988 resultados para domicilio digitale, posta elettronica certificata, posta elettronica, pubblica amministrazione


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This thesis presents a new approach for the design and fabrication of bond wire magnetics for power converter applications by using standard IC gold bonding wires and micro-machined magnetic cores. It shows a systematic design and characterization study for bond wire transformers with toroidal and race-track cores for both PCB and silicon substrates. Measurement results show that the use of ferrite cores increases the secondary self-inductance up to 315 µH with a Q-factor up to 24.5 at 100 kHz. Measurement results on LTCC core report an enhancement of the secondary self-inductance up to 23 µH with a Q-factor up to 10.5 at 1.4 MHz. A resonant DC-DC converter is designed in 0.32 µm BCD6s technology at STMicroelectronics with a depletion nmosfet and a bond wire micro-transformer for EH applications. Measures report that the circuit begins to oscillate from a TEG voltage of 280 mV while starts to convert from an input down to 330 mV to a rectified output of 0.8 V at an input of 400 mV. Bond wire magnetics is a cost-effective approach that enables a flexible design of inductors and transformers with high inductance and high turns ratio. Additionally, it supports the development of magnetics on top of the IC active circuitry for package and wafer level integrations, thus enabling the design of high density power components. This makes possible the evolution of PwrSiP and PwrSoC with reliable highly efficient magnetics.


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Despite the several issues faced in the past, the evolutionary trend of silicon has kept its constant pace. Today an ever increasing number of cores is integrated onto the same die. Unfortunately, the extraordinary performance achievable by the many-core paradigm is limited by several factors. Memory bandwidth limitation, combined with inefficient synchronization mechanisms, can severely overcome the potential computation capabilities. Moreover, the huge HW/SW design space requires accurate and flexible tools to perform architectural explorations and validation of design choices. In this thesis we focus on the aforementioned aspects: a flexible and accurate Virtual Platform has been developed, targeting a reference many-core architecture. Such tool has been used to perform architectural explorations, focusing on instruction caching architecture and hybrid HW/SW synchronization mechanism. Beside architectural implications, another issue of embedded systems is considered: energy efficiency. Near Threshold Computing is a key research area in the Ultra-Low-Power domain, as it promises a tenfold improvement in energy efficiency compared to super-threshold operation and it mitigates thermal bottlenecks. The physical implications of modern deep sub-micron technology are severely limiting performance and reliability of modern designs. Reliability becomes a major obstacle when operating in NTC, especially memory operation becomes unreliable and can compromise system correctness. In the present work a novel hybrid memory architecture is devised to overcome reliability issues and at the same time improve energy efficiency by means of aggressive voltage scaling when allowed by workload requirements. Variability is another great drawback of near-threshold operation. The greatly increased sensitivity to threshold voltage variations in today a major concern for electronic devices. We introduce a variation-tolerant extension of the baseline many-core architecture. By means of micro-architectural knobs and a lightweight runtime control unit, the baseline architecture becomes dynamically tolerant to variations.


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Gleno-humeral joint (GHJ) is the most mobile joint of the human body. This is related to theincongr uence between the large humeral head articulating with the much smaller glenoid (ratio 3:1). The GHJ laxity is the ability of the humeral head to be passively translated on the glenoid fossa and, when physiological, it guarantees the normal range of motion of the joint. Three-dimensional GHJ linear displacements have been measured, both in vivo and in vitro by means of different instrumental techniques. In vivo gleno-humeral displacements have been assessed by means of stereophotogrammetry, electromagnetic tracking sensors, and bio-imaging techniques. Both stereophotogrammetric systems and electromagnetic tracking devices, due to the deformation of the soft tissues surrounding the bones, are not capable to accurately assess small displacements, such as gleno-humeral joint translations. The bio-imaging techniques can ensure for an accurate joint kinematic (linear and angular displacement) description, but, due to the radiation exposure, most of these techniques, such as computer tomography or fluoroscopy, are invasive for patients. Among the bioimaging techniques, an alternative which could provide an acceptable level of accuracy and that is innocuous for patients is represented by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Unfortunately, only few studies have been conducted for three-dimensional analysis and very limited data is available in situations where preset loads are being applied. The general aim of this doctoral thesis is to develop a non-invasive methodology based on open-MRI for in-vivo evaluation of the gleno-humeral translation components in healthy subjects under the application of external loads.


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Il continuo sdoppiamento e la riverberazione sono le matrici di sviluppo di questa tesi, in cui le ricerche di Grotowski legate al Parateatro e al Teatro delle Fonti sono indagate e interpretate a partire da un pensiero polivalente che prende avvio nella sociologia della cultura e si radica in un terreno antropologico. La ricerca si configura come un’interpretazione possibile delle scelte operate da Grotowski e, complessivamente, dal Teatro Laboratorio, nel contesto delle trasformazioni socio-culturali successive agli anni Sessanta verificando come nel periodo dal '70 all'82 le scelte stesse rispecchino i valori culturali dell’epoca.La ricerca ricorre alla categoria della “festa” - intesa come realtà quotidiana elevata alla forma rituale, attraverso gli elementi culturali e identitari del gruppo di appartenenza - e, a partire da essa, sovrappone criticamente la logica dell’“identità in performance” con la nozione di “Incontro” elaborata da Grotowski. Questa logica è, successivamente, problematizzata attraverso il “diamante culturale”, un dispositivo di analisi della sociologia della culturache, a sua volta, è discusso eridimensionato a partire dalpresuppostodi “Decostruzione” e dall’idea di “Decondizionamento”legata al lavoro del Performer, inteso come individuo.Tre immagini e un’incognita rivelano i campi d’azioneed i principi che permeano l’intera ricerca raddoppiandosi e congiungendo l’immagine del Performer come individuo riflessivo. L’immagine riflessa si configura nel contrasto fra apparenza e presenza: nella domanda posta da Grotowski “che si può fare con la propria solitudine?” si evidenzia uno dei problemi a cui deve far fronte l’individuo in una determinata struttura culturale e, al contempo, viene suggerita una possibilità di amplificazione della percezione di “se stesso” da parte dell’Attore-Performer come Individuo.


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Nel presente lavoro di tesi magistrale sono stati depositati e caratterizzati sottili film di ossido di alluminio, Al2O3, (di spessore compreso tra 3-30 nm) su un substrato di FZ-Si drogato p. La deposizione è avvenuta mediante plasma ALD (Atomic Layer Depostion). La tecnica spettroscopica EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) è stata utilizzata per studiare l’interfaccia Si/Al2O3 con lo scopo di scoprire l’origine della formazione di densità di carica negativa Qf all’interfaccia: tale carica negativa induce una passivazione per effetto di campo ed è quindi la ragione per cui il dielettrico Al2O3 risulta essere un ottimo materiale passivante. Si è deciso di variare alcuni parametri, come lo spessore dello strato di Al2O3, lo spessore dello strato intermedio di ossido di silicio, depositato mediante ossidazione termica (dry thermal oxidation), e la superficie del substrato di silicio. Sono stati realizzati cinque differenti gruppi di campioni: per ciascuno di essi sono state impiegate varie tecniche di caratterizzazione, come la QSSPC (Quasi Steady State Photoconuctance) e la tecnica di spettroscopia ottica SE (spettroscopic ellipsometry). Per ogni gruppo sono stati riportati gli spettri EPR ottenuti ed i rispettivi fit, da cui è stato possibile risalire ai fattori giromagnetici di spin g, riportati in tabelle con le loro possibili attribuzioni. E’ stato dimostrato che la presenza di uno strato di ossido di silicio tra il substrato di silicio e lo strato di ossido di alluminio risulta essere fondamentale per la formazione di densità di carica negativa all’interfaccia: aumentando lo spessore dello strato di SiOx (nel range 1-30 nm) si assiste ad una diminuzione di carica negativa Qf. Analizzando gli spettri EPR, è stato possibile concludere che all’interfaccia Si/Al2O3 sono presenti difetti caratteristici dell’interfaccia Si/SiOx. Le nostre osservazioni, dunque, sono coerenti con la formazione di uno strato di ossido di silicio tra Si e Al2O3.


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This thesis deals with heterogeneous architectures in standard workstations. Heterogeneous architectures represent an appealing alternative to traditional supercomputers because they are based on commodity components fabricated in large quantities. Hence their price-performance ratio is unparalleled in the world of high performance computing (HPC). In particular, different aspects related to the performance and consumption of heterogeneous architectures have been explored. The thesis initially focuses on an efficient implementation of a parallel application, where the execution time is dominated by an high number of floating point instructions. Then the thesis touches the central problem of efficient management of power peaks in heterogeneous computing systems. Finally it discusses a memory-bounded problem, where the execution time is dominated by the memory latency. Specifically, the following main contributions have been carried out: A novel framework for the design and analysis of solar field for Central Receiver Systems (CRS) has been developed. The implementation based on desktop workstation equipped with multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) is motivated by the need to have an accurate and fast simulation environment for studying mirror imperfection and non-planar geometries. Secondly, a power-aware scheduling algorithm on heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures, based on an efficient distribution of the computing workload to the resources, has been realized. The scheduler manages the resources of several computing nodes with a view to reducing the peak power. The two main contributions of this work follow: the approach reduces the supply cost due to high peak power whilst having negligible impact on the parallelism of computational nodes. from another point of view the developed model allows designer to increase the number of cores without increasing the capacity of the power supply unit. Finally, an implementation for efficient graph exploration on reconfigurable architectures is presented. The purpose is to accelerate graph exploration, reducing the number of random memory accesses.


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L’acceleratore di particelle LHC, al CERN di Ginevra, permette studi molto rilevanti nell'ambito della fisica subnucleare. L’importanza che ricopre in questo campo il rivelatore è grandissima ed è per questo che si utilizzano tecnologie d’avanguardia nella sua costruzione. É altresì fondamentale disporre di un sistema di acquisizione dati quanto più moderno ma sopratutto efficiente. Tale sistema infatti è necessario per gestire tutti i segnali elettrici che derivano dalla conversione dell’evento fisico, passaggio necessario per rendere misurabili e quantificabili le grandezze di interesse. In particolare in questa tesi viene seguito il lavoro di test delle schede ROD dell’esperimento ATLAS IBL, che mira a verificare la loro corretta funzionalità, prima che vengano spedite nei laboratori del CERN. Queste nuove schede gestiscono i segnali in arrivo dal Pixel Detector di ATLAS, per poi inviarli ai computer per la successiva elaborazione. Un sistema simile era già implementato e funzionante, ma il degrado dei chip ha causato una perdita di prestazioni, che ha reso necessario l’inserimento di un layer aggiuntivo. Il nuovo strato di rivelatori a pixel, denominato Insertable Barrel Layer (IBL), porta così un aggiornamento tecnologico e prestazionale all'interno del Pixel Detector di ATLAS, andando a ristabilire l’efficacia del sistema.


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La disintegrazione dei nuclei atomici si traduce in una emissione di vari tipi di radiazioni e particelle tra cui neutroni e raggi gamma. La rivelazione dei neutroni comporta l’utilizzo di rivelatori a scintillazione e tecniche di analisi per poter identificare e ottenere informazioni sull’energia dei neutroni. Il processo di scintillazione per la rivelazione dei neutroni consiste nell’interazione con i nuclei del materiale e successiva emissione luminosa dovuta a ionizzazione degli atomi del rivelatore. La luce e in seguito convertita in impulsi elettrici, i quali possono essere analizzati con opportune tecniche. L’emissione di neutroni `e accompagnata da emissione di raggi gamma e quindi `e necessario identificare i neutroni. Rivelatori basati su scintillatori organici vengono spesso impiegati nella spettrometria neutronica ad energie superiori di 0.5 MeV ed in una vasta gamma di applicazioni come la medicina, l’industria e la radioprotezione. La rilevazione dei neutroni `e molto importante nello studio delle reazioni nucleari di bassa energia e nello studio della materia nucleare lontano dalla valle di stabilita. In questo lavoro abbiamo studiato tre algoritmi: Zero Crossing, Charge Comparison e Pulse Gradient Analysis. Questi algoritmi sono stati in seguito applicati all’analisi di un insieme di dati provenienti dalla reazione nucleare 7Li(p,n)7Be. E stato utilizzato uno scintillatore organico liquido BC501. Si `e effettuato un confronto tra le varie tecniche utilizzate per determinare il grado di discriminazione ottenuto con ognuna di esse. I risultati ottenuti permettono di decidere in seguito quale algoritmo si presta ad essere utilizzato anche in altri esperimenti futuri. Il metodo Pulse Gradient Analysis `e risultato il piu` prometente, essendo anche possibile l’utilizzo on-line.


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L'elaborato affronta la definizione di differenti strategie per il campionamento e la ricostruzione di segnali wavefield per applicazioni di monitoraggio strutturale. In accordo con quanto indicato dalla teoria del Compressive Sensing, obiettivo della tesi è la minimizzazione del numero di punti di acquisizione al fine di ridurre lo sforzo energetico del campionamento. I risultati sono validati in ambiente Matlab utilizzando come riferimento segnali acquisiti su setup sperimentali in alluminio o materiale composito in presenza di diverse tipologie di difetto.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi si è svolto in collaborazione con il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica di Padova CNR IRPI. Questo elaborato è finalizzato allo studio dei dissesti per frana che coinvolgono le opere d’arte stradali della S.S. 52 Carnica nella zona del Passo della Morte, tra i comuni di Forni di Sotto e Ampezzo, in provincia di Udine. La presenza di un’arteria viaria di primaria importanza, qual è la strada statale 52 Carnica che collega le province di Udine e Belluno, ha reso necessario un accurato studio idrogeologico. Lo studio mira principalmente ad individuare una possibile relazione tra la sorgente sita all’interno della Galleria di S. Lorenzo S.S. 52 e la galleria drenante posta al di sotto di quest’ultima per permettere la progettazione di eventuali ulteriori opere di mitigazione del rischio da frana. Il lavoro è suddiviso in tre parti: la prima, introduttiva, include una caratterizzazione geografica, geologica e morfologica dell’area di studio. La seconda descrive l’opera in esame - la galleria di S. Lorenzo S.S. 52 Carnica - e le criticità derivanti dalla complessità dell’area. Infine, la terza, fondamentale, comprende un studio idrogeologico svolto raccogliendo sul campo i dati indispensabili alle ricerche. La metodologia è caratterizzata da un’analisi statistica basata sulla cross-correlazione tra i dati di precipitazione e quelli di portata in continuo della sorgente e della galleria drenante. Infine, a fronte dei dati ottenuti, si è ricavato un modello concettuale dei complessi fenomeni idrogeologici che si sviluppano nell’area di Passo della Morte.


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On the basis of illustrations of Shakespeare's Hamlet, the new digital 'Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive' at the Mainz University Library - together with a lavishly-constructed and multiply-linked Web interface version - was presented to the public on 17 November 2008. This e-book, edited by Andreas Anderhub and Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel, contains the speeches and presentations given on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the electronic archive. The collection of the new archive, published here for the first time, holds about 3,500 images and is part of the only Shakespeare illustration archive in the world. The Shakespeare Illustration Archive was founded in 1946 by the internationally acclaimed Shakespeare and Goethe scholar, Prof. Horst Oppel. This part of the archive was donated to the Mainz University Library on condition that its holdings be digitalised and made available to the public. The collection has been named 'The Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive' in accordance with the terms of the Agreement of Donation of 9, 15, and 16 September 2005, and honouring the 16 March 1988 Delegation of Authority and Declaration of Intent by Frau Ingeborg Oppel, Prof. Oppel's widow and legal assignee. Vice-President Prof. Jürgen Oldenstein opened the proceedings by noting that 2008 had been a good year for international Shakespeare scholarship. For, in London, the site of the 'Theatre' in Shoreditch, where Shakespeare's company performed, had been unearthed, and in Mainz the Shakespeare Archive had gone online with thousands of illustrations. The Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Philology, Prof. Mechthild Dreyer, who mentioned that she herself had long been successfully employing interdisciplinary research methods, took particular pleasure in the transdisciplinary approach to research resolutely pursued by Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel. Prof. Clemens Zintzen (Cologne), former President of the Mainz Academy of Literature and Sciences, recalled highlights from the more than sixty-year-long history of the Shakespeare Illustration Archive. Prof. Kurt Otten (Heidelberg and Cambridge) drew an impressive portrait of Horst Oppel's personality as an academic and praised his influential books on Goethe and Shakespeare. He pointed out that Oppel's Shakespeare Illustration Archive, the basis for many a dissertation, had enjoyed great popularity around the world. Prof. Otten also delineated the academic career of Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel and her new findings regarding Shakespeare's time, life and work. Prof. Rüdiger Ahrens OBE (Würzburg) drew attention to Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel's research results, directly or indirectly arising out of her work on the Shakespeare Illustration Archive. This research had centred on proving the authenticity of four visual representations of Shakespeare (the Chandos and Flower portraits, the Davenant bust and the Darmstadt Shakespeare death mask); solving the mystery around Shakespeare's 'Dark Lady'; and establishing the dramatist's Catholic religion. Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel reported on her 'Shakespeare Illustration' project, describing the nature, dimensions and significance of the Archive's pictorial material, which relates to all of Shakespeare's plays and stretches over five centuries. She explained that the digital 'Oppel-Hammerschmidt Illustration Archive' was an addition to the three-volume edition she had compiled, authored and edited for publication in 2003. Unlike the print version, however, the digital collection had only been partly editorially prepared. It represented source material and a basis for further work. Hammerschmidt-Hummel expressed her thanks to the Head of the Central University Library, Dr Andreas Anderhub, for his untiring commitment. After the initial donation had been made, he had entered enthusiastically into setting up the necessary contacts, getting all the work underway, and clearing the legal hurdles. Hammerschmidt-Hummel was especially grateful to University of Mainz librarian Heike Geisel, who had worked for nearly five years to carry out the large-scale digitalization of a total of 8,800 items. Frau Geisel was also extremely resourceful in devising ways of making the collection yield even more, e.g. by classifying and cross-linking the data, assembling clusters of individual topics that lend themselves to research, and (in collaboration with the art historian Dr Klaus Weber) making the archive's index of artists compatible with the data-bank of artists held by the University of Mainz Institute of Art History. In addition, she compiled an extremely helpful 'users' guide' to the new digital collection. Frau Geisel had enjoyed invaluable support from Dr Annette Holzapfel-Pschorn, the leading academic in the Central IT Department at the University, who set up an intelligent, most impressive Web interface using the latest application technologies. Frau Geisel and Dr Holzapfel-Pschorn were highly praised for their convincing demonstration, using illustrations to Hamlet, of how to access this well-devised and exceptionally user-friendly Web version. For legal reasons, Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel pointed out, the collection could not be released for open access on the internet. The media - as Dr Anderhub stressed in his foreword - had shown great interest in the new digital collection of thousands of Shakespearean illustrations (cf. Benjamin Cor's TV feature in "Tagesthemen", 17 November 2008, presented by Tom Buhrow). The ‘Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive’ should also meet with particular interest not only among academic specialists, but also among the performers of the arts and persons active in the cultural realm in general, as well as theatre and film directors, literary managers, teachers, and countless Shakespeare enthusiasts.


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In this dissertation some novel indices for vulnerability and robustness assessment of power grids are presented. Such indices are mainly defined from the structure of transmission power grids, and with the aim of Blackout (BO) prevention and mitigation. Numerical experiments showing how they could be used alone or in coordination with pre-existing ones to reduce the effects of BOs are discussed. These indices are introduced inside 3 different sujects: The first subject is for taking a look into economical aspects of grids’ operation and their effects in BO propagation. Basically, simulations support that: the determination to operate the grid in the most profitable way could produce an increase in the size or frequency of BOs. Conversely, some uneconomical ways of supplying energy are shown to be less affected by BO phenomena. In the second subject new topological indices are devised to address the question of "which are the best buses to place distributed generation?". The combined use of two indices, is shown as a promising alternative for extracting grid’s significant features regarding robustness against BOs and distributed generation. For this purpose, a new index based on outage shift factors is used along with a previously defined electric centrality index. The third subject is on Static Robustness Analysis of electric networks, from a purely structural point of view. A pair of existing topological indices, (namely degree index and clustering coefficient), are combined to show how degradation of the network structure can be accelerated. Blackout simulations were carried out using the DC Power Flow Method and models of transmission networks from the USA and Europe.


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This dissertation deals with the design and the characterization of novel reconfigurable silicon-on-insulator (SOI) devices to filter and route optical signals on-chip. Design is carried out through circuit simulations based on basic circuit elements (Building Blocks, BBs) in order to prove the feasibility of an approach allowing to move the design of Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) toward the system level. CMOS compatibility and large integration scale make SOI one of the most promising material to realize PICs. The concepts of generic foundry and BB based circuit simulations for the design are emerging as a solution to reduce the costs and increase the circuit complexity. To validate the BB based approach, the development of some of the most important BBs is performed first. A novel tunable coupler is also presented and it is demonstrated to be a valuable alternative to the known solutions. Two novel multi-element PICs are then analysed: a narrow linewidth single mode resonator and a passband filter with widely tunable bandwidth. Extensive circuit simulations are carried out to determine their performance, taking into account fabrication tolerances. The first PIC is based on two Grating Assisted Couplers in a ring resonator (RR) configuration. It is shown that a trade-off between performance, resonance bandwidth and device footprint has to be performed. The device could be employed to realize reconfigurable add-drop de/multiplexers. Sensitivity with respect to fabrication tolerances and spurious effects is however observed. The second PIC is based on an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer loaded with two RRs. Overall good performance and robustness to fabrication tolerances and nonlinear effects have confirmed its applicability for the realization of flexible optical systems. Simulated and measured devices behaviour is shown to be in agreement thus demonstrating the viability of a BB based approach to the design of complex PICs.


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In this work I tried to explore many aspects of cognitive visual science, each one based on different academic fields, proposing mathematical models capable to reproduce both neuro-physiological and phenomenological results that were described in the recent literature. The structure of my thesis is mainly composed of three chapters, corresponding to the three main areas of research on which I focused my work. The results of each work put the basis for the following, and their ensemble form an homogeneous and large-scale survey on the spatio-temporal properties of the architecture of the visual cortex of mammals.


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The monitoring of cognitive functions aims at gaining information about the current cognitive state of the user by decoding brain signals. In recent years, this approach allowed to acquire valuable information about the cognitive aspects regarding the interaction of humans with external world. From this consideration, researchers started to consider passive application of brain–computer interface (BCI) in order to provide a novel input modality for technical systems solely based on brain activity. The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate how the passive Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) applications can be used to assess the mental states of the users, in order to improve the human machine interaction. Two main studies has been proposed. The first one allows to investigate whatever the Event Related Potentials (ERPs) morphological variations can be used to predict the users’ mental states (e.g. attentional resources, mental workload) during different reactive BCI tasks (e.g. P300-based BCIs), and if these information can predict the subjects’ performance in performing the tasks. In the second study, a passive BCI system able to online estimate the mental workload of the user by relying on the combination of the EEG and the ECG biosignals has been proposed. The latter study has been performed by simulating an operative scenario, in which the occurrence of errors or lack of performance could have significant consequences. The results showed that the proposed system is able to estimate online the mental workload of the subjects discriminating three different difficulty level of the tasks ensuring a high reliability.