1000 resultados para Sociedad Rural de Gualeguaychú
For several years, the Iowa Department of Transportation has constructed bypasses along rural highways. Most bypasses were constructed on the state’s Commercial Industrial Network (CIN). Now that work on the CIN has been completed and the system is open to traffic, it is possible to study the impacts of bypasses. In the past, construction of highway bypasses has led community residents and business people to raise concerns about the loss of business activity. For policy development purposes, it is essential to understand the impacts that a bypass might have on safety, the community, and economics. By researching these impacts, policies can be produced to help to alleviate any negative impacts and create a better system that is ultimately more cost-effective. This study found that the use of trade area analysis does not provide proof that a bypass can positively or negatively impact the economy of a rural community. The analysis did show that, even though the population of a community may be stable for several years and per capita income is increasing, sales leakage still occurs. The literature, site visits, and data make it is apparent that a bypass can positively affect a community. Some conditions that would need to exist in order to maximize a positive impact include the installation of signage along the bypass directing travelers to businesses and services in the community, community or regional plans that include the bypass in future land development scenarios, and businesses adjusting their business plans to attract bypass users. In addition, how proactive a community is in adapting to the bypass will determine the kinds of effects felt in the community. Results of statistical safety analysis indicate that, at least when crashes are separated by severity, bypasses with at-grade accesses appear to perform more poorly than either the bypasses with fully separated accesses or with a mix of at-grade and fully separated accesses. However, the benefit in terms of improved safety of bypasses with fully separated accesses relative to bypasses with a mixed type of accesses is not statistically conclusive.
Iowa features an extensive surface transportation system, with more than 110,000 miles of roadway, most of which is under the jurisdiction of local agencies. Given that Iowa is a lower-population state, most of this mileage is located in rural areas that exhibit low traffic volumes of less than 400 vehicles per day. However, these low-volume rural roads also account for about half of all recorded traffic crashes in Iowa, including a high percentage of fatal and major injury crashes. This study was undertaken to examine these crashes, identify major contributing causes, and develop low-cost strategies for reducing the incidence of these crashes. Iowa’s extensive crash and roadway system databases were utilized to obtain needed data. Using descriptive statistics, a test of proportions, and crash modeling, various classes of rural secondary roads were compared to similar state of Iowa controlled roads in crash frequency, severity, density, and rate for numerous selected factors that could contribute to crashes. The results of this study allowed the drawing of conclusions as to common contributing factors for crashes on low-volume rural roads, both paved and unpaved. Due to identified higher crash statistics, particular interest was drawn to unpaved rural roads with traffic volumes greater than 100 vehicles per day. Recommendations for addressing these crashes with low-cost mitigation are also included. Because of the isolated nature of traffic crashes on low-volume roads, a systemic or mass action approach to safety mitigation was recommended for an identified subset of the entire system. In addition, future development of a reliable crash prediction model is described.
The objective of this project was to evaluate low-cost measures to reduce speeds on high-crash horizontal curves. The researchers evaluated two low-cost treatments in Iowa to determine their effectiveness in reducing speeds on rural two-lane roadways. This report summarizes how the research team selected sites and collected data, and the results. The team selected six sites. Retroreflective post treatments were added to existing chevrons at four sites and on-pavement curve markings were added at two sites. The researchers collected speed data before and after installation of the two treatments. The study compared several speed metrics to assess the effectiveness of the treatments. Overall, both were moderately effective in reducing speeds. The most significant impact of the treatments was in reducing the percentage of vehicles traveling over the posted or advisory speed by 5, 10, 15, or 20 or more mph. This result suggests that the treatments are most effective in reducing high-end speeds.
A pesar de los notables avances en el estado del bienestar en nuestra sociedad muchas personas se sienten enfermas y trastornadas ante los vaivenes de la vida. El infortunio cotidiano tiene hoy día rango de enfermedad, muchas veces de enfermedad mental. De ahí, el notable aumento de las consultas en los diferentes dispositivos sanitarios de todo tipo. El consumo, la tecno-ciencia y el individualismo, los tres sistemas a través de los cuales tratamos de alcanzar la felicidad en la actualidad, influyen en la forma en la que experimentamos las adversidades de la vida. A su vez, los medios de comunicación, la industria farmacéutica, los profesionales y los pacientes, son los agentes implicados en lo que se ha dado en llamar la medicalización de la existencia. La conclusión es que las personas experimentan como enfermedades las contradicciones propias del sistema social.
La estadística se ha convertido en un método práctico para describir los valores de datos económicos, políticos, sociales, psicológicos, médicos, biológicos y físicos, como herramienta para relacionar y analizar dichos datos. El trabajo del estadístico no consiste sólo en obtener, reunir o tabular los datos, sino sobre todo el proceso de interpretación de esa información solo o en colaboración con los expertos en cada ámbito. A pesar de que es imposible entender la Sociedad de la Información sin la estadística, es preocupante la situación actual de las ciencias matemáticas y más concretamente de la estadística, ya que a pesar de su imprescindibilidad existe una falta de vocación entre los jóvenes por su estudio y uso, ya sea por su dificultad matemática, desconocimiento u otros motivos. Este artículo pretende reflexionar sobre la importancia de la misma en la sociedad actual que permite tratar numéricamente la realidad.
Rural intersections account for 30% of crashes in rural areas and 6% of all fatal crashes, representing a significant but poorly understood safety problem. Transportation agencies have traditionally implemented countermeasures to address rural intersection crashes but frequently do not understand the dynamic interaction between the driver and roadway and the driver factors leading to these types of crashes. The Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) conducted a large-scale naturalistic driving study (NDS) using instrumented vehicles. The study has provided a significant amount of on-road driving data for a range of drivers. The present study utilizes the SHRP 2 NDS data as well as SHRP 2 Roadway Information Database (RID) data to observe driver behavior at rural intersections first hand using video, vehicle kinematics, and roadway data to determine how roadway, driver, environmental, and vehicle factors interact to affect driver safety at rural intersections. A model of driver braking behavior was developed using a dataset of vehicle activity traces for several rural stop-controlled intersections. The model was developed using the point at which a driver reacts to the upcoming intersection by initiating braking as its dependent variable, with the driver’s age, type and direction of turning movement, and countermeasure presence as independent variables. Countermeasures such as on-pavement signing and overhead flashing beacons were found to increase the braking point distance, a finding that provides insight into the countermeasures’ effect on safety at rural intersections. The results of this model can lead to better roadway design, more informed selection of traffic control and countermeasures, and targeted information that can inform policy decisions. Additionally, a model of gap acceptance was attempted but was ultimately not developed due to the small size of the dataset. However, a protocol for data reduction for a gap acceptance model was determined. This protocol can be utilized in future studies to develop a gap acceptance model that would provide additional insight into the roadway, vehicle, environmental, and driver factors that play a role in whether a driver accepts or rejects a gap.
Provision of left turn lanes is a major problem which lacks an objective approach. Various techniques and procedures in use have been reviewed. Traffic characteristics at typical Iowa intersections have been measured. A rational approach for inclusion of a left turn lane has been developed, based on relating the benefits to the road user to the cost of providing the added turing lane. An analysis of field data gathered under this project indicates that the use of theoretical distribution to describe vehicle headways is not applicable to rural Iowa two lane roads. As an alternate approach the mass of field data gathered were examined using multiple regression techniques to yield equations for predicting stops and delays. The benefit-cost ratio technique is recommended as the criterion for decision making.
The Iowa Department of Transportation, like many other state transportation agencies, is experiencing growing congestion and traffic delays in work zones on rural interstate highways. The congestion results in unproductive and wasteful delays for both motorists and commercial vehicles. It also results in hazardous conditions where vehicle stopped in queues on rural interstate highways are being approached by vehicles upstream at very high speeds. The delays also result in driver frustration, making some drivers willing to take unsafe risks in an effort to bypass delays. To reduce the safety hazards and unproductive delays of congested rural interstate work zones, the Iowa Department of Transportation would like to improve its traffic management strategies at these locations. Applying better management practices requires knowledge of the traffic flow properties and driver behavior in and around work zones, and knowledge of possible management strategies. The project reported here and in a companion report documents research which seeks to better understand traffic flow behavior at rural interstate highway work zones and to estimate the traffic carrying capacity of work zone lane closures. In addition, this document also reports on technology available to better manage traffic in and around work zones.
The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) convened the Health and Long-Term Care Advisory Council (HLTCAC) to assist in the development of its strategic plan. One component of the strategic plan is a rural health care resource plan. The intent of this document is to present reliable information and data as a valuable resource for the officials, agencies, and organizations responsible for strengthening and supporting the rural health systems vital to 43 percent of Iowa residents.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a geração de um mapa de suscetibilidade à erosão, em área rural, no Município de Guararapes, SP, por meio de modelo multicritério aditivo. Foram utilizados mapas digitais dos temas: relevo (declividade e comprimento das rampas); pedologia (obtida em campo); uso e cobertura das terras da região; e interpretação do modelo digital de elevação. Os mapas digitais foram tratados em ambiente de sistema de informação geográfica, por meio do método multicritério aditivo, e validados pelo modelo da equação universal de perda de solo (USLE). Foram geradas cinco classes de suscetibilidade à erosão: baixa, moderada, alta, muito alta e altíssima. O mapa de risco obtido por multicritério aditivo teve boa correspondência com o modelo USLE. O mapa de suscetibilidade à erosão pode ser aplicado ao planejamento agrícola e ambiental da área rural do Município de Guararapes.
We characterize market traders at two rural fairs in Puno, Peru, based on quantitative and qualitative data gathered in 2008, to gain insight into types of traders and the information needs that influence the degree to which they use mobile phones to make decisions regarding which weekly fairs to attend. Using variables such as origin, type of goods sold, means of transportation to the market, and reliance on networks, we identify traders as full-time traders, part-time traders, or subsistence traders, that is, people trading solely to survive. We find that when traders are already familiar with the technology, regularly rely on endogenous networks to make decisions, and have more to lose from failing to trade (e.g., those selling perishable goods), they are more likely to use mobile phones to decide where to sell.
Se trata de una reflexión global y actualizada de los diversos aspectos que configuraron la cultura termal de Tarraco y de su territorium. Más allá de los análisis arquitectónicos y cronológicos, los restos arqueológicos deben considerarse el testimonio de una evolución económica e ideológica y el reflejo de una sociedad que tuvo, en las actividades termales, el principal espacio de vida ciudadana. La comprensión de este fenómeno es aún un objetivo incompleto que requiere desarrollar proyectos científicos para conocer los datos de una realidad arquitectónica fundamental en la escenografía de la ciudad y en los asentamientos rurales.