901 resultados para deformable mirror
La familia de algoritmos de Boosting son un tipo de técnicas de clasificación y regresión que han demostrado ser muy eficaces en problemas de Visión Computacional. Tal es el caso de los problemas de detección, de seguimiento o bien de reconocimiento de caras, personas, objetos deformables y acciones. El primer y más popular algoritmo de Boosting, AdaBoost, fue concebido para problemas binarios. Desde entonces, muchas han sido las propuestas que han aparecido con objeto de trasladarlo a otros dominios más generales: multiclase, multilabel, con costes, etc. Nuestro interés se centra en extender AdaBoost al terreno de la clasificación multiclase, considerándolo como un primer paso para posteriores ampliaciones. En la presente tesis proponemos dos algoritmos de Boosting para problemas multiclase basados en nuevas derivaciones del concepto margen. El primero de ellos, PIBoost, está concebido para abordar el problema descomponiéndolo en subproblemas binarios. Por un lado, usamos una codificación vectorial para representar etiquetas y, por otro, utilizamos la función de pérdida exponencial multiclase para evaluar las respuestas. Esta codificación produce un conjunto de valores margen que conllevan un rango de penalizaciones en caso de fallo y recompensas en caso de acierto. La optimización iterativa del modelo genera un proceso de Boosting asimétrico cuyos costes dependen del número de etiquetas separadas por cada clasificador débil. De este modo nuestro algoritmo de Boosting tiene en cuenta el desbalanceo debido a las clases a la hora de construir el clasificador. El resultado es un método bien fundamentado que extiende de manera canónica al AdaBoost original. El segundo algoritmo propuesto, BAdaCost, está concebido para problemas multiclase dotados de una matriz de costes. Motivados por los escasos trabajos dedicados a generalizar AdaBoost al terreno multiclase con costes, hemos propuesto un nuevo concepto de margen que, a su vez, permite derivar una función de pérdida adecuada para evaluar costes. Consideramos nuestro algoritmo como la extensión más canónica de AdaBoost para este tipo de problemas, ya que generaliza a los algoritmos SAMME, Cost-Sensitive AdaBoost y PIBoost. Por otro lado, sugerimos un simple procedimiento para calcular matrices de coste adecuadas para mejorar el rendimiento de Boosting a la hora de abordar problemas estándar y problemas con datos desbalanceados. Una serie de experimentos nos sirven para demostrar la efectividad de ambos métodos frente a otros conocidos algoritmos de Boosting multiclase en sus respectivas áreas. En dichos experimentos se usan bases de datos de referencia en el área de Machine Learning, en primer lugar para minimizar errores y en segundo lugar para minimizar costes. Además, hemos podido aplicar BAdaCost con éxito a un proceso de segmentación, un caso particular de problema con datos desbalanceados. Concluimos justificando el horizonte de futuro que encierra el marco de trabajo que presentamos, tanto por su aplicabilidad como por su flexibilidad teórica. Abstract The family of Boosting algorithms represents a type of classification and regression approach that has shown to be very effective in Computer Vision problems. Such is the case of detection, tracking and recognition of faces, people, deformable objects and actions. The first and most popular algorithm, AdaBoost, was introduced in the context of binary classification. Since then, many works have been proposed to extend it to the more general multi-class, multi-label, costsensitive, etc... domains. Our interest is centered in extending AdaBoost to two problems in the multi-class field, considering it a first step for upcoming generalizations. In this dissertation we propose two Boosting algorithms for multi-class classification based on new generalizations of the concept of margin. The first of them, PIBoost, is conceived to tackle the multi-class problem by solving many binary sub-problems. We use a vectorial codification to represent class labels and a multi-class exponential loss function to evaluate classifier responses. This representation produces a set of margin values that provide a range of penalties for failures and rewards for successes. The stagewise optimization of this model introduces an asymmetric Boosting procedure whose costs depend on the number of classes separated by each weak-learner. In this way the Boosting procedure takes into account class imbalances when building the ensemble. The resulting algorithm is a well grounded method that canonically extends the original AdaBoost. The second algorithm proposed, BAdaCost, is conceived for multi-class problems endowed with a cost matrix. Motivated by the few cost-sensitive extensions of AdaBoost to the multi-class field, we propose a new margin that, in turn, yields a new loss function appropriate for evaluating costs. Since BAdaCost generalizes SAMME, Cost-Sensitive AdaBoost and PIBoost algorithms, we consider our algorithm as a canonical extension of AdaBoost to this kind of problems. We additionally suggest a simple procedure to compute cost matrices that improve the performance of Boosting in standard and unbalanced problems. A set of experiments is carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of both methods against other relevant Boosting algorithms in their respective areas. In the experiments we resort to benchmark data sets used in the Machine Learning community, firstly for minimizing classification errors and secondly for minimizing costs. In addition, we successfully applied BAdaCost to a segmentation task, a particular problem in presence of imbalanced data. We conclude the thesis justifying the horizon of future improvements encompassed in our framework, due to its applicability and theoretical flexibility.
El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar las resonancias acústicas de una cavidad abierta tridimensional, de paredes rectas o inclinadas, mediante un método rápido y eficiente en el dominio del tiempo. Este método modela la respuesta temporal en cualquier punto como la convolución de la forma de onda de la fuente con la respuesta impulsiva de la cavidad, la cual se obtiene como una secuencia de impulsos retardados y atenuados procedentes de la fuente real, el primero, y de las fuentes imágenes especulares, los siguientes (Modelo Fuente Imagen, ISM). Además de las componentes directa y reflejadas en las paredes, la respuesta impulsiva también incluye las contribuciones difractadas en los bordes, obtenidas mediante la generación de las componentes difractadas de cada fuente imagen. Las frecuencias de resonancia acústica de la cavidad abierta son extraídas de los picos de la Función de Respuesta en Frecuencia (FRF), obtenida como la transformada de Fourier de la respuesta temporal correspondiente entre una fuente puntual y un punto cualquiera de la cavidad. Las frecuencias de resonancia acústicas estimadas mediante este Método de Fuentes Imagen + difracción en bordes son validadas por comparación con las que proporciona un Modelo de Elementos Finitos (FEM) y con las medidas experimentalmente, con diferencias menores que el 1.6 % y el 2.7 %, respectivamente. A modo de comparación, las frecuencias de resonancia estimadas para la misma cavidad por el método ISM, cuando no se incluye la difracción en los bordes, difieren en un 5.7 % de las obtenidas experimentalmente. ABSTRACT The goal of this thesis is to investigate the acoustic resonances of a three-dimensional open cavity, with parallel and non-parallel walls, by a fast and efficient method in the time domain. This method models the time response in any point as the convolution of the source waveform with the impulse response of the cavity, which, in turn, is obtained as a sequence of attenuated and delayed impulses coming, the first from the real, and the subsequent from the mirror imaged sources (Image Source Model). Besides direct and wall-reflected components, the impulse response includes also edge-diffracted contributions by generating first order diffraction components for each image source. The acoustic resonance frequencies of the open cavity are extracted from the peaks of the Frequency Response Function (FRF), obtained as the Fourier transform of the corresponding time response between a point source and any point in the cavity. The acoustic resonance frequencies estimated by the Image Source Model + edge diffraction are validated by comparison with those provided by a Finite Element Model (FEM) and the ones measured experimentally, differing less than 1.6 % and 2.7 %, respectively. As a comparison, resonance frequencies estimated with the pure Image Source Model differ by 5.7 % from the measured ones.
La construcción en la actualidad de nuevas fuentes para el uso de haces de neutrones así como los programas de renovación en curso en algunas de las instalaciones experimentales existentes han evidenciado la necesidad urgente de desarrollar la tecnología empleada para la construcción de guías de neutrones con objeto de hacerlas mas eficientes y duraderas. Esto viene motivado por el hecho de que varias instalaciones de experimentación con haces de neutrones han reportado un número de incidentes mecánicos con tales guías, lo que hace urgente el progresar en nuestro conocimiento de los susbtratos vítreos sobre los cuales se depositan los espejos que permiten la reflexión total de los neutrones y como aquellos se degradan con la radiación. La presente tesis se inscribe en un acuerdo de colaboración establecido entre el Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL) de Grenoble y el Consorcio ESS-Bilbao con objeto de mejorar el rendimiento y sostenibilidad de los sistemas futuros de guiado de neutrones. El caso de la Fuente Europea de Espalación en construcción en Lund sirve como ejemplo ya que se contempla la instalación de guías de neutrones de más de 100 metros en algunos de los instrumentos. Por otro lado, instalaciones como el ILL prevén también dentro del programa Endurance de rejuvenecimiento la reconstrucción de varias líneas de transporte de haz. Para el presente estudio se seleccionaron cuatro tipos de vidrios borosilicatados que fueron el Borofloat, N-ZK7, N-BK7 y SBSL7. Los tres primeros son bien conocidos por los especialistas en instrumentación neutrónica ya que se han empleado en la construcción de varias instalaciones mientras que el último es un candidato potencial en la fabricación de substratos para espejos neutrónicos en un futuro. Los cuatro vidrios tiene un contenido en óxido de Boro muy similar, approximadamente un 10 mol.%. Tal hecho que obedece a las regulaciones para la fabricación de estos dispositivos hace que tales substratos operen como protección radiológica absorbiendo los neutrones transmitidos a través del espejo de neutrones. Como contrapartida a tal beneficio, la reacción de captura 10B(n,_)7Li puede degradar el substrato vítreo debido a los 2.5 MeV de energía cinética depositados por la partícula _ y los núcleos en retroceso y de hecho la fragilidad de tales vidrios bajo radiación ha sido atribuida desde hace ya tiempo a los efectos de esta reacción. La metodología empleada en esta tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de la estructura de estos vidrios borosilicatados y como esta se comporta bajo condiciones de radiación. Los materiales en cuestión presentan estructuras que dependen de su composición química y en particular del ratio entre formadores y modificadores de la red iono-covalente. Para ello se han empleado un conjunto de técnicas de caracterización tanto macro- como microscópicas tales como estudios de dureza, TEM, Raman, SANS etc. que se han empleado también para determinar el comportamiento de estos materiales bajo radiación. En particular, algunas propiedades macroscópicas relacionadas con la resistencia de estos vidrios como elementos estructurales de las guías de neutrones han sido estudiadas así como también los cambios en la estructura vítrea consecuencia de la radiación. Para este propósito se ha diseñado y fabricado por el ILL un aparato para irradiación de muestras con neutrones térmicos en el reactor del ILL que permite controlar la temperatura alcanzada por la muestra a menos de 100 °C. Tal equipo en comparación con otros ya existences permite en cuestión de dias acumular las dosis recibidas por una guía en operación a lo largo de varios años. El uso conjunto de varias técnicas de caracterización ha llevado a revelar que los vidrios aqui estudiados son significativamente diferentes en cuanto a su estructura y que tales diferencias afectan a sus propiedades macroscópicas asi como a su comportamiento bajo radiación. Tal resultado ha sido sorprendente ya que, como se ha mencionado antes, algunos de estos vidrios eran bien conocidos por los fabricantes de guías de neutrones y hasta el momento eran considerados prácticamente similares debido a su contenido comparable en óxido de Boro. Sin embargo, los materiales N-BK7 and S-BSL7 muetran gran homogeneidad a todas las escalas de longitud, y más específicamente, a escalas nanométricas las subredes de Sílice y óxido de Boro se mezclan dando logar a estructuras locales que recuerdan a la del cristal de Reedmergnerita. Por el contrario, N-ZK7 y Borofloat muestran dominios separados ricos en Sílice o Boro. Como era de esperar, las importantes diferencias arriba mencionadas se traducen en comportamientos dispares de estos materiales bajo un haz de neutrones térmicos. Los resultados muestran que el N-BK7 y el S-BSL7 son los más estables bajo radiación, lo que macroscópicamente hace que estos materiales muestren un comportamiento similar expandiéndose lentamente en función de la dosis recibida. Por el contario, los otros dos materiales muestran un comportamiento mucho más reactivo, que hace que inicialmente se compacten con la dosis recibida lo que hace que las redes de Silicio y Boro se mezclen resultando en un incremento en densidad hasta alcanzar un valor límite, seguido por un proceso de expansión lenta que resulta comparable al observado para N-BK7 y SBSL7. Estos resultados nos han permitido explicar el origen de las notorias diferencias observadas en cuanto a las dosis límite a partir de las cuales estos materiales desarrollan procesos de fragmentación en superficie. ABSTRACT The building of new experimental neutron beam facilities as well as the renewal programmes under development at some of the already existing installations have pinpointed the urgent need to develop the neutron guide technology in order to make such neutron transport devices more efficient and durable. In fact, a number of mechanical failures of neutron guides have been reported by several research centres. It is therefore important to understand the behaviour of the glass substrates on top of which the neutron optics mirrors are deposited and how these materials degrade under radiation conditions. The case of the European Spallation Source (ESS) at present under construction at Lund is a good example. It previews the deployment of neutron guides having more than 100 metres of length for most of the instruments. Also, the future renovation programme of the ILL, called Endurance, foresees the refurbishment of several beam lines. This Ph.D. thesis was the result of a collaboration agreement between the ILL and ESS-Bilbao aiming to improve the performance and sustainability of future neutron delivery systems. Four different industrially produced alkali-borosilicate glasses were selected for this study: Borofloat, N-ZK7, N-BK7 and SBSL7. The first three are well known within the neutron instrumentation community as they have already been used in several installations whereas the last one is at present considered as a candidate for making future mirror substrates. All four glasses have a comparable content of boron oxide of about 10 mol.%. The presence of such a strong neutron absorption element is in fact a mandatory component for the manufacturing of neutron guides because it provides a radiological shielding for the environment. This benefit is however somewhat counterbalanced since the resulting 10B(n,_)7Li reactions degrade the glass due to the deposited energy of 2.5 MeV by the _ particle and the recoil nuclei. In fact, the brittleness of some of these materials has been ascribed to this reaction. The methodology employed by this study consisted in understanding the general structure of borosilicates and how they behave under irradiation. Such materials have a microscopic structure strongly dependent upon their chemical content and particularly on the ratios between network formers and modifiers. The materials have been characterized by a suite of macroscopic and structural techniques such as hardness, TEM, Raman, SANS, etc. and their behaviour under irradiation was analysed. Some macroscopic properties related to their resistance when used as guide structural elements were monitored. Also, changes in the vitreous structure due to radiation were observed by means of several experimental tools. For such a purpose, an irradiation apparatus has been designed and manufactured to enable irradiation with thermal neutrons within the ILL reactor while keeping the samples below 100 °C. The main advantage of this equipment if compared to others previously available was that it allowed to reach in just some days an equivalent neutron dose to that accumulated by guides after several years of use. The concurrent use of complementary characterization techniques lead to the discovery that the studied glasses were deeply different in terms of their glass network. This had a strong impact on their macroscopic properties and their behaviour under irradiation. This result was a surprise since, as stated above, some of these materials were well known by the neutron guide manufacturers, and were considered to be almost equivalent because of their similar boron oxide content. The N-BK7 and S-BSL7 materials appear to be fairly homogeneous glasses at different length scales. More specifically, at nanometre scales, silicon and boron oxide units seem to mix and generate larger structures somewhat resembling crystalline Reedmergnerite. In contrast, N-ZK7 and Borofloat are characterized by either silicon or boron rich domains. As one could expect, these drastic differences lead to their behaviour under thermal neutron flux. The results show that N-BK7 and S-BSL7 are structurally the most stable under radiation. Macroscopically, such stability results in the fact that these two materials show very slow swelling as a function or radiation dose. In contrast, the two other glasses are much more reactive. The whole glass structure compacts upon radiation. Specifically, the silica network, and the boron units tend to blend leading to an increase in density up to some saturation, followed by a very slow expansion which comes to be of the same order than that shown by N-BK7 and S-BSL7. Such findings allowed us to explain the drastic differences in the radiation limits for macroscopic surface splintering for these materials when they are used in neutron guides.
Según Heidegger, la esencia de la arquitectura, de la construcción, descansa en un no espacio: en la materia con que se construyen las fronteras que otorgan espacios, irradiando sobre ellos aquello que los caracteriza. Si hay alguna materia, de las utilizadas por la arquitectura a lo largo de su historia para construir fronteras, que haya mantenido una especial relación con la luz y la visión, dando un carácter inconfundible a los espacios aviados por ellas, esta es el vidrio; algunas de las etimologías de su nombre: zakû (ser claro), hyalos (diáfano) o vitrum (ver), así lo evidencian. Posiblemente, sea la pregnancia de este modo fascinante de relacionarse con la luz, la que ha hecho del vidrio, a lo largo del tiempo que lleva siendo usado en arquitectura, y aún antes, el material que ha provocado en el imaginario humano la ilusión de ser aquel en que, en último término, podrían llegar a sublimarse todos los demás, dando lugar con ello a lo que en la tesis hemos denominado el sueño de la arquitectura de cristal. Siendo la luz, siempre, energía, consideraremos en la tesis luz-energía, a aquella que ilumina y calienta; es una luz científica y mesurable. Cuando la luz se “hace visible”, desvelando un mensaje “contenido” en el vidrio, hablaremos de luz-información. Esta luz, no puede medirse científicamente. La luz-energía y la luz-información, se manifiestan al conjuro de la arquitectura de vidrio. Es la segunda la que ha conformado las fronteras de vidrio enmascarado, y la que se estudia con más detenimiento en la tesis. Los distintos modos de usar en arquitectura la infinita combinatoria de las propiedades de absortancia, reflectancia, transmitancia y translucencia del vidrio, ha condicionado al hombre en su manera de “ver” el mundo. Unas veces, “inmerso” en él, puesto que solo lo separa del mismo, una frontera transparente, y “deseadamente” invisible: ese modo de usar el vidrio, ha sido el sueño imposible de una parte importante de la arquitectura del siglo XX. Otras veces, para “aislarse” de él, el hombre ha manipulado la luz y el vidrio para construir mundos diferentes. Las fronteras de vidrio enmascarado de color, mosaicos, vidrieras, pantallas y lo que hemos llamado vidrios complejos (con un cometido similar al que Schiller atribuía al coro en la tragedia griega, aislar a esta del “mundo real”, para mantener su libertad poética), son las fronteras que han construido el sueño posible de la arquitectura de cristal. Ambas actitudes, en distintos momentos de la historia de la arquitectura, han sido dos formas de querer materializar un mismo sueño. La capacidad del vidrio para adaptarse a tantos modos de presentarse ante nosotros, y a poder ser interpretado de tantas formas diferentes, es la que ha servido para dar título a la tesis, pues hasta en su faceta más transparente, el vidrio, de una forma o de otra, se ha mostrado siempre como un material enmascarado en el más amplio sentido de la palabra: se enmascara, incluso cuando apela a la transparencia o se convierte en espejo, para hacernos caer en la ilusión de que no está presente. Cuando el hombre construyó fronteras de vidrio e incluso antes, cuando soñó que con él podría llegar a construirlas, condensó en ellas toda la mítica, la mística y la epistemología en torno a la luz y la visión, dando lugar a una serie de arquetipos arquitectónicos. En la iglesia bizantina, la luz sobre, o la luz desde, los mosaicos, construyó una frontera titilante; y en la catedral gótica, la luz a través de las vidrieras construyó una frontera radiante; en ambos casos con el fin de alcanzar anagógicamente lo Inteligible. En el siglo XIX, con el descubrimiento de la electricidad y su incorporación a la arquitectura, las fronteras se vuelven fulgurantes, aviando, en este caso, el espacio urbano. Poco antes, en este mismo siglo, el espíritu del gótico tiene un efímero resurgir del que se nutrirá, a comienzos del siglo XX, el expresionismo cristalino, en el que la luz anagógica se hace laica. El espacio urbano fulgurante prefigurado por este movimiento y presente en las ciudades desde principios del siglo XX, fue potenciado a mediados de ese siglo con la aparición de las pantallas, extendiéndose desde entonces, imparable, por todo el planeta. La reciente emergencia de los vidrios complejos, ha abierto la posibilidad de construir fronteras a la carta (de vidrios de propiedades múltiples, seleccionadas de forma voluntaria y variable en cada momento). En principio, se pensó que, el uso de estos vidrios como cerramiento, podría llegar a constituirse como la panacea de los problemas del material relacionados con la luz-energía, sin necesidad de recurrir a “prótesis”, y manteniendo por tanto la seductora tersura de la fachada; aunque parece que, por ahora, esa posibilidad es, cuando menos, lejana. Sin embargo, en el campo de las megapantallas urbanas (y ,en general, en el de las pantallas de información), ubicuas actualmente en nuestras vidas, los vidrios complejos ayudan a construir los espesos velos de ilusión, que según Lefebvre sirven para mantener el capitalismo, siendo el último estadio de un desarrollo tecnológico, impuesto por el principio de economía del hombre, que como un metrónomo inexorable, y a modo de contrapunto, ha acompañado siempre (de nuevo en palabras de Lefebvre), a la necesidad del gasto, del juego, de la lucha, del arte, de la fiesta. La tecnología y el arte forman parte de la cultura producida por la sociedad y como señala Lévi-Strauss, esa cultura imprime orden; por el contrario, la sociedad, entendida como el conjunto de relaciones que los hombres mantienen entre sí, produce desorden. Del equilibrio entre esos extremos, surge el progreso, incluido el de la arquitectura. Las fronteras de vidrio que analizamos en la tesis –que avían espacios para la espiritualidad, el fasto y el espectáculo o, desde otro punto de vista, para las distintas manifestaciones del poder: la iglesia, la monarquía, el estado o el mercado– también han surgido de esa concomitancia entre el desorden y el orden; y forma parte de ese desorden, la aventura que ha impulsado al genio individual de místicos, alquimistas, geómetras, abades, reyes, inventores, poetas y arquitectos, a explorar, como escribe Apollinaire, vastos y extraños territorios donde el misterio en flor, se ofrece a quien quiera cogerlo, hogueras nuevas de colores nunca vistos, mil fantasmas imponderables a los que dar cuerpo. ABSTRACT According to Heidegger, the essence of architecture, building, lies in a non-space: the material that creates the boundaries from which something begins its presencing, radiating onto them that which characterizes them. If there is any single material amongst all those used throughout the history of architecture to build boundaries which has maintained a special relationship with light and vision, which has bestowed a distinctive character on spaces avid for them, it is glass. This is evidenced in some of its etymologies: zakû (to be clear), hyalos (transparent), vitrum (see). The rich potential of this fascinating way of relating to light in the history of the architectural use of glass, and even before, is possibly what has triggered the illusion in human imagination of being something that can ultimately sublimate all others, giving rise to what in this thesis we call The Dream of Crystal Architecture. Given that light is always energy, in this thesis we consider energy-light to be that which illuminates and warms. This is scientific, measurable light. When light "becomes visible" and reveals a message “contained” in glass, we speak of information-light. This light cannot be measured scientifically. Energy-light and information-light are manifested under the spell of glass architecture. The latter is what has shaped the boundaries of coloured glass, which is studied in this thesis. Architecture's different ways of using the infinite combinations of the absorptance, reflectance, transmittance and translucency of glass has affected the way we humans "see" the world. Sometimes we are "immersed" in it, since only an invisible, transparent boundary separates us from it: this use of glass has characterized a considerable part of 20th century architecture. In other cases, in order to "isolate" us from it, we have manipulated light and glass to build different worlds: the boundaries of glass "masked" by colour, mosaics, stained glass, screens and what we have called complex glazing, which plays a similar role to what Schiller attributed to the chorus in Greek tragedy, isolating it from the "real world" in order to maintain its poetic license. These are the boundaries that have built the viable dream of crystal architecture. These two approaches have been different ways of making same dream come true at different times in the history of architecture. The ability of glass to adapt to so many forms of manifestation, and interpretation, is what has given rise to the title of the thesis. Even in its most transparent facet, glass has one way or another always been a masking material in the broadest sense of the word: it is masked even when it invites transparency or becomes a mirror, triggering the illusion that it is not present. When man began to build glass boundaries, and even before, when he dreamed that he could build them, he condensed in them all the mythology, mysticism and epistemology concerning light and vision, which gave rise to a series of architectural archetypes. In the Byzantine church, light on or from mosaics created tenuous boundaries. In Gothic cathedrals, the light through the stained glass windows constructed radiant boundaries. In both cases the aim was to achieve, in an anagogical way, the Intelligible. In the 19th, the discovery of electricity and its use in architecture led to the production of dazzling boundaries, in this case employed in urban spaces. Earlier in the same century, the Gothic spirit had a short-lived revival, which in the early 20th century drew from crystalline expressionism in which anagogic light became secular. The dazzling urban space prefigured by this movement, present in cities since the early 20th century, was intensified in the mid-century with the emergence of screens, and since then it has spread unstoppably across the world. The recent emergence of complex glasses has made it possible to build boundaries on demand in glass with multiple properties, chosen at will and at whim at any time. Initially it was thought that the use of this glass as a wall could eventually become the panacea for the material problems related to energy-light, without needing to resort to "prosthesis" and thereby maintain the seductive smoothness of the facade. For now, that possibility seems remote, to say the least. In the realm of urban megascreens and information screens in general, now ubiquitous in our lives, complex glasses help to build the thick veils of illusion which, according to Lefebvre, serve to maintain capitalism. Like an inexorable metronome, in counterpoint, this ultimate state of technological development imposed by man's principle of economy has in fact always accompanied (again in the words of Lefebvre), the need to spend, play, fight, art, and party. Technology and art are part of the culture produced by society. As Levi-Strauss says, this culture imposes order. On the contrary, society, understood as a set of relationships amongst people, produces disorder. Progress, including that of architecture, arises from the balance between these two extremes. The glass boundaries analyzed in this thesis, which propitiate spaces for spirituality, pomp and spectacle or, from a different perspective, for the various manifestations of power: the church, the monarchy, the state and the market, have also emerged from the concomitance of order and disorder. One aspect of this disorder is the adventure that has inspired the individual genius of mystics, alchemists, surveyors, abbots, kings, inventors, poets and architects to explore, as Apollinaire says, vast, strange domains where flowering mystery offers itself to whoever wishes to pluck it, new fires, colours you have never seen before, a thousand intangible phantasms still awaiting reality.
O termo luz se inscreve no encontro das tradições veterotestamentária e grego-romana como uma alternativa a certas necessidades da comunidade joanina: as culturas diferentes dos povos que receberam o evangelho; a diversidade dos problemas que pediam respostas diferentes; a diferença de classes dentro da comunidade; as tomadas de posição discordantes diante da política do império e o conflito entre judeus e cristãos. E é neste ínterim de conflito, tanto interno como externo, um momento doloroso para os dissidentes, porque os prejuízos não eram apenas religiosos, mas provocavam mudanças em todos os âmbitos da vida, que a comunidade joanina procurará alternativa. Por isso, a Narrativa da Cura do Cego de Nascença (Jo 9,1-41) é um espelho para a comunidade. Ela buscará em Jesus a luz de que precisa para continuar. O cego representa a comunidade antes de conhecer a Luz do Mundo. A solidariedade, a fraternidade e o amor mútuos são forças que ajudaram na resistência.(AU)
O termo luz se inscreve no encontro das tradições veterotestamentária e grego-romana como uma alternativa a certas necessidades da comunidade joanina: as culturas diferentes dos povos que receberam o evangelho; a diversidade dos problemas que pediam respostas diferentes; a diferença de classes dentro da comunidade; as tomadas de posição discordantes diante da política do império e o conflito entre judeus e cristãos. E é neste ínterim de conflito, tanto interno como externo, um momento doloroso para os dissidentes, porque os prejuízos não eram apenas religiosos, mas provocavam mudanças em todos os âmbitos da vida, que a comunidade joanina procurará alternativa. Por isso, a Narrativa da Cura do Cego de Nascença (Jo 9,1-41) é um espelho para a comunidade. Ela buscará em Jesus a luz de que precisa para continuar. O cego representa a comunidade antes de conhecer a Luz do Mundo. A solidariedade, a fraternidade e o amor mútuos são forças que ajudaram na resistência.(AU)
A presente pesquisa visa a revisão bibliográfica do processo formativo e, ao mesmo tempo, a investigação e problematização da atuação contemporânea do educador ironista na Educação. O autor Imanol Aguirre, concebe este título ao educador que seja provocativo, inteirado e propositor de experiências estéticas frente às complexidades contemporâneas, amalgamadas num tecido histórico-social caracterizado pelo trânsito da pluralidade, dos imaginários, da construção de identidade e da mobilidade social. O ironista atua dialogicamente “in loco” criando respostas às variadas demandas com os seus educandos. A fomentação da crítica, a mobilização da dúvida e da ironia, a conexão dos territórios das competências e habilidades, são os objetivos pelos quais o educador ironista intenciona um cenário educacional mais efetivo e emancipador ante as reais necessidades contemporâneas.
Recent studies demonstrated that a synthetic fusion peptide of HIV-1 self-associates in phospholipid membranes and inhibits HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein-mediated cell fusion, presumably by interacting with the N-terminal domain of gp41 and forming inactive heteroaggregates [Kliger, Y., Aharoni, A., Rapaport, D., Jones, P., Blumenthal, R. & Shai, Y. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 13496–13505]. Here, we show that a synthetic all d-amino acid peptide corresponding to the N-terminal sequence of HIV-1 gp41 (D-WT) of HIV-1 associates with its enantiomeric wild-type fusion (WT) peptide in the membrane and inhibits cell fusion mediated by the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein. D-WT does not inhibit cell fusion mediated by the HIV-2 envelope glycoprotein. WT and D-WT are equally potent in inducing membrane fusion. D-WT peptide but not WT peptide is resistant to proteolytic digestion. Structural analysis showed that the CD spectra of D-WT in trifluoroethanol/water is a mirror image of that of WT, and attenuated total reflectance–fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed similar structures and orientation for the two enantiomers in the membrane. The results reveal that the chirality of the synthetic peptide corresponding to the HIV-1 gp41 N-terminal sequence does not play a role in liposome fusion and that the peptides’ chirality is not necessarily required for peptide–peptide interaction within the membrane environment. Furthermore, studies along these lines may provide criteria to design protease-resistant therapeutic agents against HIV and other viruses.
In vitro selection experiments have produced nucleic acid ligands (aptamers) that bind tightly and specifically to a great variety of target biomolecules. The utility of aptamers is often limited by their vulnerability to nucleases present in biological materials. One way to circumvent this problem is to select an aptamer that binds the enantiomer of the target, then synthesize the enantiomer of the aptamer as a nuclease-insensitive ligand of the normal target. We have so identified a mirror-image single-stranded DNA that binds the peptide hormone vasopressin and have demonstrated its stability to nucleases and its bioactivity as a vasopressin antagonist in cell culture.
Peptide nucleic acids (PNA) are mimics with normal bases connected to a pseudopeptide chain that obey Watson–Crick rules to form stable duplexes with itself and natural nucleic acids. This has focused attention on PNA as therapeutic or diagnostic reagents. Duplexes formed with PNA mirror some but not all properties of DNA. One fascinating aspect of PNA biochemistry is their reaction with enzymes. Here we show an enzyme reaction that operates effectively on a PNA/DNA hybrid duplex. A DNA oligonucleotide containing a cis, syn-thymine [2+2] dimer forms a stable duplex with PNA. The hybrid duplex is recognized by photolyase, and irradiation of the complex leads to the repair of the thymine dimer. This finding provides insight into the enzyme mechanism and provides a means for the selective repair of thymine photodimers.
Using computer programs developed for this purpose, we searched for various repeated sequences including inverted, direct tandem, and homopurine–homopyrimidine mirror repeats in various prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and an archaebacterium. Comparison of observed frequencies with expectations revealed that in bacterial genomes and organelles the frequency of different repeats is either random or enriched for inverted and/or direct tandem repeats. By contrast, in all eukaryotic genomes studied, we observed an overrepresentation of all repeats, especially homopurine–homopyrimidine mirror repeats. Analysis of the genomic distribution of all abundant repeats showed that they are virtually excluded from coding sequences. Unexpectedly, the frequencies of abundant repeats normalized for their expectations were almost perfect exponential functions of their size, and for a given repeat this function was indistinguishable between different genomes.
The erythroid membrane cytoskeletal protein 4.1 is the prototypical member of a genetically and topologically complex family that is generated by combinatorial alternative splicing pathways and is localized at diverse intracellular sites including the nucleus. To explore the molecular determinants for nuclear localization, we transfected COS-7 cells with epitope-tagged versions of natural red cell protein 4.1 (4.1R) isoforms as well as mutagenized and truncated derivatives. Two distant topological sorting signals were required for efficient nuclear import of the 4.1R80 isoform: a basic peptide, KKKRER, encoded by alternative exon 16 and acting as a weak core nuclear localization signal (4.1R NLS), and an acidic peptide, EED, encoded by alternative exon 5. 4.1R80 isoforms lacking either of these two exons showed decreased nuclear import. Fusion of various 4.1R80 constructs to the cytoplasmic reporter protein pyruvate kinase confirmed a requirement for both motifs for full NLS function. 4.1R80 was efficiently imported in the nuclei of digitonin-permeabilized COS-7 cells in the presence of recombinant Rch1 (human importin α2), importin β, and GTPase Ran. Quantitative analysis of protein–protein interactions using a resonant mirror detection technique showed that 4.1R80 bound to Rch1 in vitro with high affinity (KD = 30 nM). The affinity decreased at least 7- and 20-fold, respectively, if the EED motif in exon 5 or if 4.1R NLS in exon 16 was lacking or mutated, confirming that both motifs were required for efficient importin-mediated nuclear import of 4.1R80.
Telomerase activity is developmentally regulated in mammals. Here we examine telomerase activity in plants, whose development differs in fundamental ways from that of animals. Using a modified version of the telomere repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay, we detected an activity in extracts from carrots, cauliflower, soybean, Arabidopsis, and rice with all the characteristics expected for a telomerase synthesizing the plant telomere repeat sequence TTTAGGG. The activity was dependent on RNA and protein components, required dGTP, dATP, and dTTP, but not dCTP, and generated products with a seven nucleotide periodicity. Telomerase activity was abundant in cauliflower meristematic tissue and undifferentiated cells from Arabidopsis, soybean, and carrot suspension cultures, but was low or not detectable in a sampling of differentiated tissues from mature plants. Telomerase from cauliflower meristematic tissues exhibited relaxed DNA sequence requirements, which might reflect the capacity to form telomeres on broken chromosomes in vivo. The dramatic differences in telomerase expression and their correlation with cellular proliferation capacity mirror changes in human telomerase levels during differentiation and immortalization. Hence, telomerase activation appears to be a conserved mechanism involved in conferring long-term proliferation capacity.
In both normally hydrated and volume-expanded rats, there was a biphasic effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) (1–10 μg, i.v.) on renal function. Within the first hour, CRH caused antidiuresis, antinatriuresis, and antikaliuresis together with reduction in urinary cGMP output that, in the fourth hour, were replaced by diuresis, natriuresis, and kaliuresis accompanied by increased cGMP output. Plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) concentrations increased significantly within 5 min, reached a peak at 15 min, and declined by 30 min to still-elevated values maintained for 180 min. Changes in plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were the mirror image of those of AVP. Plasma ANP levels were correlated with decreased ANP in the left ventricle at 30 min and increased ANP mRNA in the right atrium at 180 min. All urinary changes were reversed by a potent AVP type 2 receptor (V2R) antagonist. Control 0.9% NaCl injections evoked an immediate increase in blood pressure and heart rate measured by telemetry within 3–5 min. This elevation of blood pressure was markedly inhibited by CRH (5 μg). We hypothesize that the effects are mediated by rapid, direct vasodilation induced by CRH that decreases baroreceptor input to the brain stem, leading to a rapid release of AVP that induces the antidiuresis by direct action on the V2Rs in the kidney. Simultaneously, acting on V2Rs in the heart, AVP inhibits ANP release and synthesis, resulting in a decrease in renal cGMP output that is responsible for the antinatriuretic and antikaliuretic effects.
Binding properties of lignin peroxidase (LiP) from the basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium against a synthetic lignin (dehydrogenated polymerizate, DHP) were studied with a resonant mirror biosensor. Among several ligninolytic enzymes, only LiP specifically binds to DHP. Kinetic analysis revealed that the binding was reversible, and that the dissociation equilibrium constant was 330 μM. The LiP–DHP interaction was controlled by the ionization group with a pKa of 5.3, strongly suggesting that a specific amino acid residue plays a role in lignin binding. A one-electron transfer from DHP to oxidized intermediates LiP compounds I and II (LiPI and LiPII) was characterized by using a stopped-flow technique, showing that binding interactions of DHP with LiPI and LiPII led to saturation kinetics. The dissociation equilibrium constants for LiPI–DHP and LiPII–DHP interactions were calculated to be 350 and 250 μM, and the first-order rate constants for electron transfer from DHP to LiPI and to LiPII were calculated to be 46 and 16 s−1, respectively. These kinetic and spectral studies strongly suggest that LiP is capable of oxidizing lignin directly at the protein surface by a long-range electron transfer process. A close look at the crystal structure suggested that LiP possesses His-239 as a possible lignin-binding site on the surface, which is linked to Asp-238. This Asp residue is hydrogen-bonded to the proximal His-176. This His–Asp⋅⋅⋅proximal-His motif would be a possible electron transfer route to oxidize polymeric lignin.