925 resultados para Two-Phase Start-up Demonstration Test


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1. Background/context This presentation will report on emerging results from a two phase project funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC). The project was designed in partnership with five universities and aimed to embed peer review within the local teaching and learning culture by using a distributive leadership framework. 2. The initiative/practice The presentation will highlight research outcomes that bring together both the fundamentals of peer review of teaching with the broader contextual elements of Integration, Leadership and Development. It will be demonstrated that peer review of teaching can be implemented and have advantages for academic staff, teaching evaluation and an organisation if attention is given to strategies that influence the contexts and cultures of teaching. Peer review as a strategy to develop excellence in teaching is considered from a holistic perspective that by necessity encompasses all elements of an educational environment. Results demonstrate achievements that can be obtained through working to foster conditions needed for sustainable leadership and change. The work has implications for policy, research, teaching development and student outcomes and has potential application world-wide. 3. Method(s) of evaluative data collection and analysis The 2 phase project collected focus group and questionnaire data to inform research results that were analysed using a thematic qualitative approach and statistical exploration. 4. Evidence of effectiveness The presentation will demonstrate the effectiveness of distributive leadership and strategic approaches to working for cultural change through the presentation of project findings.


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The aim of this article is to position social capital as a theoretical framework for investigating online communities, specifically pro-am operations. It will review pertinent literature on social capital and the future of journalism in this context, and detail how the broader field of Sociology and this dynamic field of Journalism converge to produce a unique opportunity for pro-am research. Currently, much concern has been expressed regarding the future of journalism institutions in society, and while journalism itself is seen as a cornerstone of democracy, the form of structures that facilitate such practice has been questioned. Compounding this problem is a lack of research that produces data suitable for meta-analysis. For example, case-study data of start-up operations in this volatile field do not provide sufficient grounds for conclusions that could result in evidence-based policy. In response to these dynamics, this article will propose experimentation as a method of research for pro-am start-ups.


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This project is a two phase design working in partnership with five universities to develop, implement and systematically embed a distributive leadership model that aims to embed peer partnership (review, development) within the culture of teaching and learning excellence. This presentation will posit a ‘prototype’ peer review leadership model based on ongoing research that brings together both the fundamentals of peer review with the broader importance of context and persons. It will be argued that essential to teaching development is a need to address not only the implementation of peer partnership programs but also strategies to influence and change both the contexts of teaching and the advantages for colleagues. Peer review as a strategy to develop excellence in teaching needs to be considered from a holistic perspective encompassing all elements of the teaching environment. The emphasis is on working to foster the type of conditions needed for leadership and change to begin and be sustained. The work has implications for policy, research, leadership development and student outcomes and has potential application world-wide. Phase 1 has collected focus interview and questionnaire data to inform the research and is being analysed using a thematic qualitative approach and statistical analysis. Evidence is emerging currently as the project is ongoing.


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This project is a two phase design working in partnership with five universities to develop, implement and systematically embed a distributive leadership model that aims to embed peer partnership (review, development) within the culture of teaching and learning excellence. This presentation will posit a ‘prototype’ peer review leadership model based on ongoing research that brings together both the fundamentals of peer review with the broader importance of context and persons. It will be argued that essential to teaching development is a need to address not only the implementation of peer partnership programs but also strategies to influence and change both the contexts of teaching and the advantages for colleagues. Peer review as a strategy to develop excellence in teaching needs to be considered from a holistic perspective encompassing all elements of the teaching environment. The emphasis is on working to foster the type of conditions needed for leadership and change to begin and be sustained. The work has implications for policy, research, leadership development and student outcomes and has potential application world-wide. Phase 1 has collected focus interview and questionnaire data to inform the research and is being analysed using a thematic qualitative approach and statistical analysis Evidence is emerging currently as the project is ongoing


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A growing interest is seen for designing intelligent environments that support personally meaningful, sociable and rich everyday experiences. In this paper we describe an intelligent, large screen display called Panorama that is aimed at supporting and enhancing social awareness within an academic work environment. Panorama is not intended to provide instrumental or other productivity related information. Rather, the goal of Panorama is to enhance social awareness by providing interpersonal and rich information related to co-workers and their everyday interactions in the department. A two-phase assessment of Panorama showed to promote curiosity and interest in exploring different activities in the environment.


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Awareness within work environments should not be seen limited to important work-related information, activities and relationships. Mediating somewhat casual and engaging encounters related to non-work issues could also lead to meaningful and pleasurable experiences. This paper explores a design approach to support playfully mediated social awareness within an academic environment. Using ethnographic exploration and understanding the current and aspired practices, we provide details of two broad (and some times overlapping) categories of interaction for supporting and enhancing playfully mediated social awareness amongst staff members: 1) Self-Reflections and 2) Casual Encounters. We implement these two categories of interaction in an intelligent, asynchronous, large screen display called Panorama, for the staff room of our computer science department. Panorama attempts to mediate non-critical, non-work related information about the staff-members in an engaging manner to enhance social awareness within the department. We particularly emphasize on the soft design issues like reflections, belonging, care, pleasure and playfulness utilized in our design approach. The result of a two-phase assessment study suggests that our conceptualization of social awareness and the Panorama application has the potential to be easily incorporated into our academic environment.


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Bit-stream-based control, which uses one bit wide signals to control power electronics applications, is a new approach for controller design in power electronic systems. This study presents a novel family of three-phase space vector modulators, which are based on the bit-stream technique and suitable for three-phase inverter systems. Each of the proposed modulators simultaneously converts a two-phase reference to the three-phase domain and reduces switching frequencies to reasonable levels. The modulators do not require carrier oscillators, trigonometric functions or, in some cases, sector detectors. A complete three-phase modulator can be implemented in as few as 102 logic elements. The performance of the proposed modulators is compared through simulation and experimental testing of a 6 kW, three-phase DC-to-AC inverter. Subject to limits on the modulation index, the proposed modulators deliver spread-spectrum output currents with total harmonic distortion comparable to a standard carrier-based space vector pulse width modulator.


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10,000 Steps Rockhampton is a multi-strategy health promotion program which aims to develop sustainable community-based strategies to increase physical activity.The central coordinating focus of the project is the use of pedometers to raise awareness of and provide motivation for physical activity, around the theme of '10,000 steps/day - Every step counts.' To date, five key strategies have been implemented: (1) a media-based awareness raising campaign; (2) promotion of physical activity by health professionals; (3) improving social support for physical activity through group-based programs; (4) working with local council to improve environmental support for physical activity, and; (5) establishment of a ‘micro-grants’ fund to which community groups could apply for assistance with small, innovative physical activity enhancing projects. Strategies were introduced on a rolling basis beginning in February 2002 with 'layering' of interventions designed to address the multi-level individual social and environmental determinants of physical activity. The project was quasi-experimental in design, involving collection of baseline and two year follow-up data from community based surveys in Rockhampton and in a matched regional Queensland town. In August 2001,the baseline CATI survey (N=1281)found that 47.9% of men and 33.0% of women were meeting the national guidelines for physical activity. In August 2002, a smaller survey (N=400) found an increase in activity levels among women (39.7% active) but not in men (48.5%). Data from the two year follow up survey, to be conducted in August 2003, will be presented, with discussion of the major successes and challenges of this landmark physical activity intervention. Acknowledgement: This project is supported by a grant from Health Promotion Queensland.


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10,000 Steps Rockhampton is a multi-strategy health promotion program which aims to develop sustainable community-based strategies to increase physical activity.The central coordinating focus of the project is the use of pedometers to raise awareness of and provide motivation for physical activity, around the theme of '10,000 steps/day - Every step counts.' To date, five key strategies have been implemented: (1) a media-based awareness raising campaign; (2) promotion of physical activity by health professionals; (3) improving social support for physical activity through group-based programs; (4) working with local council to improve environmental support for physical activity, and; (5) establishment of a ‘micro-grants’ fund to which community groups could apply for assistance with small, innovative physical activity enhancing projects. Strategies were introduced on a rolling basis beginning in February 2002 with 'layering' of interventions designed to address the multi-level individual social and environmental determinants of physical activity. The project was quasi-experimental in design, involving collection of baseline and two year follow-up data from community based surveys in Rockhampton and in a matched regional Queensland town. In August 2001,the baseline CATI survey (N=1281)found that 47.9% of men and 33.0% of women were meeting the national guidelines for physical activity. In August 2002, a smaller survey (N=400) found an increase in activity levels among women (39.7% active) but not in men (48.5%). Data from the two year follow up survey, to be conducted in August 2003, will be presented, with discussion of the major successes and challenges of this landmark physical activity intervention. Acknowledgement: This project is supported by a grant from Health Promotion Queensland


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This series of research vignettes is aimed at sharing current and interesting research findings from our team of international Entrepreneurship researchers. This vignette, written by Professor Per Davidsson, summarises some important, stylized facts about small and medium enterprises (SMEs), growth, and job creation. It was specially prepared for “The G20 Agenda for Growth: Opportunities for SMEs Conference” in Melbourne, June 20, 2014. For this reason its format deviates slightly from other vignettes in the series.


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The political and bureaucratic discourse surrounding non-profit sector reform is centred on streamlining the regulatory framework. Phrases such as 'one-stop shop','reducing red tape' and 'duplicative, burdensome and unclear requirements' fill press releases, government reports and discussion papers. In this chapter, I examine quantitative measures of the current regulatory compliance burden facing non-profit organisations in Australia as a benchmark for measuring progress over the coming years. I focus on regulatory compliance estimates for four key stages of non-profit enterprise activity non-profit enterprise start-up and registrations; fundraising;grant paperwork; and regulation proportionate to the size of the non-profit enterprise.


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The conditions for carbon nanotube synthesis in the bulk of arc discharges and on plasma-exposed solid surfaces are compared to reveal the main distinguishing features of the growth kinetics and explain the striking difference between the growth of the nanotubes in both cases. It is shown that this difference is due to very different exposure of the discharge-synthesized and surface-bound nanotubes to ion fluxes, with the ratio of the ion fluxes collected per nanotube in the two cases reaching up to six orders of magnitude. Depending on the plasma parameters and the sizes of the nanotubes and metal catalyst particles, four distinct growth modes of the nanotubes in the plasma bulk have been identified. These results shed light on why single-walled carbon nanotube growth is more favourable in the bulk of arc plasmas rather than on plasma-exposed surfaces.


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While a growing body of research analyses the functional mechanisms of the cultural or creative economy, there has been little attention devoted to understanding how local governments translate this work into policy. Moreover, research in this vein focuses predominately on Richard Florida's creative class thesis rather than considering the wider body of work that may influence policy. This article seeks to develop a deeper understanding of how municipalities conceptualize and plan for the cultural economy through the lens of two cities held up as model ‘creative cities’ — Austin, Texas and Toronto, Ontario. The work pays particular attention to how the cities adopt and adapt leading theories, strategies and discourses of the cultural economy. While policy documents indicate that the cities embrace the creative city model, in practice agencies tend to adapt conventional economic development strategies for cultural economy activity and appropriate the language of the creative city for multiple purposes.


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Taking into consideration of growing energy needs and concern for environmental degradation, clean and inexhaustible energy source, such as solar energy, is receiving greater attention for various applications. The use of solar energy system reduces pollution, waste and has little or no harmful effects on the environment. It is appreciated that this source of energy can be complementary rather than being competitive to conventional energy sources. In order to collect and harness energy from the sun, a solar collector is essential. A solar collector is basically a heat exchanger that transforms solar radiant energy into heat or thermal energy. Improvement of performance is essential for commercial acceptance of their use in such applications. Many studies have been undertaken on the enhancement of thermal performance of solar collectors, using diverse materials of various shapes, dimensions and layouts. In the literature, various collector designs have been proposed and tested with the objective of meeting these requirements [1-8]. Omer et al. [1] found the efficiency of a solar collector of about 70% in a solar assisted heat pump system. Traditional solar collectors are single phase collectors, in which the working fluid is either air or water. Different modifications are suggested and applied to improve the heat transfer between the absorber and working fluid in a collector. These modifications include the use of absorber with fins attached [2,3], corrugated absorber [4,5], matrix type absorber [6], V-groove solar air collector [7]. Karim et al. [8] approached a review of design and construction of three types (flat, vee-grooved, and finned) of air collectors. Two-phase collectors, on the other hand, have significant potential for continuous operation round the clock, when used in conjunction with a compressor, as found in a solar assisted heat-pump cycle.


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Bit-Stream based control, which uses one bit wide signals to control power electronics applications, is a new approach for controller design in power electronic systems. Bit-Stream signals are inherently high frequency in nature, and as such some form of down sampling or modulating is essential to avoid excessive switching losses. This paper presents a novel three-phase space vector modulator, which is based on the Bit-Stream technique and suitable for standard three-phase inverter systems. The proposed modulator simultaneously converts a two phase reference to the three-phase domain and reduces switching frequencies to reasonable levels. The modulator consumes relatively few logic elements and does not require sector detectors, carrier oscillators or trigonometric functions. The performance of the modulator was evaluated using ModelSim. Results indicate that, subject to limits on the modulation index, the proposed modulator delivers a spread-spectrum output with total harmonic distortion comparable to standard space vector pulse width modulation techniques.