991 resultados para counties
Despite the importance of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) in Rio Grande do Sul, little is known about mites fluctuation population considered important to this crop. The objective of this study was to know the population diversity and fluctuation of mite species associated with Premier and Eldorado varieties in Roca Sales and Venâncio Aires counties, Rio Grande do Sul. The study was conducted from July 2008 to June 2009 when 15 plants were randomly chosen in each area. The plants were divided in quadrants and from each one a branch was chosen from which three leaves were removed: one collected in the apical region, another in the medium and the other in the basal region, totalizing 180 leaves/area. Five of the most abundant associated plants were collected monthly in enough amounts for the screening under the stereoscopic microscope during an hour. A total of 1,124 mites were found belonging to 14 families and 28 species. Tetranychus ludeni Zacher, 1913, Panonychus ulmi (Koch, 1836) and Mononychellus planki (McGregor, 1950) were the most abundant phytophagous mites, whereas Typhlodromalus aripo Deleon, 1967 and Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks, 1904) the most common predatory mites. The period of one hour under stereoscopic microscope was enough to get a representative sample. In both places evaluated the ecologic indices were low, but little higherin Premier (H' 0.56; EqJ: 0.43) when compared to Eldorado (H' 0.53; EqJ 0.40). In Premier constant species were not observed and accessory only Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939), T. ludeni and T. aripo. Higher abundance was observed in December and January and bigger amount in April. Already in Eldorado, T. ludeni and P. ulmi were constants. Greater abundance was observed in November and December, whereas grater richness in December and January. In both orchards were not found mites in buds. Tetranychus ludeni is the most abundant phytophagous mites with outbreak population in November, December and January and high predator diversity was observed on associated plants and on peach plants, indicating the existence of species mobility in peach orchard.
Työssä selvitetään kompostointilaitoksen lopputuotteen erilaisia käyttömahdollisuuksia. Yleisten käyttökohteiden pohjalta on luotu malli Vapo Oy Biotech:n toimittaman Himangan kompostointilaitoksen kompostin hyödyntämiselle. Laitos sijaitsee Himangan kunnassa Keski- Pohjanmaalla. Laitoksella kompostoidaan pääasiassa Himangan ja ympäröivien kuntien jätevesilietteitä turkiseläinlantaa. Jätehuolto Suomessa ja koko EU:n alueella elää voimakasta muutoskautta. Orgaanisten jätteiden vienti kaatopaikoille pyritään tulevaisuudessa lopettamaan kokonaan, mikä on lisännyt niiden käsittelyä mm. kompostoimalla. Kompostoinnin lopputuotteena saadaan ravinteikasta, humuspitoista ainesta. Kompostoinnin yhtenä tavoitteena on tuottaa hyötykäyttöön soveltuvaa tuotetta, joten käyttökohteen löytäminen kompostille on laitoksen toiminnan kannalta erittäin tärkeää. Kompostin käyttömahdollisuuksiin vaikuttavat lainsäädäntö, kompostin ominaisuudet sekä paikalliset olosuhteet. Käyttökohteet on työssä jaettu ei-energiakäyttöön ja energiakäyttöön. Ei-energiakäyttöön kuuluvat maanparannuskäyttö, lannoitekäyttö, käyttö kasvualustassa, maisemointi ja julkinen rakentaminen sekä joitakin erityissovelluksia. Energiakäytön puolella on tarkasteltu kompostin soveltuvuutta erilaisille polttotekniikoille sekä vertailtu kompostia muihin kiinteisiin polttoaineisiin. Kompostien soveltuvuutta eri kohteisiin on arvioitu kompostin analyysi- ja kasvatuskoetulosten pohjalta. Kompostin ei-energiakaytössa on saatu eri tutkimuksissa lupaavia tuloksia. Kompostin on todettu soveltuvan erittäin hyvin mm. perunanviljelyyn, viljan ja nurmikasvien viljelyyn ja erilaisiin maisemointikohteisiin sekä kotipuutarhakäyttöön. Kompostin käyttöä polttoaineena ei ole vielä kokeiltu missään. Kompostin polton suurimmat ongelmat ovat korkea tuhka-, rikki- ja typpipitoisuus sekä epätasainen laatu.
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yrityskeskittymien valvontaa Euroopan unionissa. Kiinnostuksen kohteena on erityisesti, syrjivätkö yrityskauppasäännökset pienten maiden yrityksiä estämällä niiden kasvun kansainvälisesti kilpailukykyisiksi. Komission Komission markkinamäärittelyä on arvosteltu erityisesti maantieteellisten markkinoiden osalta. Komissio kielsi ruotsalaisten kuorma- ja linja-autoja valmistavien Volvon ja Scanian fuusion maaliskuussa 2000 tarkasteltuaan asiaa kansallisten markkinoiden kannalta. Arvostelijoiden mukaan markkina-alue olisi ollut koko EU:n laajuinen. Aihetta tutkitaan merkittävimpiin päätöksiin tutustumalla, kirjallisuuteen ja aiheesta kirjoitettuihin artikkeleihin perehtymällä sekä haastattelemalla asiantuntijoita. Komission käytännön ei voida osoittaa syrjivän esim. Pohjoismaita markkinoiden määrittämisessä. Viime vuosien fuusioissa markkinat on määritelty kansallisiksi yhtä usein Pohjoismaissa kuin muuallakin EU-alueella. Pohjoismaiden asemaa vaikeuttavat syrjäinen sijainti ja muut olosuhteet, jotka lisäävät alalletulon esteitä. Koska markkinat ovat pienet, ulkomaisille potentiaalisille kilpailijoille ei ole tarjolla suuria voittoja esim. Suomesta. Sisämarkkinoiden kehittyminen tulee parantamaan yritysten mahdollisuuksia laajentua yrityskaupoilla. Pohjoismaiden tilanteeseen sisämarkkinoiden kehittymisellä ei kuitenkaan kaikilla aloilla ole suurta vaikutusta, johtuen erilaisista olosuhteista muuhun Eurooppaan verrattuna.
The aim of this thesis is to create the energy balance from county of South Savo and 20 municipalities comprising the year 2006. The energy balance is restricted to county and municipality borders. Purpose of energy balance is to clarify the present state of energy supply and present information for future decisions. The main objectives for the future are e.g. replacing oil with renewable energy sources and exploiting the forest reserves of South Savo more effectively. Today South Savo is known as being one of the forerunners in use of renewable energy. The growing demand for energy is in South Savo mostly covered with renewable energy sources such as forest chips. The initial data for this thesis is gathered from local energy companies and energy producers. This thesis also exploits formerly made energy balances, publications and statistic from different organisations. The literature study of thesis begins with the basic information about South Savo and energy sources used in the year 2006. Following the thesis includes the energy balance consisting of primary energy sources and consumption of energy. Rest of the thesis includes facts about carbon dioxide emissions, future energy sources and conclusions of results, reliability and expected use of this thesis. Results of this thesis define well the present state of South Savo and are in line with county goals. The results will be used as an aid for policy-making and for considering the condition of current energy supply in South Savo. The method of doing this energy balance can be adapted for other counties as well.
This work aims at the study of the air quality determination regarding the total suspended particles (TSP) and the associated metals in the counties of Charqueadas and Sapucaia do Sul at the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The TSP samples were collected using high volume samplers and the analysis of the metallic elements was accomplished through ICP-AES. The results revealed that the TSP concentrations, found in the two studied regions, have exceded the current air quality patterns established by the Brazilian Legislation. They also revealed high levels of several of the elements being attributed to the presence of anthropogenic sources. The correlation between meteorological data (speed and wind direction) and TSP concentrations were significant and revealed strong influence in particle dispersion.
Finnish health centres have suffered from a shortage of physicians in recent years. This is why more physicians are being educated, the tutelage of the young physicians has been improved and many tasks which were previously reserved for physicians have been transferred to nurses and other personnel of the health centres. Only a little research has been done about the effects of the shortage of physicians and education to the work atmosphere in the health centres The objectives of the study was to describe the situation of the physicians in the counties Satakunta and South-Western Finland at the time when the University of Turku started to decentralise its education to Satakunta and describe the health centres attitudes towards training and research co-operation with the University of Turku; to gain information about the training programmes for physicians in specific training in general medical practice (STPG); study how the shortage of physicians affects the job atmosphere, the job satisfaction and the operation of the health centres; study health centre employees opinions about their professional skills, their needs and interets in continuing education; study medical and nurse students professional indentity and their readiness to multiprofessional teamwork. The material of the study was gathered during 2003-2006 with three mail questionnaires and a questionnaire given to medical and nurse students who practised in the training health centre in Pori. The first questionnaire was sent to the chief physicians of the health centres in counties Satakunta and South-Western Finland to clarify the number of unfilled positions of physicians and the reasons for physician shortage as well as the readiness for practical training of medical students and research at the health centres. The second questionnaire was posted to doctors in specific training in general medical practice and their trainers at the health centres and it gained information about training programmes of young physicians at health centres. The third questionnaire was sent to personnel at health centres in Satakunta and South-Western Finland and included questions about job satisfaction and education. The survey for medical and nurse students gained information about their professional indentity and their readiness to multiprofessional teamwork. In spring 2003 the shortage of physicians was more severe in Satakunta than in South-Western Finland. Attitudes towards training of medical students and research co-operation with the universities were generally positive. The guidance of STGP doctors in health centres improved during 2003-2005. A shortage of physicians had only a slightly negative impact on employee job satisfaction. The shortage of physicians had also positive impact on the operation of the health centres because it led to reorganization of the operations. The personnel at Finnish health centres were willing to take more challenging tasks and also to acquire appropriate further education or training. The medical and nurse students had strong professional identity and they understood the significance of teamwork for the health care service system.
After Action Reports for Hurricane Isaac & Sandy concluded that WebEOC was correct choice for FEMA’s Crisis Management System: real time data easily shared between FEMA Headquarters, Regions and Incident Management Assistance Teams; cloud capability allowed use on any web connected device, laptop, tablet, iPad, smart phone; intuitive System - Offgoing personnel able to train incoming reliefs on new features or changes within minutes; widespread use of WebEOC through out country in 19 other Federal Departments and Agencies, 40 States, hundreds of cities/counties and industry provided a number of users that had prior experience using WebEOC and reduced learning curve experienced when new systems are introduced; focusing on a single shared web database reduced creation of new single purpose databases, spreadsheets and share point sites allowing best practices to be captured, refined, shared and continued
Apple leaf spot (ALS) caused by Colletotrichum spp. is a major disease of apple (Malus domestica) in Southern Brazil. The epidemiology of this disease was studied in experiments carried out in the counties of Passo Fundo and Vacaria, State of Rio Grande do Sul, from February 1998 to October 2000. The disease was found in all the six apple orchards sampled in the growing seasons of 1997/98 and 1998/99. The fungus isolates associated with ALS fit the characteristics of C. gloeosporioides (75%), C. acutatum (8%), and Colletotrichum sp. (17%). The pathogen overwintered in dormant buds and twigs but not in dropped leaves or fruit mummies. Two sprays of copper oxychloride (at 0.3%) reduced the fungus initial inoculum by 65-84.6% in buds and 85.6-93.7% in twigs, but had no effect on the early season progress of the disease. Disease severity increased proportionally to elevation of temperature from 14 to 26-28 °C. At 34 °C, however, infection was completely inhibited. The duration of leaf wetness required for infection ranged from two hours at 30 °C to 32 h at 16 °C. The relationship of temperature (T) and leaf wetness (W) to disease severity (Y) was represented by the model equation Y = 0.00145[((T-13)1.78)((34.01-T )1.09)] * 25/[1+14 exp(-0.137W)], R² = 0.73 and P < 0.0001. Currently, this information is being used to manage the disease and to validate a forecast system for ALS.
Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica (Eca), E. carotovora subsp. carotovora (Ecc) and E. chrysanthemi (Ech) may cause potato (Solanum tuberosum) blackleg. To determine the occurrence of these pathogens in the conditions found in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), potato plants showing blackleg symptoms were harvested from 22 fields in nine counties in Serra do Nordeste, Planalto, Depressão Central, and Grandes Lagoas, from September to December of 1999 (Spring-Summer season). Green pepper (Capsicum annuum) fruits were used as a host to enrich for pectolytic erwinia from potato stems with blackleg symptoms. Bacteria were subsequently isolated on non-selective medium. Isolates that were Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, and pitted crystal-violet-pectate medium were tested for biochemical traits to identify the species and subspecies. Four hundred strains were identified as either Eca, Ecc or Ech. Although the three erwinias were found in RS potato fields, only three strains of Ech were found in one field. Frequencies of Eca and Ecc were 55 and 42%, respectively. Eight strains could not be assigned based on the biochemical characterization.
When grown in monoculture, Antilles cherry (Malpighia glabra) plants have been affected by diseases which cause fruits malformation and spotting, reducing their value for market. From 1999 on, three new diseases characterised by leaf spot and fall of leaves have been observed in plantations located in Santa Izabel do Pará and Igarapé Açu counties. After isolation and pathogenicity tests on leaves of Antilles cherry plants, the isolates were identified as Calonectria ilicicola (anamorph: Cylindrocladium parasiticum) which causes large leaf spots reaching up to 7 cm long, brownish in colour, coalescent, scorching large leaf areas and causing 50% of leaf fall; Corynespora cassiicola, which provokes irregularly shaped, necrotic leaf spots with dark brown margins and white centers, surrounded by a yellow halo; and Myrothecium roridum which causes greyish target spots. Corynespora cassiicola has been reported causing leaf spots on different hosts in the Amazon region, while C. cassiicola has been recorded infecting Antilles cherry besides other hosts in the States of Maranhão and Pará.
In the present study we investigated the presence of infections by vaccinia-like viruses in dairy cattle from 12 counties in the state of Rio de Janeiro in the last 9 years. Clinical specimens were collected from adult animals with vesicular/pustular lesions mainly in the udder and teats, and from calves with lesions around the nose and mouth. A plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) was applied to search for antibodies to Orthopoxvirus; the vesicular/pustular fluids and scabs were examined by PCR, electron microscopy (EM) and by inoculation in VERO cells for virus isolation. Antibodies to Orthopoxvirus were detected in most cases. The PCR test indicated a high nucleotide homology among the isolates and the vaccinia viruses (VACV) used as controls. By EM, typical orthopoxvirus particles were observed in some specimens. The agents isolated in tissue culture were confirmed as vaccinia-like viruses by EM and PCR. The HA gene of the vaccinia-like Cantagalo/IOC virus isolated in our laboratory was sequenced and compared with other vaccinia-like isolates, showing high homology with the original Cantagalo strain, both strains isolated in 1999 from dairy cattle. Antibodies to Orthopoxvirus were detected in one wild rodent (genus Akodon sp.) collected in the northwestern region of the state, indicating the circulation of poxvirus in this area. Nonetheless, PCR applied to tissue samples collected from the wild rodents were negative. Vesicular/pustular lesions in people in close contact with animals have been also recorded. Thus, the vaccinia-like virus infections in cattle and humans in the state seem to be an expanding condition, resulting in economic losses to dairy herds and leading to transient incapacitating human disease. Therefore, a possible immunization of the dairy cattle in the state should be carefully evaluated.
In Finland the thermal treatment of sewage sludge has been moderate in 21th century. The reason has been the high moisture content of sludge. During 2005-2008, 97-99% of sewage sludge was utilized in landscaping and agriculture. However agricultural use has been during 2005-2007 less than 3 %. The aim of national waste management plan is that by 2016 100% of sludge is used either as soil amendment or energy. The most popular utilization method for manure is spreading it on arable land. The dry manures such as poultry manure and horse manure could also be used in incineration. The ashes could be used as fertilizers and while it is not suitable as a starter fertilizer, it is suitable in maintaining P levels in the soil. One of the main drivers for more efficient nutrient management is the eutrophication in lakes and the Baltic See. ASH DEC process can be used in concentrating phosphorus rich ashes while separating the heavy metals that could be included. ASH DEC process uses thermochemical treatment to produce renewable phosphate for fertilizer production. The process includes mixing of ashes and chlorine donors and subsequent treatment in rotary kiln for 20 min in temperature of 900 – 1 050 oC. The heavy metals evaporate and P-rich product is obtained. The toxic substances are retained in air pollution control system in form of mixed metal hydroxides. The aim of conducting this study is to estimate the potential of ASH DEC process in treating phosphorus rich ashes in Finland. The masses considered in are sewage sludge, dry manure from horses, and poultry and liquid pig manure. To date the usual treatment method for sewage sludge in Finland is composting or anaerobic digestion. Part of the amount of produced sewage sludge (800 kt/a fresh mass and 160 kt/a TS) could also be incinerated and the residual ashes used in ASH DEC process. Incinerating only manure can be economically difficult to manage because the incineration of manure is in Finland considered as waste incineration. Getting a permit for waste incineration is difficult and also small scale waste incineration is too expensive. The manure could act as an additional feedstock in counties with high density of animal husbandry where the land area might not be enough for spreading of manure. Now when the manure acts as a supplementary feedstock beside sludge, the ash can’t be used directly as fertilizer. Then it could be used in ASH DEC process. The perquisite is that the manure producers could pay for the incineration, which might prove problematic.
Parasite related problems are considered one of the major health problems for sheep breeding, causing considerable economic losses to commercial husbandry. The aim of this study was to determine the technological level and the level of knowledge of farmers regarding management practices to control gastrointestinal parasites in sheep in Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil. The analysis was based on 213 questionnaires applied by official veterinarians of the State Government Agency for Animal Health (Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária, IMA), covering 16.6% of all counties. From two hundred and thirteen sheep farms sampled, 117 farms had their technological level determined. From the samples, 0.9% were characterized as high level, 45.3% as medium, and 53.0% as low technological level. The flock size ranged from 2 to 1843 with an average of 80.5 sheep per farm. The majority of the sheep production systems was extensive/semi-extensive (74.5%). The management practices adopted by the farmers to reduce parasitism were: split young and adult animals (5.6%), change pasture after deworm the animals (5.2%), use quarantine for incoming animals (2.3%), deworm newly arrived sheep (1.5%), and have regular technical assistance (31.9%). Although 76.5% of the farmers medicate the animals, treatments were performed without any major technical criteria, with an average interval of 4.6 months. The most commonly used drug families were macrocyclic lactones (38.5%) and benzimidazoles (24.9%). The management practices adopted in Minas Gerais are based on old recommendations and may not return in a good set of strategies to prevent parasite infections. Field observations reinforce the finding where farmers have obtained unsatisfactory results in maintaining the health and productivity level of their enterprises.
Cases of vesicular and exanthematic disease by Vaccinia virus (VACV) have been reported in dairy herds of several Brazilian regions, occasionally also affecting humans. The present article describes eight outbreaks of vesicular disease caused by VACV in dairy herds of six counties of Goiás state, Midwestern Brazil (2010-2012), involving a total of 122 cows, 12 calves and 11 people. Dairy cows (3 to 9 years old) were affected in all cases and calves (2 to 9 months old) were affected in five outbreaks, presenting oral lesions. The morbidity ranged between 8 and 100% in cows, and 1.5 to 31% in calves. In the cows, the clinical signs started with vesicles (2-7mm), painful and coalescent papules (3-8 mm), which resulted in ulcers (5-25mm) and scabs in teats, and, occasionally, in the muzzle. The clinical course lasted from 16 to 26 days. The histopathology of bovine skin samples revealed superficial perivascular inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils, macrophages and multifocal areas of acanthosis, spongiosis, hipergranulosis and parakeratotic or orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis with adjacent focally extensive ulcers. Eosinophilic inclusion bodies were noted in the cytoplasm of the keratinocytes. PCR to vgf gene of Orthopoxvirus was positive in samples collected from all outbreaks, and in some cases, genomic VACV sequences were identified by nucleotide sequencing of the PCR amplicons. Infectious virus was isolated in cell culture from scabs from one outbreak. Antibodies to Orthopoxvirus were detected in at least 3 or 4 animals in most outbreaks, by ELISA (outbreaks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7) or virus-neutralization (outbreak 6). Neutralizing titers ranging from 8 to 64 in outbreak 6. In all outbreaks, VACV infection was suspected based on the clinical and pathological findings and it was confirmed by laboratory tests. Upon the etiological confirmation, other agents associated with vesicular disease were discarded. In all outbreaks, at least one milker who handled the affected cows developed malaise, headache, fever, painful vesico-pustular lesions mainly in the hands, but also in the neck and nose. These results confirm the circulation of VACV in the region and call attention for a correct diagnosis and the adoption of prophylactic and control measures.
Innovation nowadays is one of the key elements of counties’ competitiveness. In the face of continuous world economic changes, open innovation business model implementation allows many companies to improve and accelerate their innovation processes through collaboration. Universities as traditional sources of knowledge might be involved in such kind of collaboration. In developing countries, which are in transition towards innovation-based economy, as Russia, open innovation business model can serve as a tool to speed up this transition. The Master’s Thesis explores the implementation of open innovation model in collaboration between companies and universities in global scale and particularly in Russia. The study is qualitative and it is based on integrative analysis of literature, secondary data and results of the survey, conducted among Russian universities. In the thesis a model for implementation of open innovation into Triple Helix model is elaborated. The study also explores not very common practice of reverse-directional interaction - from industry to university. The findings of this research show a necessity of solving the identified problems in parallel with implementation of open innovation concept in university-industry collaboration.