882 resultados para Students with Disabilities


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O paradigma de equivalência de estímulos tem se mostrado útil na explicação de processos comportamentais complexos, como aqueles envolvidos em comportamentos conceituais numéricos. Vários estudos têm buscado a compreensão de como desempenhos sob controle da função de ordem são estabelecidos e mantidos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar se classes ordinais poderiam emergir após o ensino por emparelhamento arbitrário e de produção de seqüência. Participaram do estudo três alunos com atraso no desenvolvimento. Os estímulos visuais foram formas abstratas indicando numerosidade (A), numerais cardinais (B)e nomes escritos em letras maiúsculas de numerais (C). As sessões experimentais foram conduzidas em uma sala da APAE-BELÉM e um software controlou e registrou os dados comportamentais. As relações AB/AC foram ensinadas e testou-se a emergência de três classes de equivalência. Em seguida, houve um ensino por encadeamento de respostas com estímulos de um dos conjuntos (A1A2A3) e uma sonda de seqüenciação. Então, foi avaliada a emergência de novas seqüências (B1B2B3 e C1C2C3). Posteriormente, testes de substitutabilidade foram aplicados para verificar a formação de classes ordinais (por exemplo: A1B2C3). Testes de generalização também foram apresentados para verificar se um responder envolvendo numerosidade ocorreria com novos estímulos (por exemplo: E1E2E3). Os resultados demonstraram que os participantes responderam a novas seqüências prontamente ou com emergência gradual. A análise de topografias de controle de estímulos envolvidas nesse tipo de tarefa mostrou-se útil para a compreensão da ordinalidade. Todos os participantes responderam a seqüências com novos estímulos (generalização). O procedimento mostrou-se também eficiente na transferência de funções ordinais em pessoas com atraso no desenvolvimento.


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A Pesquisa Inclusão no trabalho de pessoas com deficiência: Um estudo da APAE de Barcarena-PA, objetivo: Diagnosticar políticas públicas de formação para inclusão no trabalho das pessoas com deficiência, sujeitos: 2 gestores, 3 professores e 3 alunos=8. Pesquisa qualitativa, estudo de caso, coleta de dados: entrevistas, observatório e registros iconográficos. Abordagem teórica: materialismo histórico dialético, técnica de análise dos conteúdos: Bardin. Resultados: A instituição em estudo possui 3 programas de formação profissional mantidos por doações da comunidade, funcionários e empresas; um programa de formação em serviço da empresa ALUBAR, não detectamos nenhuma política pública governamental e ações do poder público para os programas de formação em estudo, além da Lei 8213/91, outras Leis, Decretos e Resoluções determinam a existência de políticas públicas de formação profissional para as pessoas com deficiência. Os programas atendem em parte a necessidade do trabalho formal do município, os alunos incluídos exercem atividades de serviços gerais por possuírem baixa escolaridade e nenhuma experiência no trabalho formal, os programas de formação possibilitam Inclusão Social das pessoas com deficiência por meio do trabalho informal e formal. Conclusão: Os programas de formação profissional em estudo funcionam com precariedade devido a insuficiência de recursos para sua execução.


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Este trabalho enfoca a problemática da inclusão educacional de alunos com deficiência no ensino regular brasileiro. A partir da revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o tema foi possível apresentar dois estudos. O primeiro tem natureza descritiva, objetivou revisar artigos sobre inclusão de alunos com deficiência no ensino regular brasileiro, a fim de investigar o panorama da pesquisa nessa área. Foi utilizada a revisão sistemática na biblioteca virtual da SciELO, na qual foram selecionados 138 artigos para investigação. Os resultados desse primeiro estudo apontaram que as pesquisas sobre inclusão educacional avançaram a partir do ano de 2005, principalmente nas regiões sudeste e sul, com prevalência de pesquisas empíricas em diversas áreas do conhecimento e com destaque para a educação. O segundo estudo analisou artigos científicos, que tratam da inclusão de alunos com deficiência no ensino regular de acordo com a concepção teórico-metodológica da teoria bioecológica do desenvolvimento humano. A partir da revisão sistemática da literatura e a avalição do instrumento CASP se selecionou 16 artigos que foram analisados a partir do modelo bioecológico PPCT. Observou-se que a partir dos dados apresentados o uso da teoria bioecológica foi útil para investigar pesquisas e sistematizar a organização de trabalhos.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aimed to characterize and compare the performance of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and students with good academic performance on the readingassessment processes. Forty students ranging from 8 years and 2 months old to 10 years and 11 months old, from both genders, from 1st to 4th grades of elementary level, participated inthis study, distributed in two groups: GI, with 20 students with interdisciplinary diagnosis ofAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and GII, 20 students with good academic performance,paired with GI according to gender, age and school level. The students wereassessedthrough the Brazilian adaptation of the Assessment Process of Reading – PROLEC, composedof four blocks: identification of letters, lexical, syntactic and semantic processes. Statisticallysignificant difference occurred between GI and GII in the PROLEC tests, with the exception of thesame-different and lexical decision tests, indicating that the students from GI presented inferior performance when compared with students from GII. Regarding the classification of the resultsof PROLEC, there was a statistically significant difference in the lexical, syntactic and semanticprocesses and the letter and sound test, with the exception of same-different tests of identificationof letters process. The findings suggests that the group of students with ADHD showsinferior performance compared to the group without disabilities, highlighting that the attentionfactor affects the cognitive functions impairing the acquisition of skills necessary for reading.


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Dyslexia is specific learning disabilities, of neurological origin, resulted from a phonological deficit of language. This study aims to verify the performance of students with dyslexia in phonological intervention program, reading program, and phonological and reading remediation program in students with dyslexia. The participants of this study were 60 students who were divided as follows: GI (ten students with dyslexia submitted to phonological remediation program and ten students with dyslexia not submitted to phonological remediation program), GII (ten students with dyslexia submitted to reading program and ten students with dyslexia not submitted to reading program), GIII (ten students with dyslexia submitted to phonological and reading program and ten students with dyslexia not submitted to phonological and reading program). The phonological and reading remediation was applied in three phases: pretest, training, post-testing. The results showed significant statistical difference between two evaluation moments, revealed better performance in the cognitive-linguistic skills in post-test situation comparing to the pretest, showing the efficacy of the three remediation programs for students with dyslexia. The better performance of the students with dyslexia submitted to the remediation programs shows the necessity of phonological instruction or phonological instruction with reading to be offered in the literacy context, once this will help students to develop cognitive-linguistic skills to learn the alphabetic basis of the Brazilian Portuguese writing system.


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Professional competence can be one of the paths for the insertion of the disabled students in the labor market. This study evaluated the development of skills from the perspective of five learners with disabilities, their tutors and teachers. The survey was conducted in a non-governmental organization that had a range of 32 skills to be taught. The assessment revealed that some of the skills improve with provided training, others remained at the same level and only one decreases its score. It is possible to conclude that the learning program contributed to the development of the skills, which may mean the inclusion of young people in the labor market.


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From the ideologies of inclusive education, the development and adoption of new organizational practices in the school curriculum are noted. In this sense, the work presented here aims to report part of implementation and development process of a individual instrument of curricular adaptation (ACI), to students with special educational needs, especially disabilities, or strong disabilities evidences, who were enrolled in mainstream school. This research aim is to present and to analysis comparatively the structure and use of a didactic-pedagogical curricular adequacy tool, employed by the Department of Education City teachers from a city of Sao Paulo. Two different groups of teachers who worked with students with special educational needs participated in this study, the first (G-1) has had contact with the instrument, and the second (G-2) unknown the instrument. The data collection procedure was the application of a questionnaire consisting of 11 multiple choice questions to the sample. It was noted the document evaluation was positive for most participants from G-1, and participants in G-2 show interest in adopting an instrument to facilitate the teacher activity in organization of education process with special educational needs students. In this way, it’s possible concludes that the instrument analyzed ACI was considered by both teachers groups with a useful pedagogical procedure, able to guide them to elimination of procedural barriers to access to the curriculum towards the realization of an inclusive school.


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The Assistive Technology makes the lives of people without disabilities more practical, but for people with disabilities it can make things possible. For these individuals can provide the conditions, making their limitations are not obstacles to their social and personal empowerment, and may contribute to their effective participation in tasks that were previously impossible, such as remaining seated correctly. A segment on which the necessary assistive technology works, is the adaptation of furniture such as chairs, tables, chairs-to-wheels for individuals with disabilities, as well as cerebral palsy. The study aimed to conduct a survey and brief description of theses and dissertations produced in Brazil on furniture adapted for students with cerebral palsy. We made searching in databases of libraries of major universities and federal state national banks, theses and dissertations. Nine studies were selected for description. It was concluded that there is a considerable array of professionals, both in engineering as the field of rehabilitation, to contribute in the adaptation, creation and even the manufacture of furniture for children with cerebral palsy and that the securities most studied are the chairs and their components.


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Data presented here is the result of an extension project developed by UNESP which aims to support children who complain about learning disabilities. These students with reading and writing problems were part on intervention sessions, individually and/or in small groups, in which different games and non-usual activities were implemented. These intervention sessions seek an improvement in the non-learning situation and, above all, a change in the relationship that the children have established with these school subjects. So far, the main results indicate a development in the mentioned areas and a significant improvement in the entire student learning condition, which were verified during the intervention sessions and by the teachers’ and parents’ reports, as well. We also present here reflections on the process of assessment and intervention and about the way these subjects are dealt at school, and the meaning of not learning how to read and how to write for a child.


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This research aims to investigate the possible causes for the dropout of participants under instruction in distance courses. Data gathered from the Specialization Course in Specialized Educational Support Services - SES, sponsored by the Department for Continuing Education, Literacy and Diversity of the Ministry of Education - SECAD / MEC - and the Open University of Brazil – OUB, will be analyzed. The objective of the course is to graduate teachers who work in classrooms equipped with multifunctional resources in regular schools to give specialized educational support for students with special educational needs marked by disabilities, global development disorders and high abilities/highly gifted students. In order to analyze dropout data in the first semester of the ongoing course, a sample of 1349 participants enrolled in the distance course was considered; 216 of these had their enrollment cancelled on request or because they stopped accessing the Virtual Learning Environment - VLE / Teleduc Platform showing no interest in the course. However, the information below aims to present and discuss only the tabulated data of the 98 participants who requested to have their enrollment officially cancelled by submitting the online dropout term. The findings showed the main reasons for dropping out were personal problems, lack of time to commit to an ongoing distance course, difficulty using ICT and the tools available in the VLE. The research also highlighted the importance of developing digital inclusion initiatives as well as on-site supporting poles as a way to soften the barriers of technological accessibility and the dropout rate in this kind of courses.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)