926 resultados para common sense


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The ac-side terminal voltages of parallel-connected converters are different if the line reactive drops of the individual converters are different. This could result either from differences in per-phase inductances or from differences in the line currents of the converters. In such cases, the modulating signals are different for the converters. Hence, the common-mode (CM) voltages for the converters, injected by conventional space vector pulsewidth modulation (CSVPWM) to increase dc-bus utilization, are different. Consequently, significant low-frequency zero-sequence circulating currents result. This paper proposes a new modulation method for parallel-connected converters with unequal terminal voltages. This method does not cause low-frequency zero-sequence circulating currents and is comparable with CSVPWM in terms of dc-bus utilization and device power loss. Experimental results are presented at a power level of 150 kVA from a circulating-power test setup, where the differences in converter terminal voltages are quite significant.


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We present a physics-based closed form small signal Nonquasi-static (NQS) model for a long channel Common Double Gate MOSFET (CDG) by taking into account the asymmetry that may prevail between the gate oxide thickness. We use the unique quasi-linear relationship between the surface potentials along the channel to solve the governing continuity equation (CE) in order to develop the analytical expressions for the Y parameters. The Bessel function based solution of the CE is simplified in form of polynomials so that it could be easily implemented in any circuit simulator. The model shows good agreement with the TCAD simulation at-least till 4 times of the cut-off frequency for different device geometries and bias conditions.


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The nonstructural protein NSs, encoded by the S RNA of groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV) (genus Tospovirus, family Bunyaviridae) has earlier been shown to possess nucleic-acid-stimulated NTPase and 50 a phosphatase activity. ATP hydrolysis is an essential function of a true helicase. Therefore, NSs was tested for DNA helicase activity. The results demonstrated that GBNV NSs possesses bidirectional DNA helicase activity. An alanine mutation in the Walker A motif (K189A rNSs) decreased DNA helicase activity substantially, whereas a mutation in the Walker B motif resulted in a marginal decrease in this activity. The parallel loss of the helicase and ATPase activity in the K189A mutant confirms that NSs acts as a non-canonical DNA helicase. Furthermore, both the wild-type and K189A NSs could function as RNA silencing suppressors, demonstrating that the suppressor activity of NSs is independent of its helicase or ATPase activity. This is the first report of a true helicase from a negative-sense RNA virus.


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The computational architecture that enables the flexible coupling between otherwise independent eye and hand effector systems is not understood. By using a drift diffusion framework, in which variability of the reaction time (RT) distribution scales with mean RT, we tested the ability of a common stochastic accumulator to explain eye-hand coordination. Using a combination of behavior, computational modeling and electromyography, we show how a single stochastic accumulator to threshold, followed by noisy effector-dependent delays, explains eye-hand RT distributions and their correlation, while an alternate independent, interactive eye and hand accumulator model does not. Interestingly, the common accumulator model did not explain the RT distributions of the same subjects when they made eye and hand movements in isolation. Taken together, these data suggest that a dedicated circuit underlies coordinated eye-hand planning.


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Many studies of reaching and pointing have shown significant spatial and temporal correlations between eye and hand movements. Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether these correlations are incidental, arising from common inputs (independent model); whether these correlations represent an interaction between otherwise independent eye and hand systems (interactive model); or whether these correlations arise from a single dedicated eye-hand system (common command model). Subjects were instructed to redirect gaze and pointing movements in a double-step task in an attempt to decouple eye-hand movements and causally distinguish between the three architectures. We used a drift-diffusion framework in the context of a race model, which has been previously used to explain redirect behavior for eye and hand movements separately, to predict the pattern of eye-hand decoupling. We found that the common command architecture could best explain the observed frequency of different eye and hand response patterns to the target step. A common stochastic accumulator for eye-hand coordination also predicts comparable variances, despite significant difference in the means of the eye and hand reaction time (RT) distributions, which we tested. Consistent with this prediction, we observed that the variances of the eye and hand RTs were similar, despite much larger hand RTs (similar to 90 ms). Moreover, changes in mean eye RTs, which also increased eye RT variance, produced a similar increase in mean and variance of the associated hand RT. Taken together, these data suggest that a dedicated circuit underlies coordinated eye-hand planning.


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We investigate the direct correspondence between Co band ferromagnetism and structural parameters in the pnictide oxides RCoPO for different rare-earth ions (R = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) by means of muon-spin spectroscopy and ab initio calculations, complementing our results published previously G. Prando et al., Common effect of chemical and external pressures on the magnetic properties of RCoPO (R = La, Pr), Phys. Rev. B 87, 064401 (2013)]. We find that both the transition temperature to the ferromagnetic phase T-C and the volume of the crystallographic unit cell V are conveniently tuned by the R ionic radius and/or external pressure. We report a linear correlation between T-C and V and our ab initio calculations unambiguously demonstrate a full equivalence of chemical and external pressures. As such, we show that R ions influence the ferromagnetic phase only via the induced structural shrinkage without involving any active role from the electronic f degrees of freedom, which are only giving a sizable magnetic contribution at much lower temperatures.


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In this study, analysis of extending the linear modulation range of a zero common-mode voltage (CMV) operated n-level inverter by allowing reduced CMV switching is presented. A new hybrid seven-level inverter topology with a single DC supply is also presented in this study and inverter operation for zero and reduced CMV is analysed. Each phase of the inverter is realised by cascading two three-level flying capacitor inverters with a half-bridge module in between. Proposed inverter topology is operated with zero CMV for modulation index <86% and is operated with a CMV magnitude of V-dc/18 to extend the modulation range up to 96%. Experimental results are presented for zero CMV operation and for reduced common voltage operation to extend the linear modulation range. A capacitor voltage balancing algorithm is designed utilising the pole voltage redundancies of the inverter, which works for every sampling instant to correct the capacitor voltage irrespective of load power factor and modulation index. The capacitor voltage balancing algorithm is tested for different modulation indices and for various transient conditions, to validate the proposed topology.


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Resumen: El common-law inglés tiene una herencia cristiana increíblemente rica. Los juristas ingleses más prestigiosos –incluyendo a Blackstone, Coke y Fortescue– frecuentemente partían desde la fe cristiana a la hora de iluminar y desarrollar lo que ahora son ya principios bien establecidos de la doctrina del common-law. Por consiguiente, este sistema fue desarrollándose históricamente con una particular referencia a la tradición cristiana del derecho natural. Este artículo demuestra cómo el common-law inglés fue mayoritariamente inspirado y desarrollado por estos principios cristianos de la teoría del derecho natural y cómo estos principios todavía subsisten válidos para la interpretación del common-law aun en el presente.


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Resumen: El autor sostiene que la búsqueda de nuevos modelos empresariales y de política económica nos invita a redescubrir la filosofía personalista de Maritain. En el núcleo de la obra Humanismo integral (1936) del filósofo francés aparece la idea de que el hombre es una persona "de naturaleza espiritual, dotada de libre albedrío, y por lo tanto autónoma en relación con el mundo". El artículo estudia la naturaleza del bien común temporal, que para Maritain se relaciona con la vida buena de la toda la comunidad –el bien común o bonum commune– tanto en el sentido material como moral. Este bonum commune no es el objetivo final del orden temporal, sino que está subordinado a lo que trasciende el bienestar temporal de la persona humana –la realización de la libertad y la perfección espiritual. En última instancia, el orden nunca se completa. El balance definitivo o telos nunca se obtiene ya que el hombre está siempre en camino.


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Resumen: Es habitual que en la fundamentación de derecho de la privacidad se acuda al valor de la dignidad humana, pero cuando los autores realizan esa vinculación suelen entender a la dignidad hu - mana como justificada en la mera autonomía del sujeto. Para este punto de vista que denominamos visión moderna, en el ámbito de los derechos fundamentales existe un amplio e indefinido campo de libertad, y esta libertad es o sería el derecho básico en sí mismo, o derecho fundamental por antonomasia. Esto significa la concepción del derecho entendido bajo su faz subjetiva. El derecho como un mero poder cuyo límite está en el poder o la facultad de otro, y el Estado como arbitrador de esos poderes subjetivos en pugna. Sin embargo, los derechos fundamentales entre los que se encuentran el derecho a la intimidad y a la privacidad, el derecho al resguardo del honor y de la imagen, encuentran su justificación en lo justo objetivo y en la dignidad humana. La dignidad como un valor que da sentido se justifica cuando es entendida con una apertura a la trascendencia de la persona, y a un fin objetivo al que dicha trascendencia se encamina.


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Resumen: El artículo pretende indagar sobre algunos puntos de confluencia entre la teología escolar y la evolución biológica. Presuponiendo tanto la ausencia de una conflictividad de base, así como la posibilidad no sólo de diálogo sino incluso de una integración de las temáticas evolutivas dentro de la teología escolar, se pretenderá individualizar algunas tareas internas a las disciplinas teológicas en la búsqueda de una asimilación crítica de la evolución. Si la reflexión teológica es una intelección de la fe mediante los recursos racionales disponibles, habrá de pensar la vida como creatura en el paradigma vigente para comprenderla racionalmente. En la actualidad, éste paradigma es el de la evolución. Ahora bien, la invitación a un ejercicio activo de asimilación dentro del intellectus fidei no parece haber hallado, hasta el momento, una recepción teológica consistente al interior de las diversas disciplinas teológicas El estado de aparente paz y de admisión del núcleo evolutivo por parte de la enseñanza oficial posibilita una tarea que emerge como compleja y desafiante: la de incorporar la panorámica evolutiva al interno de la reflexión teológica.


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La institución familiar tradicional y la maternidad en su sentido natural atraviesan, desde hace un tiempo, una crisis provocada por el individualismo, el relativismo y el utilitarismo predominantes en la sociedad posmoderna. Aquí la autora expone esta problemática y sugiere consideraciones a tener en cuenta en el intento de renovar a la familia desde su raíz natural, en apertura al plan divino y a fin de desempeñar su función esencial que es ser patrimonio común de la Humanidad.