917 resultados para War in literature.


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Three Plumbago spp have been tested for mosquito larvicidal activity. The crude extracts exhibiting the highest larvicidal activity against Anopheles gambiae were hexane (LC50 = 6.4 μg/mL) and chloroform (LC50 = 6.7 μg/mL) extracts from Plumbago zeylanica Linn, chloroform (LC50 = 6.7 ug/mL) extract from Plumbago stenophylla Bull and ethyl acetate (LC50 = 4.1 μg/mL) extract from Plumbago dawei Rolfe. These LC50 values were within 95% confidence limits. 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (plumbagin) 1 (LC50 = 1.9 μg/mL) and β-sitosterol 2 were characterised from ethyl acetate extract of root bark of P. dawei, a native medicinal plant growing in Kenya, based on spectral analysis and comparisons with data in literature.


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Inventari que recull les notícies que l’autor ha pogut aplegar sobre plecs solts poètics en llengua catalana de temàtica relacionada amb el bandolerisme (des de l’arribada de la impremta a Catalunya fins al final del segle XVII). També ofereix l’edició del text de tres d’aquests plecs solts, impresos a la segona meitat del segle XVI, inèdits modernament i poc coneguts. Es tracta d’una «sèrie» sobre dos germans bandolers, caps de colla: Janot i Montserrat Poc


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The genetic characterization of unbalanced mixed stains remains an important area where improvement is imperative. In fact, with current methods for DNA analysis (Polymerase Chain Reaction with the SGM Plus™ multiplex kit), it is generally not possible to obtain a conventional autosomal DNA profile of the minor contributor if the ratio between the two contributors in a mixture is smaller than 1:10. This is a consequence of the fact that the major contributor's profile 'masks' that of the minor contributor. Besides known remedies to this problem, such as Y-STR analysis, a new compound genetic marker that consists of a Deletion/Insertion Polymorphism (DIP), linked to a Short Tandem Repeat (STR) polymorphism, has recently been developed and proposed elsewhere in literature [1]. The present paper reports on the derivation of an approach for the probabilistic evaluation of DIP-STR profiling results obtained from unbalanced DNA mixtures. The procedure is based on object-oriented Bayesian networks (OOBNs) and uses the likelihood ratio as an expression of the probative value. OOBNs are retained in this paper because they allow one to provide a clear description of the genotypic configuration observed for the mixed stain as well as for the various potential contributors (e.g., victim and suspect). These models also allow one to depict the assumed relevance relationships and perform the necessary probabilistic computations.


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Anàlisi de l'aportació de les escriptores catalanes al gènere concentracionari en base a una pregunta de recerca global: quins efectes específics té el punt de vista de les autores catalanes en aquest gènere literari?


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On Friday May 16, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba summoned the newly-appointed charged’affairs of the European Commission in Havana and announced the withdrawal of the application procedure for membership in the Cotonou Agreement of the Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) countries, and in fact renouncing to benefit from European development aid.1 In a blistering note published in the Granma official newspaper of the Cuban Communist Party, the government blamed the EU Commission for exerting undue pressure, its alleged alignment with the policies of the United States, and censure for the measures taken by Cuba during the previous weeks.2 In reality, Cuba avoided an embarrasin flat rejection for its application. This was the anti-climatic ending for a long process that can be traced back to the end of the Cold War, in a context where Cuba has been testing alternative grounds to substitute for the overwhelming protection of the Soviet Union


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Partint de l'estudi del llibre El retrat de Dorian Gray d'Oscar Wilde s'analitzarà, des del punt de vista de la cultura actual, una societat que s'aferra a la joventut i utilitza tots els mètodes tecnològics per defugir de la vellesa.


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Background: Systematic approaches for identifying proteins involved in different types of cancer are needed. Experimental techniques such as microarrays are being used to characterize cancer, but validating their results can be a laborious task. Computational approaches are used to prioritize between genes putatively involved in cancer, usually based on further analyzing experimental data. Results: We implemented a systematic method using the PIANA software that predicts cancer involvement of genes by integrating heterogeneous datasets. Specifically, we produced lists of genes likely to be involved in cancer by relying on: (i) protein-protein interactions; (ii) differential expression data; and (iii) structural and functional properties of cancer genes. The integrative approach that combines multiple sources of data obtained positive predictive values ranging from 23% (on a list of 811 genes) to 73% (on a list of 22 genes), outperforming the use of any of the data sources alone. We analyze a list of 20 cancer gene predictions, finding that most of them have been recently linked to cancer in literature. Conclusion: Our approach to identifying and prioritizing candidate cancer genes can be used to produce lists of genes likely to be involved in cancer. Our results suggest that differential expression studies yielding high numbers of candidate cancer genes can be filtered using protein interaction networks.


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Although both are fundamental terms in the humanities and social sciences, discourse and knowledge have seldom been explicitly related, and even less so in critical discourse studies. After a brief summary of what we know about these relationships in linguistics, psychology, epistemology and the social sciences, with special emphasis on the role of knowledge in the formation of mental models as a basis for discourse, I examine in more detail how a critical study of discourse and knowledge may be articulated in critical discourse studies. Thus, several areas of critical epistemic discourse analysis are identified, and then applied in a study of Tony Blair’s Iraq speech on March 18, 2003, in which he sought to legitimatize his decision to go to war in Iraq with George Bush. The analysis shows the various modes of how knowledge is managed and manipulated of all levels of discourse of this speech.


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Having lived through a bloody civil war in the 1930s followed by four decades of General Franco’s dictatorship, the Spanish state carried out a transition to a democratic system at the end of the 1970s. The 1978 Constitution was the legal outcome of this transition process. Among other things, it established a territorial model – the so-called “Estado de las Autonomías” (State of Autonomous Communities) – which was designed to satisfy the historical demands for recognition and self-government of, above all, the citizens and institutions of Catalonia and the Basque Country .In recent years support for independence has increased in Catalonia. Different indicators show that pro-independence demands are endorsed by a majority of its citizens, as well as by most of the political parties and organizations that represent its civil society. This is a new phenomenon. Those in favour of independence had been in the minority throughout the 20th century. Nowadays, however, demands of a pro-autonomy and pro-federalist nature, which until recently had been dominant, have gradually lost public support in favour of demands for self-determination and secession. This paper analyses the massive increase in support for secession in Catalonia during the early years of the 21st century. After describing the different theories of secession in plurinational liberal democracies (section 1), we analyse Catalonia’s political evolution over the past decade focusing on the shortcomings with regard to constitutional recognition and accommodation displayed by the Spanish political system. The latter have been exacerbated by the reform process of Catalonia’s Statute of Autonomy (2006) and the subsequent judgement of Spain’s Constitutional Court regarding the aforementioned Statute (2010) (section 2). Finally, we present our conclusions by linking the Catalan case with theories of secession applied to plurinational contexts


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Myospila bekilyana Séguy (Diptera, Muscidae, Mydaeainae) is an endemic species from Madagascar. Since the original description, the species has been referred in literature only in catalogues. A material recently collected by the Madagascar Arthropod Biodiversity project, mostly deposited at the California Academy of Sciences collection enabled the exam of a large series of this species. Male and female are herein redescribed and the terminalia of both sexes are described and illustrated for the first time. The paper also records Myospila as a new host for Stylogaster Macquart (Diptera, Conopidae).


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Estudi d'alguns poemes representatius del poemari "La germana, l'estrangera" de Maria-Mercè Marçal sota la perspectiva de la poètica cognitiva.


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En los últimos 30 años la proliferación de modelos cuantitativos de predicción de la insolvencia empresarial en la literatura contable y financiera ha despertado un gran interés entre los especialistas e investigadores de lamateria. Lo que en un principio fueron unos modelos elaborados con un único objetivo, han derivado en una fuente de investigación constante.En este documento se formula un modelo de predicción de la insolvencia a través de la combinación de diferentes variables cuantitativas extraídas de los estados contables de una muestra de empresas para los años 1994-1997. A través de un procedimiento por etapas se selecciona e interpreta cuáles son las más relevantes en cuanto a aportación de información.Una vez formulado este primer tipo de modelos se busca una alternativa a las variables anteriores a través de la técnica factorial del análisis de componentes principales. Con ella se hace una selección de variables y se aplica, junto conlos ratios anteriores, el análisis univariante. Por último, se comparan los modelos obtenidos y se concluye que aunque la literatura previa ofrece mejores porcentajes de clasificación, los modelos obtenidos a través del análisis decomponentes principales no deben ser rechazados por la claridad en la explicación de las causas que conducen a una empresa a la insolvencia.


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En los últimos 30 años la proliferación de modelos cuantitativos de predicción de la insolvencia empresarial en la literatura contable y financiera ha despertado un gran interés entre los especialistas e investigadores de lamateria. Lo que en un principio fueron unos modelos elaborados con un único objetivo, han derivado en una fuente de investigación constante.En este documento se formula un modelo de predicción de la insolvencia a través de la combinación de diferentes variables cuantitativas extraídas de los estados contables de una muestra de empresas para los años 1994-1997. A través de un procedimiento por etapas se selecciona e interpreta cuáles son las más relevantes en cuanto a aportación de información.Una vez formulado este primer tipo de modelos se busca una alternativa a las variables anteriores a través de la técnica factorial del análisis de componentes principales. Con ella se hace una selección de variables y se aplica, junto conlos ratios anteriores, el análisis univariante. Por último, se comparan los modelos obtenidos y se concluye que aunque la literatura previa ofrece mejores porcentajes de clasificación, los modelos obtenidos a través del análisis decomponentes principales no deben ser rechazados por la claridad en la explicación de las causas que conducen a una empresa a la insolvencia.


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Zielsetzung: Vergleich von Drug Eluting Bead (DEB)-TACE mit konventioneller TACE bei der Behandlung von ,,intermediate stage-HCC bei Patienten mit Zirrhose. Material und Methodik: 212 Patienten (185 ♂, 27 ♀; mittleres Alter, 67 Jahre) mit Child-Pugh A oder B Leberzirrhose und großem und/oder multinodulärem, irresektablen HCC wurden randomisiert, um das Therapieansprechen nach der Behandlung mit DEB (DC Bead; Biocompatibles, UK) beladen mit Doxorubicin oder konventioneller TACE mit Doxorubicin zu vergleichen. Die Randomisierung wurde nach Child-Pugh Status (A oder B), Performance Status (ECOG 0 oder 1), bilobärer Erkrankung (ja/nein) und frühere kurative Behandlung (ja/nein) stratifiziert. Der primäre Studienendpunkt war das 6-Monats-Tumoransprechen. Eine unabhängige verblindete MRT-Studie wurde durchgeführt, um das Tumoransprechen nach den RECIST Kriterien zu beurteilen. Ergebnisse: DEB-TACE mit Doxorubicin zeigte eine höhere Rate an komplettem Tumoransprechen, objektivem Ansprechen und Tumorkontrolle im Vergleich zur konventionellen TACE (27% vs 22%; 52% vs 44%; and 63% vs 52%; P>0.05). Patienten mit Child-Pugh B Zirrhose, ECOG 1 Performance Status, bilobärer Erkrankung und Rezidiven nach kurativer Behandlung zeigte einen signifikanten Anstieg des objektiven Ansprechens (p = 0.038) im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe. Bei Patienten, die mit DEB-TACE behandelt wurden, konnte eine deutliche Reduktion der gravierenden Lebertoxizität erreicht werden. Die Doxorubicin-Nebenwirkungsrate war in der DEB-TACE Gruppe deutlich geringer (p = 0.0001) als in der konventionellen TACEGruppe. Schlussfolgerung: DEB-TACE mit Doxorubicin ist sicher und effektiv in der Behandlung von ,,intermediate-stage HCC und bietet einen signifikanten Vorteil bei Patienten mit fortgeschrittener Erkrankung.


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D'acord amb els estudis sobre literatura i cinema i des del punt de vista de la influència de la Tradició Clàssica -Tradició Grega Clàssica, en aquest cas-, aquest article és una anàlisi acurada de les traïcions inevitables -fins a un cert punt- dels guionistes respecte dels textos literaris que adapten. Tanmateix, malgrat ser pràcticament inevitable, el Dr. Pau Gilabert Barberà indica quins són en opinió seva els límits que Ivory/Hesketh-Harvey no haurien d'haver ultrapassat a fir de no diluir el temperament hel·lènic de "Maurice" d'E. M. Forster.