991 resultados para agonista PPAR-alfa
RESUMO Objetivo Realizar a adaptação transcultural e a validação da versão de 29-itens daReadiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) para língua portuguesa falada no Brasil. Método Foram adotadas cinco etapas: três traduções, síntese, três retrotraduções, avaliação por especialistas e pré-teste. A validação contou com 327 estudantes de 13 cursos de graduação de uma universidade pública. Foram realizadas análises paralelas com o software R e a análise fatorial utilizando Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Resultados A análise fatorial resultou em uma escala de 27 itens e três fatores: Fator 1 – Trabalho em equipe e colaboração com 14 itens (1-9, 12-16), Fator 2 – Identidade profissional, oito itens (10, 11, 17, 19, 21-24), e Fator 3 – Atenção à saúde centrada no paciente, cinco itens (25-29). Alfa de Cronbach dos três fatores foi respectivamente: 0,90; 0,66; 0,75. Análise de variância mostrou diferenças significativas nas médias dos fatores dos grupos profissionais. Conclusão Foram identificadas evidências de validação da versão em português da RIPLS em sua aplicação no contexto nacional.
Como parte do Projeto PROVIVE, foram analisadas a riqueza de espécies, a composição taxonômica, a proporção de espécies raras e a constância taxonômica ao nível de família relacionada à riqueza de espécies, em comunidades de Coleoptera, em Vila Velha, Ponta Grossa, Paraná. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de coletas através de armadilha malaise no estrato do sub-bosque de cinco áreas com diferentes graus de intervenção antrópica, de setembro de 1999 a agosto de 2000. As 52 semanas de amostragem nas cinco áreas resultaram na coleta de 10.822 indivíduos de 1659 espécies. Todas as áreas apresentaram alta riqueza de espécies e diversidade, como indicado por vários índices. A área em estágio mais avançado de sucessão vegetal foi menos rica do que aquelas em estágio inicial/intermediária. De acordo com diferentes estimadores de riqueza de espécies, o número de espécies coletadas poderia aumentar de 22-123% com o aumento do esforço de coleta. As áreas menos conservadas foram mais ricas em espécies raras ("singletons", "doubletons" e únicas) do que as mais conservadas. Nas cinco áreas houve uma constância taxonômica entre as famílias mais ricas (Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae, Cerambycidae, Staphylinidae, Mordelidae, Elateridae, Scarabaeidae, Coccinellidae e Tenebrionidae) envolvendo 60% do total de espécies, como observado para a abundância de indivíduos. A existência de um padrão de constância taxonômica de famílias, quando considerados 60% da riqueza de espécies e/ou de abundância de indivíduos por local, poderá tornar mais fácil e rápido o estudo de comunidades de Coleoptera, habilitando a ordem a ser um táxon indicador de condições ambientais de áreas florestadas.
Uma empresa pode alcançar bons resultados, se os gestores da mesma optarem pela melhor fonte de financiamento. Na qualidade de alternativa de financiamento, a locação financeira tem vindo a apresentar níveis de crescimentos bastante expressivas, tendo já sido adoptado por grande parte do tecido empresarial internacional, como meio privilegiado de financiamento de médio e longo prazo. Desta forma, o presente trabalho desenvolve o tema: “ Locação: Critérios de Decisão e de Reconhecimento”, focalizando na locação financeira enquanto alternativa de financiamento. Tendo como objectivo, demonstrar a utilização ou não da locação financeira como meio de financiamento e de apresentar os critérios para fundamentar tal decisão, foi feito um inquérito a algumas empresas no mercado em São Vicente. A apreciação das respostas obtidas e análise do inquérito levou à conclusão de que a locação financeira é uma actividade relativamente recente, sendo pouca explorada pelo tecido empresarial. O trabalho explora ainda uma dimensão contabilística das locações, relacionada com os processos de mensuração e reconhecimento no balanço e nas demonstrações de resultados. Para além disso, este trabalho vai mais adiante com um estudo de caso, utilizando como instrumento um contrato de locação financeira, para averiguar na prática qual o tratamento contabilístico atribuído a este tipo de contrato pelos intervenientes no contrato. O estudo de caso foi feito com base em documentos facultados por uma das empresas inquiridas no mercado em São Vicente, da qual por exigência da mesma garantimos a confidencialidade, utilizando assim um nome fictício “Alfa, S.A.”. Esperamos que este estudo exploratório seja útil e que contribua para o aumento do conhecimento teórico e prático sobre as locações, a todos os interessados nesta matéria. A company can get good results, if their managers, opt for the best financing source. In the quality of financing alternative, the financial lease has been demonstrating, growth levels quite expressive, having already been adopted for great part of the international business fabric, as a privilege way of financing of medium and long period. On this way, the present work develops the theme: “Lease: Criteria of decision and of the recognition” focusing in the financial lease while financing alternative. The goal is to demonstrate the use of the financial lease as a way of financing and of presenting the criteria to base such decision, it was made an inquiry to some companies in São Vicente market. The appreciation of the obtained answers and the analyzes of such inquiry took the conclusion that the financial lease is an activity relatively recent, being little explored by the business fabric. This work explores also a accountant dimension of the related leases with the mensuration processes and of recognition of the swinging and in the demonstration of results. Besides, this work is going further on with a case study, using as instrument a contract of financial lease to inquire in practice which is the accounting treatment attributed to this type of contract by the intervening in the contact. The study case was done with base in documents allowed by one of the companies inquired in São Vicente, of which we guaranteed the confidentiality for demand of the same, using as a fictitious the name “Alfa, S.A.” We hoped that this exploratory study is useful and that it contributes to the increase of the theoretical knowledge and practice on the leases, to all the interested in this matter.
Peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear hormone receptors that mediate the effects of fatty acids and their derivatives at the transcriptional level. Through these pathways, PPARs can regulate cell proliferation, differentiation and survival, so controlling carcinogenesis in various tissues. But what are the links between each PPAR isotype and carcinogenesis and what is the relevance of these findings to human pathology and therapy?
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) is a member of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily and is activated by a variety of fibrate hypolipidaemic drugs and non-genotoxic rodent hepatocarcinogens that are collectively termed peroxisome proliferators. A key marker of peroxisome proliferator action is the peroxisomal enzyme acyl CoA oxidase, which is elevated about ten fold in the livers of treated rodents. Additional peroxisome proliferator responsive genes include other peroxisomal beta-oxidation enzymes and members of the cytochrome P450 IVA family. A peroxisome proliferator response element (PPRE), consisting of an almost perfect direct repeat of the sequence TGACCT spaced by a single base pair, has been identified in the upstream regulatory sequences of each of these genes. The retinoid X receptor (RXR) forms a heterodimer with PPAR and binds to the PPRE. Furthermore, the RXR ligand, 9-cis retinoic acid, enhances PPAR action. Retinoids may therefore modulate the action of peroxisome proliferators and PPAR may interfere with retinoid action, perhaps providing one mechanism to explain the toxicity of peroxisome proliferators. Interestingly, a variety of fatty acids can activate PPAR supporting the suggestion that fatty acids, or their acyl CoA derivatives, may be the natural ligands of PPAR and that the physiological role of PPAR is to regulate fatty acid homeostasis. Taken together, the discovery of PPAR has opened up new opportunities in understanding how lipid homeostasis is regulated, how the fibrate hypolipidaemic drugs may act and should lead to improvements in the assessment of human risk from peroxisome proliferators based upon a better understanding of their mechanism of action.
PPARs are nuclear hormone receptors which, like the retinoid, thyroid hormone, vitamin D, and steroid hormone receptors, are ligand-activated transcription factors mediating the hormonal control of gene expression. Two lines of evidence indicate that PPARs have an important function in fatty acid metabolism. First, PPARs are activated by hypolipidemic drugs and physiological concentrations of fatty acids, and second, PPARs control the peroxisomal beta-oxidation pathway of fatty acids through transcriptional induction of the gene encoding the acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO), which is the rate-limiting enzyme of the pathway. Furthermore, the PPAR signaling pathway appears to converge with the 9-cis retinoic acid receptor (RXR) signaling pathway in the regulation of the ACO gene because heterodimerization between PPAR and RXR is essential for in vitro binding to the PPRE and because the strongest stimulation of this gene is observed when both receptors are exposed simultaneously to their activators. Thus, it appears that PPARs are involved in the 9-cis retinoic acid signaling pathway and that they play a pivotal role in the hormonal control of lipid metabolism.
Resistência de pragas a inseticidas, danos ao ambiente em função da poluição do solo e de recursos hídricos vem sendo observados pelo uso de inseticidas químicos no controle de pragas em grãos armazenados. Com o intuito de minimizar estes problemas, estão sendo estudadas alternativas como o uso de inseticidas botânicos. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do óleo essencial de Tagetes patula L. sobre, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, 1855 em milho sob condições de laboratório. O óleo essencial de T. patula foi obtido através de arraste a vapor com aparelho clevenger. A caracterização química dos compostos encontrados no óleo essencial de T. patula foi realizada através de cromatografia gasosa acoplado a espectrometria de massas, sendo observados: limoneno (37,05%), terpinoleno (32,61%), piperitone (14,40%), eofitadieno (5,91%), sabineno (2,88%), trans-ocimeno (2,02%), beta-cariofileno (1,98%), farnesol (1,84%) e alfa-pineno (1,30%). Os insetos utilizados nos bioensaios foram mantidos em temperatura e umidade relativa controlada. Foram avaliados os efeitos do óleo essencial de T. patula sobre o comportamento (atratividade e/ou repelência) e atividade inseticida sobre adultos de S. zeamais através de dois bioensaios. Pelos resultados pode-se observar o efeito repelente e inseticida do óleo essencial de T. patula sobre S. zeamais, na concentração de 10 µL (p<0,0001 e p=0,02) sendo portanto, eficaz no controle de adultos de S. zeamais.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) and retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are nuclear hormone receptors that are activated by fatty acids and 9-cis-retinoic acid, respectively. PPARs and RXRs form heterodimers that activate transcription by binding to PPAR response elements (PPREs) in the promoter of target genes. The PPREs described thus far consist of a direct tandem repeat of the AGGTCA core element with one intervening nucleotide. We show here that the vitellogenin A2 estrogen response element (ERE) can also function as a PPRE and is bound by a PPAR/RXR heterodimer. Although this heterodimer can bind to several other ERE-related palindromic response elements containing AGGTCA half-sites, only the ERE is able to confer transactivation of test reporter plasmids, when the ERE is placed either close to or at a distance from the transcription initiation site. Examination of natural ERE-containing promoters, including the pS2, very-low-density apolipoprotein II and vitellogenin A2 genes, revealed considerable differences in the binding of PPAR/RXR heterodimers to these EREs. In their natural promoter context, these EREs did not allow transcriptional activation by PPARs/RXRs. Analysis of this lack of stimulation of the vitellogenin A2 promoter demonstrated that PPARs/RXRs bind to the ERE but cannot transactivate due to a nonpermissive promoter structure. As a consequence, PPARs/RXRs inhibit transactivation by the estrogen receptor through competition for ERE binding. This is the first example of signaling cross-talk between PPAR/RXR and estrogen receptor.
Cutaneous melanoma is an aggressive malignant tumor of melanocytes, the pigment- producing cells of the epidermis, with a high incidence in developed countries. Despite some major clinical breakthroughs in the last few years, efficient therapies for metastatic melanoma, which portends a very bad prognosis, are still lacking. Among the potential therapeutic targets that have been attracting at-tention in melanoma are the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). These members - a, ß and 7 - of the nuclear hormone receptor family, which are ligand-gated transcription factors endowed with a multitude of functions besides metabolism homeostasis, have displayed promising antitumor properties in a wide range of cancer cells, including melanoma. However, our knowledge of PPARs' functions in this skin cancer is far from complete, making the usefulness of any of the a, ß or 7 isotype as a therapeutic target uncertain. In this work, we showed that all three PPAR isotypes are expressed in normal melanocytes, in most melanoma cell lines and in primary and metastatic melanomas, and that PPAR/3 and 7 display transcriptional activity in normal melanocytes and melanoma cells. We also showed that the PPAR7 agonist rosiglitazone had anti-melanoma properties largely independent of PPAR7 expression, which was widely varying across the different cell lines and melanoma biopsies we evaluated and was not correlated with cell line stage. Consistent with the general view of PPAR7 as a tumor suppressor gene, we found that, in human samples, PPAR7 was less expressed in melanoma than in normal skin. Transcriptornic profiling of metastatic melanoma cells in which PPAR7 was pharmacologically modulated revealed an association with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, though the functional relevance of this finding remains to be determined. Collectively, our results suggests that PPAR7 activity in melanoma is highly complex and that a straightforward picture of PPAR7's role in this skin cancer is difficult to draw. In this study, we also provided compelling evidence that thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP) is, in melanoma, a bona fide PPAR7 target gene, the expression of which is repressed by PPAR7 activation. Although TXNIP is mostly known as an inhibitor of the major antioxidant thioredoxin, it has demonstrated a range of biological functions and is generally considered as a tumor suppressor gene. Consistently, we found that TXNIP expression is associated with growth arrest of melanoma cells in vitro and that forced expression of TXNIP strongly impairs cell proliferation. Interestingly, we also discovered that TXNIP favors melanoma cell migration while it diminishes their adhesion. Finally, we provided several lines of evidence that TXNIP may regulate these processes at the transcriptional level as well as by direct protein-protein interactions in the plasma membrane. Altogether, our findings suggest that the PPAR7 target TXNIP may be a double-edged sword in melanoma, hindering tumor growth but promoting invasion and dissemination. Experiments to evaluate the net biological outcome of TXNIP modulation in vivo are ongoing. -- Le mélanome cutané est une tumeur maligne agressive des mélanocytes, cellules de l'épiderme qui produisent la mélanine. Ce cancer présente un taux d'incidence élevé dans les pays développés et est grevé d'un pronostic très sombre une fois qu'il a disséminé. Malgré les importants progrès réalisés ces dernières années, aucune thérapie lie s'est encore montrée véritablement efficace contre le mélanome métastatique. Parmi les cibles thérapeutiques potentielles, nombre de groupes de recherche se sont penchés sur les peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). Ces récepteurs - a, ß et 7 - font partie de la famille des récepteurs nucléaires aux hormones, des facteurs de transcription activés par des ligands et dotés d'une multitude de fonctions en sus de la régulation du métabolisme. Ces protéines ont démontré des propriétés anti-tumorales prometteuses dans une large gamme de cellules cancéreuses, y compris le mélanome. Cependant, nous connaissons encore très mal les fonctions des PPARs dans ce cancer de la peau, rendant l'utilité thérapeutique de l'un des isotypes a, ß ou 7 incertaine. Dans ce travail, nous avons montré que les trois isotypes sont exprimés dans les mélanocytes normaux, dans la plupart des lignées de mélanome ainsi que dans des mélanomes primaires et métastatiques; nous avons aussi montré que PPAR/3 et 7 sont actifs sur le plan transcriptionnel dans les mélanocytes normaux et les cellules de mélanome. La rosiglitazone, un agoniste de PPAR7, a démontré des propriétés anti-mélanome essentiellement indépendantes de l'expression de PPAR7, qui semble très variable dans les lignées et les biopsies que nous avons évaluées; de plus, l'expression de PPAR7 n'est pas corrélée avec le stade de la lignée. En accord avec la vision communément admise de PPAR7 comme étant un gène suppresseur de tumeur, nous avons observé dans des échantillons humains que PPAR7 est moins exprimé dans les mélanomes que dans la peau normale. Une étude transcrip- tomique de cellules de mélanome métastatique a révélé que la modulation phar-macologique de PPAR7 est associée avec la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse, même si la pertinence fonctionnelle de cette trouvaille reste à déterminer. Collec-tivement, ces résultats suggèrent que l'activité de PPAR/y dans le mélanome est hautement complexe et qu'une image claire du rôle de PPAR7 dans ce cancer est difficile à dessiner. Dans cette étude, nous avons également fourni de solides preuves que la thiore-doxin interacting protein (TXNIP) est, dans le mélanome, un gène cible bona fide de PPAR7 dont l'expression est réprimée par l'activation de PPAR7. Bien que TXNIP soit surtout connu comme un inhibiteur de la thiorédoxine -un anti-oxydant majeur - cette protéine a démontré une large gamme de fonctions biologiques et est généralement considérée comme un gène suppresseur de tumeur. En accord avec cette conception, nous avons trouvé que l'expression de TXNIP est associée avec l'arrêt de croissance des cellules de mélanome in vitro et que l'expression forcée de TXNIP freine considérablement la prolifération cellulaire. Nous avons aussi découvert que TXNIP favorise la migration des cellules de mélanome alors qu'elle diminue leur adhésion. Enfin, nous avons obtenu plusieurs preuves que TXNIP pourrait réguler ces processus tant au niveau transcriptionnel que par des interactions protéine-protéine au sein de la membrane plasmique. En conclusion, nos résultats suggèrent que la cible de PPAR7 TXNIP pourrait être une épée à double tranchant dans le mélanome, freinant la croissance tumorale mais favorisant l'invasion et la dissémination. Des expériences permettant d'évaluer l'effet biologique net de la modulation de TXNIP in vivo sont en cours.
Apart from its role during labor and lactation, oxytocin is involved in several other functions. Interestingly, oxytocin- and oxytocin receptor-deficient mice develop late-onset obesity with normal food intake, suggesting that the hormone might exert a series of beneficial metabolic effects. This was recently confirmed by data showing that central oxytocin infusion causes weight loss in diet-induced obese mice. The aim of the present study was to unravel the mechanisms underlying such beneficial effects of oxytocin. Chronic central oxytocin infusion was carried out in high fat diet-induced obese rats. Its impact on body weight, lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity was determined. We observed a dose-dependent decrease in body weight gain, increased adipose tissue lipolysis and fatty acid β-oxidation, as well as reduced glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. The additional observation that plasma oxytocin levels increased upon central infusion suggested that the hormone might affect adipose tissue metabolism by direct action. This was demonstrated using in vitro, ex vivo, as well as in vivo experiments. With regard to its mechanism of action in adipose tissue, oxytocin increased the expression of stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 1, as well as the tissue content of the phospholipid precursor, N-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine, the biosynthetic precursor of the oleic acid-derived PPAR-alpha activator, oleoylethanolamide. Because PPAR-alpha regulates fatty acid β-oxidation, we hypothesized that this transcription factor might mediate the oxytocin effects. This was substantiated by the observation that, in contrast to its effects in wild-type mice, oxytocin infusion failed to induce weight loss and fat oxidation in PPAR-alpha-deficient animals. Altogether, these results suggest that oxytocin administration could represent a promising therapeutic approach for the treatment of human obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Glycogen synthase 2 (Gys-2) is the ratelimiting enzyme in the storage of glycogen in liver and adipose tissue, yet little is known about regulation of Gys-2 transcription. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are transcription factors involved in the regulation of lipid and glucose metabolism and might be hypothesized to govern glycogen synthesis as well. Here, we show that Gys-2 is a direct target gene of PPARalpha, PPARbeta/delta and PPARgamma. Expression of Gys-2 is significantly reduced in adipose tissue of PPARalpha-/-, PPARbeta/delta-/- and PPARgamma+/- mice. Furthermore, synthetic PPARbeta/delta, and gamma agonists markedly up-regulate Gys-2 mRNA and protein expression in mouse 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In liver, PPARalpha deletion leads to decreased glycogen levels in the refed state, which is paralleled by decreased expression of Gys-2 in fasted and refed state. Two putative PPAR response elements (PPREs) were identified in the mouse Gys-2 gene: one in the upstream promoter (DR-1prom) and one in intron 1 (DR-1int). It is shown that DR-1int is the response element for PPARs, while DR-1prom is the response element for Hepatic Nuclear Factor 4 alpha (HNF4alpha). In adipose tissue, which does not express HNF4alpha, DR-1prom is occupied by PPARbeta/delta and PPARgamma, yet binding does not translate into transcriptional activation of Gys-2. Overall, we conclude that mouse Gys-2 is a novel PPAR target gene and that transactivation by PPARs and HNF4alpha is mediated by two distinct response elements.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Genetic variation in the interleukin 28B (IL28B) gene has been associated with the response to interferon-alfa/ribavirin therapy in hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1-infected patients. The importance of three IL28B single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs8099917, rs12980275 and rs12979860) for HCV genotype 2/3-infected patients is unknown. METHODS: In patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 2/3 (n=267), IL28B host genotypes (rs8099917, rs12980275 and rs12979860) were analyzed for associations with sustained virologic response (SVR) to antiviral therapy with (pegylated) interferon-alfa and ribavirin and with respect to epidemiological, biochemical, and virological parameters. For comparison, hepatitis C genotype 1 patients (n=378) and healthy controls (n=200) were included. RESULTS: The rs12979860 CC genotype, lower age, and genotype 2 were significantly associated with SVR in HCV genotype 2/3-infected patients (p=0.01, p=0.03 and p=0.03, respectively). No association was observed for rs8099917 and rs12980275. In addition, an SVR in patients with rapid virologic response (RVR) was associated with the rs12979860 CC genotype (p=0.05), while for non-RVR no association was found. Furthermore, a significant association with a higher baseline viral load was observed for all three IL28B genotypes in genotype 1/2/3-infected patients. Finally, increasing frequencies of the rs12979860 CC genotypes were observed in genotype 1- (33.9%), genotype 3- (38.9%), and genotype 2-infected (51.9%) patients in comparison with healthy controls (49.0%) (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: In genotype 2/3-infected patients, rs12979860 was significantly associated with SVR. The frequency of the rs12979860 CC genotype is lower in HCV genotype 1 vs. genotype 2/3 patients. All major IL28B genotypes are associated with HCV-RNA concentration.
Resumo da Empresa De acordo com a análise do Balanced Scorecard da empresa neste último ano de funcionamento podemos constatar que a Alfa tem como forças a efetividade de mercado, produtividade de fabricação e exposição ao risco financeiro. É ainda de ter em atenção que um dos principais pontos fracos destacados é o fraco investimento no futuro por parte da empresa.