983 resultados para environmental disturbance
A description of the foraging habitat of a cetacean species is critical for conservation and effective management. We used a fine-scale microhabitat approach to examine patterns in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) foraging distribution in relation to dissolved oxygen, turbidity, salinity, water depth, water temperature, and distance from shore measurements in a highly turbid estuary on the northern Gulf of Mexico. In general, environmental variation in the Barataria Basin marine environment comprises three primary axes of variability (i.e., factors: temperature and dissolved oxygen, salinity and turbidity, and distance and depth) that represent seasonal, spatial-seasonal, and spatial scales, respectively. Foraging sites were differentiated from nonforaging sites by significant differences among group size, temperature, turbidity, and season. Habitat selection analysis on individual variables indicated that foraging was more frequently observed in waters 4–6 m deep, 200–500 m from shore, and at salinity values of around 20 psu. This fine-scale and multivariate approach represents a useful method of exploring the complexity, gradation, and detail of the relationships between environmental variables and the foraging distribution patterns of bottlenose dolphin.
Trawling and dredging on Georges Bank (northwest Atlantic Ocean) have altered the cover of colonial epifauna, as surveyed through in situ photography. A total of 454 photographs were analyzed from areas with gravel substrate between 1994 and 2000 at depths of 40–50 m and 80–90 m. The cover of hydroids, bushy bryozoans, sponges, and tubeworms was generally higher at sites undisturbed by fishing than at sites classified as disturbed. The magnitude and significance of this effect depended on depth and year. Encrusting bryozoans were the only type of colonial epifauna positively affected by bottom fishing. Species richness of noncolonial epifauna declined with increased bottom fishing, but Simpson’s index of diversity typically peaked at intermediate levels of habitat disturbance. Species that were more abundant at undisturbed sites possessed characteristics that made them vulnerable to bottom fishing. These characteristics include emergent growth forms, soft body parts, low motility, use of complex microhabitats, long life spans, slow growth, and larval dispersal over short distances. After the prohibition of bottom fishing at one site, both colonial and noncolonial species increased in abundance. Populations of most taxa took two years or more to increase after the fishing closure. This finding indicates that bottom fishing needs to be reduced to infrequent intervals to sustain the benthic species composition of Georges Bank at a high level of biodiversity and abundance.
Environmental variability affects the distributions of most marine fish species. In this analysis, assemblages of rockfish (Sebastes spp.) species were defined on the basis of similarities in their distributions along environmental gradients. Data from 14 bottom trawl surveys of the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands (n=6767) were used. Five distinct assemblages of rockfish were defined by geographical position, depth, and temperature. The 180-m and 275-m depth contours were major divisions between assemblages inhabiting the shelf, shelf break, and lower continental slope. Another noticeable division was between species centered in southeastern Alaska and those found in the northern Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands. The use of environmental variables to define the species composition of assemblages is different from the use of traditional methods based on clustering and nonparametric statistics and as such, environmentally based analyses should result in predictable assemblages of species that are useful for ecosystem-based management.
We estimated annual abundance of juvenile blue (Sebastes mystinus), yellowtail (S. f lavidus), and black (S. melanops) rockfish off northern California over 21 years and evaluated the relationship of abundance to oceanographic variables (sea level anomaly, nearshore temperature, and offshore Ekman transport). Although mean annual abundance was highly variable (0.01−181 fish/minute), trends were similar for the three species. Sea level anomaly and nearshore temperature had the strongest relationship with interannual variation in rockfish abundance, and offshore Ekman transport did not correlate with abundance. Oceanographic events occurring in February and March (i.e., during the larval stage) had the strongest relationship with juvenile abundance, which indicates that year-class strength is determined during the larval stage. Also of note, the annual abundance of juvenile yellowtail rockfish was positively correlated with year-class strength of adult yellowtail rockfish; this finding would indicate the importance of studying juvenile abundance surveys for management purposes.
Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs) configuram áreas protegidas, cobertas ou não por vegetação nativa, legalmente estabelecidas em lei. Estas possuem funções ambientais que se integram entre si e se associam às suas diferentes categorias. O trabalho objetivou a adaptação do sistema de indicadores PEIR (pressão, estado, impacto, resposta) para avaliação ambiental integrada de APPs, com aplicação na sub-bacia do rio Saracuruna, RJ. Especificamente visou: a) Levantamento da legislação pertinente às APPs inseridas no contexto do uso e ocupação do solo e gestão ambiental integrada; b) Delimitação das faixas de APP, segundo os parâmetros definidos pelo Código Florestal para cada categoria existente na área; c) Seleção de indicadores ambientais relacionados às APPs delimitadas considerando suas diversas categorias e funções ambientais associadas; d) Avaliação do potencial e limitações da aplicação de indicadores de avaliação integrada em APPs, envolvendo a espacialização das informações com suporte de geotecnologias, com enfoque para a legitimação/intervenções nas faixas inseridas na sub-bacia em estudo. Metodologicamente envolveu a pesquisa bibliográfica, compreendendo o levantamento de todo o arcabouço jurídico ambiental pertinente às APPs e das referências de cartas de indicadores; a caracterização física e humana da sub-bacia, subsidiando a delimitação e pré-avaliação de APPs; a seleção de indicadores ambientais voltados à avaliação integrada de APPs, a aplicação, com o suporte de geotecnologias, de parte destes indicadores estruturados em ciclos PEIR frente à hierarquização, exemplificativa, das funções ambientais por grupo de categorias de APPs; e, por fim, a elaboração de mapas-síntese da situação das faixas de APP ligadas à drenagem e ao relevo de altitude, com enfoque na legitimação das mesmas. A revisão das políticas específicas e transversais às APPs e de seus planos incidentes atestou uma ampla base para a gestão local ou compartilhada destas faixas, no entanto, a delimitação de APPs em função da realidade local ainda não ocorre. A Carta-síntese de indicadores de avaliação integrada de APPs na sub-bacia contemplou um conjunto de quarenta indicadores, dentre os quais vinte e seis compuseram dois ciclos aplicados e seis ciclos parcialmente aplicados. Para as APPs ligadas à drenagem e ao relevo de altitude foram aplicados, respectivamente, os indicadores de: a) pressão: Alteração de áreas naturais por áreas antrópicas e Evolução da área urbana em encostas; b) estado: Impermeabilização do solo e Qualidade ambiental das terras; c) impacto: Áreas críticas de inundação e Áreas de risco de escorregamentos ou desmoronamentos; e d) resposta: Plano de bacia hidrográfica e Áreas de risco recuperadas. Tais ciclos atestaram a precisão dos indicadores de pressão e estado quando da avaliação sobre a preservação em APPs, porém não foram capazes de explicar isoladamente a causa de impactos, os quais não ocorrem de maneira exclusiva nestas faixas. Demonstraram ainda um nível maior de antropização em APPs localizadas na porção de baixada da sub-bacia, principalmente em margens de rios. Sendo assim, cabem ações voltadas à fiscalização de APPs legitimadas, à recuperação de faixas com baixa interferência humana, e às intervenções urbanísticas ou prioritárias em áreas degradadas ou impactadas
In the last decades the creation of new Environmental Specimen Banks (ESB) is increasing due to the necessity of knowing the effects of pollutants in both the environment and human populations. ESBs analyze and store samples in order to understand the effects of chemicals, emerging substances and the environmental changes in biota. For a correct analysis of the effect induced by these variables, there is a need to add biological endpoints, such as biomarkers, to the endpoints based on chemical approaches which have being used until now. It is essential to adapt ESB´s sampling strategies in order to enable scientists to apply new biological methods. The present study was performed to obtain biochemical endpoints from samples stored in the BBEBB (Biscay Bay Environmental Biospecimen Bank) of the Marine Station of Plentzia (PIE - UPV/EHU). The main objective of the present work was to study the variability caused in biochemical biomarkers by different processing methods in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from two localities (Plentzia and Arriluze) with different pollution history. It can be concluded that the selected biomarkers (glutathione S-transferase and acetylcholinesterase) can be accurately measured in samples stored for years in the ESBs. The results also allowed the discrimination of both sampling sites. However, in a further step, the threshold levels and baseline values should be characterized for a correct interpretation of the results in relation to the assessment of the ecosystem health status.
The 1997 International Year of the Reef sees the release of ReefBase 2.0: a global database on coral reefs and their resources. It provides the most comprehensive and accessible repository of information to date. Containing information on over 7000 coral reefs in more than 123 countries, ReefBase 2.0 offers an extensive range of time-related data pertaining to coastal tourism, benthic environment ecology, fish population statistics, oceanography, socioeconomics, mariculture, and harvest activities. It also outlines the stresses causing reef degradation as well as management initiatives. Complemented by hundreds of digitized maps provided by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) and over 500 high quality photographs, ReefBase 2.0 is not only an essential tool for coral reef management but also an comprehensive guide for tourists, scuba divers and snorkelers alike. ReefBase has contributed substantially to the success of the International Coral Reef Institute (ICRI) and serves as the official database of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), bringing together an increasing volume of data on coral reef health, management and significance to humanity, and making it widely available. Over the next five years, the information contained within ReefBase will be utilized as an instrument for developing coral reef health assessment criteria, sustainable management criteria, and providing continuously updated summaries of threats endangering coral reefs around the globe. This will be a strong basis for focused corrective action in an attempt to conserve coral reefs and properly manage their resources for future generations.
Plant community ecologists use the null model approach to infer assembly processes from observed patterns of species co-occurrence. In about a third of published studies, the null hypothesis of random assembly cannot be rejected. When this occurs, plant ecologists interpret that the observed random pattern is not environmentally constrained - but probably generated by stochastic processes. The null model approach (using the C-score and the discrepancy index) was used to test for random assembly under two simulation algorithms. Logistic regression, distance-based redundancy analysis, and constrained ordination were used to test for environmental determinism (species segregation along environmental gradients or turnover and species aggregation). This article introduces an environmentally determined community of alpine hydrophytes that presents itself as randomly assembled. The pathway through which the random pattern arises in this community is suggested to be as follows: Two simultaneous environmental processes, one leading to species aggregation and the other leading to species segregation, concurrently generate the observed pattern, which results to be neither aggregated nor segregated - but random. A simulation study supports this suggestion. Although apparently simple, the null model approach seems to assume that a single ecological factor prevails or that if several factors decisively influence the community, then they all exert their influence in the same direction, generating either aggregation or segregation. As these assumptions are unlikely to hold in most cases and assembly processes cannot be inferred from random patterns, we would like to propose plant ecologists to investigate specifically the ecological processes responsible for observed random patterns, instead of trying to infer processes from patterns
This paper aims to investigate companies' environmental, social, governance (ESG), and financial implications of their commitment to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). The focus is placed on companies operating in the three countries with the highest number of UNGC participants: Spain, France, and Japan. The results clearly reveal that adoption of the UNGC often requires an organizational change that fosters stakeholder engagement, ultimately resulting in improvements in companies' ESG performance. Additionally, the results reveal that ESG performance has a significant impact on financial performance for companies that adopted the principles of the UNGC. These findings provide both non-financial and financial incentives to companies to commit to this voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative, which will have important implications on companies' strategic management policies that aim to foster sustainable businesses and community development. Finally, the linkages between the UNGC-committed companies' ESG and financial performance may be influenced by geographical spread, mainly due to the appearance of differences in the institutional, societal, and cultural settings.
A modification of the Schaefer surplus-production model was used to account for environmental induced variations of shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) catch in northern Peru. Based on time series of catch, effort, river discharge and sea surface temperature, fluctuations in catch of shrimps are explained and discussed with respect to multiple level of carrying capacity and hence different maximum sustainable yields.