900 resultados para ester derivatives of TCNQ
Wydział Chemii: Zakład Syntezy i Struktury Związków Organicznych
Neste trabalho foi realizada a síntese de novas 3,4-diidropirimidinonas funcionalizadas com diferentes cadeias graxas. Para a síntese destes compostos os β-cetoésteres graxos foram obtidos a partir da transesterificação do acetoacetato de metila na presença dos álcoois palmítico (2a), esteárico (2b) e oleico (2c), utilizando como catalisador I2 e ácido sulfâmico (NH3SO3). Os compostos foram obtidos com rendimentos de 97%, 90% e 60%, respectivamente. Após, a reação multicomponente de Biginelli foi realizada na presença de InCl3 utilizando os β- cetoésteres graxos 3a-c, os aldeídos aromáticos, benzaldeído, 3-hidroxi benzaldeído e 4-dimetilaminobenzaldeído, na presença de uréia ou tiouréia, levando às 3,4- diidropirimidinonas graxas 5-substituídas 6-11a-c em rendimentos que variaram entre 60–94%. Todos os compostos, ainda inéditos na literatura, foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de infravermelho (IV) e ressonância magnética nuclear de hidrogênio (RMN ¹H) e carbono (RMN ¹³C). A análise do efeito das novas 3,4-diidropirimidin-2(1H)-onas graxas pelo método do MTT na linhagem de glioma C6 rato e UG-138 humana demonstrou uma maior diminuição da viabilidade celular para os compostos graxos contendo as cadeias palmítica e oleica derivados da tiouréia e do 3-hidroxi benzaldeído, respectivamente. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para os compostos contendo as cadeias palmítica e oleica, porém derivados da uréia. Uma diminuição significativa da viabilidade celular, porém em menor grau, foi observada para os compostos graxos contendo as cadeias palmítica e oleica derivados da uréia e do benzaldeído. Os resultados mostraram até o momento que os derivados graxos contendo a cadeia oleica na posição 5 do anel diidropirimídinico derivado do 3- hidroxi benzaldeído e da tiouréia apresentaram maior atividade na diminuição da viabilidade celular de linhagem de glioma.
O maracujá-roxo é um fruto tropical que tem ganho destaque devido ao seu valor nutricional, organolético e às emergentes descobertas acerca das suas propriedades farmacêuticas e antioxidantes. Durante o processo de maturação decorrem várias reações de ordem física e química, e no intuito de enriquecer o conhecimento acerca de como a composição química e as propriedades do maracujá-roxo evoluem ao longo da maturação, este trabalho consistiu na caracterização física do fruto inteiro e na caracterização química geral das sementes, casca e polpa em frutos separados em cinco graus de maturação diferentes (G1 a G5). Foi também avaliada a atividade antioxidante (atividade antiradicalar e poder redutor), e o teor em compostos fenólicos (fenóis totais, derivados do ácido hidroxicinâmico e flavonóis) das diferentes matrizes que compõem o fruto ao longo da maturação. A partir dos resultados obtidos verificou-se na casca que o teor em cinza bruta aumenta essencialmente entre G1 e G2 enquanto se verificou uma diminuição da proteína. Em relação à semente, o teor em cinza bruta aumenta gradualmente, e o teor em proteína aumenta de G1 para G2, estabilizando posteriormente nos 8% (base seca). O teor em gordura aumenta gradualmente ao longo da maturação, verificando-se um maior acumulo entre G1 e G2 (9,9 e 19,1% respetivamente). No que respeita à polpa, há uma diminuição nos teores de cinza e proteína e aumento dos sólidos solúveis totais.Verificou-se um aumento ligeiro do pH ao longo da maturação (entre 2,8 a 3,1) e uma diminuição da acidez (entre 12,1 e 6,7 g de ácido cítrico 100 mL-1). Constatou-se que os açúcares predominantes na polpa foram a sacarose, frutose e glucose. Quanto aos ácidos orgánicos, o ácido cítrico foi o maioritário em todos os graus de maturação e teores mais baixos foram quantificados para os ácidos málico e ascórbico. Entre as diferentes partes do fruto estudadas, as cascas foram a matriz mais antioxidante, aumentando o seu potencial bioativo durante a maturação. As sementes apresentaram valores mais elevados de fenóis totais, derivados do ácido hidroxicinâmico e flavonóis. Foi verificado que a atividade antioxidante esteve correlacionada com os valores de fenóis totais presentes nas diferentes partes do fruto ao longo da maturação. De acordo com o conhecimento dos autores, este é o primeiro estudo que toma em consideração as alterações sofridas pelas diferentes partes do maracujá-roxo produzido em Portugal, ao longo da maturação.
Neste trabalho, generalizamos o Princípio da Mínima Ação proposto por Riewe para sistemas não conservativos, contendo forças dissipativas lineares dependentes de derivadas temporais de qualquer ordem. A Ação generalizada é construída a partir de funções Lagrangianas dependentes de derivadas de ordem inteira e fracionária. Diferente de outras formulações, o uso de derivadas fracionárias permite a construção de Lagrangianas físicas para sistemas não conservativos. Uma Lagrangiana é dita física se fornece relações fisicamente consistentes para o momentum e o Hamiltoniano do sistema. Neste Princípio da Mínima Ação generalizado, as equações de movimento são obtidas a partir da equação de Euler-Lagrange e, tomando-se o limite indo à zero para o intervalo de tempo definindo a Ação. Finalmente, como exemplo de aplicação, formulamos pela primeira vez uma Lagrangiana física para o problema da carga pontual acelerada.
Using the one-loop Coleman-Weinberg effective potential, we derive a general analytic expression for all the derivatives of the effective potential with respect to any number of classical scalar fields. The result is valid for a renormalisable theory in four dimensions with any number of scalars, fermions or gauge bosons. This result corresponds to the zero-external momentum contribution to a general one-loop diagram with N scalar external legs. We illustrate the use of the general result in two simple scalar singlet extensions of the Standard Model, to obtain the dominant contributions to the triple couplings of light scalar particles under the zero external momentum approximation.
Crystalline metal phosphonates may offer acidic sites, structural flexibility and guest molecules (H2O, heterocyclics, etc.) which can act as proton carriers. In addition, some frameworks are also amenable for post‐synthesis modifications in order to enhance desired properties [1,2]. In this work, we present the synthesis and structural characterization of two hydroxyphosphonoacetates hybrids based on magnesium, [Mg5(O3PCHOHCOO)2(HO3PCHOHCOO)2·8H2O] [Mg5(HPAA)2(H1HPAA)2·8H2O], and zinc, [Zn6K(O3PCHOHCOO)4(OH)·6.5H2O] [Zn6K(HPAA)4(OH)·6.5H2O]. Both solids present three-dimensional frameworks and their crystal structures were solved ab initio from X-ray powder diffraction. The proton conductivity of [Zn6K(HPAA)4(OH)·6.5H2O] as well as ammonia derivatives of M(II)(HO3PCHOHCOO)·2H2O [M(II)=Zn, Mg] will be reported and discussed.
This research is about the use of the coconut´s endocarp (nucifera linn) and the waste of derivatives of wood and furniture as raw material to technological use. In that sense, the lignocellulosic waste is used for manufacture of homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS) and lignocellulosic load which take part of a polymeric composite with fiber glass E (GFRP-WC). In the manufacturing of the homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS), it was used mamona´s resin as waste s agglutinating element. The plates were taken up in a hydraulic press engine, heated, with temperature control, where they were manufactured for different percentage of waste wood and coconuts nucífera linn. Physical tests were conducted to determine the absorption of water, density, damp grade (in two hours and twenty-four hours), swelling thickness (in two hours and twenty-four hours), and mechanical tests to evaluate the parallel tensile strength (internal stick) and bending and the static (steady) flexural. The physical test´s results indicate that the LHWS can be classified as bonded wood plate of high-density and with highly water resistant. In the mechanical tests it was possible to establish that LHWS presents different characteristics when submitted to uniaxial tensile and to the static (steady) flexural, since brittle and elasticity module had a variation according to the amount of dry endocarp used to manufacture each trace of LHWS. The GFRP-WC was industrially manufactured by a hand-lay-up process where the fiber glass E was used as reinforcement the lignocellulósic´s waste as load. The matrix was made with ortofitalic unsaturated polyester resin. Physical and mechanical tests were performed in presence of saturated humidity and dry. The results indicated good performance of the GFRP-WC, as traction as in flexion in three points. The presence of water influenced the modules obtained in the flexural and tensile but there were no significant alteration in the properties analyzed. As for the fracture, the analysis showed that the effects are more harmful in the presence of damp, under the action of loading tested, but despite this, the fracture was well defined starting in the external parts and spreading to the internal regions when one when it reaches the hybrid load
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2016.
Inversiones ABC S.A.S es una empresa colombiana situada en la ciudad de Bogotá, la cual ofrece servicios cambiarios y de intermediación financiera al segmento específico de las empresas de transporte terrestre de carga en la capital del país. La actividad principal de la empresa consiste en el cambio de cheques y la compra de facturas (factoring). Derivados de dicha actividad se ofrecen los siguientes servicios; servicio por ventanilla, servicio puerta a puerta (a domicilio) y consignaciones y giros en bancos y otras entidades como Efecty, Super giros, Western Union (giros y finanzas) y demás casas de giros presentes actualmente en el país. Con base en lo anterior, es posible afirmar que la liquidez constituye en elemento fundamental para el óptimo funcionamiento de los procesos de la compañía. Sin embargo, la tenencia de altas sumas de dinero en efectivo supone también una serie de riesgos asociados a la problemática de inseguridad en la capital del país. Anteriormente, se han presentado asaltos a la sede principal los cuales generalmente resultan en pérdidas económicas que afectan los resultados de la compañía al igual que acciones violentas contra los empleados que atentan contra su integridad física. 1 Teniendo en cuenta que la inseguridad en Bogotá es una amenaza constante, que afecta la operación de la empresa y podría inclusive amenazar su perdurabilidad, el presente trabajo tiene como fin determinar estrategias viables que permitan a la compañía contrarrestar el accionar delictivo de los grupos criminales que amenazan su operación.
Introducción: actualmente los trastornos músculo esqueléticos (TME) han sido reconocidos como la principal causa de morbilidad en el trabajo, dado el porcentaje de ausentismo laboral que representa, generando reducción en la productividad de las industrias. Una visión general de la prevalencia en TME puede conducir a métodos de prevención de morbilidad adecuados para cada tipo de proceso, y así proporcionar un ambiente más seguro y confortable. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de síntomas osteomusculares y su relación con factores individuales y laborales en personal de una empresa dedicada a prestar servicio de seguridad electrónica en Bogotá, en el 2013. Métodos: estudio de corte transversal, desarrollado a partir de fuentes de datos secundarios de una población de 199 trabajadores, con información sociodemográfica y síntomas osteomusculares en los distintos roles laborales (administrativo, soporte y de campo) de una empresa de servicios en seguridad electrónica. Se usaron métodos estadísticos para el cálculo de proporciones, se estimaron las prevalencias osteomusculares globales, realizando comparaciones por rol laboral. La revisión de la asociación entre factores sociodemográficos y laborales con síntomas de TME se hizo a través de la prueba Chi2 de asociación o prueba exacta de Fisher. Resultados: Los segmentos que mostraron la mayor frecuencia en morbilidad de TME fueron espalda, cuello, muñecas y manos. Se encontró asociación entre dolor de hombros y brazos con la edad, OR=0,54 (IC95%=0,30-0,95) y tiempo en el cargo, OR=1,855(IC 95%=1,043-3,297); entre dolor de cuello y edad OR=0,50 (IC95%=0,27-0,90) y entre dolor de muñecas y/o manos con tiempo en el cargo, OR=1,827(IC 95%=1,032-3,235). Conclusión: Se presenta morbilidad por TME en varios segmentos, derivados de factores (individuales y laborales), ratificando la importancia de hacer intervenciones integrales de control de riesgos para su prevención.
We describe here a procedure to bridge the gap in the field of calixarene physicochemistry between solid-state atomic-resolution structural information and the liquid-state low-resolution thermodynamics and spectroscopic data. We use MD simulations to study the kinetics and energetics involved in the complexation of lower rim calix[4]arene derivatives (L), containing bidentate ester (1) and ketone (2) pendant groups, with acetonitrile molecule (MeCN) and Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions (M2+) in acetonitrile solution. On one hand, we found that the prior inclusion of MeCN into the calix to form a L(MeCN) adduct has only a weak effect in preorganizing the hydrophilic cavity toward metal ion binding. On the other hand, the strong ion-hydrophilic cavity interaction produces a wide open calix which enhances the binding of one MeCN molecule (allosteric effect) to stabilize the whole (M2+)1(MeCN) bifunctional complex. We reach two major conclusions: (i) the MD results for the (M2+)1(MeCN) binding are in close agreement with the ""endo"", fully encapsulated, metal complex found by X-ray diffraction and in vacuo MD calculations, and (ii) the MD structure for the more flexible 2 ligand, however, differs from the also endo solid-state molecule. In fact, it shows strong solvation effects at the calixarene lower bore by competing MeCN molecules that share the metal coordination sphere with the four C=O oxygens of an ""exo"" (M2+)2(MeCN) complex.
To study the structure activity relationship (SAR) on the cytotoxic activity and probe the structural requirement for the potent antitumor activity, a series of novel diazaspiro bicyclo hydantoin derivatives were designed and synthesized. Their structures were confirmed by H-1 NMR, LCMS and IR analyses. The antiproliferative effect of these compounds were determined against human leukemia, K562 (chronic myelogenous leukemia) and CEM (T-cell leukemia) cells using trypan blue and MTT assay, and the SAR associated with the position of N-terminal substituents in diazaspiro bicyclo hydantoin have also been discussed. It has been observed that these compounds displayed strong, moderate and weak cytotoxic activities. Interestingly, compounds having electron withdrawing groups at third and fourth position of the phenyl ring displayed selectively cytotoxic activities to both the cell lines tested with IC50 value lower than 50 mu M. In addition, the cytotoxic activities of the compounds 7(a-o) bearing the substituents at N-3 position of diazaspiro bicyclo hydantoin increases in the order alkene > ester > ether and plays an important role in determining their antitumor activities. The position and number of substituents in benzyl group attached to N-8 of diazaspiro bicyclo hydantoin nucleus interacted selectively with specific targets leading to the difference of biochemical and pharmacological effects.
The autoxidation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is poorly understood in spite of increasing interest in the beneficial biological properties of CLA and growing consumption of CLA-rich foods. In this thesis, the autoxidation reactions of the two major CLA isomers, 9-cis,11-trans-octadecadienoic acid and 10-trans,12-cis-octadecadienoic acid, are investigated. The results contribute to an understanding of the early stages of the autoxidation of CLA methyl ester, and provide for the first time a means of producing and separating intact CLA methyl ester hydroperoxides as well as basic knowledge on lipid hydroperoxides and their hydroxy derivatives. Conjugated diene allylic monohydroperoxides were discovered as primary autoxidation products formed during autoxidation of CLA methyl esters in the presence and absence of α-tocopherol. This established that one of the autoxidation pathways of CLA methyl ester is the hydroperoxide pathway. Hydroperoxides were produced from the two major CLA methyl esters by taking advantage of the effect of α-tocopherol to promote hydroperoxide formation. The hydroperoxides were analysed and separated first as methyl hydroxyoctadecadienoates and then as intact hydroperoxides by HPLC. The isolated products were characterized by UV, GC-MS, and NMR techniques. In the presence of a high amount of α-tocopherol, the autoxidation of CLA methyl ester yields six kinetically-controlled conjugated diene monohydroperoxides and is diastereoselective in favour of one particular geometric isomer as a pair of enantiomers. The primary autoxidation products produced from the two major CLA isomers include new positional isomers of conjugated diene monohydroperoxides, the 8-, 10-, 12-, and 14-hydroperoxyoctadecadienoates. Furthermore, two of these new positional isomers have an unusual structure for a cis,trans lipid hydroperoxide where the allylic methine carbon is adjacent to the cis instead of the usual trans double bond. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra of nine isomeric methyl hydroxyoctadecadienoates and of ten isomeric methyl hydroperoxyoctadecadienoates including the unusual cis,trans hydroperoxides, i.e. Me 8-OOH-9c,11t and Me 14-OOH-10t,12c, were fully assigned with the aid of 2D NMR spectroscopy. The assigned NMR data enabled determination of the effects of the hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl groups on the carbon chemical shifts of CLA isomers, identification of diagnostic signals, and determination of chemical shift differences of the olefinic resonances that may help with the assignment of structure to as yet unknown lipid hydroperoxides either as hydroxy derivatives or as intact hydroperoxides. A mechanism for the hydroperoxide pathway of CLA autoxidation in the presence of a high amount of α-tocopherol was proposed based on the characterized primary products, their relative distribution, and theoretical calculations. This is an important step forward in CLA research, where exact mechanisms for the autoxidation of CLA have not been presented before. Knowledge of these hydroperoxide formation steps is of crucial importance for understanding the subsequent steps and the different pathways of the autoxidation of CLA. Moreover, a deeper understanding of the autoxidation mechanisms is required for ensuring the safety of CLA-rich foods. Knowledge of CLA oxidation and how it differs from the oxidation of nonconjugated polyunsaturated fatty acids may also be the key to understanding the biological mechanisms of CLA activity.
The effect of four phenoxy compounds [2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl ester (centrophenoxine), and 4-chlorophenoxy ethyl 2-(dimethylamino) ethyl ether (neophenoxine)] on lipid metabolism in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) leaves was investigated under nonphotosynthetic conditions. In experiments with leaf disks, the uptake of [1-14C]acetate, [32P]orthophosphate, [35S]sulfate and [methyl-14C]choline was substantially inhibited by all the phenoxy compounds except neophenoxine. When the incorporation of these precursors into lipids was measured and expressed as percentage of total uptake, there was significant inhibition of incorporation of [1-14C]acetate and [32P]orthophosphate into lipids by all the compounds except neophenoxine. The incorporation of [methyl-14C]choline was unaffected by all except centrophenoxine which showed stastically significant stimulation. [35S]Sulfate incorporation into lipids was markedly inhibited only by centrophenoxine. The fatty acid synthetase of isolated chloroplasts assayed in the absence of light was inhibited 20–50% by the phenoxy compounds at 0.5 mM concentration. This inhibition showed a dependence on time of preincubation with the herbicide suggesting an interaction with the enzyme. It was, however, reversible and excess substrate did not prevent the inhibition, suggesting that the herbicide interaction may not be at the active site. sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase in the chloroplast and microsomal fractions was inhibited by 2,4-D while the phosphatidic acid phosphatase was insensitive to all the phenoxy compounds. It is concluded that phenoxy compounds affect precursor uptake, their incorporation into lipids, and the chloroplast fatty acid synthetase. The free acids were the most potent compounds while the ester (centrophenoxine) was less effective and the ether (neophenoxine) was completely ineffective in their influence on lipid metabolism.
New steroid-based chiral auxiliaries 6, 9, and 12 have been synthesized from readily available cholic acid. These new chiral auxiliaries place the reactive and the shielding sites in a 1,5 relationship to each other. Diels-Alder reaction of cyclopentadiene with corresponding acrylate esters (7, 10, and 13) have been examined. Acrylates 7 and 10 yielded cycloadducts with 29-88% diastereomeric excess with excellent endo selectivity in the presence of an excess of Lewis acids such as AlCl3, BF3.OEt(2), FeCl3, SnCl4, TiCl4, and ZnCl2. Treatment of acrylate 7 with cyclopentadiene in the presence of BF3.OEt(2) at -80 degrees C gave the endo adduct (>99%) with 88% de. Lewis acid catalyzed and uncatalyzed reactions of acrylates 7 and 10 with cyclopentadiene yielded cycloadducts with opposite stereochemistry. The chiral auxiliary was recovered in a nondestructive manner only via iodolactonization. Acrylate ester of alcohol 12 did not show any selectivity in either catalyzed and uncatalyzed reactions with cyclopentadiene. The presence of a flat aromatic surface at C-7 of the steroid was found to be essential to effect high diastereoselection.