1000 resultados para Técnica de Amostragem Linear


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En l'actualitat hi ha controvèrsia sobre el tractament del coll negatiu en el carcinoma faringolaríngeo. En el nostre estudi hem inclòs 11 pacients afectats de carcinoma escamós faringolaríngeo N0, i després de realitzar una injecció amb Tc99m-nanocoloide hem identificat els possibles ganglis sentinella mitjançant limfogammagrafia, SPECT-CT i sonda gamma. S'han detectat de mitjana 2,0 possibles ganglis sentinella. En tres casos no s'ha detectat gangli sentinella. En un futur la realització d'aquesta tècnica, que està en fase de desenvolupament, pot evitar el sobretractament cervical.


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L’amigdalectomia és una de les tècniques quirúrgiques més indicades per l’otorinolaringòleg. En l’actualitat s’empren diverses tècniques quirúrgiques l’objectiu de les quals és minimitzar els riscos quirúrgics. El present treball pretén demostrar que existeixen diferències estadísticament significatives en el dolor postoperatori (avaluats a través de l’escala EVA) que pateixen els pacients, en funció de la tècnica quirúrgica emprada.


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La reparació endovascular dels aneurismes d’aorta abdominal (AAA) és cada cop més usada, encara que només conta amb 15 anys des de l’inici amb una ràpida evolució. Davant la falta d’estudis amb resultats a més de 10 anys. L’objectiu del treball es analitzar prospectivament la supervivència dels 172 pacients tractats en nostre centre desde 06/1998 fins 01/2008, amb seguiment a 10 anys. S’obtingué una supervivència del 61% als 6 anys (error 5%), als 9 anys de 51% (error 7%), a 10 anys 47% (error 11%). La causa més freqüent de mort va ser per neoplàsia.


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Els avenços en cirurgia endoscòpia han permès obtenir el penjall d’epipló amb mínima deformitat per a la zona donant. Es realitzaren 5 penjalls d’epipló pediculat obtinguts mitjançant laparoscòpia com a tècnica de rescat en pacients amb dèficit de cobertura després de reconstrucció mamària mitjançant expansors tissulars i pròtesis no candidates a altres tècniques habituals de cobertura amb teixit autòleg. Segons la nostra experiència clínica el penjall d’epipló ofereix bons resultats a curt i a llarg termini amb un postoperatori favorable i sense complicacions associades a la seva obtenció mitjançant laparoscòpia, perfilant-se com a alternativa vàlida i segura en casos seleccionats de reconstrucció mamària.


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Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) is a novel, potentially less invasive alternative to laparoscopic surgery. However, the problems of transluminal access and closure represent significant obstacles to its successful introduction in humans. Objective: to evaluate the feasibility and safety of a novel device designed for transluminal access and closure in a survival porcine model. Subjects: Four adult female Yorkshire pigs were used in the study. Interventions: While under general anesthesia, the animals were prepared with multiple tap water enemas followed by instillation of an antibiotic suspension and povidone-iodine lavage. At a distance of 15 to 20 cm from the anus, the prototype device (LSI Solutions, Victor, NY, USA) deployed a circumscribing purse-string suture around the planned incision site and subsequently used a blade mechanism to create a 2.5-cm linear incision. The transcolonic incision was then closed by cinching and securing the purse-string suture with a titanium knot by use of a separate hand-activated suture-locking device. Main Outcome Measurements: The animals were monitored daily for signs of peritonitis and sepsis and were survived for 14 days. The peritoneal cavity was examined for peritonitis, and the colonic incision site was examined for wound dehiscence, pericolic abscess formation, and gross adhesions. Tissue samples from both incisional and random peritoneal sites were obtained for histologic examination. Results: Transcolonic incision and closure were successful in all 4 animals. The device performed in a rapid and reproducible fashion. All animals recovered without septic complications. At necropsy, there was no evidence of peritonitis, abscesses, or wound dehiscence. Salpingocolonic and colovesicular adhesions were noted in 3 of 4 animals. Histologic examination revealed microabscesses at the incision site in all animals. Conclusions: The prototype incision and closure device represents a promising solution to the problems of transluminal access for NOTES. The presence of incision-related adhesions and microabscesses signal the need for further refinement in aseptic technique. 


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of Groningen, Holanda, entre 2007 i 2009. La simulació directa de la turbulència (DNS) és una eina clau dins de la mecànica de fluids computacional. Per una banda permet conèixer millor la física de la turbulència i per l'altra els resultats obtinguts són claus per el desenvolupament dels models de turbulència. No obstant, el DNS no és una tècnica vàlida per a la gran majoria d'aplicacions industrials degut al elevats costos computacionals. Per tant, és necessari cert grau de modelització de la turbulència. En aquest context, s'han introduïts importants millores basades en la modelització del terme convectiu (no lineal) emprant symmetry-preserving regularizations. En tracta de modificar adequadament el terme convectiu a fi de reduir la producció d'escales més i més petites (vortex-stretching) tot mantenint tots els invariants de les equacions originals. Fins ara, aquest models s'han emprat amb èxit per nombres de Rayleigh (Ra) relativament elevats. En aquest punt, disposar de resultats DNS per a configuracions més complexes i nombres de Ra més elevats és clau. En aquest contexte, s'han dut a terme simulacions DNS en el supercomputador MareNostrum d'una Differentially Heated Cavity amb Ra=1e11 i Pr=0.71 durant el primer any dels dos que consta el projecte. A més a més, s'ha adaptat el codi a fi de poder simular el fluxe al voltant d'un cub sobre una pared amb Re=10000. Aquestes simulacions DNS són les més grans fetes fins ara per aquestes configuracions i la seva correcta modelització és un gran repte degut la complexitat dels fluxes. Aquestes noves simulacions DNS estan aportant nous coneixements a la física de la turbulència i aportant resultats indispensables per al progrés de les modelitzacións tipus symmetry-preserving regularization.


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We study preconditioning techniques for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of isotropic linear elasticity problems in primal (displacement) formulation. We propose subspace correction methods based on a splitting of the vector valued piecewise linear discontinuous finite element space, that are optimal with respect to the mesh size and the Lamé parameters. The pure displacement, the mixed and the traction free problems are discussed in detail. We present a convergence analysis of the proposed preconditioners and include numerical examples that validate the theory and assess the performance of the preconditioners.


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PURPOSE: To determine the local control and complication rates for children with papillary and/or macular retinoblastoma progressing after chemotherapy and undergoing stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) with a micromultileaf collimator. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Between 2004 and 2008, 11 children (15 eyes) with macular and/or papillary retinoblastoma were treated with SRT. The mean age was 19 months (range, 2-111). Of the 15 eyes, 7, 6, and 2 were classified as International Classification of Intraocular Retinoblastoma Group B, C, and E, respectively. The delivered dose of SRT was 50.4 Gy in 28 fractions using a dedicated micromultileaf collimator linear accelerator. RESULTS: The median follow-up was 20 months (range, 13-39). Local control was achieved in 13 eyes (87%). The actuarial 1- and 2-year local control rates were both 82%. SRT was well tolerated. Late adverse events were reported in 4 patients. Of the 4 patients, 2 had developed focal microangiopathy 20 months after SRT; 1 had developed a transient recurrence of retinal detachment; and 1 had developed bilateral cataracts. No optic neuropathy was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Linear accelerator-based SRT for papillary and/or macular retinoblastoma in children resulted in excellent tumor control rates with acceptable toxicity. Additional research regarding SRT and its intrinsic organ-at-risk sparing capability is justified in the framework of prospective trials.


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Significant progress has been made with regard to the quantitative integration of geophysical and hydrological data at the local scale. However, extending the corresponding approaches to the scale of a field site represents a major, and as-of-yet largely unresolved, challenge. To address this problem, we have developed downscaling procedure based on a non-linear Bayesian sequential simulation approach. The main objective of this algorithm is to estimate the value of the sparsely sampled hydraulic conductivity at non-sampled locations based on its relation to the electrical conductivity logged at collocated wells and surface resistivity measurements, which are available throughout the studied site. The in situ relationship between the hydraulic and electrical conductivities is described through a non-parametric multivariatekernel density function. Then a stochastic integration of low-resolution, large-scale electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data in combination with high-resolution, local-scale downhole measurements of the hydraulic and electrical conductivities is applied. The overall viability of this downscaling approach is tested and validated by comparing flow and transport simulation through the original and the upscaled hydraulic conductivity fields. Our results indicate that the proposed procedure allows obtaining remarkably faithful estimates of the regional-scale hydraulic conductivity structure and correspondingly reliable predictions of the transport characteristics over relatively long distances.


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L'objectiu del present estudi va ser desenvolupar una nova tècnica d'impedància miocàrdica transesofàgica (IMT) i valorar la seva utilitat en el diagnòstic de rebuig cardíac post-trasplantament. Es va mesurar la IMT prèviament a la realització de les biòpsies endomiocàrdiques (BEM) a 19 pacients trasplantats de cor, un 10% de les BEM realitzades van presentar rebuig grau 3A. Els pacients van catalogar la mesura de IMT de 8'9 vegades més còmoda i 9,1 vegada menys molesta que la BEM. En la present sèrie, no es van observar diferències significatives entre els valors de IMT en funció de la presència o no de rebuig


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This paper introduces local distance-based generalized linear models. These models extend (weighted) distance-based linear models firstly with the generalized linear model concept, then by localizing. Distances between individuals are the only predictor information needed to fit these models. Therefore they are applicable to mixed (qualitative and quantitative) explanatory variables or when the regressor is of functional type. Models can be fitted and analysed with the R package dbstats, which implements several distancebased prediction methods.


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BACKGROUND: We sought to improve upon previously published statistical modeling strategies for binary classification of dyslipidemia for general population screening purposes based on the waist-to-hip circumference ratio and body mass index anthropometric measurements. METHODS: Study subjects were participants in WHO-MONICA population-based surveys conducted in two Swiss regions. Outcome variables were based on the total serum cholesterol to high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio. The other potential predictor variables were gender, age, current cigarette smoking, and hypertension. The models investigated were: (i) linear regression; (ii) logistic classification; (iii) regression trees; (iv) classification trees (iii and iv are collectively known as "CART"). Binary classification performance of the region-specific models was externally validated by classifying the subjects from the other region. RESULTS: Waist-to-hip circumference ratio and body mass index remained modest predictors of dyslipidemia. Correct classification rates for all models were 60-80%, with marked gender differences. Gender-specific models provided only small gains in classification. The external validations provided assurance about the stability of the models. CONCLUSIONS: There were no striking differences between either the algebraic (i, ii) vs. non-algebraic (iii, iv), or the regression (i, iii) vs. classification (ii, iv) modeling approaches. Anticipated advantages of the CART vs. simple additive linear and logistic models were less than expected in this particular application with a relatively small set of predictor variables. CART models may be more useful when considering main effects and interactions between larger sets of predictor variables.


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Aquest és un TFC que vol entrar en la gestió d'una oficina tècnica industrial.