests have been developed in order to make an early therapeutic intervention in an attempt to reduce the high mortality associated with invasive fungal infections. Candida albicans IFA IgG has been recently commercialized for germ tube antibody detection (CAGTA). This test provides a rapid and simple diagnosis of IC (84.4% sensitivity and 94.7% specificity). The aim of this study is to identify the patients who could be benefited by the use of CAGTA test in critical care setting. Methods: A prospective, cohort, observational multicentre study was carried out in six medical/surgical Intensive care units (ICU) of tertiary-care Spanish hospitals. Candida albicans Germ Tube Antibody test was performed twice a week if predetermined risk factors were present, and serologically demonstrated candidiasis was considered if the testing serum dilution was >= 1: 160 in at least one sample and no other microbiological evidence of invasive candidiasis was found. Results: Fifty-three critically ill non-neutropenic patients (37.7% post surgery) were included. Twenty-two patients (41.5%) had CAGTA-positive results, none of them with positive blood culture for Candida. Neither corrected colonization index nor antifungal treatment had influence on CAGTA results. This finding could corroborate that the CAGTA may be an important biomarker to distinguish between colonization and infection in these patients. The presence of acute renal failure at the beginning of the study was more frequent in CAGTA-negative patients. Previous surgery was statistically more frequent in CAGTA-positive patients. Conclusions: This study identified previous surgery as the principal clinical factor associated with CAGTA-positive results and emphasises the utility of this promising technique, which was not influenced by high Candida colonization or antifungal treatment. Our results suggest that detection of CAGTA may be important for the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis in surgical patients admitted in ICU.
Background: A new intervention aimed at managing patients with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) based on a specific set of communication techniques was developed, and tested in a cluster randomised clinical trial. Due to the modest results obtained and in order to improve our intervention we need to know the GPs' attitudes towards patients with MUS, their experience, expectations and the utility of the communication techniques we proposed and the feasibility of implementing them. Physicians who took part in 2 different training programs and in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) for patients with MUS were questioned to ascertain the reasons for the doctors' participation in the trial and the attitudes, experiences and expectations of GPs about the intervention. Methods: A qualitative study based on four focus groups with GPs who took part in a RCT. A content analysis was carried out. Results: Following the RCT patients are perceived as true suffering persons, and the relationship with them has improved in GPs of both groups. GPs mostly valued the fact that it is highly structured, that it made possible a more comfortable relationship and that it could be applied to a broad spectrum of patients with psychosocial problems. Nevertheless, all participants consider that change in patients is necessary; GPs in the intervention group remarked that that is extremely difficult to achieve. Conclusion: GPs positively evaluate the communication techniques and the interventions that help in understanding patient suffering, and express the enormous difficulties in handling change in patients. These findings provide information on the direction in which efforts for improving intervention should be directed.
[EN] The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that cooperative learning strategies will help to increase nutrition knowledge of nurses and nursing assistants caring for the elderly in different institutional communities of the Basque Country, Spain. The target population was a sample of volunteers, 16 nurses and 28 nursing assistants. Training consisted of 12 nutrition education sessions using cooperative strategies conducted over a period of 3 consecutive weeks. The assessment instruments included two pretest and two posttest questionnaires with questions selected in multiplechoice format. The first questionnaire was about general knowledge of applied nutrition (0-88 point scale) and the second one on geriatric nutrition knowledge (0-18 point scale). Data were analyzed using SPSS vs. 11.0. The outcomes indicated a significant increase in general nutrition knowledge (difference between the pre- and posttest mean score: 14.5±10.1; P<0.001) and in geriatric nutrition knowledge for all participants (difference between the pre- and post-test mean score: 4.6±4.6; P<0.001). So the results indicated that cooperative learning strategies could improve the nutrition knowledge of nursing staff. Additionally, the results of this study provide direction to continuing nutrition education program planners regarding appropriate content and methodology for programs.
Este estudo visa avaliar, através de uma revisão, as qualidades conceituais e psicométricas dos instrumentos de avaliação do estado funcional do paciente idoso, e de suas adaptações para o contexto do Brasil. A dissertação está estruturada em três partes. A primeira é constituída de cinco seções que introduzem os temas do envelhecimento da população mundial e de países emergentes como o Brasil como razões de base para um estudo do atendimento do paciente idoso. Descreve-se o que se entende por estado funcional do paciente idoso no contexto da avaliação geriátrica interdisciplinar. A parte 2 se constitui no artigo da dissertação. Na seção de material e métodos descreve-se detalhadamente a revisão realizada e os bancos de dados utilizados. Nas últimas duas seções do artigo apresentam-se os resultados e a discussão, em que se verificam, em primeiro lugar, um bom número de instrumentos com propriedades psicométricas adequadas que avaliam as subdimensões do estado funcional. Dos 30 instrumentos escolhidos utilizando critérios explicitados pelos autores, apenas dois, o Multiple Outcomes Study SF-36 e o Health Assessment Questionnaire, possuem adaptação para 0 português. Entretanto, alguns dos instrumentos revisados vêm sendo utilizados em nosso meio sem adaptação formal prévia. Vários destes instrumentos possuem bons históricos em sua língua original, porém este fato ainda não despertou a preocupação da comunidade brasileira para adaptações formais dos mesmos. Também se constatam a escassez de estudos de adaptação e concepção de instrumentos desta dimensão no contexto brasileiro. Alguns aspectos deste problema são discutidos, além de possíveis caminhos para corrigi-lo. Na parte final desta dissertação são sucintamente descritos os instrumentos de cada subdimensão de estado funcional escolhidos como mais interessantes na parte 2. Em seguida, são indicadas outras dimensões consideradas pertinentes para um escrutínio semelhante. A conclusão geral sugere uma melhor utilização de medidas de saúde estruturadas no contexto da avaliação geriátrica no Brasil.
Background: Vascular ulcers are commonly seen in daily practice at all levels of care and have great impact at personal, professional and social levels with a high cost in terms of human and material resources. Given that the application of autologous platelet rich plasma has been shown to decrease healing times in various different studies in the hospital setting, we considered that it would be interesting to assess the efficacy and feasibility of this treatment in primary care. The objectives of this study are to assess the potential efficacy and safety of autologous platelet rich plasma for the treatment of venous ulcers compared to the conventional treatment (moist wound care) in primary care patients with chronic venous insufficiency (C, clinical class, E, aetiology, A, anatomy and P, pathophysiology classification C6). Design: We will conduct a phase III, open-label, parallel-group, multicentre, randomized study. The subjects will be 150 patients aged between 40 and 100 years of age with an at least 2-month history of a vascular venous ulcer assigned to ten primary care centres. For the treatment with autologous platelet rich plasma, all the following tasks will be performed in the primary care setting: blood collection, centrifugation, separation of platelet rich plasma, activation of coagulation adding calcium chloride and application of the PRP topically after gelification. The control group will receive standard moist wound care. The outcome variables to be measured at baseline, and at weeks 5 and 9 later include: reduction in the ulcer area, Chronic Venous Insufficiency Quality of Life Questionnaire score, and percentage of patients who require wound care only once a week. Discussion: The results of this study will be useful to improve the protocol for using platelet rich plasma in chronic vascular ulcers and to favour wider use of this treatment in primary care.
A incontinência urinária gera implicações negativas nos âmbitos emocional, social e econômico tanto para o indivíduo incontinente, como para seus cuidadores. A terapia comportamental é uma das abordagens não-invasivas para a incontinência urinária. A terapia comportamental é realizada durante as consultas de enfermagem e a atuação do enfermeiro consiste na aplicação de um protocolo de orientações sobre hábitos de vida, medidas de controle da micção, treinamento para realização do diário miccional, treinamento de exercícios perineais e avaliação da resposta da paciente à terapia. O estudo tem como base teórica a Teoria do autocuidado de Dorothea Elisabeth Orem, pois a terapia comportamental visa instrumentalizar o indivíduo a realizar práticas de autocuidado a partir do protocolo de atendimento do ambulatório. O objetivo da pesquisa é avaliar a efetividade da terapia comportamental aplicada pelo enfermeiro para o controle miccional e melhora da qualidade de vida da mulher idosa. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico não-controlado.40 Foram incluídas no estudo mulheres acima de 60 anos que participam do Ambulatório do Núcleo de Atenção ao Idoso com a queixa clínica de perda involuntária de urina encaminhadas para o ambulatório de urogeriatria. A população estudada foi composta por 13 participantes. Os dados da pesquisa foram coletados a partir dos instrumentos de avaliação do ambulatório de urogeriatria que foram arquivados nos prontuários das pacientes: o diário miccional, avaliação de enfermagem na terapia comportamental e o questionário sobre qualidade de vida em mulheres com incontinência urinária chamado de Kings Health Questionnaire. Estes instrumentos foram aplicados antes e depois da terapia comportamental. Foram colhidos dados das pacientes acompanhadas no ambulatório durante o período de abril de 2011 a junho de 2012. Os resultados foram que após a terapia comportamental todas as idosas responderam que ingerem líquidos no período diurno, 92,30% das idosas responderam que estabeleceram um ritmo miccional de 2/2 horas ou de 3/3 horas. Sobre o parâmetro miccional perda de urina ao final da terapia comportamental 75% das idosas apresentaram ausência de perda de urina. Além disso, após a terapia comportamental nenhuma das pacientes teve perda de urina durante a realização dos exercícios e 92,30% apresentaram contração eficiente dos músculos perineais. Deste modo, esta pesquisa demonstrou que as idosas que participaram da terapia comportamental obtiveram melhora do controle urinário e da qualidade de vida. A terapia é um sistema que sofre retroalimentação à medida que o paciente adere às práticas de autocuidado e o enfermeiro reforça as orientações a fim de atingir o objetivo maior que é a sensação de bem estar. A teoria de Dorothea Orem se adequou bem ao estudo, pois a terapia comportamental permitiu aos idosos a assumirem responsabilidade com o seu corpo e se empenharem efetivamente para melhorar a sua condição de saúde e qualidade de vida.
Background: In contrast with the recommendations of clinical practice guidelines, the most common treatment for anxiety and depressive disorders in primary care is pharmacological. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of a cognitive-behavioural psychological intervention, delivered by primary care psychologists in patients with mixed anxiety-depressive disorder compared to usual care. Methods/Design: This is an open-label, multicentre, randomized, and controlled study with two parallel groups. A random sample of 246 patients will be recruited with mild-to-moderate mixed anxiety-depressive disorder, from the target population on the lists of 41 primary care doctors. Patients will be randomly assigned to the intervention group, who will receive standardised cognitive-behavioural therapy delivered by psychologists together with usual care, or to a control group, who will receive usual care alone. The cognitive-behavioural therapy intervention is composed of eight individual 60-minute face-to face sessions conducted in eight consecutive weeks. A follow-up session will be conducted over the telephone, for reinforcement or referral as appropriate, 6 months after the intervention, as required. The primary outcome variable will be the change in scores on the Short Form-36 General Health Survey. We will also measure the change in the frequency and intensity of anxiety symptoms (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) and depression (Beck Depression Inventory) at baseline, and 3, 6 and 12 months later. Additionally, we will collect information on the use of drugs and health care services. Discussion: The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of a primary care-based cognitive-behavioural psychological intervention in patients with mixed anxiety-depressive disorder. The international scientific evidence has demonstrated the need for psychologists in primary care. However, given the differences between health policies and health services, it is important to test the effect of these psychological interventions in our geographical setting.