963 resultados para Si-GaAs
This thesis describes the ultra-precise determination of the g-factor of the electron bound to hydrogenlike 28Si13+. The experiment is based on the simultaneous determination of the cyclotron- and Larmor frequency of a single ion, which is stored in a triple Penning-trap setup. The continuous Stern-Gerlach effect is used to couple the spin of the bound electron to the motional frequencies of the ion via a magnetic bottle, which allows the non-destructive determination of the spin state. To this end, a highly sensitive, cryogenic detection system was developed, which allowed the direct, non-destructive detection of the eigenfrequencies with the required precision.rnThe development of a novel, phase sensitive detection technique finally allowed the determination of the g-factor with a relative accuracy of 40 ppt, which was previously inconceivable. The comparison of the hereby determined value with the value predicted by quantumelectrodynamics (QED) allows the verification of the validity of this fundamental theory under the extreme conditions of the strong binding potential of a highly charged ion. The exact agreement of theory and experiment is an impressive demonstration of the exactness of QED. The experimental possibilities created in this work will allow in the near future not only further tests of theory, but also the determination of the mass of the electron with a precision that exceeds the current literature value by more than an order of magnitude.
Nella presente tesi sono riassunte le diverse posizioni epistemologiche riguardo alla relazione tra didattica e storia della matematica, insieme alle possibili funzioni di quest'ultima nell'attività scolastica. In particolare ci si è soffermati sull'opportunità di introdurre gli studenti ad un rapporto diretto con le fonti storiche. A tale scopo è stata condotta una sperimentazione in una classe di seconda Liceo, a cui sono stati proposti tre brani di diversi autori e secoli da esaminare in gruppo. Sono stati dettagliatamente descritti e successivamente analizzati i comportamenti messi in atto dagli studenti alla lettura delle fonti.
Il presente elaborato affronterà il tema dell’autotraduzione di due filastrocche verso l’inglese e il russo. A un capitolo introduttivo sull’autotraduzione di testi letterari e poetici, condito inoltre con una riflessione sulla traduzione in attiva e la relativa competenza di un parlante non nativo, seguiranno la presentazione dei testi e le proposte di traduzione. Il percorso traduttivo che è stato scelto di intraprendere è stato quello di impostare la traduzione verso la lingua straniera cercando di mantenere lo stesso schema di rime. Prima della conclusione, vi sarà un capitolo finale mirato a confrontare le due proposte in cui si metteranno in luce le varie difficoltà incontrate durante il processo traduttivo. Nel presente lavoro si focalizzerà l’attenzione sull’autotraduttore e la sua prospettiva unica nel suo genere che gli permette di prendersi libertà e di sentirsi il più legittimato a farlo dal momento che la sua opera gli appartiene. In particolar modo, si insisterà sul concetto di ri-scrittura di un testo da parte dell’autore. La ri-scrittura ha permesso infatti di estendere l’idea comunicata oltre che di illuminare retrospettivamente i testi originali.
Primitive kohlige Chondrite sind Meteorite, die seit ihrer Entstehung im frühen Sonnensystem kaum verändert wurden und dadurch einen Einblick in Prozesse geben, die zur Bildung und Veränderung der ersten festen Materie führten. Solche Prozesse können anhand von Bruchstücken dieser Meteorite detailliert im Labor studiert werden, sodass Rückschlüsse auf die Entwicklung unseres Sonnensystems im frühen Stadium getroffen werden können. Ca-, Al-reiche Einschlüsse (CAIs) aus chondritischen Meteoriten sind die ersten Festkörper des Sonnensystems und enthalten viele refraktäre Metallnuggets (RMNs), welche hauptsächlich aus den Elementen Os, Ir, Ru, Mo und Pt bestehen. Nach weit verbreiteter Ansicht sind diese Nuggets wahrscheinlich im Gleichgewicht mit dem solaren Nebel kondensiert, bereits früher oder gleichzeitig mit Oxiden und Silikaten. Die exakten Mechanismen, die zu ihren heute beobachteten Eigenschaften führten, sind allerdings unklar. Um frühere Arbeiten fortzuführen, wurde eine hohe Anzahl RMNs in vier unterschiedlichen Typen von Meteoriten detailliert studiert, darunter solche aus dem nahezu unveränderten Acfer 094, Allende (CV3ox), Leoville (CV3red) und Murchison (CM2). Die RMNs wurden in-situ, assoziiert mit ihren Wirtsmineralen und auch in Säurerückständen gefunden, deren Präparationsprozedur in dieser Arbeit speziell für RMNs durch eine zusätzliche Dichtetrennung verbessert wurde.rnDie Ergebnisse decken eine Reihe von Ungereimtheiten zwischen den beobachteten RMN-Eigenschaften und einer Kondensationsherkunft auf, sowohl für Kondensation in solarer Umgebung, als auch für Kondensation aus Material von Supernovae oder roten Riesen, für die die Kondensationssequenzen refraktärer Metalle speziell für diesen Vergleich berechnet wurden. Stattdessen wurden in dieser Arbeit neue Einblicke in die RMN-Entstehung und die Entwicklung der ersten Festkörper (CAIs) durch eine Kombination aus experimentellen, isotopischen, strukturellen und petrologischen Studien an RMNs gewonnen. Viele der beobachteten Eigenschaften sind mit Ausfällung der RMN aus einer CAI-Schmelze vereinbar. Ein solches Szenario wird durch entsprechende Untersuchungen an synthetisch hergestellten, mit refraktären Metallen im Gleichgewicht stehenden CAI-Schmelzen bestätigt. Es folgt aus den Ergebnissen, dass die Mehrzahl der RMNs isotopisch solar ist und alle untersuchten RMNs innerhalb von CAIs bei rascher Abkühlung (um bis zu 1000 °C/40 sek.) einer CAI-Schmelze gebildet wurden. rn
The purpose of this work is to introduce to the Italian audience one of the best known works written by the Russian novelist Aleksej Ivanov. The title of the book we refer to is Geograf glubus propil, [The geography drank his globe away]. The novel features peculiarities and themes that can be interesting also for non-Russian readers, being also an example of how Russian contemporary literature has evolved through the years. Nevertheless, it has already been translated in French and Serbian. In last years, the author has become increasingly famous in Russia: he has won many prices and has published a large number of books, many of which were awarded with different literature prizes. Moreover, a film based on the plot of the novel analyzed has been released in 2013, carrying the same name of the book. The film received positive feedback from both cinema critics and mass audience. The following work has been divided into two parts: an introductory part where the author and his book are presented, together with the main character and his peculiarities. It is then explained the context in which the book was created, the purpose of the author and how the book was perceived by readers. In addition to that, I listed some of the problems I had to face while translating , and the solutions I found in order to solve them. The second part is fully dedicated to the translation itself.
Questa tesi si compone di due parti tra loro correlate. Nella prima viene analizzato l’attuale stato dell’arte in ambito di robot chirurgici e, successivamente, sono illustrate le caratteristiche tecniche e funzionali del robot chirurgico Da Vinci Si e ne viene evidenziata la mancanza di sensori in grado di fornire all’utilizzatore un feedback aptico. La seconda parte propone uno studio che ha lo scopo di dimostrare come l’esperienza del chirurgo riesca a sopperire alla mancanza di un sensore in grado di fornire un riscontro della forza impressa sugli strumenti nel campo operatorio. A questo proposito, vengono illustrati i risultati del test appositamente costruito, cui è stato sottoposto un campione di chirurghi di diversi ambiti specialistici, per dimostrare come l’esperienza e la destrezza consentono all’utilizzatore del robot Da Vinci Si di ricevere un’indicazione della forza impressa sui tessuti del campo operatorio tramite un riscontro visivo.
Depuis mon arrivée en Italie j’ai été frappée par les grandes différences qui existent entre les expressions figées et idiomatiques dans les deux langues que sont le français et l’Italien. Etant d’expression francophone, et inscrite à la faculté de langue et de traduction, il m’a été donné de constater que j’avais de grandes difficultés à traduire les expressions figées d’une langue à une autre. Et plus encore il était très difficile de leur trouver des définitions et expressions équivalentes. Fort de ce constat, je me suis intéressée à la possibilité d’analyse des expressions figées du français à l’Italien à travers l’ouvrage de Gaston Gross paru aux éditions OPHRYS, 1996, sous le titre : Les expressions figées en français. Noms composés et autres locutions. Cet ouvrage constitue une avancée importante dans les études et les recherches sur la médiation linguistique et rejoint donc notre domaine de compétence. A travers cette analyse il s’agira de se poser la question fondamentale : Qu’est-ce qu’une expression figée ? Quelles sont ses représentations et ses évolutions dans cet ouvrage et comment s’effectuent son passage et ses transformations d’une langue à une autre ? Pour être plus précis, dans notre cas, comment pouvons-nous établir le passage des expressions figés du français à l’Italien dans cet ouvrage de Gaston Gross ? En répondant à ces questions, nous partons sur la base de l’hypothèse que les expressions figées constituent une richesse dans une langue et sont difficilement traductibles dans une autre langue sans en perdre la richesse et la teneur, lors de ce processus. Notre travail consistera donc à vérifier cette hypothèse.
This thesis focuses on the translation of six picture books that challenge and subvert – each one in its peculiar way – typical stereotypes found in Children’s Literature. I think that stereotyping is an all-important theme in picture books because these books are the ones that will introduce children to literature and young readers have the right to find in it every kind of model. Showing children a variety of characters that reflects the multiple forms of reality will allow them to choose which kind of person to be. In my opinion, this freedom is much needed especially here, in Italy, in this moment of history. This work also studies the stereotypes that have appeared – and are still present, to some extent – in Children’s Literature, the ways in which they are dangerous for young readers, and how they have changed over time. I centered my research on three major themes that have been subject to stereotyping: race, disability and gender. I searched for the right books to translate paying attention not only to the themes they focused on but also to how they dealt with such themes, the tone of each picture book and, obviously, its quality. The selection resulting from my research reflects a diverse world and a celebration of difference. Before actually translating them, I engaged in a deep analysis of their structures, themes and meanings, so that I would be able to enter the ‘world’ of the book and to understand its ‘secrets’ better. This analysis proved to be fundamental during the translation phase and allowed me to make conscious translation choices that I have explored in the part dedicated to the commentary of the translation.
As revealed for the first time by in situ scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS), ferrocene-modified Si(111) substrates show ambipolar field effect transistor (FET) behaviour upon electrolyte gating.