997 resultados para Simulated experiment


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To increase the organic matter (OM) content in the soil is one main goal in arable soil management. The adoption of tillage systems with reduced tillage depth and/or frequency (reduced tillage) or of no-tillage was found to increase the concentration of soil OM compared to conventional tillage (CT; ploughing to 20-30 cm). However, the underlying processes are not yet clear and are discussed contradictorily. So far, few investigations were conducted on tillage systems with a shallow tillage depth (minimum tillage = MT; maximum tillage depth of 10 cm). A better understanding of the interactions between MT implementation and changes in OM transformation in soils is essential in order to evaluate the possible contribution of MT to a sustainable management of arable soils. The objectives of the present thesis were (i) to compare OM concentrations, microbial biomass, water-stable aggregates, and particulate OM (POM) between CT and MT soils, (ii) to estimate the temporal variability of water-stable aggregate size classes occurring in the field and the dynamics of macroaggregate (>250 µm) formation and disruption under controlled conditions, (iii) to investigate whether a lower disruption or a higher formation rate accounts for a higher occurrence of macroaggregates under MT compared to CT, (iv) to determine which fraction is the major agent for storing the surplus of OM found under MT compared to CT, and (v) to observe the early OM transformation after residue incorporation in different tillage systems simulated. Two experimental sites (Garte-Süd and Hohes Feld) near Göttingen, Germany, were investigated. Soil type of both sites was a Haplic Luvisol. Since about 40 years, both sites receive MT by a rotary harrow (to 5-8 cm depth) and CT by a plough (to 25 cm depth). Surface soils (0-5 cm) and subsoils (10-20 cm) of two sampling dates (after fallow and directly after tillage) were investigated for concentrations of organic C (Corg) and total N (N), different water-stable aggregate size classes, different density fractions (for the sampling date after fallow only), microbial biomass, and for biochemically stabilized Corg and N (by acid hydrolysis; for the sampling date after tillage only). In addition, two laboratory incubations were performed under controlled conditions: Firstly, MT and CT soils were incubated (28 days at 22°C) as bulk soil and with destroyed macroaggregates in order to estimate the importance of macroaggregates for the physical protection of the very labile OM against mineralization. Secondly, in a microcosm experiment simulating MT and CT systems with soil <250 µm and with 15N and 13C labelled maize straw incorporated to different depths, the mineralization, the formation of new macroaggregates, and the partitioning of the recently added C and N were followed (28 days at 15°C). Forty years of MT regime led to higher concentrations of microbial biomass and of Corg and N compared to CT, especially in the surface soil. After fallow and directly after tillage, a higher proportion of water-stable macroaggregates rich in OM was found in the MT (36% and 66%, respectively) than in the CT (19% and 47%, respectively) surface soils of both sites (data shown are of the site Garte-Süd only). The subsoils followed the same trend. For the sampling date after fallow, no differences in the POM fractions were found but there was more OM associated to the mineral fraction detected in the MT soils. A large temporal variability was observed for the abundance of macroaggregates. In the field and in the microcosm simulations, macroaggregates were found to have a higher formation rate after the incorporation of residues under MT than under CT. Thus, the lower occurrence of macroaggregates in CT soils cannot be attributed to a higher disruption but to a lower formation rate. A higher rate of macroaggregate formation in MT soils may be due to (i) the higher concentrated input of residues in the surface soil and/or (ii) a higher abundance of fungal biomass in contrast to CT soils. Overall, as a location of storage of the surplus of OM detected under MT compared to CT, water-stable macroaggregates were found to play a key role. In the incubation experiment, macroaggregates were not found to protect the very labile OM against mineralization. Anyway, the surplus of OM detected after tillage in the MT soil was biochemically degradable. MT simulations in the microcosm experiment showed a lower specific respiration and a less efficient translocation of recently added residues than the CT simulations. Differences in the early processes of OM translocation between CT and MT simulations were attributed to a higher residue to soil ratio and to a higher proportion of fungal biomass in the MT simulations. Overall, MT was found to have several beneficial effects on the soil structure and on the storage of OM, especially in the surface soil. Furthermore, it was concluded that the high concentration of residues in the surface soil of MT may alter the processes of storage and decomposition of OM. In further investigations, especially analysis of the residue-soil-interface and of effects of the depth of residue incorporation should be emphasised. Moreover, further evidence is needed on differences in the microbial community between CT and MT soils.


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One objective of artificial intelligence is to model the behavior of an intelligent agent interacting with its environment. The environment's transformations can be modeled as a Markov chain, whose state is partially observable to the agent and affected by its actions; such processes are known as partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). While the environment's dynamics are assumed to obey certain rules, the agent does not know them and must learn. In this dissertation we focus on the agent's adaptation as captured by the reinforcement learning framework. This means learning a policy---a mapping of observations into actions---based on feedback from the environment. The learning can be viewed as browsing a set of policies while evaluating them by trial through interaction with the environment. The set of policies is constrained by the architecture of the agent's controller. POMDPs require a controller to have a memory. We investigate controllers with memory, including controllers with external memory, finite state controllers and distributed controllers for multi-agent systems. For these various controllers we work out the details of the algorithms which learn by ascending the gradient of expected cumulative reinforcement. Building on statistical learning theory and experiment design theory, a policy evaluation algorithm is developed for the case of experience re-use. We address the question of sufficient experience for uniform convergence of policy evaluation and obtain sample complexity bounds for various estimators. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms on several domains, the most complex of which is simulated adaptive packet routing in a telecommunication network.


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A fast simulated annealing algorithm is developed for automatic object recognition. The normalized correlation coefficient is used as a measure of the match between a hypothesized object and an image. Templates are generated on-line during the search by transforming model images. Simulated annealing reduces the search time by orders of magnitude with respect to an exhaustive search. The algorithm is applied to the problem of how landmarks, for example, traffic signs, can be recognized by an autonomous vehicle or a navigating robot. The algorithm works well in noisy, real-world images of complicated scenes for model images with high information content.


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En el año 2002, la Secretaría de Educación de Bogotá estipuló la Resolución 2101 que tenía por objeto asegurar el ciclo de la educación completo en los colegios públicos. El propósito de este trabajo es evaluar el impacto de los mecanismos seguidos a la aplicación de esta política sobre la tasa de deserción escolar. Las escuelas tenían tres mecanismos diferentes para alcanzar el objetivo de la presente resolución: expandir los grados escolares ofertados, integrarse con otros colegios de la zona, o ambos. Para ello, utilizo variables instrumentales para resolver el sesgo causado por el hecho de que los colegios que siguen determinada estrategia eran los que tenían altas tasas de deserción inicialmente. Usando datos sobre las características institucionales y las características socio-demográficas de la población cerca del colegio, evalúo el impacto de estos tres mecanismos sobre las tasas de deserción escolar. Los resultados sugieren que las instituciones que aumentaron los grados experimentan un aumento en el número de estudiantes que abandonan el colegio en 12.1 puntos porcentuales, mientras que las instituciones que complementaron este mecanismo con la integración de un colegio próximo pre existente mostraron una reducción en la tasa de deserción escolar de 9.8 puntos porcentuales.


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Introducción: El desarrollo tecnológico permite efectuar procedimientos eficientes en pacientes críticos de urgencias como canalizar vasos centrales guiados por ecografía. Éste procedimiento comparado con la técnica a ciegas ofrece ventajas como disminución de complicaciones, mejor éxito y menor tiempo de procedimiento. Hay diferentes técnicas de abordaje: transversal, longitudinal y oblicua, lo que supone diferencias en la efectividad y éxito en cada una de ellas. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un experimento en modelos simulados con especialistas y residentes de último año de medicina de emergencias. Posterior a estandarizar los conceptos y abordajes de cada una de las técnicas, se puncionaron los modelos para determinar cuál técnica presenta mayor éxito y efectividad para canalización yugular con guía ecográfica. Resultados: El procedimiento fue efectivo en 175 réplicas (97.2%) distribuidas así: éxito 133 (73.9%), redirección 37 (20.6%) y requerimiento de segunda punción en 5 (2.8%). En la técnica transversal la efectividad fue 96.7% (n=58), en longitudinal del 100% (n=60) y en oblicua del 95.0% (n=57), (p=0.377). En residentes la efectividad fue 95.6% (n=86) y en especialistas 98.9% (n=89), (p=0.184). La distribución de éxito mostró que en los especialistas fue mayor en un 18.9% que en los residentes (p=0.004), por género los hombres tienen un éxito mayor en un 18.7% que las mujeres (p=0.009, OR=3.12, IC 95%: 1.30, 7.52). Discusión: No se encontró diferencia significativa en el uso de cualquier técnica, pero la tendencia favorece la técnica longitudinal, quien obtuvo mayor porcentaje de efectividad y éxito.


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INTRODUCCIÓN. El ultrasonido es fundamental en la medicina de emergencias, no se conoce cual debería ser la curva de aprendizaje para obtener las competencias técnicas y operativas; ACEP recomienda por cada ventana ecográfica realizar 25 repeticiones. No existe una curva de aprendizaje para ventana de VCI en la población de residentes colombianos. OBJETIVO: Determinar la curva de aprendizaje necesaria para obtener una proporción mayor al 80% de éxitos en la toma de la ventana ecográfica de la VCI, usando la escala de calificación para el aseguramiento de la calidad sugerida por ACEP, en residentes de I a III año de medicina de emergencias. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio experimental no comparativo, que evaluó la proporción de éxito en función del las tomas repetidas de la VCI por ultrasonido, mediciones que se tomaron luego de participar en una capacitación teórica y demostrativa de la técnica propuesta; se calificaron los videos según la escala publicada por ACEP. El análisis estadístico se realizó con un modelo logístico multinivel para la proporción del éxito, agrupado por repetición y agrupado por sujeto. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvo información de 8 residentes, cada uno realizo 25 repeticiones a 3 modelos sanos con asignación aleatoria. Se realizó la curva de aprendizaje obteniendo en 11 repeticiones una proporción de 0.80 (rango 0.54 a 0.92) y en 21 repeticiones una proporción de 0.9 (rango 0.75 a 0.96), datos ajustados por numero de repetición y residente. CONCLUSIÓN: La curva de aprendizaje para la ventana ecográfica de la VCI es de 11 y 21 repeticiones para obtener el 80% y 90% de éxito en residentes de medicina de emergencias de I a III año de la universidad del rosario.


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We investigate whether and how the type of unemployment benefit institution affects productivity. We designed a field experiment to compare workers’ productivity under a welfare system, where the unemployed receive an unconditional monetary transfer, with their productivity under a workfare system, where the transfer is received conditional on the unemployed spending some time on ancillary activities. First, we find that having an unemployment benefit institution, regardless of whether it makes transfers conditional or unconditional, increases workers’ productivity. Second, we find that productivity is higher under Welfare than under Workfare. Becoming unemployed under Welfare comes at the psychological cost of a drop in self-esteem, presumably due to the shame or stigma associated with receiving an unconditional unemployment benefit. We document the empirical relevance of precisely this channel. The differences we observe in productivity suggest that this psychological cost acts as an extra nonmonetary incentive for workers under Welfare to put a higher effort in their work.


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Ofrece una serie de experimentos que ayudan a los niños a probar y observar los principios científicos básicos del movimiento. En algunos experimentos es necesaria la ayuda de los adultos.


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Realiza experimentos con aviones de papel, botellas de plástico, instrumentos musicales de viento caseros, globos llenos de aire caliente, paracaidas, para explicar las propiedades del aire.Tiene un glosario.Para alumnos de primaria.


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Ofrece unos sencillos experimentos que ayudan a los niños a probar y observar los principios científicos básicos de la luz. Para fomentar el interés por la investigación al realizar y comprobar en sí mismos los experimentos que se explican claramente con la ayuda de fotografías en color. Para edades comprendidas entre siete y diez años. Tiene un glosario.


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Ofrece unos sencillos experimentos que ayudan a los niños a probar y observar los principios científicos básicos del agua. Para fomentar el interés por la investigación al realizar y comprobar en sí mismos los experimentos que se explican claramente con la ayuda de fotografías en color. Para edades comprendidas entre siete y diez años. Tiene un glosario.