812 resultados para emotional intelligence and skills


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El vínculo afectivo es la atracción que un individuo siente por otro. La conducta de apego busca la unión emocional y seguridad del bebé hacia su madre. Distintas especialidades de enfermería indican la importancia de trabajar el vínculo afectivo, las relaciones familiares y utilizar el proceso enfermero partiendo de modelos conceptuales. Los modelos conceptuales de Mercer y Beck estudian factores a considerar en la formación y desarrollo de vínculos afectivos entre madres e hijos. Este estudio pretende desarrollar conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes que permitan una atención óptima al bebé y su familia. Analizando los elementos comunes y diferenciadores de ambos modelos y justificando la necesidad de prestar especial atención a la formación y mantenimiento del vínculo maternofilial desde la perspectiva de las diferentes especialidades de enfermería, se utiliza el proceso enfermero para la detección y resolución de problemas que afecten al vínculo afectivo y a las relaciones familiares.


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We develop a dynamic general-equilibrium framework in which growth is driven by skill-biased technology diffusion. The model incorporates leisure–labor decisions and human capital accumulation through education. We are able to reproduce the trends in income inequality and labor and skills supplies observed in the United States between 1969 and 1996. The paper also provides an explanation for why more individuals invest in human capital when the investment premium is going down, and why the skill-premium goes up when the skills supply is increasing.


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Nursing Education in Europe is regulated by law from 2005. Clinical learning comprises at least 50% of the total degree program in nursing. It is necessary rely on professionals nurses involved in the learning process and skills development assessment. The level of implication in learning processes of these professional nurses is very important to ensure good results.


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Using a sample of 339 university graduates from the University of Alicante (Spain) three years after completion of their studies, we studied the relationships between general intelligence (GI), personality traits, emotional intelligence (EI), academic performance, and occupational attainment and compared the results of conventional regression analysis with the results obtained from applying regression mixture models. The results reveal the influence of unobserved population heterogeneity (latent class) on the relationship between predictors and criteria and the improvement in the prediction obtained from applying regression mixture models compared to applying a conventional regression model.


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The UK construction industry comprises a very high proportion of SMEs that is companies employing up to 250. A Department for Business, Innovation and Skills research paper, found that SMEs had a 71.2% share of work in the construction industry. Micro and small firms (i.e. those employing up to 50) had a share of 46.7% of work (Ive and Murray 2013). The Government has high ambitions for UK construction. Having been found by successive government commissioned studies to be inefficient and highly fragmented, ambitious targets have been set for the industry to achieve 33% reduction in costs and 50% faster delivery by 2025. As a significant construction client, the Government has mandated the use of Level 2 BIM from 2016 on publicly funded projects over £5 million. The adoption of BIM plays a key role in the 2025 vision but a lack of clarity persists in the industry over BIM and significant barriers are perceived to its implementation, particularly amongst SMEs. However, industry wide transformation will be challenging without serious consideration of the capabilities of this large majority. Many larger firms, having implemented Level 2 BIM are now working towards Level 3 BIM while many of the smaller firms in the industry have not even heard of BIM. It would seem that fears of a ‘two tier’ industry are perhaps being realised. This paper builds on an earlier one (Mellon & Kouider 2014) and investigates, through field work, the level of Level 2 BIM implementation amongst SMEs compared to a large organisation. Challenges and innovative solutions identified through collected data are fully discussed and compared. It is suggested that where the SME perceives barriers towards adoption of the technologies which underpin BIM, they may consider collaborative methods of working as an interim step in order to work towards realising the efficiencies and benefits that these methods can yield. While the barriers to adoption of BIM are significant, it is suggested that they are not insurmountable for the SME and some recommendations for possible solutions are made.


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Las ONG de Desarrollo (ONGD) contribuyen a informar sobre lo las distintas realidades sociales del siglo XXI. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, la representación de las personas culturalmente diferentes está llena de prejuicios y de estereotipos, hecho que todavía queda más marcado cuando se trata de mujeres. Así, nuestro objetivo con esta comunicación es observar la representación de mujeres de otras culturas en una muestra de las revistas publicadas por la ONGD Oxfam Intermón desde mayo de 2013 hasta mayo de 2014. El corpus empleado para el análisis serán las portadas de las revistas. Se seleccionaron algunos de estos textos donde aparecían representadas mujeres para llevar a cabo una experiencia didáctica. Se explicó el modo de analizar textos con imagen y se pidió al alumnado que los analizara con el fin de desarrollar su capacidad crítica y su conciencia social. Los marcos teóricos de este estudio serán los principios del Análisis Crítico del Discurso (van Dijk 2005, 2009) y la Gramática Visual (Kress y van Leeuwen, 2006) para explorar las principales estrategias lingüísticas y visuales empleadas para presentar a mujeres. Los resultados del estudio ponen de manifiesto que la práctica docente llevada a cabo hace que el alumnado tome conciencia de que el modo en que las mujeres aparecen representadas en las revistas de Oxfam Intermón contribuye a modificar la imagen negativa que normalmente tenemos sobre éstas. La representación positiva que se observa contribuye a cambiar la percepción del alumnado. Como conclusiones podemos señalar la importancia del emplear textos sobre temas sociales para que el alumnado adquiera competencias emocionales y mejore su capacidad crítica. Además, estos textos señalan que las mujeres van avanzando hacia el empoderamiento en todos los lugares del planeta de modo que se cumplen progresivamente los objetivos del milenio.


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Estudo de caso (metodologia qualitativa) realizado em 2013sobre inteligência emocional em alunos portugueses, frequentando 1.º ciclo educação básica, com idades de 6-7 anos de 2 escolas urbanas:2 crianças (M=microcefalia, A=autismo atípico); 2 crianças (N= criança normal, H= perturbação de hiperatividade com défice de atenção). Os objetivos pretenderam: Demonstrar a importância das emoções na aprendizagem; identificar e lidar com as emoções em situações; propor estratégias para cada criança, aquando dos resultados obtidos com aplicação do teste projetivo e utilização material didático. Metodologia: atividades com ―Uma caixa cheia de emoções‟; prova projetiva ―Era uma vez…‖ Teresa Fagulha; ficha de anamnese aos pais; análise documental aos processos; observação participante; notas de campo e triangulação. Os resultados permitiram estabelecer estratégias para diminuir os fatores de distratibilidade, facilitar a atenção com material visualmente atrativo e manuseável e fornecer instruções acompanhadas de observação. Houve dificuldades nos sujeitos em identificar a ‘ira’ e ‘raiva‘.


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This study examines art student’s awareness, understanding and practices of intercultural art education in higher institution of art. Specifically, the research focused on Art Academy of Latvia, Riga. The purpose was to promote “interculturalism’’ among students and to acquaint them with the knowledge and skills of developing and reflecting on their cultural values and that of others’. For 10 weeks, 7 students in the Art Academy of Latvia explored the Traditional African Ceramics. My research included data gathered from student questionnaires, class discussions, interviews, observations, student artwork and photographs from their personal activities. I likewise took note of the students’ practical works and their approach to African-based ceramics. First, in literature review, I discuss my purpose of study, why the study is important, limitations, statements of problem, and further research. Secondly, I examine culture and paradigms of cultures, comprehensive context of the African history and traditions of the African ceramics, the importance of intercultural art education. Then, I describe how the case study in Latvia was carried out among 7 participants’ who are students from 2nd year – masters’ level. The case study involved 7 students from the department of graphics, glass, ceramics and painting with the aim of promoting intercultural learning among art students. The case study reveals participants’ attitude towards intercultural education and reveal the importance of intercultural education in higher institutions of art as well as other institutions of learning. Although the participants were positive attitude towards other culture, the study reveals that creating awareness through intercultural art and exposing students to other culture enhances their creativity ability to explore other culture and they are more likely to be opened in sharing their experiences and their cultural perspective. Experiencing culture based- art create awareness of other cultures


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In this Working Paper, based on nearly 20 papers produced by the Centre for European Policy Studies, Slovak Governance Institute and the Conference Board Europe, we examine whether the current trends in the areas of education and skills are pushing the European Union, towards convergence or polarisation. We cover a wide range of questions related to this main issue. No easy answers, but several cross-cutting messages emerged from the research. We demonstrated that there is increasing complexity in what a ‘low-skilled’ person is and how well (or poorly) s/he fares in the labour market. There are undoubtedly powerful forces pushing for more polarisation, particularly in the labour market. Our research confirmed that early childhood education plays an important role, and it also appears to be increasingly uncontested as a policy prescription. However, the other frequently emphasised remedy to inequality – less selection in secondary education, particularly later division of children into separate tracks – is more problematic. Its effectiveness depends on the country in question and the target group, while education systems are extremely difficult to shift even on a long-term basis. A different, more-nuanced type of warning to policy-makers is delivered in our research on returns to higher education by field of study, which showed hidden rationality in how students choose their major.


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Is Europe's immigration policy attractive? One of the priorities driving current EU debates on labour immigration policies is the perceived need to boost Europe's attractiveness vis-á-vis 'talented' and 'highly skilled' immigrants. The EU sees itself playing a role in persuading immigrants to choose Europe over other competing destinations, such as the US or Canada. This book critically examines the determinants and challenges characterising discussions focused on the attractiveness of labour migration policies in the EU as well as other international settings. It calls for re-thinking some of the most commonly held premises and assumptions underlying the narratives of ‘attractiveness’ and ‘global competition for talent’ in migration policy debates. How can an immigration policy, in fact, be made to be ‘attractive’ and what are the incentives at play (if any)? A multidisciplinary team of leading scholars and experts in migration studies address the main issues and challenges related to the role played by rights and discrimination, qualifications and skills, and matching demand and supply in needs-based migration policies. The experiences in other jurisdictions such as South America, Canada and the United States are also covered: Are these countries indeed so ‘attractive’ and ‘competitive’, and if so what makes them more attractive than the EU? On the basis of the discussions and findings presented across the various contributions, the book identifies a number of priorities for policy formulation and design in the next generation of EU labour migration policies. In particular, it highlights important initiatives that the new European Commission should focus on in the years to come.


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Research shows that intention for intra-family succession is an important determinant of family firm behavior. To provide a systematic analysis of the antecedents of such intention, we use the theory of planned behavior to model the incumbent leader’s attitude toward intra-family succession because that particular attitude is idiosyncratic to family firms. Empirical tests using a sample of 271 Italian incumbent leaders of family firms show that, as predicted by planned behavior theory, attitude and self-efficacy are significant predictors of intention. They show further that attitude is affected by the number of children, emotional attachment, and need for control.


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"February 1983"--Cover.


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