792 resultados para communication performance evaluation


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Dissertação de mest. em Gestão Empresarial, Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2004


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Os serviços públicos estão confrontados, cada vez mais, com uma envolvente externa e interna mais exigente, o que inevitavelmente obriga à introdução da abordagem estratégica. A avaliação de desempenho na Administração Pública, obriga à integração de metodologias de gestão estratégica, que podem ser monitorizadas com o Balanced Scorecard (BSC), funcionando este como núcleo para alimentar os ciclos anuais de gestão e o sistema de avaliação de desempenho, contribuindo assim para melhorar a gestão dessas organizações. Este trabalho consubstancia uma proposta de projecto de organização e implementação de um BSC num serviço público específico, nomeadamente a Direcção de Serviços do Comércio e Serviços e do Turismo (DSCST) da Direcção Regional da Economia do Alentejo (DRE­ Alentejo). A abordagem estratégica na DRE-Alentejo e na DSCST, apoiada no BSC, constitui uma iniciativa que implica mudanças. Permite simplificar a definição da estratégia e do plano estratégico, apoiar a construção dos planos de actividades, o mapa de pessoal, a carta de missão, facilitar a comunicação da estratégia no interior e exterior da organização. Permite ainda o alinhamento e a articulação dos objectivos em todos os níveis hierárquicos com a estratégia, bem como a medição da eficácia da estratégia. Abstract: Government departments increasingly operate within an ever more demanding environment, in both internal and external terms, and there is therefore a requirement for the adoption of a strategic approach to public administration. Performance evaluation requires the use of strategic management methodologies monitored by means of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC), which provides data for annual management reviews and the performance evaluation system, thereby contributing towards the improved management of government departments. ln this paper a proposal is presented for the organization and implementation of a BSC in a specific public department, the (DRE-Alentejo) Alentejo Regional Department of Economic Affairs (DSCST) Department of Commerce and Tourism. The strategic approach based on BSC adopted by the DRE-Alentejo involves changes in the management system. The process of setting strategy and drawing up a strategic plan is simplified, and the approach helps in the drawing up of activity plans, the official staff plan and the mission statement; it also enables the organization's strategy to be better understood both internally and externally, while bringing it into line with objectives, which can be more coherently pursued at all levels; finally, it allows for the effectiveness of strategy to be gauged.


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Interest rate sensitivity assessment framework based on fixed income yield indexes is developed and applied to two types of emerging market corporate debt: investment grade and high yield exposures. Our research advances beyond the correlation analyses focused on co- movements in yields and/or spreads of risky and risk-free assets. We show that correlation- based analyses of interest rate sensitivity could appear rather inconclusive and, hence, we investigate the bottom line profit and loss of a hypothetical model portfolio of corporates. We consider historical data covering the period 2002 – 2015, which enable us to assess interest rate sensitivity of assets during the development, the apogee, and the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Based on empirical evidence, both for investment and speculative grades securities, we find that the emerging market corporates exhibit two different regimes of sensitivity to interest rate changes. We observe switching from a positive sensitivity under the normal market conditions to a negative one during distressed phases of business cycles. This research sheds light on how financial institutions may approach interest rate risk management, evidencing that even plain vanilla portfolios of emerging market corporates, which on average could appear rather insensitive to the interest rate risk in fact present a binary behavior of their interest rate sensitivities. Our findings allow banks and financial institutions for optimizing economic capital under Basel III regulatory capital rules.


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An innovative approach to quantify interest rate sensitivities of emerging market corporates is proposed. Our focus is centered at price sensitivity of modeled investment grade and high yield portfolios to changes in the present value of modeled portfolios composed of safe-haven assets, which define risk-free interest rates. Our methodology is based on blended yield indexes. Modeled investment horizons are always kept above one year thus allowing to derive empirical implications for practical strategies of interest rate risk management in the banking book. As our study spans over the period 2002 – 2015, it covers interest rate sensitivity of assets under the pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis phases of the economic cycles. We demonstrate that the emerging market corporate bonds both, investment grade and high yield types, depending on the phase of a business cycle exhibit diverse regimes of sensitivity to interest rate changes. We observe switching from a direct positive sensitivity under the normal pre-crisis market conditions to an inverted negative sensitivity during distressed turmoil of the recent financial crisis, and than back to direct positive but weaker sensitivity under new normal post-crisis conjuncture. Our unusual blended yield-based approach allows us to present theoretical explanations of such phenomena from economics point of view and helps us to solve an old controversy regarding positive or negative responses of credit spreads to interest rates. We present numerical quantification of sensitivities, which corroborate with our conclusion that hedging of interest rate risk ought to be a dynamic process linked to the phases of business cycles as we evidence a binary-like behavior of interest rate sensitivities along the economic time. Our findings allow banks and financial institutions for approaching downside risk management and optimizing economic capital under Basel III regulatory capital rules.


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In recent years, a plethora of approaches have been proposed to deal with the increasingly challenging task of multi-output regression. This paper provides a survey on state-of-the-art multi-output regression methods, that are categorized as problem transformation and algorithm adaptation methods. In addition, we present the mostly used performance evaluation measures, publicly available data sets for multi-output regression real-world problems, as well as open-source software frameworks.


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The use of capillary electrophoresis (CE) has been restricted to applications having high sample concentrations because of its low sensitivity caused by small injection volumes and, when ultraviolet (UV) detection is used, the short optical path length. Sensitivity in CE can be improved by using more sensitive detection systems, or by preconcentration techniques which are based on chromatographic and/or electrophoretic principles. One of the promising strategies to improve sensitivity is solid phase extraction (SPE). Solid Phase Extraction utilizes high sample volumes and a variety of complex matrixes to facilitate trace detection. To increase the specificity of the SPE a selective solid phase must be chosen. Immunosorbents, which are a combination of an antibody and a solid support, have proven to be an excellent option because of high selectivity of the antibody. This thesis is an exploratory study of the application of immunosorbent-SPE combined with CE for trace concentration of benzodiazepines. This research describes the immobilization and performance evaluation of an immunosorbent prepared by immobilizing a benzodiazepine-specific antibody on aminopropyl silica. The binding capacity of the immunosorbent, measured as µg of benzodiazepine/ gram of immunosorbent, was 39 ± 10. The long term stability of the prepared immunosorbent has been improved by capping the remaining aminopropyl groups by reaction with acetic anhydride. The capped immunosorbent retained its binding capacity after several uses.


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The use of InGaAs metamorphic buffer layers (MBLs) to facilitate the growth of lattice-mismatched heterostructures constitutes an attractive approach to developing long-wavelength semiconductor lasers on GaAs substrates, since they offer the improved carrier and optical confinement associated with GaAs-based materials. We present a theoretical study of GaAs-based 1.3 and 1.55 μm (Al)InGaAs quantum well (QW) lasers grown on InGaAs MBLs. We demonstrate that optimised 1.3 μm metamorphic devices offer low threshold current densities and high differential gain, which compare favourably with InP-based devices. Overall, our analysis highlights and quantifies the potential of metamorphic QWs for the development of GaAs-based long-wavelength semiconductor lasers, and also provides guidelines for the design of optimised devices.


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As ever more devices are connected to the internet, and applications turn ever more interactive, it becomes more important that the network can be counted on to respond reliably and without unnecessary delay. However, this is far from always the case today, as there can be many potential sources of unnecessary delay. In this thesis we focus on one of them: Excess queueing delay in network routers along the path, also known as bufferbloat. We focus on the home network, and treat the issue in three stages. We examine latency variation and queueing delay on the public internet and show that significant excess delay is often present. Then, we evaluate several modern AQM algorithms and packet schedulers in a residential setting, and show that modern AQMs can almost entirely eliminate bufferbloat and extra queueing latency for wired connections, but that they are not as effective for WiFi links. Finally, we go on to design and implement a solution for bufferbloat at the WiFi link, and also design a workable scheduler-based solution for realising airtime fairness in WiFi. Also included in this thesis is a description of Flent, a measurement tool used to perform most of the experiments in the other papers, and also used widely in the bufferbloat community.


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Colombia muestra una actividad económica apoyada en empresas donde las PYMES, sumadas a las microempresas, representan el 90% del parque empresarial del país y generan el 63% del empleo nacional y el 53% de la producción bruta de los sectores industrial, comercial y de servicios. Debido a esta caracterización, es de gran importancia conocer más a fondo acerca de sus procesos tanto gerenciales como operativos ya que de estos se desprende la óptima operación y el buen desempeño, en términos de competitividad, de las empresas colombianas tanto a nivel nacional como internacional (Jaramillo Naranjo, 2003). En la medida que se brinde conocimiento sobre la forma de operar de las MIPYMES, la comunidad académica podrá aportar más en el buen desarrollo del sector empresarial colombiano.


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O sucesso de uma gestão baseada na estratégia reside, no aproveitamento racional e eficiente dos seus recursos humanos, financeiros e organizacionais, bem como na sua capacidade para concretizar objectivos e alcançar resultados. Esta dissertação foi elaborada baseando-se no pressuposto que, a selecção e a aplicação de um Instrumento de Apoio à Gestão em unidades privadas de fisioterapia (UPF’s) permitirão induzir níveis acrescidos de melhoria do desempenho individual e/ou organizacional. Constituiu objectivo geral da mesma contribuir para a sensibilização e a difusão alargada das ferramentas de apoio à gestão que, aplicadas naquelas unidades, poderiam induzir níveis acrescidos de melhoria do desempenho. Definiram-se ainda três objectivos específicos consubstanciando preocupações relacionadas com a reprodução do conhecimento especializado em gestão, com a sua aplicação específica no terreno e com a subjacente criação de valor individual e organizacional. A metodologia utilizada foi a abordagem de Estudo de Caso, inspirada na técnica focus-group, aplicada a três UPF’s, e os resultados obtidos através das análises efectuadas permitiram identificar a ausência da aplicação de instrumentos de apoio à gestão e de avaliação de desempenho, bem como níveis elevados de desempenho, satisfação e autonomia nos profissionais de fisioterapia, constituindo estes a base para justificar a necessidade urgente da elaboração de um plano de implementação de um sistema de avaliação de desempenho nas unidades estudadas. /ABSTRACT: The success of a management based on strategy relies in the rational and efficient use of its human, financial and organizational resources, as well as its ability to achieve objectives and results. This thesis was developed, based on the assumption that the selection and application of a management support instrument in private physiotherapy units would induce higher levels of individual performance and / or organization. It was general objective the contribution to the sensibilization and diffusion of tools to support management, which applied in those units, could induce higher levels of performance. There were defined three specific objectives which concerned whereabouts with the reproduction of specialized knowledge in management, with its specified applicability in the work field and with the underneath creation of individual and organizational value. The applied methodology was a case study, inspired by the focus-group technique applied in three private physiotherapy units, and the results obtained through the analysis allowed the identification of lack of use of any support management tools and performance evaluation, as well as high standard levels of performance, satisfaction and professional autonomy in physical therapists, being this the base for justifying the urgent need for developing an implementation plan of a performance evaluation system applied to these units.


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O presente trabalho final de mestrado pretende realizar uma análise crítica acerca do estágio curricular desenvolvido no Departamento de Recursos Humanos de uma empresa ligada ao setor das Tecnologias de Informação. Este relatório procura, através da identificação e descrição de métodos e estratégias implementadas pela empresa, que têm como finalidade potencializar o capital humano da organização, estabelecer uma relação entre os diferentes processos de Gestão de Recursos Humanos, interligando-os. Funcionando como um sistema integrado, pretende-se descrever as atividades realizadas no processo de recrutamento e seleção, de acolhimento e integração, de gestão administrativa/contratual, de gestão de desempenho e de formação e desenvolvimento profissional. Em suma, importa salientar que apesar de os processos de Gestão de Recursos Humanos da companhia terem procedimentos devidamente identificados, existe necessidade de promover práticas de melhorias no que concerne ao controlo interno dos mesmos; Abstract: The Integrated Human Resource Management of an Information Technology company This final work of master aims to realize a critical analysis about the internship developed in the Human Resources Department of Information Technology company. This report seeks, through the identification and description of methods and strategies implemented by the company, which are intended to enhance the human capital of the organization, establish a relationship between the different Human Resource Management processes, connecting them. Functioning as an integrated system, is intended to describe the activities in the process of recruitment and selection, reception and integration, administrative/contract management, performance management and training and professional development. In short, it should be noted that although Human Resource Management processes of the company have properly identified procedures, there is need to promote improved practices with regard to internal monitoring.


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Resumo: O presente estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de determinar a composição botânica e a qualidade da dieta selecionada por ovelhas, através da técnica de micro-histologia fecal, em caatinga raleada e enriquecida com capim massai (Panicum maximum cv. Massai), recebendo diferentes quantidades de concentrado (0; 200; 350 e 500 g de concentrado por dia), e em diferentes períodos do ano (águas, transição água-seca e seca). Foram estimados também o consumo e digestibilidade dos nutrientes, bem como a degradabilidade de espécies forrageiras ingeridas pelas ovelhas. Os experimentos foram realizados na Fazenda Crioula do Meio, pertencente a Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos em Sobral, CE no período de março a novembro de 2013. No Experimento 1, para a determinação da composição botânica e qualidade da dieta selecionada, foram utilizadas dezesseis ovelhas Somalis brasileira, gestantes, multíparas e peso médio de 30,58+2,48 kg. O acompanhamento da ingestão do pasto pelas ovelhas foi feito em três períodos (águas, transição água-seca e seca), referentes aos meses de abril, junho e agosto de 2013, respectivamente. Amostras das plantas foram coletadas para o preparo das lâminas de referência, e posterior identificação e caracterização dos descritores epidérmicos. O mesmo foi feito para as fezes coletadas nas ovelhas. Com base na proporção de cada espécie identificada nas lâminas fecais que compuseram a dieta, e na composição química das forrageiras identificadas, foi possível determinar a qualidade da dieta ingerida. De 76 espécies observadas no pasto, 33 foram identificadas na dieta das ovelhas, destacando as espécies sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia), centrosema (Centrosema sp.), ervanço (Alternanthera brasiliana), massai (Panicum maximum cv Massai) e paco-paco (Wissadula rostrata) como as mais selecionadas pelos animais ao longo dos períodos, chegando a compor mais de 50% da dieta selecionada. Com a chegada do período seco, espécies indesejáveis como o marmeleiro (Croton sonderianus) e o mofumbo (Combretum lepreosum), também fizeram parte das plantas selecionadas. Quanto ao valor nutritivo da dieta selecionada, os animais selecionaram uma dieta com valor nutritivo superior ao amostrado no pasto. No Experimento 2, na mesma condição do experimento anterior, trinta e duas ovelhas Somalis brasileira foram utilizadas para determinação do consumo e digestibilidade dos nutrientes, realizado em três ensaios (abril - terço final de gestação; junho - lactação e agosto - desmame). Para predição do consumo, o indicador LIPE® foi utilizado. Pesagens quinzenais foram realizadas para avaliação do desempenho das ovelhas e dos cordeiros nascidos. O concentrado oferecido favoreceu a maior ingestão e digestibilidade da MS e PB, com efeito substitutivo em relação ao consumo de pasto (P<0,05). Para o período seco, menores consumos foram observados em relação aos períodos das águas e de transição água-seca (P<0,05). Maiores consumos e digestibilidades dos constituintes fibrosos foram observados para as ovelhas não suplementados (P<0,05). Na avaliação do desempenho, a suplementação oferecida determinou os maiores pesos verificados durante a lactação, ao desmame e para os pesos ao nascer e ao desmame dos cordeiros (P<0,05). No Experimento 3, dois ovinos Morada Nova foram utilizados para determinação da degradabilidade da matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB) e fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) de cinco das forrageiras selecionadas pelas ovelhas no Experimento 1: M. caesalpiniaefolia, A. brasiliana, P. maximum cv. Massai, jurema-preta (Mimosa tenuiflora), C. leprosum, nos tempos 0, 6, 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas de incubação. Para cada forrageira, foram determinadas equações para o desaparecimento da MS, PB e FDN. Também foi feito o fracionamento da proteína em suas porções degradáveis e não degradáveis no rúmen. Foi observado maior desaparecimento da MS, PB e FDN, além dos melhores níveis de proteína efetivamente degradada no rúmen para A. brasiliana, seguido pelo P. maximum cv. Massai e M. caesalpiniaefolia. Com as informações obtidas, conclui-se que a micro-histologia fecal apresenta-se como uma técnica viável para avaliações da composição botânica da dieta selecionada por ovinos na caatinga. Ovelhas na caatinga possuem uma grande habilidade de selecionar a dieta, modificando-a ao longo das fases fenológicas, sempre na tentativa de estabelecer uma dieta com melhor valor nutritivo. Forrageiras como A. brasiliana, M. caesalpiniaefolia e o P. maximum cv. Massai, podem ser consideradas um interessante recurso alimentar, em virtude de seu valor nutricional e aproveitamento por ovelhas criadas na caatinga. Abstract: This study was conducted in order to determine the botanical composition and diet quality selected by sheep through fecal micro-histological technique, in thinned and enriched caatinga with Massai grass (Panicum maximum cv Massai.), receiving different amounts of concentrate (0; 200; 350 and 500 g of concentrate per day) at different periods (wet, transition wet-dry and dry). Were also estimated the intake, digestibility, as well as the degradability of forage species eaten by sheep. The experiments were performed in the "Fazenda Crioula do Meio", owned by Embrapa Goats and Sheep, in Sobral, Ceará State, Brazil, from march to november 2013. In Trial 1, sixteen female, pregnant, multiparous, with average body weight of 30,58+2,48 kg Somalis brasileira breed sheep were used to determine the botanical composition and the quality of the selected diet. The monitoring of pasture intake of sheep were conducted in three phenological periods of the caatinga's pasture (wet season, transition wet-dry and dry season). Plant samples were collected for the preparation of the reference slides, with subsequent identification and characterization of epidermal descriptors. The same was done for the feces collected in sheep. Considering the proportion of each species identified in fecal slides which composed the diet, and the chemical composition of forage identified, it was possible to determine the quality of the selected diet. From 76 species observed in the pasture, 33 species was identified in the sheep selected diet, emphasizing the Sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia), centrosema (Centrosema sp.), ervanço (Alternanthera brasiliana), massai (Panicum maximum cv Massai) e paco-paco (Wissadula rostrata) as the most selected species by sheep during the study, composing more than 50% of the selected diet. In the Dry Season, undesirable species like marmeleiro (Croton sonderianus) and mofumbo (Combretum leprosum), were also constituent of the diet. Regarding to the nutritional value of selected diet, the sheep selected a diet with more protein than the sampled in the pasture. In the final late gestation, the sheep without supplementation ate a diet above 16% of CP, higher than the selected diet by treatments 350 and 500 g of concentrate per day (P<0.05). Were also observed to the non supplemented sheep, less fiber content intake (P<0.05). In the Trial 2, in the same condition of the first Trial, thirty two Somalis brasileira female sheep were used to determine the intake and digestibility, conducted in three assays (April - third late pregnancy; June - lactation and August - weaning). To predict the intake, the marker LIPE was used. Sheep and lambs were weighted every two weeks to performance evaluation. The concentrate offered to sheep favored to higher intake and digestibility of DM and CP than non supplemented sheep, with inverse relationship to the pasture intake (P<0.05). For the Dry Season, lower intake were observed than for Wet Season and Transition Wet-Dry (P<0.05). Higher intakes and digestibility of the fiber constituents were verified to non supplemented sheep (P<0.05). To performance evaluation, the offered supplementation determined the higher weights observed during lactation and weaning of sheep, and to birth and weaning weights of lambs (P<0.05). In Trial 3, two male sheep were used to determine the degradability of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of five forages selected by sheep in Trial 1: M. caesalpiniaefolia, A. brasiliana, P. maximum cv. Massai, jurema-preta (Mimosa tenuiflora) and C. lepreosum, at zero, 6, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours of incubation. For each forage, were determined equations for the disappearance of DM, CP and NDF. It was also realized the protein fractions in their degradable and non-degradable in the rumen parts. Was detected a higher disappearance of DM, CP and NDF, as also better proportion of the rumen degradable protein to A. brasiliana, followed by P. maximum cv. Massai and M. caesalpiniaefolia. With the information obtained, it is concluded that the fecal micro histological technique presents as a viable technique to evaluate the selected diet by sheep in caatinga's pasture. On this pasture, the sheep are skilled to select the diet, changing during the phenological phases, trying to form a diet of better nutritive value. Forages as A. brasiliana, P. maximum cv. Massai and M. caesalpiniaefolia, can be considered an interesting food source to ewes kept in the caatinga.