977 resultados para Soilborne pathogen
Plants, like humans and other animals, also get sick, exhibit disease symptoms, and die. Plant diseases are caused by environmental stress, genetic or physiological disorders and infectious agents including viroids, viruses, bacteria and fungi. Plant pathology originated from the convergence of microbiology, botany and agronomy; its ultimate goal is the control of plant disease. Microbiologists have been attracted to this field of research because of the need for identification of the agents causing infectious diseases in economically important crops. In 1878—only two years after Pasteur and Koch had shown for the first time that anthrax in animals was caused by a bacteria—Burril, in the USA, discovered that the fire blight disease of apple and pear was also caused by a bacterium (nowadays known as Erwinia amylovora). In 1898, Beijerinck concluded that tobacco mosaic was caused by a “contagium vivum fluidum” which he called a virus. In 1971, Diener proved that a potato disease named potato spindle tuber was caused by infectious RNA which he called viroid
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) causes the greatest yield loss of any single pathogen of soybean in Iowa. An estimated 50 million bushels were lost in Iowa to SCN in 2004. Damage from SCN is not limited to yield loss from root feeding; SCN also makes other diseases like sudden death syndrome, iron deficiency chlorosis, Pythium, Phytophthora root and stem rot and brown stem rot worse. Once established in a field, SCN cannot be eradicated. However, the use of multiple management tactics can help minimize yield loss.
Summary : Due to anthropogenic impacts and natural fluctuations, fish usually have to cope with constantly changing and often hostile environments. Whereas adult fish have various possibilities to counteract unfavourable environmental conditions, embryos have much fewer options. Besides by their developing immune system, they are protected by the egg envelopes and several immune substances provided by their mothers. In addition to this, they may also adjust their hatching timing in reaction to various risks. However, individuals may vary in their defensive potential. This variation may be either based on their genetics and/or on differential maternal investments and may be dependent on the experienced stress. Nevertheless, in fish, the impact of such parental contributions on embryo and/or juvenile viability is still poorly investigated. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the importance of paternal (i.e. genetic) and maternal (i.e. genetic + egg investment) contributions to offspring viability under different environmental conditions and at different life stages. In order to investigate this, we used gametes of various salmonids for in vitro fertilisation experiments based on full-factorial breeding designs. The individual studies are summarised in the following chapters: In the first chapter, we tested the effectiveness of the embryonic immune system in Lake whitefish (Coregonus palaea). Namely, we investigated paternal and maternal contributions to the embryos' tolerance to different kinds of pathogen exposure. Additionally, we tested whether an early sub-léthal exposure has a positive or a negative effect on an embryo's susceptibility to later pathogen exposures with the same pathogen. We found that pre-challenged embryos were more susceptible to future challenges. Moreover, pathogen susceptibility was dependent on maternal investments and/or the embryos' own genetics, depending on the challenge level. Chapter 2 summarises a similar study with brown trout (Salmo trutta). In addition to the previously described investigations, we analysed if genetic effects on offspring viability are mediated either by parental MHC genotypes or relatedness based on neutral microsatellite markers, and we tested if males signal their genetic quality either by their body size or their melanin-based skin colouration. We found that embryo survival was lower at higher stress levels and dependent on the embryos' genetics. Addirionally, parents with similar and/or, very common MHC genotypes had higher offspring viabilities. Finally, darker males produced more viable offspring. In the first two chapters we investigated the embryos' defensive potential based on their immune system, i.e. their pathogen tolerance. In chapter 3 we investigate whether hatching timing of Lake whitefìsh (C. palaea) is dependent on parental contributions and/or on pathogen pressure, and whether there are parental-environmental interactions. We found that whitefish embryos hatch earlier under increasing pathogen pressure. Moreover, hatching timing was affected by embryo genetics and/or maternally provided resources, but the magnitude of the effect was dependent on the pathogen. pressure. We also found a significant paternal-environmental interaction, indicating that the hatching efficiency of a certain sib group is dependent on the pathogen environment. Chapter 4 describes an analogous study with brown trout (S. trutta), with similar findings. In the former chapters, we only looked at offspring performance during the embryonic period, and only under semi-natural conditions. In chapter 5 we now test the performance and viability of embryonic and juvenile brown trout (S. trutta) under natural conditions. To measure embryo viability, we put them in brood boxes, buried them in the gravel of a natural river, and analysed survival after several months. To investigate juvenile survival and performance, wé reared embryos under different stress levels in the laboratory and subsequently released the resulting hatchlings in to a closed river section. Juvenile size and survival was then determined one year later. Additionally, we investigated if sires differ in their genetic quality, determined by embryo and juvenile survival as well as juvenile size, and if they signal their quality by either body size or melanin-based body darkness. We found hat juvenile size was dependent on genetic effects and on maternal investment, whereas this was neither the case for embryo nor for juvenile survival. Additionally, we found that offspring of darker males grew larger, and larger juveniles had also an increased survival. Finally, we found acarry-over effect of the early non-lethal challenge: exposing embryos to higher stress levels resulted in smaller juveniles. To evaluate the long-term performance of differently treated groups, mark-recapture studies are inevitable. For this purpose, effective mass-marking techniques are essential. In chapter 6 we tested the suitability of the fluorescent pigment spray marking method for the mass marking of European graylings (Thymallus thymallus), with very promising results. Our in vitro fertilisation studies on whitefish may reveal new insights on potential genetic benefits of mate choice, but the mating system of whitefish under natural conditions is still poorly investigated. In order to study this, we installed underwater cameras at the spawning place of a Coregonus suidteri population, recorded the whole mating period and subsequently analysed the recordings. Confirmations of previous findings as well as exciting new observations are listed and discussed in chapter 7. Dus aux impacts anthropogéniques et aux fluctuations naturelles, les poissons doivent faire face à des environnements en perpétuel changement. Ces changements font que les poissons doivent s'adapter à de nouvelles situations, souvent hostiles pour eux. Les adultes ont différentes possibilités d'échapper à un environnement peu favorable, ce n'est par contre pas le cas des embryons. Les embryons sont protégés d'une part par leur système immunitaire en développement, d'autre part, par la coquille de l'eeuf et différentes substances immunitaires fournies par leur mère. De plus, ils sont capables d'influencer leur propre date d'éclosion en réponse à différents facteurs de stress. Malgré tout, les individus varient dans leur capacité à se défendre. Cette variation peut être basé sur des facteurs génétiques et/ou sur des facteurs maternels, et est dépendante du stress subi. Néanmoins, chez les poissons, l'impact de telles contributions parentales sur la survie d'embryons et/ou juvéniles est peu étudié. L'objectif principal de cette thèse a été d'approfondir les connaissances sur l'importance de la contribution paternelle (c.a.d. génétique) et maternelle (c.a.d. génétique + investissement dans l'oeuf) sur la survie des jeunes dans différentes conditions expérimentales et stades de vie. Pour faire ces analyses, nous avons utilisé des gamètes de divers salmonidés issus de croisements 'full-factorial'. Les différentes expériences sont résumées dans les chapitres suivants: Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons testé l'efficacité du système immunitaire des embryons chez les corégones (Coregonus palea). Plus précisément nous avons étudié la contribution paternelle et maternelle à la tolérance des embryons à différents niveaux de stress pathogène. Nous avons aussi testé, si une première exposition non létale à un pathogène avait un effet positif ou négatif sur la susceptibilité d'un embryon a une deuxième exposition au même pathogène. Nous avons trouvé que des embryons qui avaient été exposés une première fois étaient plus sensibles au pathogène par la suite. Mais aussi que la sensibilité au pathogène était dépendante de l'investissement de la mère et/ou des gènes de l'embryon, dépendamment du niveau de stress. Le deuxième chapitre résume une étude similaire avec des truites (Salmo truffa). Nous avons examiné, si la survie des jeunes variait sous différentes intensités de stress, et si la variance observée était due aux gènes des parents. Nous avons aussi analysé si les effets génétiques sur la survie des juvéniles étaient dus au MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) ou au degré de parenté des parents. De plus, nous avons analysé si les mâles signalaient leur qualité génétique par la taille du corps ou par leur coloration noire, due à la mélanine. On a trouvé que la survie des embryons était plus basse quand le niveau de stress était plus haut mais que la variation restait dépendante de la génétique des embryons. De plus, les parents avec des MHC similaires et/ou communs avaient des embryons avec une meilleure survie. Par contre, des parents avec un degré de parenté plus haut produisent des embryons avec une survie plus mauvaise. Finalement nous avons montré que les mâles plus foncés ont des embryons qui survivent mieux, mais que la taille des mâles n'a pas d'influence sur la survie de ces mêmes embryons. Dans les deux premiers chapitres, nous avons étudié le potentiel de défense des embryons basé sur leur système immunitaire, c.a.d. leur tolérance aux pathogènes. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous nous intéressons à la date d'éclosion des corégones (C. palea), pour voir si elle est influencée par les parents ou par la pression des pathogènes, et si il y a une interaction entre ces deux facteurs. Nous avons trouvé que les jeunes naissent plus rapidement lorsque la pression en pathogènes augmente. La date d'éclosion est influencée par la génétique des embryons et/ou l'investissement des parents, mais c'est la magnitude des effets qui est dépendante de la pression du pathogène. Nous avons aussi trouvé une interaction entre l'effet paternel et l'environnement, ce qui indique que la rapidité d'éclosion de certains croisements est dépendante des pathogènes dans l'environnement. Le chapitre 4 décrit une étude analogue avec de truites (S. truffa), avec des résultats sitzimilaires. Dans les précédents chapitres nous nous sommes uniquement concentrés sur les performances des jeunes durant leur stade embryonnaire, et seulement dans des conditions semi naturelles. Dans le chapitre 5 nous testons la performance et la viabilité des embryons et de juvéniles de truites (S. truffa) dans des conditions naturelles. Nous avons trouvé que la taille des juvéniles était dépendante d'effets génétiques et de l'investissement maternel, mais ceci n'était ni les cas pour les survie des embryons et des juvéniles. De plus, nous avons trouvé que les jeunes des mâles plus foncés devenaient plus grands et que les grands ont un meilleur taux de survie. Finalement nous avons trouvé un 'carry-over effect' d'une première exposition non létale à un pathogène: exposer des embryons à des plus hauts niveaux de stress donnait des juvéniles plus petits. Pour évaluer la performance à long terme de groupes traités dé manières différentes, une méthode de marquage-recapture est inévitable. Pour cette raison, des techniques de marquage en masse sont nécessaires. Dans le chapitre 6, nous avons testé l'efficacité de la technique `fluorescent pigment spray marking' pour le marquage en masse de l'Ombre commun (Thymallus thymallus), avec des résultats très prometteurs. Les études de fertilisations in vitro avec les corégones nous donnent une idée du potentiel bénéfice génétique que représente la sélection d'un bon partenaire, même si le système d'accouplement des corégones en milieu naturel reste peu connu. Pour combler cette lacune, nous avons installé des caméras sous-marines autour de la frayère d'une population de corégones (C. suidteri), nous avons enregistré toute la période de reproduction et nous avons analysé les données par la suite. Ainsi, nous avons été capables de confirmer bien des résultats trouvés précédemment, mais aussi de faire de nouvelles observations. Ces résultats sont reportés dans le septième chapitre, où elles sont comparées avec des observations antérieures.
ABSTRACT Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus that causes severe pneumonia in immunocompromised patients. However, its study is hindered by the lack of an in vitro culture method. We report here the genome of P. jirovecii that was obtained from a single bronchoalveolar lavage fluid specimen from a patient. The major challenge was the in silico sorting of the reads from a mixture representing the different organisms of the lung microbiome. This genome lacks virulence factors and most amino acid biosynthesis enzymes and presents reduced GC content and size. Together with epidemiological observations, these features suggest that P. jirovecii is an obligate parasite specialized in the colonization of human lungs, which causes disease only in immune-deficient individuals. This genome sequence will boost research on this deadly pathogen. IMPORTANCE Pneumocystis pneumonia is a major cause of mortality in patients with impaired immune systems. The availability of the P. jirovecii genome sequence allows new analyses to be performed which open avenues to solve critical issues for this deadly human disease. The most important ones are (i) identification of nutritional supplements for development of culture in vitro, which is still lacking 100 years after discovery of the pathogen; (ii) identification of new targets for development of new drugs, given the paucity of present treatments and emerging resistance; and (iii) identification of targets for development of vaccines.
Toll-like receptors (TLR) recognize pathogen associated molecular patterns, and the binding of their specific ligands triggers a proinflammatory response that helps to fight invading microorganisms, and can be harnessed to increase vaccine efficiency. The present study demonstrates that double-stranded RNA is a promising vaccine adjuvant able to increase both proliferation and activation of antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells. Importantly, TLR3 is required for this adjuvant effect, as TLR3 deficient recipients failed to enhance proliferation of adoptively transferred TCR transgenic CD8(+) T cells in the presence of double-stranded RNA. Finally, this study also shows that, in contrast to previous reports in humans, TLR3 does not exert direct costimulatory activity on CD8(+) T cells in mice.
Selected strains of fluorescent pseudomonads suppress various plant diseases caused by soil-borne pathogenic fungi, by a blend of several mechanisms including aggressive root colonization, antibiosis, competition for nutrients, induction of resistance in the plant, and enzymatic attack of the pathogen. These traits are amenable to genetic analysis and, therefore, to modification by genetic engineering. Biocontrol activities of Pseudomonas spp. have been enhanced in two ways: (i) by overexpression of traits known to involved in diseaese suppression, and (ii) by introduction of additional beneficial traits into strains having basal biocontrol activities. Under experimental conditions in microcosms, a number of genetically modified Pseudomonas strains have given promising results. It remains to be seen whether such strains will be superior to the best naturally occurring strains, applied singly or in combination, under greenhouse and field conditions.
Abstract: Protective immune responses against pathogen invasion and transformed cells requires the coordinated action of distinct leukocyte subsets and soluble factors, overall termed immunological network. Among antigen-presenting cells (APC), a crucial role is played by dendritic cells (DC), which initiate, amplify and determine the outcome of the immune response. Micro-environmental conditions profoundly influence DC in such ways that the resulting immune response ranges from successful immune stimulation to abortive response or immune suppression. For instance, the presence in the milieu of anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) reverts most of the effects mediated on DC by even strong pro-inflammatory agents such as bacterial Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), in terms of differentiation, activation and functions. In an environment containing both LPS and IL-10, uncoupling of receptors for inflammatory chemokines already occurs after a few hours and in a reversible manner on DC, allowing scavenging of chemokines and, consequently, attenuation of the inflammatory process which could be deleterious to the organism. By studying the effects on DC of concomitant stimulation by LPS and IL-10 from the gene expression point of view, we were able to define four distinct transcriptional programs: A. the inhibition of inflammation and immunity, B. the regulation of tissue remodeling, C. the tuning of cytokine/growth factor receptors and G protein-coupled receptors, D. the stimulation of B cell function and lymphoid tissue neogenesis. Among the latter genes, we further demonstrated that IL-10 synergizes with Toll-like receptor ligands for the production of functionally active B cell attracting chemokine CXCL13. Our data provide evidence that the combined exposure of APC to LPS and IL-10, via the production of CXCL13, involves humoral immunity by attracting antibody-producing cells. It is well known that the persistent release of CXCL13 leads to the development of ectopic lymphoid tissue aggregates and production of high levels of antibodies, thus favoring the induction of auto-immunity. Our findings suggest that the IL-10 produced in chronic inflammatory conditions may promote lymphoid tissue neogenesis through increased release of CXCL13. IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine inhibiting cellular-mediated TH 1-polarized immune responses. In this study we demonstrate that IL- 10 strongly supports the development of humoral immunity. IL-10 and CXCL13 can thus be targets for specific therapies in auto-immune diseases.
BACKGROUND: Fever and neutropenia (FN) often complicate anticancer treatment and can be caused by potentially fatal infections. Knowledge of pathogen distribution is paramount for optimal patient management. METHODS: Microbiologically defined infections (MDI) in pediatric cancer patients presenting with FN by nonmyeloablative chemotherapy enrolled in a prospective multi-center study were analyzed. Effectiveness of empiric antibiotic therapy in FN episodes with bacteremia was assessed taking into consideration recently published treatment guidelines for pediatric patients with FN. RESULTS: MDI were identified in a minority (22%) of pediatric cancer patients with FN. In patients with, compared to without MDI, fever (median, 5 [IQR 3-8] vs. 2 [IQR1-3] days, p < 0.001) and hospitalization (10 [6-14] vs. 5 [3-8] days, p < 0.001) lasted longer, transfer to the intensive care unit was more likely (13 of 95 [14%] vs. 7 of 346 [2.0%], p < 0.001), and antibiotics were given longer (10 [7-14] vs. 5 [4-7], p < 0.001). Empiric antibiotic therapy in FN episodes with bacteremia was highly effective if not only intrinsic and reported antimicrobial susceptibilities were considered but the purposeful omission of coverage for coagulase negative staphylococci and enterococci was also taken into account (81% [95%CI 68 - 90] vs. 96.6% [95%CI 87 - 99.4], p = 0.004) CONCLUSIONS: MDI were identified in a minority of FN episodes but they significantly affected management and the clinical course of pediatric cancer patients. Compliance with published guidelines was associated with effectiveness of empiric antibiotic therapy in FN episodes with bacteremia.
Plants naturally produce the lipid-derived polyester cutin, which is found in the plant cuticle that is deposited at the outermost extracellular matrix of the epidermis covering nearly all aboveground tissues. Being at the interface between the cell and the external environment, cutin and the cuticle play important roles in the protection of plants from several stresses. A number of enzymes involved in the synthesis of cutin monomers have recently been identified, including several P450s and one acyl-CoA synthetase, thus representing the first steps toward the understanding of polyester formation and, potentially, polyester engineering to improve the tolerance of plants to stresses, such as drought, and for industrial applications. However, numerous processes underlying cutin synthesis, such as a controlled polymerization, still remain elusive. Suberin is a second polyester found in the extracellular matrix, most often synthesized in root tissues and during secondary growth. Similar to cutin, the function of suberin is to seal off the respective tissue to inhibit water loss and contribute to resistance to pathogen attack. Being the main constituent of cork, suberin is a plant polyester that has already been industrially exploited. Genetic engineering may be worth exploring in order to change the polyester properties for either different applications or to increase cork production in other species. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are attractive polyesters of 3-hydroxyacids because of their properties as bioplastics and elastomers. Although PHAs are naturally found in a wide variety of bacteria, biotechnology has aimed at producing these polymers in plants as a source of cheap and renewable biodegradable plastics. Synthesis of PHA containing various monomers has been demonstrated in the cytosol, plastids, and peroxisomes of plants. Several biochemical pathways have been modified in order to achieve this, including the isoprenoid pathway, the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway, and the fatty acid β-oxidation pathway. PHA synthesis has been demonstrated in a number of plants, including monocots and dicots, and up to 40% PHA per gram dry weight has been demonstrated in Arabidopsis thaliana. Despite some successes, production of PHA in crop plants remains a challenging project. PHA synthesis at high level in vegetative tissues, such as leaves, is associated with chlorosis and reduced growth. The challenge for the future is to succeed in synthesis of PHA copolymers with a narrow range of monomer compositions, at levels that do not compromise plant productivity. This goal will undoubtedly require a deeper understanding of plant biochemical pathways and how carbon fluxes through these pathways can be manipulated, areas where plant "omics" can bring very valuable contributions.
The antimicrobial metabolite 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (2,4-DAPG) contributes to the capacity of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 to control plant diseases caused by soilborne pathogens. A 2, 4-DAPG-negative Tn5 insertion mutant of strain CHA0 was isolated, and the nucleotide sequence of the 4-kb genomic DNA region adjacent to the Tn5 insertion site was determined. Four open reading frames were identified, two of which were homologous to phlA, the first gene of the 2,4-DAPG biosynthetic operon, and to the phlF gene encoding a pathway-specific transcriptional repressor. The Tn5 insertion was located in an open reading frame, tentatively named phlH, which is not related to known phl genes. In wild-type CHA0, 2, 4-DAPG production paralleled expression of a phlA'-'lacZ translational fusion, reaching a maximum in the late exponential growth phase. Thereafter, the compound appeared to be degraded to monoacetylphloroglucinol by the bacterium. 2,4-DAPG was identified as the active compound in extracts from culture supernatants of strain CHA0 specifically inducing phlA'-'lacZ expression about sixfold during exponential growth. Induction by exogenous 2,4-DAPG was most conspicuous in a phlA mutant, which was unable to produce 2, 4-DAPG. In a phlF mutant, 2,4-DAPG production was enhanced severalfold and phlA'-'lacZ was expressed at a level corresponding to that in the wild type with 2,4-DAPG added. The phlF mutant was insensitive to 2,4-DAPG addition. A transcriptional phlA-lacZ fusion was used to demonstrate that the repressor PhlF acts at the level of transcription. Expression of phlA'-'lacZ and 2,4-DAPG synthesis in strain CHA0 was strongly repressed by the bacterial extracellular metabolites salicylate and pyoluteorin as well as by fusaric acid, a toxin produced by the pythopathogenic fungus Fusarium. In the phlF mutant, these compounds did not affect phlA'-'lacZ expression and 2, 4-DAPG production. PhlF-mediated induction by 2,4-DAPG and repression by salicylate of phlA'-'lacZ expression was confirmed by using Escherichia coli as a heterologous host. In conclusion, our results show that autoinduction of 2,4-DAPG biosynthesis can be countered by certain bacterial (and fungal) metabolites. This mechanism, which depends on phlF function, may help P. fluorescens to produce homeostatically balanced amounts of extracellular metabolites.
To orchestrate immune responses, pathogen-recognition receptors have evolved sophisticated strategies to monitor pathogenic processes. In this issue of Cell Host & Microbe, a study by Cho et al. reveals a mechanism of immune recognition that relies on the sensing of cholera toxin within the endoplasmic reticulum.
Staphylococcus aureus is a major bovine mastitis pathogen. Although the reported antimicrobial resistance was generally low, the emergence of new genetic clusters in bovine mastitis requires examination of the link between antimicrobial resistance and genotypes. Here, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) profiles and standard antimicrobial resistance profiles were determined in order to characterize a total of 343 S. aureus cow mastitis isolates from two geographically close regions of Switzerland and France. AFLP profiles revealed similar population compositions in the two regions, with 4 major clusters (C8, C20, C97, and C151), but the proportions of isolates in each cluster significantly diverged between the two countries (P = 9.2 × 10⁻⁹). Antimicrobial resistance was overall low (< 5% resistance to all therapeutically relevant molecules), with the exception of penicillin resistance, which was detected in 26% of the isolates. Penicillin resistance proportions differed between clusters, with only 1 to 2% of resistance associated with C20 and C151 and up to 70% associated with bovine C97. The prevalence of C20 and C8 was unexpectedly high and requires further investigation into the mechanism of adaptation to the bovine host. The strong association of penicillin resistance with few clusters highlights the fact that the knowledge of local epidemiology is essential for rational choices of antimicrobial treatment in the absence of susceptibility testing. Taken together, these observations argue in favor of more routine scrutiny of antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic-resistant clones in cattle and the farm environment.
Notch1 proteins are involved in binary cell fate decisions. To determine the role of Notch1 in the differentiation of CD4(+) Th1 versus Th2 cells, we have compared T helper polarization in vitro in naive CD4(+) T cells isolated from mice in which the N1 gene is specifically inactivated in all mature T cells. Following activation, Notch1-deficient CD4(+) T cells transcribed and secreted IFN-gamma under Th1 conditions and IL-4 under Th2 conditions at levels similar to that of control CD4(+) T cells. These results show that Notch1 is dispensable for the development of Th1 and Th2 phenotypes in vitro. The requirement for Notch1 in Th1 differentiation in vivo was analyzed following inoculation of Leishmania major in mice with a T cell-specific inactivation of the Notch1 gene. Following infection, these mice controlled parasite growth at the site of infection and healed their lesions. The mice developed a protective Th1 immune response characterized by high levels of IFN-gamma mRNA and protein and low levels of IL-4 mRNA with no IL-4 protein in their lymph node cells. Taken together, these results indicate that Notch1 is not critically involved in CD4(+) T helper 1 differentiation and in resolution of lesions following infection with L. major.
River-dwelling fish, such as European graylings (Thymallus thymallus), are susceptible to changes in climate because they can often not avoid suboptimal temperatures, especially during early developmental stages. We analyzed data collected in a 62-year-long (1948-2009) population monitoring program. Male and female graylings were sampled about three times/week during the yearly spawning season in order to follow the development of the population. The occurrence of females bearing ripe eggs was used to approximate the timing of each spawning season. In the last years of the study, spawning season was more than 3 weeks earlier than in the first years. This shift was linked to increasing water temperatures as recorded over the last 39 years with a temperature logger at the spawning site. In early spring water temperatures rose more slowly than in later spring. Thus, embryos and larvae were exposed to increasingly colder water at a stage that is critical for sex determination and pathogen resistance in other salmonids. In summer, however, fry were exposed to increasingly warmer temperatures. The changes in water temperatures that we found embryos, larvae, and fry were exposed to could be contributing to the decline in abundance that has occurred over the last 30-40 years.
ABSTRACT : Les infections par le parasite Leishmania guyanensis se caractérisent par une dissémination depuis le site initial d'infection jusqu'aux tissus naso-pharyngés, responsable de la Leishmaniose à lésions secondaires muco-cutanées (LMC). Les lésions des patients atteints de LMC montrent une massive infiltration de cellules immunitaires, une réponse immunitaire élevée et la présence de parasites (bien qu'en très faible quantité). La LMC engendre une augmentation de l'expression de TNFa ainsi qu'un défaut dans le contrôle de la réponse immunitaire caractérisé par une absence de réponse à l'IL 10. La réponse immunitaire de l'hôte ainsi que la virulence du parasite sont deux facteurs reconnus pour le contrôle de l'infection. Le mécanisme de la pathogenèse de la LMC restent grandement incompris, surtout le mécanisme de dissémination de l'infection du site d'inoculation jusqu'aux sites secondaires d'infection (métastases) ainsi que les détails de la réponse de l'hôte contre le pathogène. Dans un modèle d'infection d' hamsters avec des parasites du Nouveau Monde, la classification des parasites Leishmania se fait en fonction de leur capacité à développer des métastases. Ce modéle d'infection a permis de caractériser différentes souches de parasites selon la classification de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sante (OMS) tel que la souche de référence W>É-II/BR/78/M5313 qui est reconnue comme hautement métastatique alors que ces clones dérivés de M5313 montrent de grandes variations quand a leur capacité à créer des métastases. Les clones 13 et 21 sont métastatiques (M+) alors que les clones 3 et 17 sont nonmétastatiques (NI-). Les objectifs de cette thèse ont été d'étudier le rôle de la réponse immunitaire innée des macrophages après infection in vitro avec différents clones métastatiques et non-métastatiques du parasite L. guyanensis, ainsi que d'étudier la réponse immunitaire générée suite à une infection in vivo par les clones M+ et M- de L. guyanensis dans un modèle marin. L'analyse de la .réponse immunitaire des macrophages in vitro montrent qu'il y aune augmentation significative de leur statut d'activation après infection par des parasites M+ indiquée par la modulation des marqueurs d'activation de surface CD80, CD86 et CD40, ainsi que une augmentation significative de CXCL 10, CCLS, IL6 et TNFa au niveau transcription de l'ARNm et au niveau de la protéine. Cette phénomène d'activation a été observée chez les deux souches de souris C57BL/6 et BALB/c. L'utilisation d'un inhibiteur d'entrée des parasites (Cytochalsin D) ou d'un inhibiteur des fonctions endosomales (Chloroquine) diminue de manière significative la réponse des macrophages aux parasites M+. L'utilisation de macrophages déficients en TLR, MyD88, et TRIF a démontré que la réponse générée après infection par les parasites M+ était dépendante de la voie de signalisation de TRIF et TLR3. Lors d'infection in vivo par des parasites M5313, au moins 50% des souris BALB/c présentent un phénotype sensible caractérisé par des lésions non-nécrotiques qui ne guérissent pas, persistent plus de 13 semaines après infection et contiennent un nombre considérable de parasites. Ces souris développent une réponse immunitaire de type T helper 2 (Th2) avec un niveau élevé d'IL-4 et d'IL-10. Les autres souris ont un phénotype non-sensible, les souris développant peu ou pas de lésion, avec peu de parasites et une réponse immunitaire diminuée, caractérisée par un niveau faible d'IFNy, d'IL4 et d'IL10. De plus, les souris BALB/c infectées par un parasite L. guyanensis isolé à partir des lésions muco-cutanées d'un patient humain atteint de LMC ont démontrés un phénotype similaire aux souris infectées par la souche M5313 avec 50% des souris développant des lésions persistantes, alors qu'un parasite dérivé des lésions cutanées humains n'a montré qu'une faible sensibilité avec une lésion transitoire qui finit par guérir. Nous avons montré que la sensibilité de ces souris BALB/c dépend de l'IL-4 et de l'IL-10 car les souris IL-10-/sur fond génétique BALB/c ainsi que les souris BALB/c traitée avec de l'anti-IL4 étaient capables de contrôler l'infection par M5313. Les souris C57BL/6 sont résistantes à l'infection par le parasite M5313. Elles développent une lésion transitoire qui guérit 9 semaines après infection. Ces souris résistantes ont un très faible taux de parasites au site d'infection et développent une réponse immunitaire de type Thl avec un niveau élevé d'IFNr et peu d'IL4 et d'IL10. Les infections in vivo de souris déficientes en MyD88, TRIF, TLR3 ou TLR9 (sur fond génétique C57BL/6) ont indiqué que MyD88 et TLR9 étaient impliqués dans la résistance à l'infection par L. guyanensi, et que TRIF et TLR3 avaient un rôle important dans la sensibilité. Ce travail met en évidence le fait que la réponse immunitaire de l'hôte est modulée par le parasite selon leur caractérisation d'être soit M+ ou M-. Nous avons démontré également que plusieurs gènes et voies de signalisations étaient impliqués dans cette réponse favorisant le développement d'une LMC. ABSTRACT : Leishmania guyanensis parasites are able to disseminate from the initial site of cutaneous skin infection to the nasopharyngeal tissues resulting in destructive secondary lesions and the disease Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (MCL). The secondary lesions in patients have intense immune cell infiltration, elevated immune responses and the presence (albeit at low levels) of parasites. More specifically, MCL patients produce higher levels of TNFa and display impairment in their ability to control the immune response due to a defect in their ability to respond to IL10. Little is known about the pathogenesis of MCL, especially about the dissemination of the infection from the site of inoculation to secondary sites (metastasis) and the response of the host to the pathogen. The hamster model of L. guyanensis infection has previously characterized the WHO reference strain, L. guyanensis WHI/BR/78/M5313, as being highly metastatic. Clones of parasites derived from this reference strain show a differential ability to metastasize. This thesis studied the differential immune response generated by macrophages in vitro, or by mice in vivo, following infection with L. guyanensis parasites. A significant increase in the activation status of macrophages derived from C57BL/6 or BALB/c mice was observed after in vitro infection with L. guyanensis parasites when compared to non-metastatic parasites. This change in status was evidenced by the increased expression of surface activation markers, together with the chemokines, CXCL 10, CCLS, and cytokines, IL6 and TNFa. Furthermore, in vitro infection of macrophages isolated from mice deficient in either a specific Toll Like Receptor (TLR) or the adaptor molecules MyD88 or TRIF, indicated that the immune response generated following L. guyanensis metastatic parasite infection was reliant on the TRIF dependent TLR3 signalling pathway. In vivo footpad infection of BALB/c mice with the L. guyanensis M5313 parasites showed a reproducible susceptible phenotype, whereby at least 50% of infected mice developed non-healing, nonnecrosing lesions with high parasitemia that persisted over 13 weeks post infection. This phenotype was characterized by a Th2 type cytokine immune response with increased levels of IL4 and IL10 detected in the draining lymph nodes. IL 10 deficient mice on a BALB/c background, or BALB/c mice treated with anti-IL4 were able to control infection with L. guyanensis M5313 parasites, thereby proving that these cytokines were indeed implicated in the susceptibility to infection. Moreover, infection of BALB/c mice with patient isolated L. guyanensis parasites confirmed that MCL derived parasites were able to induce a susceptibility phenotype similar to that of L. guyanensis M5313. C57BL/6 mice, on the other hand, were highly resistant to infection with L. guyanensis M5313 parasites and produced transient footpad swelling that healed by week 9 post infection, together with low degrees of footpad parasitemia and a Thl polarized immune response. Infection of mice deficient in MyD88, TRIF, TLR3, and TLR9 (on a C57BL/6 background), indicated that MyD88 and TLR9 were involved in the resistance of these mice to infection, and that TRIF and TLR3 were involved in the susceptibility. This study has shown that the host response can be differentially modulated depending on the infecting parasite with several genes and pathways being identified that could be involved in promoting the development of MCL.