998 resultados para Zinc ores.


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Copper and Zn are essential micronutrients for plants, animals, and humans; however, they may also be pollutants if they occur at high concentrations in soil. Therefore, knowledge of Cu and Zn cycling in soils is required both for guaranteeing proper nutrition and to control possible risks arising from pollution.rnThe overall objective of my study was to test if Cu and Zn stable isotope ratios can be used to investigate into the biogeochemistry, source and transport of these metals in soils. The use of stable isotope ratios might be especially suitable to trace long-term processes occurring during soil genesis and transport of pollutants through the soil. In detail, I aimed to answer the questions, whether (1) Cu stable isotopes are fractionated during complexation with humic acid, (2) 65Cu values can be a tracer for soil genetic processes in redoximorphic soils (3) 65Cu values can help to understand soil genetic processes under oxic weathering conditions, and (4) 65Cu and 66Zn values can act as tracers of sources and transport of Cu and Zn in polluted soils.rnTo answer these questions, I ran adsorption experiments at different pH values in the laboratory and modelled Cu adsorption to humic acid. Furthermore, eight soils were sampled representing different redox and weathering regimes of which two were influenced by stagnic water, two by groundwater, two by oxic weathering (Cambisols), and two by podzolation. In all horizons of these soils, I determined selected basic soil properties, partitioned Cu into seven operationally defined fractions and determined Cu concentrations and Cu isotope ratios (65Cu values). Finally, three additional soils were sampled along a deposition gradient at different distances to a Cu smelter in Slovakia and analyzed together with bedrock and waste material from the smelter for selected basic soil properties, Cu and Zn concentrations and 65Cu and 66Zn values.rnMy results demonstrated that (1) Copper was fractionated during adsorption on humic acid resulting in an isotope fractionation between the immobilized humic acid and the solution (65CuIHA-solution) of 0.26 ± 0.11‰ (2SD) and that the extent of fractionation was independent of pH and involved functional groups of the humic acid. (2) Soil genesis and plant cycling causes measurable Cu isotope fractionation in hydromorphic soils. The results suggested that an increasing number of redox cycles depleted 63Cu with increasing depth resulting in heavier 65Cu values. (3) Organic horizons usually had isotopically lighter Cu than mineral soils presumably because of the preferred uptake and recycling of 63Cu by plants. (4) In a strongly developed Podzol, eluviation zones had lighter and illuviation zones heavier 65Cu values because of the higher stability of organo-65Cu complexes compared to organo-63Cu complexes. In the Cambisols and a little developed Podzol, oxic weathering caused increasingly lighter 65Cu values with increasing depth, resulting in the opposite depth trend as in redoximorphic soils, because of the preferential vertical transport of 63Cu. (5) The 66Zn values were fractionated during the smelting process and isotopically light Zn was emitted allowing source identification of Zn pollution while 65Cu values were unaffected by the smelting and Cu emissions isotopically indistinguishable from soil. The 65Cu values in polluted soils became lighter down to a depth of 0.4 m indicating isotope fractionation during transport and a transport depth of 0.4 m in 60 years. 66Zn values had an opposite depth trend becoming heavier with depth because of fractionation by plant cycling, speciation changes, and mixing of native and smelter-derived Zn. rnCopper showed measurable isotope fractionation of approximately 1‰ in unpolluted soils, allowing to draw conclusions on plant cycling, transport, and redox processes occurring during soil genesis and 65Cu and 66Zn values in contaminated soils allow for conclusions on sources (in my study only possible for Zn), biogeochemical behavior, and depth of dislocation of Cu and Zn pollution in soil. I conclude that stable Cu and Zn isotope ratios are a suitable novel tool to trace long-term processes in soils which are difficult to assess otherwise.rn


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Metallische Nanopartikel und ihre Oxide (z.B. ZnO NP, TiO2 NP und Fe2O3 NP) werden aufgrund ihrer chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften häufig als Additive in der Reifenproduktion, in Katalysatoren, Lebensmitteln, Arzneimitteln und Kosmetikprodukten verwendet. Künftig wird ein kontinuierlicher Anstieg der industriellen Anwendung (~ 1663 Tonnen im Jahr 2025) mit gesteigerter Freisetzung in die Umwelt erwartet, was zwangsläufig zu einer vermehrten Aufnahme über das respiratorische Epithel führt. Metalldampffieber ist als gesundheitsschädigender Effekt von Metalloxid-haltigen Aerosolen (z.B. ZnO) nach Inhalation bekannt. Immunreaktionen, wie beispielsweise Entzündungen, werden häufig mit der Entstehung von Sauerstoffradikalen (ROS) in Verbindung gebracht, die wiederum zu DNA-Schäden führen können. Drei mögliche Ursachen der Genotoxität werden angenommen: direkte Interaktion von Nanopartikeln mit intrazellulären Strukturen, Interaktion von Ionen dissoziierter Partikel mit intrazellulären Strukturen sowie die Entstehung von ROS initiiert durch Partikel oder Ionen.rnDie vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit den Mechanismen der Genotoxizität von ZnO Nanopartikeln (ZnO NP), als Beispiel für metallische Nanopartikel, im respiratorischen Epithel. In der Studie wurde gezielt die intrazelluläre Aufnahme und Verteilung von ZnO NP, deren Toxizität, deren DNA schädigendes Potential sowie die Aktivierung der DNA damage response (DDR) analysiert.rnEs konnten kaum internalisierte ZnO NP mittels TEM detektiert werden. Innerhalb der ersten Sekunden nach Behandlung mit ZnO NP wurde spektrofluorometrisch ein starker Anstieg der intrazellulären Zn2+ Konzentration gemessen. In unbehandelten Zellen war Zn2+ in granulären Strukturen lokalisiert. Die Behandlung mit ZnO NP führte zu einer Akkumulation von Zn2+ in diesen Strukturen. Im zeitlichen Verlauf verlagerten sich die Zn2+-Ionen in das Zytoplasma, sowie in Zellkerne und Mitochondrien. Es wurde keine Kolokalisation von Zn2+ mit den frühen Endosomen und dem endoplasmatischen Retikulum beobachtet. Die Vorbehandlung der Zellen mit Diethylen-triaminpentaessigsäure (DTPA), als extrazellulärem Komplexbildner, verhinderte den intrazellulären Anstieg von Zn2+ nach Behandlung mit den Partikeln.rnDie Behandlung mit ZnO NP resultierte in einer zeit- und dosisabhängigen Reduktion der zellulären Viabilität, während die intrazelluläre ROS-Konzentrationen in den ersten 30 min leicht und anschließend kontinuierlich bis zum Ende der Messung anstiegen. Außerdem verringerte sich das mitochondriale Membranpotential, während sich die Anzahl der frühapoptotischen Zellen in einer zeitabhängigen Weise erhöhte. rnDNA Doppelstrangbrüche (DNA DSB) wurden mittels Immunfluoreszenz-Färbung der γH2A.X foci sichtbar gemacht und konnten nach Behandlung mit ZnO NP detektiert werden. Die Vorbehandlung mit dem Radikalfänger N-Acetyl-L-Cytein (NAC) resultierte in stark reduzierten intrazellulären ROS-Konzentrationen sowie wenigen DNA DSB. Die DNA Schädigung wurde durch Vorbehandlung mit DTPA ganz verhindert.rnDie Aktivierung der DDR wurde durch die Analyse von ATM, ATR, Chk1, Chk2, p53 und p21 mittels Western Blot und ELISA nach Behandlung mit ZnO NP überprüft. Der ATR/Chk1 Signalweg wurde durch ZnO NP nicht aktiviert. Die Komplexierung von Zn2+ resultierte in einer verminderten ATM/Chk2 Signalwegaktivierung. Es zeigte sich, dass das Abfangen von ROS keinen Effekt auf die ATM/Chk2 Signalwegaktivierung hatte.rnZusammengefasst wurde festgestellt, dass die Exposition mit ZnO NP in der Entstehung von ROS, reduzierter Viabilität und vermindertem mitochondrialem Membranpotential resultiert, sowie zeitabhängig eine frühe Apoptose initiiert. ZnO NP dissoziierten extrazellulär und wurden schnell als Zn2+ über unbekannte Mechanismen internalisiert. Die Zn2+-Ionen wurden im Zytoplasma, sowie besonders in den Mitochondrien und dem Zellkern, akkumuliert. Die DDR Signalgebung wurde durch ZnO NP aktiviert, jedoch nicht durch NAC inhibiert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass DTPA die DDR Aktivierung komplett inhibierte. Die Behandlung mit ZnO NP induzierte DNA DSB. Die Inhibition von ROS reduzierte die DNA DSB und die Komplexierung der Zn2+ verhinderte die Entstehung von DNA DSB.rnDiese Daten sprechen für die Dissoziation der Partikel und die hierbei freigesetzten Zn2+ als Hauptmediator der Genotoxizität metallischer Nanopartikel. rn


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We report a case of acrodermatitis enteropathica-like skin eruptions presenting with alopecia, perlèche, glossitis, and genital erosions as well as multifocal eczematoid, psoriasiform, and bullous skin lesions due to zinc deficiency in Crohn's disease.


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A major myonecrotic zinc containing metalloprotease 'malabarin' with thrombin like activity was purified by the combination of gel permeation and anion exchange chromatography from T. malabaricus snake venom. MALDI-TOF analysis of malabarin indicated a molecular mass of 45.76 kDa and its N-terminal sequence was found to be Ile-Ile-Leu- Pro(Leu)-Ile-Gly-Val-Ile-Leu(Glu)-Thr-Thr. Atomic absorption spectral analysis of malabarin raveled the association of zinc metal ion. Malabarin is not lethal when injected i.p. or i.m. but causes extensive hemorrhage and degradation of muscle tissue within 24 hours. Sections of muscle tissue under light microscope revealed hemorrhage and congestion of blood vessel during initial stage followed by extensive muscle fiber necrosis with elevated levels of serum creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activity. Malabarin also exhibited strong procoagulant action and its procoagulant action is due to thrombin like activity; it hydrolyzes fibrinogen to form fibrin clot. The enzyme preferentially hydrolyzes A? followed by B subunits of fibrinogen from the N-terminal region and the released products were identified as fibrinopeptide A and fibrinopeptide B by MALDI. The myonecrotic, fibrinogenolytic and subsequent procoagulant activities of malabarin was neutralized by specific metalloprotease inhibitors such as EDTA, EGTA and 1, 10-phenanthroline but not by PMSF a specific serine protease inhibitor. Since there is no antivenom available to neutralize local toxicity caused by T. malabaricus snakebite, EDTA chelation therapy may have more clinical relevance over conventional treatment.


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The addition of a ZnS shell to CdSe and CdS quantum dot cores was explored using various methods. Spectrophotometry was used to assess the success of ZnS overcoating, which produces both an increase in overall fluorescence and decrease in particle size distribution. A new method was developed, involving preheating of the zinc and sulfide precursor solutions, resulting in CdSe(ZnS) particles with improved fluorescence and a more uniform shell coating from oleylamine-capped CdSe core particles.


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Desulfovibrio sp. A2 is an anaerobic gram-negative sulfate-reducing bacterium with remarkable tolerance to copper. It was isolated from wastewater effluents of a zinc smelter at the Urals. Here, we report the 4.2-Mb draft genome sequence of Desulfovibrio sp. A2 and identify potential copper resistance mechanisms.


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Background Predominantly, studies of nanoparticle (NPs) toxicology in vitro are based upon the exposure of submerged cell cultures to particle suspensions. Such an approach however, does not reflect particle inhalation. As a more realistic simulation of such a scenario, efforts were made towards direct delivery of aerosols to air-liquid-interface cultivated cell cultures by the use of aerosol exposure systems. This study aims to provide a direct comparison of the effects of zinc oxide (ZnO) NPs when delivered as either an aerosol, or in suspension to a triple cell co-culture model of the epithelial airway barrier. To ensure dose–equivalence, ZnO-deposition was determined in each exposure scenario by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Biological endpoints being investigated after 4 or 24h incubation include cytotoxicity, total reduced glutathione, induction of antioxidative genes such as heme-oxygenase 1 (HO–1) as well as the release of the (pro)-inflammatory cytokine TNFα. Results Off-gases released as by-product of flame ZnO synthesis caused a significant decrease of total reduced GSH and induced further the release of the cytokine TNFα, demonstrating the influence of the gas phase on aerosol toxicology. No direct effects could be attributed to ZnO particles. By performing suspension exposure to avoid the factor “flame-gases”, particle specific effects become apparent. Other parameters such as LDH and HO–1 were not influenced by gaseous compounds: Following aerosol exposure, LDH levels appeared elevated at both timepoints and the HO–1 transcript correlated positively with deposited ZnO-dose. Under submerged conditions, the HO–1 induction scheme deviated for 4 and 24h and increased extracellular LDH was found following 24h exposure. Conclusion In the current study, aerosol and suspension-exposure has been compared by exposing cell cultures to equivalent amounts of ZnO. Both exposure strategies differ fundamentally in their dose–response pattern. Additional differences can be found for the factor time: In the aerosol scenario, parameters tend to their maximum already after 4h of exposure, whereas under submerged conditions, effects appear most pronounced mainly after 24h. Aerosol exposure provides information about the synergistic interplay of gaseous and particulate phase of an aerosol in the context of inhalation toxicology. Exposure to suspensions represents a valuable complementary method and allows investigations on particle-associated toxicity by excluding all gas–derived effects.


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In this study zinc compounds containing coordination spheres similar to those in zinc metalloenzymes were identified as targets for potential investigation by ssNMR. The title compounds, zinc catena-(tetrakis(µ2-Benzoato-O,O’))-di-zinc(II), diaquabis(salicylato) zinc, Zn2PSAP(OAc)2, cis-diaqua-diglycolatozinc (II), hexaaquazinc(II)p-hydroxybenzoate dihydrate, and catena-((µ-3-nitrobenzoato) (µ-3-nitrobenzoic acid)sodium) were synthesized, crystallized and their structures solved using single crystal Xray diffraction


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Endocrine and neuroendocrine cells differ from cells which rapidly release all their secreted proteins in that they store some secretory proteins in concentrated forms in secretory granules to be rapidly released when cells are stimulated. Protein aggregation is considered as the first step in the secretory granule biosynthesis and, at least in the case of prolactin and growth hormone, greatly depends on zinc ions that facilitate this process. Hence, regulation of cellular zinc transport especially that within the regulated secretory pathway is of importance to understand. Various zinc transporters of Slc30a/ZnT and Slc39a/Zip families have been reported to fulfil this role and to participate in fine tuning of zinc transport in and out of the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and secretory granules, the main cellular compartments of the regulated secretory pathway. In this review, we will focus on the role of zinc in the formation of hormone-containing secretory granules with special emphasis on conditions required for growth hormone dimerization/aggregation. In addition, we highlight the role of zinc transporters that govern the process of zinc homeostasis in the regulated hormone secretion.


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Cytosolic CuZn-SOD (SOD1) is a dimeric, carbohydrate-free enzyme with a molecular weight of about 32 kDa and also circulates in human blood plasma. Due to its molecular mass it has been believed that the enzyme cannot penetrate the cell membrane. Here we report that rapid endocytosis of FITC-CuZn-SOD into human endothelial cells occurs within 5 min. Moreover, relaxation of rat aortic rings in response to CuZn-SOD is associated with a lag time of 45-60 s and only observed in the presence of intact endothelial cells. The results indicate acute and rapid endothelial cell endocytosis of CuZn-SOD, possibly via activation of a receptor-mediated pathway. Intracellular uptake via endocytosis may contribute to the vascular effects of CuZn-SOD, including vasodilation, and is likely to play a role in regulation of vascular tone and diseases such as atherosclerosis.