801 resultados para educação infantil


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As diferenças de desenho infantil entre os gêneros feminino e masculino têm se tornado um instigante tema de pesquisa educacional nos últimos anos entre os pesquisadores da área, buscando maior aprofundamento, conhecimento das técnicas e das formas como têm sido concebidas as produções infantis através dos anos, levando em conta o contexto diverso em que se situam tais produções. Pretendeu-se, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, buscar dados relevantes que pudessem orientar o aprofundamento das relações entre desenho infantil e cultura. O estudo do desenho infantil tem sido explorado por teóricos, e, a partir de informações já coletadas pela produção acadêmica existente, pretendeu-se acrescentar novas formas de observação e elucidação das produções infantis, analisandoas sob o viés da cultura. Um dos principais objetivos foi o de verificar, como tais produções vêm se desenvolvendo através da história, tendo em perspectiva a análise dos elementos cotidianos da vida da criança nessas produções, analisando inclusive, se a mídia atua de alguma forma sobre a produção dos desenhos e/ou se a produção infantil é direcionada pelos adultos do contexto ao qual a criança se insere. Por meio desta pesquisa foi possível verificar como a questão do gênero influencia as produções dos desenhos infantis


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Neste trabalho socializo resultados produzidos a partir de uma proposta de pesquisa e intervenção desenvolvida com professoras do Ensino Fundamental I de uma escola pública do interior do estado de São Paulo. Fui coordenador de um curso de musicalização desenvolvido em dez encontros no contexto do HTPC (Horário de Trabalho Pedagógico Coletivo), e que ofereceu subsídios para a atuação dessas professoras em sala de aula. Assim, por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, seguindo a metodologia de pesquisa de orientação sócio histórica, na qual o pesquisador e o pesquisado aprendem juntos “produzindo sentidos dos eventos observados” (FREITAS, 2003, p. 31), busquei refletir sobre a importância do processo formativo na área musical de professoras do Ensino Fundamental I, através da reflexão sobre a experiência formativa dessas professoras com as quais pesquisei. Os dados produzidos analisados no presente trabalho são falas e escritas das professoras coletadas no terceiro e no último encontro, respectivamente, na busca por compreender a potencialidade dos encontros para repensar na concepção de música e musicalização dos professores


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This project has its topic on child aggression. Child aggression has always been present in the school environment. Therefore, aggressive behaviors have been interpreted as violence in which the educators have come to complaining earlier now. This study has its objective to survey published articles in electronic magazines, which talk about thematic aggression, child aggression and to systemize and analyze these procedures. Therefore, there will be a survey on the articles about this set of themes based on the data from Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online). In this data base, there are indexed published articles in electronic magazines from different areas of knowledge considered relevant. The articles will be identified by the keywords of aggressiveness, children, aggression, childhood, infantile, schools and their combinations


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Fairy tales are popular stories that has been narrated for centuries, whether through oral tradition or printed manuscripts, over generations. It is known that fairy tales can, through symbolism, to penetrate the human unconscious, rescuing emotions, feelings and influencing their actions and ways of thinking, and are means of transmitting moral values propagated by particular historical and social contexts for variations that appear in the same story, because it can be modified by the intention of the person who transmits me story and the interpretation of those who read it, at a particular time and situation. Although, these changes, compared to the classic fairy tales of Perrault, the Grimm Brothers and Andersen, are marked clearly different, which shows the habits and customs of the time in which they are conveyed, whether in written or oral form. The present work aimed to study the differences between current and classic tales, as well as their influences on implications for the child's mind, from a work by the teacher, which consider the role of context in the situation, the characters and the plot. Thus it is intended that students be induced to question, to understand the values dealtturn in the story and to make inferences, and that logical reasoning be stimulated not only for reading, but for any act of communication to occur


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O presente trabalho visa, em meio à crise de identidade que se instaura na Educação Física desde décadas – do seu início oficial em 1851 com a Reforma Couto Ferraz até os dias de hoje onde se fala em Cultura Corporal (de Movimento) – , enquanto área do conhecimento, explorar seu contexto e constituição históricosocial, perpassar por suas principais abordagens, principalmente no que tange à Educação Física Escolar e promover o entendimento da origem da perspectiva cultural, tal qual tem sido veiculada nos principais documentos oficiais que definem a constituição da área e sua práxis. Nesse sentido, aborda-se o contexto higienista/eugenista, onde se buscava uma educação do físico que o prevenisse de doenças e o purifcasse, com profundas influências militares; o contexto nacionalista, na intenção do aperfeiçoamento físico e aprimoramento das funções orgânicas, atrelado às questões de ordem moral e cívica; escolanovista, que proporcionou uma visão não só embasada biologicamente, mas se atentou à fatores psicológicos da criança; o contexto da ditadura militar, fortemente associado ao Esporte e a visibilidade internacional que ele acarretava ao país, inclusive, remetendo à Educação Física ao binômio Educação Física/Esporte; e o contexto que, a partir de década de 80, vem tentando instaurar uma Educação Física mais humana, sem deixar de lado questões relativas à saúde. É a partir dessa última década que o tema será aprofundado, apresentando-se alguns conceitos de “cultura” trazidos e utilizados pelas ciências sociais para, posteriormente, explanar como a Educação Física se apropria de tais conceitos para justificar-se enquanto conteúdo curricular obrigatório, no contexto escolar. Abordar-se-á as principais correntes com seus respectivos autores, referentes à década de 80: desenvolvimentista, por Go Tani; da cultura infantil, com possível aproximação ao construtivismo, por...


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A pesquisa atuou no Centro de Habilitação Princesa Victoria- CHIPV, que é uma unidade de saúde cujo objetivo é atender crianças e adolescentes de 0 a 18 anos que possuem alguma deficiência física e ou sensorial. A pesquisa teve o objetivo de acompanhar as práticas vivenciadas pelos profissionais, a partir de uma formação que tratou a temática de sexualidade e relações de gênero, ministrada por pesquisadores da UNESP. A pesquisa se debruça em observar, acompanhar, perceber, problematizar e avaliar o quanto à formação continuada dentro do CHIPV (Centro de Habilitação Princesa Victoria), pode transformar as práticas dos adolescentes, o foco desta pesquisa, gerando mais possibilidades de vivencias, entendimento e outros olhares sobre a questão da sexualidade e deficiência, e como esta se desdobrará no cotidiano


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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This article proposes to show the contributions of the sex education in the school as a way to mitigate the effects of the media, which sometimes leads to early sexualisation of children. Bibliographical in nature, it points out some aspects of sexuality in childhood, and reveals the issues brought by the media, particularly for the formation of the child, when addressing sexual issues, highlighting the role of sex education for a more reflective thinking about this theme.


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The new educational context requires the prospect of a more playful and pedagogic practices more flexible, and that meets promote child development, which includes the child in her singularity and allows her to read display that features the world, that stimulates exercise and allow the creative act that respects the feelings and emotions she has, which values ​​the different forms of infantile expression. The child needs and is entitled to promote his integral development potential. Therefore, it is necessary to have professional commitment to promote a quality educational services for children.


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Childhood sexuality is a polemic theme among pre-school educators. This text describes an extension project that aimed to observe the manifestation of children’s sexuality in a pre-school and to intervene by offering a space for dialogue, reflection and better understanding about childhood sexuality. The participants were seven teachers and whole group of children from a selected pre-school. It was observed (1) among the educators: the different games applied according to gender; how tolerant the teachers were regarding to boys bad behavior; vigilance against the homosexuality and constant motivation to female vanity and beauty. (2) Among the children: sexist stereotypes; manifestations of racism and prejudice; curiosity and interest about the body and sexuality and the use of insulting words concerning body beauty. The teacher education discussed theoretical and practical issues about the development of the sexuality in the childhood and the sexual education of their students. The project observed that a sexual education project can be put into practice in a pedagogical and ethical way in a pre-school environment.


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The present research, of a qualitative nature, aimed to check possible changes in the relations between pairs after the implantation of a work with children’s literature. The work was part of a teacher training project whose proposal is the deployment of a cooperative sociomoral environment in the classroom. The sample was composed of 250 students (boys and girls) 7-10 years, students of elementary school I in municipal education networks in São Paulo State. The method used was the application of a questionnaire in two stages: the pre-test, prior to the implementation of the project, and the post-test, carried out with the children after the end of the work. By means the questionnaire, that contained questions on three main themes – friendships at school, the systematic group work and the feelings expressed with respect to the school –, the children were asked about the quality of the relations between pairs. The data obtained have gone through a quantitative and qualitative analysis, being statistically proven. Eventually, the results of the two stages of the questionnaire were compared, indicating a better quality in interpersonal relations experienced in school after the implementation of the work with children’s literature.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to develop an educational oral health digital game for 5-to-7-year-old children. Method: The game, called “Dr. Trata Dente”, was based on the approach to three different oral health-related topics: a) bacterial plaque and the main diseases caused by it; b) oral hygiene methods for bacterial plaque control; c) dental caries and preventive measures for this disease. These topics were discussed in sequential order in three different stages of the game. Dr. Trata Dente is represented by the figure of a little super-hero dentist, who talks to the children about oral health during the game. The game is sub-divided according to its propositions to the children, into an association game, a memory game and a coloring game. After its development, the game was evaluated by three professionals of each of the following areas: Dentistry, Pedagogy and Psychology (n=9), who verified the suitability of the concepts presented in the game as regards oral health, linguistic abilities worked with the children, fulfillment of the intended didactic criteria, and the playful aspect of the game. Results: According to the dentists, the dental concepts presented in the game are adequate. According to the pedagogues, the choice of a super-hero was correct and the given explanations are well elaborated, organized and have accessible language, although long. For the psychologists, the game has a potential positive effect on the children’s learning, but there should be more interaction of the character with the children. After this evaluation, changes were made in the game according to the professionals’ suggestions. Conclusion: It was concluded that in spite of the suggested alterations, the game is suitable for teaching oral health by means of children’s play.