836 resultados para University Students


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Both preparing for and sitting exams can be extremely stressful for children and young people. Whilst the research within the area of exam anxiety acknowledges the detrimental impact that it can have on individuals, much of the research has been completed with university students. Limited research has been carried out with children and young people. In addition to this, there is also little research that has been completed in order to understand which interventions are helpful in reducing exam anxiety in young people. The systematic literature review highlighted that much of the research employed quantitative techniques. This means young people’s views and experiences of exam anxiety has largely been unexplored. The EPS service in which the TEP currently works is a partially traded service. Some of the schools that had bought a service level agreement requested support for certain pupils that were experiencing exam anxiety. The EPS service therefore delivered an intervention called ‘beating exam anxiety together’ (further details of this intervention can be found within chapter 1). Seven semi-structured interviews were carried out with GCSE students who took part in the ‘beating exam anxiety together’ intervention. The purpose of the interviews was to understand more about young people’s views on exam anxiety, and also their experiences of the intervention in which they took part. The research highlighted the possible detrimental impact of exam anxiety on young people in terms of their mental health, and also how able they feel to prepare for their exams. The results of the research interestingly showed that young people experience high levels of pressure from school teachers and also their parents. Furthermore, students reported that they didn't know how to revise. The results revealed that young people feel that the way in which exams are spoken about in schools is largely negative. As a result of this, the researcher suggested that it may be helpful to shift the narrative around the way in which exams are currently spoken about. In addition to this, the results indicate that the intervention was largely helpful in improving young people’s well being and their ability to be able to manage exam anxiety.


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Desde a exclusão social vivida pelas pessoas portadoras de deficiência nas civilizações da Antiguidade até ao conceito de Inclusão, têm-se registado inúmeras transformações sociais e políticas, relacionadas com a luta pela igualdade de oportunidades e pelo cumprimento dos Direitos Humanos das mesmas. Também ao nível da Educação estas mudanças são visíveis. Atualmente, é dada uma maior importância ao Ensino Especial e promove-se a Escola Inclusiva, tendo esta evolução possibilitado o gradual aumento do número de estudantes universitários com Necessidades Especiais. A Educação Inclusiva tende a estender-se até ao Ensino Superior, mas continuam a verificar-se ainda situações de isolamento, discriminação e preconceito. Com o presente trabalho, apresenta-se um projeto de construção de um contexto de Inclusão, Participação e Autodeterminação, desenvolvido na Universidade de Aveiro, em conjunto com um grupo de alunos com Necessidades Especiais.


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Os principais objetivos do presente estudo são analisar a prevalência da sonolência diurna excessiva (SDE) em estudantes do Ensino Superior (ES), bem como os seus níveis de otimismo. Participaram no presente estudo 162 estudantes universitários de várias faculdades de ES privado, de ambos os sexos, com idades compreendidas entre os 17 e os 46 anos (M=20,49; DP=5,153) e que frequentavam diferentes cursos (Psicologia, Ciências da Comunicação, Análises Clínicas, Ciências Farmacêuticas e Fisioterapia). O protocolo de recolha de dados foi constituído por um questionário sociodemográfico, dois itens do Questionário do Estado de Saúde (SF-36), a Escala de Sonolência de Epworth (ESE) e a Escala de Orientação para a Vida (LOT-R). A ESE apresentou um valor de alfa de Cronbach de α=0,68 e o LOT-R um valor de alfa de Cronbach de α=0,84. Os principais resultados descritivos mostram uma pontuação média na ESE de 8,98 (DP=3,85), que corresponde a uma prevalência de 32,1% (n=52) de SDE. A pontuação média obtida com a LOT-R foi de 14,3 (DP=4,77), que corresponde a 65,4% (n=106) de estudantes otimistas. Foram encontradas correlações estatisticamente significativas entre a idade e a SDE, mas não entre a SDE e as variáveis de perceção de saúde. Os resultados diferenciais não apresentaram significância estatística na SDE, quando o sexo, o curso e a situação de residência foram tidos em consideração. A idade foi assumida, nas análises de regressão linear, como variável preditora explicativa de 3% da variância dos resultados da ESE. Relativamente ao otimismo, este mostrou-se correlacionado com a perceção do estado de saúde no momento, mas não com a SDE, idade e transição de saúde. Não foi encontrada significância estatística no otimismo quando o sexo, o curso e a situação de residência foram considerados. As análises de regressão linear identificaram como modelo preditor explicativo de cerca de 12% da variação total do LOT-R o modelo que integra a idade e a perceção do estado de saúde no momento. Estudos posteriores devem ser realizados para se aferir a prevalência de SDE e caraterizar o otimismo em estudantes universitários, bem como a relação entre ambos e com outras variáveis relevantes, de foma a apoiar, adequadamente a intervenção.


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With the evolution of nowadays knowledge-based economies, the labour class becomes more competitive. As a way of getting skills that bring benefits to their careers, university students take advantage of the many opportunities available and go abroad to study. This study develops and empirically tests a structural model that examines the antecedents that influence the decision-making process of an Erasmus student under mobility for studies (EMS) in Aveiro, Coimbra and Porto (2014-2015). Reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and linear regressions were used to evaluate the model. Based on a survey with a sample of 872 valid responses, this study has demonstrated that EMS students are also influenced by touristic factors, which gives support to what has recently been approached by other authors. Conclusions and suggestions can be applied by other organizations, mainly Higher Education Institutions in order to attract more EMS students.


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Um ritmo circadiano normal, hábitos alimentares saudáveis, prática de exercício físico regular e uma boa higiene de sono constituem fatores imprescindíveis para o bom funcionamento do organismo e para a prevenção de diversas doenças. Os universitários constituem uma população bastante vulnerável a ritmos circadianos anormais, hábitos alimentares pouco saudáveis, sedentarismo e problemas de sono, provenientes das alterações no seu estilo de vida bem como alterações a nível comportamental. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar o cronótipo (matutino, intermédio ou vespertino), os hábitos alimentares e de sono dos alunos universitários. Neste sentido utilizou-se uma amostra de 302 estudantes da Universidade Fernando Pessoa, no qual 238 são do sexo feminino e os restantes 64 são do sexo masculino. Com a finalidade da recolha de dados foi elaborado um questionário através do Formulários do Google. Para avaliar o tipo de cronótipo dos universitários aplicou-se o Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) e os hábitos de sono foram avaliados a partir do Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) e da Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). Para avaliar os hábitos alimentares dos participantes formulou-se um conjunto de questões tendo em conta este objetivo. Estes dados foram recolhidos on-line, tendo sido enviado o questionário a todos os alunos da Universidade Fernando Pessoa através do respetivo correio eletrónico institucional. No final desta investigação, foi possível concluir que a maioria dos alunos universitários apresenta um cronótipo intermédio (50 pontos ± 9,43), hábitos alimentares saudáveis e equilibrados e apresenta ainda uma má qualidade de sono (8 pontos ± 2,86) e padrões de sono irregulares, no entanto, não exibem sonolência diurna excessiva (8 pontos ± 3,96).


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This article analyses performance consumptions among young people. The theme is explored along two main axes. The first concerns the social heterogeneity in this field, considered on two levels: the different purposes for those investments - cognitive/mental and physical performance; and the different social contexts - university and work - where performance practices and dispositions may be fostered. The second axis explores the roles of pharmacological and natural consumptions, and their interrelationship, in the dissemination of these practices. The empirical data for this analysis were drawn from an ongoing research project on performance consumptions among young people (aged 18-29 years) in Portugal, including both university students and young workers without university education. The results correspond to the stage of extensive research, for which a questionnaire was organised at a national level, using non-proportional quota sampling. On the one hand, they show that (a) there is a hierarchy of acceptance of consumptions according to their purposes, with cognitive/mental performance showing higher acceptance and (b) both pharmaceuticals and natural products are consumed for every type of performance investment. On the other, the comparison between students and workers introduces a certain heterogeneity in this general backdrop, both in terms of the purposes for their consumptions and their opting for natural or pharmacological resources. These threads of heterogeneity will prompt a discussion of the dynamics of pharmaceuticalisation within the field of performance, in particular how therapeutic cultures may be changing in terms of the way individuals relate to medications, expanding their uses in social life.


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Résumé : PROBLÉMATIQUE: L’exposition résidentielle à l’humidité excessive ou aux moisissures est maintenant reconnue comme un facteur important influençant la santé respiratoire. Cette problématique a été peu étudiée chez les étudiants universitaires, bien que vulnérables par leur faible revenu et leur statut de locataire. OBJECTIFS: Cette maîtrise vise à décrire la prévalence (a) de l’exposition résidentielle à l’humidité excessive ou aux moisissures et (b) des maladies respiratoires chez les étudiants universitaires, ainsi qu’à (c) examiner l’association entre l’exposition résidentielle à l’humidité excessive ou aux moisissures et ces maladies. MÉTHODES: En 2014, une enquête électronique a été réalisée auprès de 2097 étudiants enregistrés à l’Université de Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada). Lorsque possible, des questions et des scores validés ont été utilisés pour estimer les prévalences des maladies respiratoires (rhinite allergique, asthme et infections respiratoires), de l’exposition résidentielle à l’humidité excessive ou aux moisissures et des covariables (ex. : revenu annuel familial, statut tabagique, atopie familiale, caractéristiques de l’étudiant). Les associations entre cette exposition et ces maladies ont d’abord été examinées par des tests de chi-carré en utilisant un seuil alpha de 0,05. Des régressions logistiques multivariées ont ensuite été utilisées pour déterminer les associations brutes et ajustée entre cette exposition et les maladies respiratoires. Les analyses descriptives ont été pondérées pour le sexe, l’âge et le campus d’étude. RÉSULTATS: L’exposition à l’humidité excessive ou aux moisissures était fréquente parmi les participants (36,0%; Intervalle de confiance (IC)95% : 33,9-38,1). Ceux-ci ont également été nombreux à rapporter une rhinite allergique (23,9%; IC95% :22,0-25,8), de l’asthme (32,6%; IC95% : 30,5-34,7) et des infections respiratoires (19,4%; IC95% :17,7-21,2) au cours de la dernière année. Après ajustement, les associations demeuraient significatives entre l’exposition à l’humidité excessive ou aux moisissures et la rhinite allergique (Rapport de cote (RC) : 1,30; IC95% : 1.05-1.60), l’asthme RC : 1,75; IC95% : 1,42-2,16), mais pas les infections respiratoires (RC : 1,07; IC95% : 0,85-1.35). CONCLUSIONS: La prévalence élevée de l’exposition résidentielle des étudiants universitaires à l’humidité excessive ou aux moisissures, de même que son association avec l’asthme et la rhinite allergique, mettent en lumière sa contribution potentielle à la forte prévalence des maladies respiratoires ayant une composante allergique dans cette population. Cette étude fournit un nouveau levier pour les organisations de santé publique et leurs partenaires afin d’adapter les stratégies préventives ciblant les logements insalubres, particulièrement chez les populations vulnérables.


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It has long been held that people who have musical training or talent acquire L2 pronunciation more successfully than those that do not. Indeed, there have been empirical studies to support this hypothesis (Pastuszek-Lipińska 2003, Fonseca-Mora et al. 2011, Zatorre and Baum 2012). However, in many of such studies, musical abilities in subjects were mostly verified through questionnaires rather than tested in a reliable, empirical manner. Therefore, we run three different musical hearing tests, i.e. pitch perception test, musical memory test, and rhythm perception test (Mandell 2009) to measure the actual musical aptitude in our subjects. The main research question is whether a better musical ear correlates with a higher rate of acquisition of English vowels in Polish EFL learners. Our group consists of 40 Polish university students studying English as their major who learn the British pronunciation model during an intense pronunciation course. 10 male and 30 female subjects with mean age of 20.1 were recorded in a recording studio. The procedure comprised spontaneous conversations, reading passages and reading words in isolation. Vowel measurements were conducted in Praat in all three speech styles and several consonantal contexts. The assumption was that participants who performed better in musical tests would produce vowels that are closer to the Southern British English model. We plotted them onto vowel charts and calculated the Euclidean distances. Preliminary results show that there is potential correlation between specific aspects of musical hearing and different elements of pronunciation. The study is a longitudinal project and will encompass two more years, during which we will repeat the recording procedure twice to measure the participants’ progress in mastering the English pronunciation and comparing it with their musical aptitude.


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En España existe una amplia oferta de empresas proveedoras de Internet (ISP). Con este panorama resulta extremadamente difícil para los clientes elegir el proveedor. Por tanto, este trabajo trata de analizar los factores que contribuyen a la elección de proveedor de servicios de Internet por parte de los clientes. Para ello, se ha utilizado una muestra de jóvenes universitarios a los que se han analizado sus preferencias. Los jóvenes universitarios generalmente constituyen un grupo representativo de las tendencias en este sector. Además, para analizar el comportamiento de los clientes se utiliza por primera vez el análisis conjunto. Nuestros resultados muestran que el precio y la posibilidad de obtener un terminal móvil son los dos atributos más valorados. Por el contrario, otros atributos como la permanencia o el número de megas no son muy tenidos en cuenta por los jóvenes a la hora de seleccionar al proveedor de Internet. Estos resultados proporcionan una información muy valiosa tanto para los usuarios como para las empresas del sector ISP.


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This study aims to investigate patterns of language use and language attitudes amongst students in Malawian universities. This will highlight whether language issues affect Malawians’ ability to engage with tertiary education. It has been claimed that ineffective language policies in developing countries restrict people’s ability to access systems such as education. As a result, this has a negative impact on their own, and their country's, development. Specifically, Malawi frequently has the lowest rates of university enrolment worldwide and is consistently ranked amongst the world’s poorest countries. Recent language policy changes within Malawi have brought the issue of language use within education to the fore, with increased debate over whether English or indigenous languages are suitable for use in education. Through targeting university students across Malawi’s universities using semistructured interviews, data was collected to illustrate aspects of the sociolinguistic situation within Malawian universities. The results reveal that both English and indigenous languages are used within the university environment, while also suggesting that issues do arise from language use within university. While students recognise both positive and negative aspects of using each language, they are generally more favourable towards the use of English as a medium of instruction within university


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The aim of the present study is to examine the mediating effect of social safeness on the relationship between forgiveness and life satisfaction. Participants were 311 university students who completed a questionnaire package that included the Trait Forgiveness Scale, the Social Safeness and Pleasure Scale, and the Life Satisfaction Scale. According to the results, social safeness and life satisfaction were predicted positively by forgiveness. On the other hand, life satisfaction was predicted positively by social safeness. In addition, social safeness mediated on the relationship between forgiveness and life satisfaction. The results were discussed in the light of the related literature and dependent recommendations to the area were given.


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A Career According to Young People, or a New Career Paradigm in the Dissonant Labour Market is an attempt at answering a question about an extent to which a narrative surrounding the specific features of the postmodern careers has been shared by the young adults who, being in the process of moving from the educational to the labour markets, have experienced these changes, to what extent they have internalised the career patterns emerging in the free-market reality that are different from those existent in Poland twenty-five years ago, and about what (new?) career paradigm is developed by the students. The paper presents preliminary results of a sampling carried out among young university students of the humanities who expressed their opinions on how vocational careers are defined and what associations they evoke. The article moreover provides personal examples of career development and discusses vocational catalysts and inhibitors of a career. The young university students did not, however, fully internalise the postmodern patterns of the mosaic careers prevailing in the competitive labour market, and simultaneously noticed a number of ambivalences and dissonances present in this market reality.


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The modern world, which is characterized by diversity, uncertainty and ambiguity, affects the functioning of the younger generation. Young people experience a variety of problems associated with entering into adulthood. Being on the stage “between” youth and adulthood requires countless choices. The functioning of youth is still an interesting cognitive topic, worthy of scientific knowledge, therefore, the article seeks to answer the question: What is the professional orientation of contemporary university students? The article thesis consists of two parts. The first part has a theoretical character. It deals with issues of professional orientation. The second part of the article is an empirical analysis and attempt to answer the research question: What are the professional orientations of students?


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Ce projet de mémoire s’intéresse à la mise en relation du cognitive enhancement observé dans les universités occidentales contemporaines et de la société dans laquelle il s’insère. Nous avons voulu détacher la perspective du phénomène des analyses principalement orientées vers les programmes de sciences de la santé et de droit, ainsi que de l’approche quantitative, clinique, athéorique et somme toute moralisatrice qui lui est usuellement accordée afin d’explorer la nature des pratiques d’usages de psychotropes des étudiants universitaires en sciences humaines et sociales en vue d’augmenter leurs performances cognitives, d’approfondir la compréhension des raisonnements sous-jacents à ces pratiques, puis de resituer ces derniers dans leur contexte élargi. Nous avons interrogé treize étudiants de divers programmes de sciences humaines et sociales consommant, ou ayant déjà consommé, des psychotropes en vue de rehausser leurs performances cognitives en contexte académique. Les résultats suggèrent un écart dans la nature de leurs pratiques d’usage par rapport aux domaines d’études habituellement préconisés en ce sens qu’une grande variété de substances sont considérées comme supports cognitifs ; ensuite, que le recours aux psychotropes dans une visée de performance cognitive s’éloigne des logiques de la nécessité médicale et de la toxicomanie. En premier lieu, le cognitive enhancement est associé par plusieurs à une souffrance psychique liée à une perte de repères existentiels et les étudiants y ont recours dans une optique de compréhension de soi et de quête de repères dans un monde qu’ils ressentent comme instable. En second lieu, la consommation de psychotropes s’apparente davantage à un désir de satisfaire aux conditions incertaines et menaçantes des demandes externes de performance telles qu’ils les appréhendent qu’à un souci de soigner quelque condition médicale de la cognition. Nous pensons que le rapport au psychotrope qu’entretiennent les étudiants universitaires en sciences humaines et sociales s’insère en toute cohérence dans les discours et injonctions contemporaines de performance, en ce sens que leur souffrance psychique individuelle expose les limites de ce que la société attend d’eux.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade em Psicologia Clínica