941 resultados para aqueous-solutions
A 2(3-1) factorial experimental design was used to evaluate the performance of a perforated rotating disc contactor to extract alpha-toxin from the fermented broth of Clostridium perfringens Type A by aqueous two-phase system of polyethylene glycol-phosphate salts. The influence of three independent variables, specifically the dispersed phase flowrate, the continuous phase flowrate and the disc rotational speed, was investigated on the hold up, the mass transfer coefficient, the separation efficiency and the purification factor, taken as the response variables. The optimum dispersed phase flowrate was 3.0 mL/min for all these responses. Besides, maximum values of hold up (0.80), separation efficiency (0. 10) and purification factor (2.4) were obtained at this flowrate using the lowest disc rotational speed (35 rpm), while the optimum mass transfer coefficient (0. 165 h(-1)) was achieved at the highest agitation level (140 rpm). The results of this study demonstrated that the dispersed phase flowrate strongly influenced the performance of PRDC, in that both the mass transfer coefficient and hold up increased with this parameter. (c) 2007 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
The partitioning of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) in poly(ethylene glycol)/Na-poly(acrylate) aqueous two-phase systems (PEG/NaPA-ATPS) has been investigated. The aqueous two-phase systems are formed by mixing the polymers with a salt and a protein solution. The protein partitioning in the two-phase system was investigated at 25 degrees C. The concentration of the GFP was measured by fluorimetry. It was found that the partitioning of GFP depends on the salt type, pH and concentration of PEG. The data indicates that GFP partitions more strongly to the PEG phase in presence of Na2SO4 relative to NaCl. Furthermore, the GFP partitions more to the PEG phase at higher pH. The partition to the PEG phase is strongly favoured in systems with larger tie-line lengths (i.e. systems with higher polymer concentrations). The molecular weight of PEG is important since the partition coefficient (K) of GFP gradually decreases with increasing PEG size, from K ca. 300-400 for PEG 400 to K equal to 1.19 for PEG 8000. A separation process was developed where GFP was separated from a homogenate in two extraction steps: the GFP is first partitioned to the PEG phase in a PEG 3000/NaPA 8000 system containing 3 wt% Na2SO4, where the K value of GFP was 8. The GFP is then re-extracted to a salt phase formed by mixing the previous top-phase with a Na2SO4 solution. The K-value of GFP in this back-extraction was 0.22. The total recovery based on the start material was 74%. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work deals with the use of an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) of PEG/citrate to remove proteases from a Clostridium perfringens fermentation broth. To plan the experimental tests and evaluate the corresponding results, three successive experimental designs were employed, for which the PEG molar mass (M-PEG) and concentration (C-PEG), the citrate concentration (C-C) and the pH were selected as independent variables, while the purification factor (PF), the partition coefficient (K), the activity yield (Y) and the selectivity (S) were selected as responses. PF of proteases in the top phase was shown to increase with increasing MPEG and decreasing Cc, whereas a completely opposite trend was observed for K. On the other hand, Y was favored by simultaneous decreases in both these variables, while S decreased with increasing Cc. Therefore, selecting a simultaneous increase in PF and Y as the most desirable result, the best performance of the system was obtained using M-PEG = 10-000 g/mol C-PEG = 22% (w/w) and C-c = 8.0% (w/w) at pH 8.5. Under these conditions, the activity yield was very high (131 %) but the purification factor (4.2) and the selectivity (4.3) were lower than those ensured by more selective purification methods. According to these results, the ATPS seems to be an interesting alternative primary concentration/decontamination step for vaccine preparation from C. perfringens fermented broth. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Purification of a-toxin produced by Clostridium perfringens type A in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) was studied with a full two-level factorial design on two factors (concentrations of 8000 g mol(-1) PEG and phosphate salt at pH 8.0), to estimate the influence of these factors on the purification results. RESULTS: The partition coefficient (K), purification factor (PF) and activity yield (Y) were strongly influenced by the PEG and phosphate concentrations. Raising the levels of the two factors increased these responses. The highest purification factor (5.7) was obtained with PEG and phosphate concentrations of 17.5% and 15%, respectively. CONCLUSION: These results support the proposal that polymer excluded volume and hydrophobic interactions are the factors that drive the alpha-toxin in PEG/phosphate aqueous two-phase systems. (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry
The partition of hemoglobin, lysozyme and glucose-6-phospate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) in a novel inexpensive aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) composed by poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and sodium polyacrylate (NaPA) has been studied. The effect of NaCl and Na2SO4, pH and PEG molecular size on the partitioning has been studied. At high pH (above 9), hemoglobin partitions strongly to the PEG-phase. Although some precipitation of hemoglobin occurs, high recovery values are obtained particularly for lysozyme and G6PDH. The partitioning forces are dominated by the hydrophobic and electrochemical (salt) effects, since the positively charged lysozyme and negatively charged G6PDH partitions to the non-charged PEG and the strongly negatively charged polyacrylate enriched phase, respectively. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An investigation of clavulanic acid behavior in an aqueous two-phase micellar system employing the surfactants n-decyltetraethylene oxide (C(10)E(4)) and dodecyldimethylamine oxide (DDAO) was carried out. According to the results, clavulanic acid partitions evenly between the two phases of DDAO micellar system, mixed DDAO C(10)E(4) micellar system, as well as C10E4 micellar system. Therefore, electrostatic interactions between positively charged DDAO-containing micelles and negatively charged drug were not strong enough to influence the partitioning. Nevertheless, clavulanic acid extraction from Streptomyces clavuligerus fermentation broth in C(10)E(4) micellar system employing a previous protein denaturation step provided recovery of 52% clavulanic acid with removal of 70% of the contaminant proteins, which is already promising as a purification strategy. (C) 2011 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Volume 58, Number 2, March/April 2011, Pages 103-108. E-mail: corangel@usp.br
Nisin is a natural additive for conservation of food, and can also be used as a therapeutic agent. Nisin inhibits the outgrowth of spores, the growth of a variety of Gram-positive and Grain-negative bacteria. In this paper we present a potentially scalable and cost-effective way to purify commercial and biosynthesized in bioreactor nisin, including simultaneously removal of impurities and contaminants, increasing nisin activity. Aqueous two-phase micellar systems (ATPMS) are considered promising for bioseparation and purification purposes. Triton X-114 was chosen as the as phase-forming surfactant because it is relatively mild to proteins and it also forms two coexisting phases within a convenient temperature range. Nisin activity was determined by the agar diffusion assay utilizing Lactobacillus sake as a sensitive indicator microorganism. Results indicated that nisin partitions preferentially to the micelle rich-phase, despite the surfactant concentration tested, and its antimicrobial activity increases. The successful implementation of this peptide partitioning, from a suspension containing other compounds, represents an important step towards developing a separation method for nisin, and more generally, for other biomolecules of interest. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The quenching of the triplet state of three n-alkyl 3-nitrophenyl ethers: 3-nitroanisol (3-NA), n-butyl 3-nitrophenyl ether (3-NB) and n-decyl 3-nitrophenyl ether (3-ND) by four aniline derivatives: aniline (AN), N,N-dimethylaniline (DMA), 2,4,6-trimethylaniline (TMA), and 4-tetradecylaniline (TDA), was investigated in aqueous micellar SDS solutions by laser flash photolysis. The transient absorption spectra for 3-NA and 3-NB reveal the formation of long-lived intermediate species in the presence of all four quenchers. while for 3-ND no amine-induced intermediates are observed. Comparison of the transient absorption spectra of the probe 3-NA in the presence of DMA in aqueous and micellar solutions shows that the intermediate species are favored by the SDS micelles. With DMA and TMA as quenchers the intermediates are suggested to be the ion radicals generated by single electron transfer from the amine to the probe in the triplet excited state. For the quenchers AN and TDA, the intermediates may be a-complexes. The relative quenching efficiencies generally decrease as the affinity of the quencher for the micellar phase (AN < DMA < TMA < TDA) increases and the mobility of the excited probe (3-NA > 2-NB) decreases. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The feasibility of detecting instability in wet spouted beds via pressure fluctuation (PF) time-series analyses was investigated. Experiments were carried out in a cylindrical Plexiglas column of diameter 150 mm with a conical base of internal angle 60 degrees, an inlet orifice diameter of 25 mm and glass beads of diameter 2.4 mm. Transducers at several axial positions measured PF time series with incremental addition of aqueous sucrose solutions of different concentrations. Liquid addition affected the spouted bed dynamics, causing irregular spouting, increased voidage in the annulus, increased fountain height, irregular annulus height, channelling, agglomeration, and adhesion of particles to the column walls. Autocorrelations indicated the appearance of periodicities in the PF signals with increasing sucrose addition. Dominant peaks in power-spectral density developed at low frequencies with changing system dynamics. The results indicate that PF signals furnish relevant information on system dynamics, useful for monitoring and control of spouted bed operations such as particle coating and drying of paste-like materials.
Many medicinal plants have been recommended for the treatment of snakebites. The aqueous extracts prepared from the leaves of Schizolobium parahyba (a plant found in Mata Atlantica in Southeastern Brazil) were assayed for their ability to inhibit some enzymatic and biological activities induced by Bothropspauloensis and Crotalus durissus terrificus venoms as well as by their isolated toxins neuwiedase (metalloproteinase), BnSP-7 (basic Lys49 PLA(2)) and CB (PLA(2) from crotoxin complex). Phospholipase A(2), coagulant, fibrinogenolytic, hemorrhagic and myotoxic activities induced by R pauloensis and C. d. terrificus venoms, as well as by their isolated toxins were significantly inhibited when different amounts of S. parahyba were incubated previously with these venoms and toxins before assays. However, when S. parahyba was administered at the same route as the venoms or toxins injections, the tissue local damage, such as hemorrhage and myotoxicity was only partially inhibited. The study also evaluated the inhibitory effect of S. parahyba upon the spreading of venom proteins from the injected area into the systemic circulation. The neutralization of systemic alterations induced by i.m. injection of R pauloensis venom was evaluated by measuring platelet and plasma fibrinogen levels which were significantly maintained when S. parahyba extract inoculation occurred at the same route after R pauloensis venom injection. In conclusion, the observations confirmed that the aqueous extract of S. parahyba possesses potent snake venom neutralizing properties. It may be used as an alternative treatment to serum therapy and as a rich source of potential inhibitors of toxins involved in several physiopathological human and animal diseases. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The aqueous extract prepared from Schizolobium parahyba (Sp) leaves, a native plant from Atlantic Forest (Brazil), was tested to analyse its ability to inhibit some biological and enzymatic activities induced by Bothrops alternatus (BaltCV) and Bothrops moojeni (BmooCV) snake venoms. Sp inhibited 100% of lethality, blood incoagulability, haemorrhagic and indirect haemolytic activities at a 1:10 ratio (venom/extract, w/w), as well as coagulant activity at a 1:5 ratio (venom/extract, w/w) induced by both venoms. BaltCV fibrinogenolytic activity was also neutralized by Sp at a 1:10 ratio, resulting in total protection of fibrinogen B beta chain and partial protection of A alpha chain. Interaction tests have demonstrated that, at certain extract/proteins ratios, Sp precipitates proteins non-specifically suggesting the presence of tannins, which are very likely responsible for the excellent inhibiting effects of the analysed ophidian activities. Sp aqueous extract chromatography on Sephadex LH-20 was carried out aiming at the separation of these compounds that mask the obtained results. Thus, the fractionation of Sp resulted in three fractions: F1 (methanolic fraction); F2 (methanol:water fraction, 1:1 v/v); and F3 (aqueous fraction). These fractions were analysed for their ability to inhibit the BaltCV fibrinogenolytic activity. F1 inhibited 100% the venom fibrinogenolytic activity without presenting protein precipitation effect; F2 showed only partial inhibition of this venom activity. Finally, F3 did not inhibit fibrinogen proteolysis, but presented strong protein precipitating action. We conclude that Sp aqueous extract, together with tannins, also contains other compounds that can display specific inhibitory activity against snake venom toxins.
The herbal extract of Schizolobium parahyba leaves is used commonly in the Brazil central region to treat snakebites. This study evaluates the acute toxicological effects of Schizolobium parahyba aqueous extract in mice 24 h after intraperitoneal administration. Acute toxicity was evaluated using biochemical, hematological and histopathological assays. Alterations in the levels of transaminases, bilirubin, albumin and prothrombrin time were observed, and these are likely to occur due to hepatic injury, which was confirmed by light microscopy. Liver histopathological analysis revealed the presence of lymph plasmocitary inflammatory infiltrate, but no other histopathological alterations were observed in any of the other organs analysed. The data confirm the low toxicity of the extract of Schizolobium parahyba and provide a model for the selection of a dose that does not cause injuries in the organism. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We investigate the effect of the coefficient of the critical nonlinearity for the Neumann problem on the existence of least energy solutions. As a by-product we establish a Sobolev inequality with interior norm.
We give conditions on f involving pairs of lower and upper solutions which lead to the existence of at least three solutions of the two point boundary value problem y" + f(x, y, y') = 0, x epsilon [0, 1], y(0) = 0 = y(1). In the special case f(x, y, y') = f(y) greater than or equal to 0 we give growth conditions on f and apply our general result to show the existence of three positive solutions. We give an example showing this latter result is sharp. Our results extend those of Avery and of Lakshmikantham et al.
We are concerned with determining values of, for which there exist nodal solutions of the boundary value problems u" + ra(t) f(u) = 0, 0 < t < 1, u(O) = u(1) = 0. The proof of our main result is based upon bifurcation techniques.