1000 resultados para análise sensorial descritiva
The aim of this study was to analyze and evaluate the performance of swimmers tied to the Extension Project Natação na UNESP at distances of 25m, 50m, 75m and 100m. The study included 20 people, including 12 men and 8 women. From an aerial footage was possible to record the tests proposed by the analysis of videos of, Freestyleand Backstroke styles for stroke cycles, average speed, stroke frequency and time proof stretches of 0-25m, 25-50m, 50-75m e 75-100m. Thus, it was possible to calculate stroke length, frequency, average speed as proposed in the study of Maglischo (1999). From these data were applied to descriptive statistics with mean and standard deviation, minimum and maximum scores in the different parameters of analysis and statistical tests, t-test and correlation to make comparisons between styles and between the distances swims by the subjects. Regarding the performance of the participants in the eight proposed tests, it can be said that most have already mastered the styles Crawl and Back Crawl for having managed to finish the tests proposed. However, the results of the variables analyzed mainly by the total time obtained in the tests can classify the subjects in the initial phase of learning and to start the training will be necessary to improve the implementation of styles
Te authors intend to present the history o Brazilian education as an important
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this work were prepared with three ice cream added peppers of different varieties: Capsicum baccatum, Capsicum annuum and Capsicum frutescens. The peppers were first pasteurized and evaluated in relation to the effect of heat treatment on the ascorbic acid content. Results showed that the Capsicum annuum showed higher ascorbic acid content, but the heat treatment resulted in greater loss of biocompounds. The higher retention of ascorbic acid was observed with Capsicum frutescens, which presented lower content of biocompound, but near of the pepper Capsicum annuum. The follow attributes was performed to evaluate the acceptance of ice cream through the sensory attributes: color, aroma, flavor and texture. Analysis of variance showed no significant difference between ice cream formulations at the 5% level of significance with regard to color, aroma and texture. Regarding taste, the samples differed significantly, at 5% significance, and the most preferred was the ice cream made with pepper Capsicum frutescens.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the soccer game, the player needs to be ready to attend the outlined requirements in differents extrategic moments. The fundamentals of soccer optimize their participation in a game, however, a correct execution of the movements can ensure their efficiency. From those fundamentals, we highlight the kick executed with the lower limbs characterized mainly by being an appeal of offensive played moving or stopped. Therefore, the objective of this review was to evaluate the kick's ability in the non- practitioners of this modality. Through a descripitive search, the objective followed by the protocol proposed by Mor-Cristian in 1979 was reached. The sample consisted of 48 individuals from both sexes, aged between 19 and 43 years old, students of Physics’ Education of a private University in the State of São Paulo - Brazil. The average of target 01 was 15.92 points, target 02 was 3.83, target 03 showed an average of 4.75 points and the target 04 had the average of 10.33. From the results we can observe that the target 01 have received the highest score over the other arcs. We conclude that the lower arches shown to be more likely to hit compared to the upper arches as being individuals who do not practice soccer.
O Golbol é um esporte desenvolvido para deficientes visuais (DV), no qual o intuito é poder oferecer uma possibilidade adaptada de esporte coletivo, que atenda às necessidades sensoriais do indivíduo DV. Nesse trabalho, nosso objetivo se encontra em verificar e comparar por meio de um questionário estruturado, em escala Likert de 4 pontos, o nível médio de respostas dos participantes a respeito da situação do projeto de extensão e da possibilidade de criarmos uma equipe competitiva e representativa a partir das vivências já estipuladas por estes praticantes. Método: Foi aplicada a avaliação em 12 sujeitos, durante uma sessão de atividades no mês de outubro de 2013. Todos os princípios de ética foram respeitado, seguindo as normas e exigências de nosso comitê de ética local. Dos 12 participantes, 05 eram praticantes DVs do projeto e 07 foram os monitores e envolvidos com a supervisão e docência no projeto. Resultados: Dos resultados encontrados, a partir da relação das respostas dos participantes e da análise descritiva dos itens respondidos e percentuais da amostra, destacamos grande pretensão nas práticas do golbol e na formação de uma equipe competitiva, que condiz com a análise das respostas dos monitores do projeto. Conclusão: Os itens analisados no presente estudo indicam que as expectativas dos envolvidos estão alinhadas com os reais objetivos do projeto. No entanto, nota-se a necessidade de pesquisas futuras que subsidiem estratégias e metodologias adequadas a este público e que permitam mais especificidade a partir da criação de uma equipe representativa e de caráter competitivo para esta modalidade.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Studies with organic systems have shown the feasibility and ecological and social sustainability of these agroecosystems, unlike the systems agrochemicals (conventional) production. Some studies have concluded that for the model agrochemical exists less interaction between the flow of internal energy, basically the crop receives all inputs to production with no increase in "energy quality" within the system, while in the organic model of production has increased interaction between different resources in the system. The current economic and ecological crisis, exposed no sustainability of the production pattern of industrialized agriculture developed in a way, showing the dependence of developed countries on imports of agricultural commodities produced in the third world, among there coffee. Given these facts, developed a survey to identify problems in the Alta Paulista region, west of São Paulo State, in relation to coffee production systems. Actually, the fundamental problem, according to the research, farmers in this region, is to choose a viable production system correctly (environmental, social and economic); agrochemical or organic. The objectives of this study were to analyze the yield of production systems and agro-chemical and organic coffee in the period from 2003 to 2007, in 30 producing properties, located in this region, in order to point the production system to produce the highest yield. According to the methodology of CONAB, data collected were recorded on spreadsheets to be used as variables in statistical analysis models and mathematics. We performed a descriptive analysis of productivity data and were used for statistical analysis tests for parametric and nonparametric analysis of variance. The mathematical analyses of the curves were prepared with Origin for Windows 6.0 software, which uses numerical methods to fit the data supplied to a function of variable parameters. Unlike conventional systems of production, the organic system showed greater viability of the production model. Furthermore, with the quantitative modeling proposal, it is possible to perform the evaluation of these types of investments, providing more security to the farmer at the time of decision.
O presente trabalho demonstra por meio da estatística descritiva a situação de faturamento de energia elétrica de uma usina de açúcar e álcool da região de Quatá. Com o intuito de avaliar a utilização da energia elétrica da usina, foram descritos os fatores que interferem no uso da energia elétrica, dados pelo fator de carga (fc) e fator de potência (fp). Nesse trabalho optamos pela estatística descritiva, cujo objetivo básico é o de sintetizar uma série de valores de mesma natureza, permitindo dessa forma que se tenha uma visão global da variação desses valores, organizando e descrevendo os dados de três maneiras: por meio de tabelas, de gráficos e de medidas descritivas. Foi elaborada uma planilha com a média de todos os meses dos anos de 2008 a 2010 a partir dos dados fornecidos pela concessionária de energia elétrica. Foi verificado que a empresa é extremamente eficiente, fato verificado durante estes três anos pela avaliação do fator de potência que geralmente foi 1,0. A empresa foi em média considerada racional, pois seu fator de carga calculado foi avaliado como regular nestes 3 anos.
Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is a product grown in tropical and subtropical regions and from it we can extract products like guacamole which is highly consumed in the Mexican culinary. The most used varieties for guacamole are the Hass and Fuerte. The present research had as objective to evaluate the microbiological and sensorial quality of the guacamole conserved through cold with no addition of additives. The microbiological analyses have shown the product reached satisfactory results as for the analysis of total and thermoenduring coliform < 3,0 UFC/g, Salmonella absent in 25g, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus < 100 UFC/g, presenting values within the patterns set by RDC of Anvisa 12 of January 2nd 2001. The analyses of mesophile bacteria and the counting of mold and yeast reached values between 102 and 104 UFC/g and the psychrotropic bactéria presented values < 100 UFC/g. The sensorial anlyses have shown that the polyethylene package isn't effective in keeping the analysed sensorial parameters. Although the polyethylene and nylon packages had better results, however they didn't differentiate themselves so as the vacuum use.