962 resultados para approximately inner half-flip
Specialty Registrars in Restorative Dentistry (StRs) should be competent in the independent restorative management of patients with developmental disorders including hypodontia and cleft lip/palate upon completion of their specialist training.1 Knowledge and management may be assessed via the Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examination (ISFE) in Restorative Dentistry.2
The aim of this study was to collate and compare data on the training and experience of StRs in the management of patients with developmental disorders across different training units within the British Isles.
Questionnaires were distributed to all StRs attending the Annual General Meeting of the Specialty Registrars in Restorative Dentistry Group, Belfast, in October 2015. Participants were asked to rate their confidence and experience of assessing and planning treatment for patients with developmental disorders, construction of appropriate prostheses, and provision of dental implants. Respondents were also asked to record clinical supervision and didactic teaching at their unit, and to rate their confidence of passing a future ISFE station assessing knowledge of developmental disorders.
Responses were obtained from 32 StRs (n=32) training within all five countries of the British Isles. The majority of respondents were based in England (72%) with three in Wales, and two in each of Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland. Approximately one third of respondents (34%) were in the final years of training (years 4-6). Almost half of the StRs reported that they were not confident of independently assessing (44%) new patients with a developmental disorder, with larger numbers (72%) indicating a lack of confidence in treatment planning. Six respondents rated their experience of treating obturator patients as ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’. The majority (56%) rated their experience of implant provision in these cases as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ with three-quarters (75%) rating clinical supervision at their unit as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’. Less than half (41%) rated the didactic teaching at their unit as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’, and only 8 StRs indicated that they were confident of passing an ISFE station focused on developmental disorders.
Experience and training regarding patients with developmental disorders is inconsistent for StRs across the British Isles with a number of trainees reporting a lack of clinical exposure.
A recent measurement of the dielectronic recombination (DR) of W20+ [Schippers et al., Phys.Rev.A 83, 012711 (2011)] found an exceptionally large contribution from near-threshold resonances (1 eV). This still affected the Maxwellian rate coefficient at much higher temperatures. The experimental result was found to be higher by a factor of 4 or more than that currently in use in the 100- to 300-eV range, which is of relevance for modeling magnetic fusion plasmas. We have carried out DR calculations with AUTOSTRUCTURE which include all significant single-electron promotions. Our intermediate-coupling (IC) results are more than a factor of 4 larger than our LS-coupling ones at 1 eV but still lie a factor of 3 below experiment here. If we assume complete (chaotic)mixing of near-threshold autoionizing states, then our results come into agreement (to within 20%)with experiment below 2 eV. Our total IC Maxwellian rate coefficients are 50%–30% smaller than those based on experiment over 100–300 eV.
The total cross sections for photodetachment of the metastable 1s 22p3 4S° and 1s2s2p3 6S° excited bound states of the negative ion of beryllium are presented for a range of initial photon energies across and beyond the 1s detachment threshold. A multichannel close-coupling R-matrix approximation is used to compute the cross sections, with sophisticated configuration-interaction wavefunctions being used to represent the initial and final states. At present there are no other theoretical or experimental data available with which to compare the cross sections for these two photodetachment processes.
A decade of accession negotiations with the EU has not brought Turkey significantly closer to EU membership. In part the reasons lie with Turkey. This article, however, explores the position of the EU and the ‘supply-side’ of enlargement. It reflects on developments in how the EU has engaged with Turkey on the question of membership, situating Turkey’s candidacy and the EU’s position within the broader comparative context of how the process and politics of EU enlargement have evolved over the last ten years. It focuses on a set of supply-side variables that are key to determining the progress that applicants can make towards membership: member state preferences, the activism of supranational institutional actors, the EU’s integration capacity, public opinion in the EU towards enlargement, and the narratives deployed in justification of enlargement. The article also considers the state of Turkey’s accession negotiations and how they have been and potentially will be affected, assuming they are meaningfully revived, by the evolving nature and substance of EU accession negotiations more generally and EU’s approach to conditionality.
(abreviated) We aim to study the inner-wind structure (R<250 Rstar) of the well-known red supergiant VY CMa. We analyse high spatial resolution (~0".24x0".13) ALMA Science Verification (SV) data in band 7 in which four thermal emission lines of gaseous sodium chloride (NaCl) are present at high signal-to-noise ratio. For the first time, the NaCl emission in the inner wind region of VY CMa is spatially resolved. The ALMA observations reveal the contribution of up to four different spatial regions. The NaCl emission pattern is different compared to the dust continuum and TiO2 emission already analysed from the ALMA SV data. The emission can be reconciled with an axisymmetric geometry, where the lower density polar/rotation axis has a position angle of ~50 degrees measured from north to east. However, this picture can not capture the full morphological diversity, and discrete mass ejection events need to be invoked to explain localized higher-density regions. The velocity traced by the gaseous NaCl line profiles is significantly lower than the average wind terminal velocity, and much slower than some of the fastest mass ejections, signalling a wide range of characteristic speeds for the mass loss. Gaseous NaCl is detected far beyond the main dust condensation region. Realising the refractory nature of this metal halide, this hints at a chemical process preventing all NaCl from condensing onto dust grains. We show that in the case of the ratio of the surface binding temperature to the grain temperature being ~50, only some 10% of NaCl remains in gaseous form, while for lower values of this ratio thermal desorption efficiently evaporates NaCl. Photodesorption by stellar photons seems not to be a viable explanation for the detection of gaseous NaCl at 220 Rstar from the central star, and instead, we propose shock-induced sputtering driven by localized mass ejection events as alternative.
O sucesso do recrutamento em espécies com ciclos de vida complexos, i.e. com duas ou mais fases de desenvolvimento, depende do fornecimento de larvas aos locais apropriados do assentamento (mecanismos de pré-assentamento) e na consequente sobrevivência destas larvas até aos estágios bentónicos iniciais (mecanismos de pós-assentamento). O estudo dos principais processos físicos que controlam a variabilidade intra-anual do recrutamento do caranguejo Carcinus maenas foi possível com à obtenção em séries diárias da abundância de megalopas no plâncton e do seu assentamento em substratos artificiais de assentamento, e de parâmetros físicos relacionados com a amplitude de maré e o upwelling, durante os meses da época reprodutiva deste caranguejo. Os nossos resultados demonstraram um padrão cíclico de fornecimento de megalopas de C. maenas aos estuários na costa ocidental de Portugal, relacionado com a amplitude de maré e favorecido pelos ventos de sul. O assentamento de megalopas nos substratos artificiais de assentamento mostrou-se desacoplado do fornecimento nos dois estuários. Os dados obtidos sugerem que as megalopas são transportadas para a costa após a acção de ventos de downwelling, e o fornecimento para os estuários ocorre por transporte selectivo por corrente de maré. A utilização de substratos artificiais para medir densidades de juvenis de Carcinus maenas deve ser ponderada, uma vez que se verificou que em habitats estruturalmente menos complexos os juvenis utilizam os colectores como refúgio; em habitats mais complexos, os juvenis preferiram refugiar-se nas ervas marinhas existentes. No entanto, a estimativa de abundâncias diárias medidas nos colectores permitiu a descrição das abundâncias dos vários estádios de desenvolvimento juvenis, bem como as respectivas taxas de crescimento. As capacidades locomotoras de diferentes classes de tamanho de juvenis de C. maenas foram estimadas mediante o cálculo de um índice de locomoção. Os nossos resultados sugerem que os juvenis mais pequenos estão relativamente protegidos em habitats com vegetação densa, provavelmente porque este tipo de habitats inibe os movimentos dos juvenis de maiores dimensões. Foram também encontradas evidências da existência de segregação temporal na actividade locomotora das diferentes classes de juvenis, que funcionará como um mecanismo que permite reduzir o canibalismo e, consequentemente, aumentar a capacidade de suporte dos habitats juvenis. Foi realizado um estudo sobre o canibalismo nos juvenis de C. maenas na Ria de Aveiro, in situ e utilizando densidades reais. Verificou-se que as presas mais pequenas eram as mais vulneráveis, sendo os juvenis de maiores dimensões os predadores mais eficazes. Por outro lado, as taxas de canibalismo foram menores em habitats com elevadas densidades de refúgio (Zostera noltii). A estimativa das taxas diárias de mortalidade devidas ao canibalismo são aproximadamente metade das taxas diárias de mortalidade devidas aos processos de pré-assentamento, indicando que esta população de C. maenas será regulada pelo fornecimento larvar, i.e., será uma população regulada essencialmente por mecanismos préassentamento.
O tributilestanho (TBT) é considerado um dos xenobióticos mais tóxicos, produzidos e deliberadamente introduzidos no meio ambiente pelo Homem. Tem sido usado numa variedade de processos industriais e subsequentemente descarregado no meio ambiente. O tempo de meia-vida do TBT em águas marinhas é de várias semanas, mas em condições de anóxia nos sedimentos, pode ser de vários anos, devido à sua degradação mais lenta. Embora o TBT tenha sido descrito como sendo tóxico para eucariotas e procariotas, muitas bactérias podem ser resistentes a este composto. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal elucidar o mecanismo de resistência ao TBT em bactérias. Para além disso, pretendeu-se desenvolver um biorepórter para detectar TBT no ambiente. Para atingir estes objetivos foram delineadas várias tarefas cujos principais resultados obtidos se apresentam a seguir. Várias bactérias resistentes ao TBT foram isoladas de sedimento e água do Porto de Pesca Longínqua (PPL) na Ria de Aveiro, Portugal. Entre estas, Aeromonas molluscorum Av27 foi selecionada devido à sua elevada resistência a este composto (concentrações até 3 mM), à sua capacidade de degradar o TBT em compostos menos tóxicos (dibutilestanho, DBT e monobutilestanho, MBT) e também por usar o TBT como fonte de carbono. A. molluscorum Av27 foi caracterizada genotipica e fenotipicamente. Os fatores de virulência estudados mostraram que esta estirpe i) possui atividade lipolítica; ii) não é citotóxica para células de mamíferos, nomeadamente para células Vero; iii) não possui integrões de classe I e II e iv) possui cinco plasmídeos com aproximadamente 4 kb, 7 kb, 10 kb, 100 kb e mais de 100 kb. Estes resultados mostraram que a estirpe Av27 não é tóxica, aumentando assim o interesse nesta bactéria para futuras aplicações, nomeadamente na bioremediação. Os testes de toxicidade ao TBT mostraram que este composto tem um impacto negativo no crescimento desta estirpe, bem como, na densidade, no tamanho e na atividade metabólica das células e é responsável pela formação de agregados celulares. Assim, o TBT mostrou ser bastante tóxico para as bactérias interferindo com a atividade celular geral. O gene Av27-sugE, que codifica a proteína SugE pertencente à família das “small multidrug resistance proteins” (SMR), foi identificado como estando envolvido na resistência ao TBT nesta estirpe. Este gene mostrou ser sobreexpresso quando as células crescem na presença de TBT. O promotor do gene Av27-sugE foi utilizado para construir um bioreporter para detetar TBT, contendo o gene da luciferase do pirilampo como gene repórter. O biorepórter obtido reúne as características mais importantes de um bom biorepórter: sensibilidade (intervalo de limite de detecção de 1-1000 nM), rapidez (3 h são suficientes para a deteção de sinal) e, possivelmente, não é invasivo (pois foi construído numa bactéria ambiental). Usando sedimento recolhido no Porto de Pesca Longínqua da Ria de Aveiro, foi preparada uma experiência de microcosmos com o intuito de avaliar a capacidade de Av27 para bioremediar o TBT, isoladamente ou em associação com a comunidade bacteriana indígena. A análise das amostras de microcosmos por PCR-DGGE e de bibliotecas de 16S rDNA revelaram que a comunidade bacteriana é relativamente estável ao longo do tempo, mesmo quando Av27 é inoculada no sedimento. Para além disso, o sedimento estuarino demonstrou ser dominado por bactérias pertencentes ao filo Proteobacteria (sendo mais abundante as Delta e Gammaproteobacteria) e Bacteroidetes. Ainda, cerca de 13% dos clones bacterianos não revelaram nenhuma semelhança com qualquer dos filos já definidos e quase 100% afiliou com bactérias não cultiváveis do sedimento. No momento da conclusão desta tese, os resultados da análise química de compostos organoestânicos não estavam disponíveis, e por essa razão não foi possível tirar quaisquer conclusões sobre a capacidade desta bactéria remediar o TBT em sedimentos. Esses resultados irão ajudar a esclarecer o papel de A. molluscorum Av27 na remediação de TBT. Recentemente, a capacidade da estirpe Av27 remediar solo contaminado com TBT foi confirmada em bioensaios realizados com plantas, Brassica rapa e Triticum aestivum (Silva 2011a), e também com invertebrados Porcellionides pruinosus (Silva 2011B). Assim, poder-se-á esperar que a bioremediação do sedimento na experiência de microcosmos também tenha ocorrido. No entanto, só a análise química dos compostos organostânicos deverá ser conclusiva. Devido à dificuldade em realizar a análise analítica de organoestânicos, um método de bioensaio fácil, rápido e barato foi adaptado para avaliar a toxicidade do TBT em laboratório, antes de se proceder à análise química das amostras. O método provou a sua utilidade, embora tenha mostrado pouca sensibilidade quando se usam concentrações de TBT baixas. Em geral, os resultados obtidos contribuíram para um melhor entendimento do mecanismo de resistência ao TBT em bactérias e mostraram o potencial biotecnológico de A. molluscorum Av27, nomeadamente, no que refere à sua possível aplicação na descontaminação de TBT no ambiente e também no desenvolvimento de biorepórteres.
Background The findings of international studies suggest high rates of interpersonal violence and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Only few studies, however, have so far been conducted in the German-speaking countries. Objectives The aim of our study was to determine the prevalence of lifetime experiences of interpersonal violence and comorbid PTSD among inpatients in a German university hospital. Method In N = 145 consecutively admitted patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (67 % male) the structured trauma interview (STI) was used to assess experiences of interpersonal violence and the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV (SCID) to assess comorbid PTSD. Results Sexual violence under the age of 16 years was reported by 17 % of the patients (women 27 %, men 12 %). Approximately one third (32 %) reported physical violence by parental figures (women 38 %, men 29 %). At least one form of early violence (sexual or physical) was reported by half of the women (48 %) and one third of the men (34 %). Negative sexual experiences later in life were reported by 17 %, physical violence by 38 % and at least one of these forms by 48 % of the patients. In total two thirds of all patients (66 %) reported experiences of violence during their lifetime. The prevalence of acute PTSD was 12 %. Another 9 % of patients had a subsyndromal PTSD. Conclusion The present study confirmed the high rates of experiences of interpersonal violence and comorbid PTSD in a German sample of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Violence and it’s consequences should therefore be routinely assessed and the full spectrum of trauma-specific therapies should be integrated into the treatment of this group of patients.
The undesirable enrichment of water by nutrients may be a problem, especially in areas with restricted exchange with the sea. The tidal regime flushes the system and contributes for the removal of phytoplankton, favouring phytobenthos as the target of enhanced nutrients. Water samples were collected during the years of 2006 and 2007-08 for nutrients, chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen. Sediment sample s were also collected for pore water nutrients and benthic chlorophyll a. From comparison with previous work, a decrease in the nitrogen concentration in the water column can be pointed out, which may indicate an improvement of the water quality. Pore water DAIN represents approximately 75% of the total DAIN of the whole lagoon. Benthic chlorophyll a concentrations were much larger than in the water column, representing around 99% of the total chlorophyll existent in the lagoon. Benthic microalgae play a relevant role in this system and therefore standard monitoring programs of the WFD, which do not consider this component, may fail to track nutrient-driven changes in primary producers. Dissolved oxygen concentration could be near critical levels during the summer (early in the morning), especially in the inner channels.
La mise en registre 3D (opération parfois appelée alignement) est un processus de transformation d’ensembles de données 3D dans un même système de coordonnées afin d’en aligner les éléments communs. Deux ensembles de données alignés ensemble peuvent être les scans partiels des deux vues différentes d’un même objet. Ils peuvent aussi être deux modèles complets, générés à des moments différents, d’un même objet ou de deux objets distincts. En fonction des ensembles de données à traiter, les méthodes d’alignement sont classées en mise en registre rigide ou non-rigide. Dans le cas de la mise en registre rigide, les données sont généralement acquises à partir d’objets rigides. Le processus de mise en registre peut être accompli en trouvant une seule transformation rigide globale (rotation, translation) pour aligner l’ensemble de données source avec l’ensemble de données cible. Toutefois, dans le cas non-rigide, où les données sont acquises à partir d’objets déformables, le processus de mise en registre est plus difficile parce qu’il est important de trouver à la fois une transformation globale et des déformations locales. Dans cette thèse, trois méthodes sont proposées pour résoudre le problème de mise en registre non-rigide entre deux ensembles de données (représentées par des maillages triangulaires) acquises à partir d’objets déformables. La première méthode permet de mettre en registre deux surfaces se chevauchant partiellement. La méthode surmonte les limitations des méthodes antérieures pour trouver une grande déformation globale entre deux surfaces. Cependant, cette méthode est limitée aux petites déformations locales sur la surface afin de valider le descripteur utilisé. La seconde méthode est s’appuie sur le cadre de la première et est appliquée à des données pour lesquelles la déformation entre les deux surfaces est composée à la fois d’une grande déformation globale et de petites déformations locales. La troisième méthode, qui se base sur les deux autres méthodes, est proposée pour la mise en registre d’ensembles de données qui sont plus complexes. Bien que la qualité que elle fournit n’est pas aussi bonne que la seconde méthode, son temps de calcul est accéléré d’environ quatre fois parce que le nombre de paramètres optimisés est réduit de moitié. L’efficacité des trois méthodes repose sur des stratégies via lesquelles les correspondances sont déterminées correctement et le modèle de déformation est exploité judicieusement. Ces méthodes sont mises en oeuvre et comparées avec d’autres méthodes sur diverses données afin d’évaluer leur robustesse pour résoudre le problème de mise en registre non-rigide. Les méthodes proposées sont des solutions prometteuses qui peuvent être appliquées dans des applications telles que la mise en registre non-rigide de vues multiples, la reconstruction 3D dynamique, l’animation 3D ou la recherche de modèles 3D dans des banques de données.
Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2016
BACKGROUND: The experienced smoker maintains adequate nicotine levels by 'puff-by-puff self-control' which also avoids symptomatic nauseating effects of nicotine overdose. It is postulated that there is a varying 'dynamic threshold for nausea' into which motion sickness susceptibility provides an objective toxin-free probe. Hypotheses were that: (i) nicotine promotes motion sickness whereas deprivation protects; and (ii) pleasurable effects of nicotine protect against motion sickness whereas adverse effects of withdrawal have the opposite effect. METHODS: Twenty-six healthy habitual cigarette smokers (mean±SD) 15.3±7.6cigs/day, were exposed to a provocative cross-coupled (coriolis) motion on a turntable, with sequences of 8 head movements every 30s. This continued to the point of moderate nausea. Subjects were tested after either ad-lib normal smoking (SMOKE) or after overnight deprivation (DEPRIV), according to a repeated measures design counter-balanced for order with 1-week interval between tests. RESULTS: Deprivation from recent smoking was confirmed by objective measures: exhaled carbon monoxide CO was lower (P<0.001) for DEPRIV (8.5±5.6ppm) versus SMOKE (16.0±6.3ppm); resting heart rate was lower (P<0.001) for DEPRIV (67.9±8.4bpm) versus SMOKE (74.3±9.5bpm). Mean±SD sequences of head movements tolerated to achieve moderate nausea were more (P=0.014) for DEPRIV (21.3±9.9) versus SMOKE (18.3±8.5). DISCUSSION: Tolerance to motion sickness was aided by short-term smoking deprivation, supporting Hypothesis (i) but not Hypothesis (ii). The effect was was approximately equivalent to half of the effect of an anti-motion sickness drug. Temporary nicotine withdrawal peri-operatively may explain why smokers have reduced risk for postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV).
Sweroside, a major active iridoid in Swertia pseudochinensis Hara, is recognized as an effective agent in the treatment of liver injury. Based on previous reports, the relatively short half-life (64 min) and poor bioavailability (approximately 0.31%) in rats suggested that not only sweroside itself but also its metabolites could be responsible for the observed hepato-protective effect. However, few studies have been carried out on the metabolism of sweroside. Therefore, the present study aimed at identifying the metabolites of sweroside in rat urine after a single oral dose (100 mg/kg). With ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC/Q-TOF-MS), the metabolic profile revealed 11 metabolites in rat urine, including phase I, phase II and aglycone-related products. The chemical structures of metabolites were proposed based on accurate mass measurements of protonated or deprotonated molecules and their fragmentation patterns. Our findings showed that the aglycone of sweroside (M05) and its glucuronide conjugate (M06) were principal circulating metabolites in rats. While several other metabolic transformations, occurring via reduction, N-heterocyclization and N-acetylation after deglycosylation, were also observed. Two metabolites (M05 and M06) were isolated from the rat urine for structural elucidation and identifcation of reaction sites. Both M05 and M06 were characterized by 1H, 13C and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. UHPLC/Q-TOF-MS analysis has provided an important analytical platform to gather metabolic profile of sweroside.
This chapter (12) reviews key publications by Sir Peter Hall in the period 1967-79. In this period he was particularly interested in the 'inner city' and how problems of deprivation, unemployment, poor housing, and increasingly immigration might best be addressed by public policy. Each chapter in the book reviews Sir Peter's publications over a long and distinguished career in research and policy advice to government in honour of his 80th birthday in 2013.
An evaluation of the change in perceived image contrast with changes in displayed image size was carried out. This was achieved using data from four psychophysical investigations, which employed techniques to match the perceived contrast of displayed images of five different sizes. A total of twenty-four S-shape polynomial functions were created and applied to every original test image to produce images with different contrast levels. The objective contrast related to each function was evaluated from the gradient of the mid-section of the curve (gamma). The manipulation technique took into account published gamma differences that produced a just-noticeable-difference (JND) in perceived contrast. The filters were designed to achieve approximately half a JND, whilst keeping the mean image luminance unaltered. The processed images were then used as test series in a contrast matching experiment. Sixty-four natural scenes, with varying scene content acquired under various illumination conditions, were selected from a larger set captured for the purpose. Results showed that the degree of change in contrast between images of different sizes varied with scene content but was not as important as equivalent perceived changes in sharpness.