929 resultados para Shipping Manager
Dissertação mest., Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão da Água e da Costa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão da Água e da Costa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
The main objective of the internship is to complete the requirement of the Master program as prescribed by the University of the Algarve. An intern has to prepare an internship report at the end of the internship period but the main objective of the internship is to get experience of the real world organisation. The internship was concluded with the objective of getting practical knowledge in all departments at The Rathbone Hotel. The first responsibility I was assigned during these 12 months of internship period was to assist the Housekeeping Department. Secondly, I was allotted the work of F&B, Accounts, Reservations, Front Office, Back Office and assisting the Assistant Manager was the last task I was assigned during my Internship program. As an intern, I realised that I was successful to gather a lot of significant learning experiences which would be helpful in my future career. Work in all departments of The Rathbone Hotel offered me ample space and opportunities, not only to learn but also to exhibit my skills as a Rathbone team member. I could use my theoretical knowledge in real practice while participating in many discussions. I was actively involved in the revenue meetings where I shared my knowledge and views regarding the performance in Reservations of The Rathbone Hotel. I successfully completed all the assigned duties and passed them over to the supervisor at the end of the internship. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenges that came along every single day. These lessons that I have learned will be a valuable one for my future activities as well.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
The Intellectual Disability and Related Disabilities waiver has had many changes over the years and has evolved into a robust service package that can be a significant help to individuals who wish to remain in the community or at home but would otherwise require institutional level care. Due to the limited amount of funds, it was necessary to create a waiting list for individuals who wish to participate in the ID/RD Waiver program. This project was undertaken to assess if there were practical steps that could be taken to assist in reducing the time and cost involved in the ID/RD Waiver enrollment process.
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Economia e Contabilidade, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011
Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011
The aims of this paper are to first seek an understanding of consumer decision-making when purchasing pension and investment products, and second to ascertain how this decision-making affects the consumer's choice of distribution route. The study employed both focus groups and postal questionnaire survey methods based on the framework of a classical decision-making model that investigated problem recognition, information search, evaluation tools used and post-purchase. The findings show that the decision-making process experience differed to a lesser or greater degree depending on the distribution route. The majority of respondents had recognised the need to make a purchase decision long before seeking information. Younger respondents on all incomes believed that they must make some pension provision for themselves as opposed to relying on the government's retirement provision. Many changed channels for information searches, but tended to settle with the Independent Financial Adviser (IFA). The two main evaluation tools for pension and investment were found to be the ‘charges’ and ‘historic fund performance’. The vast majority of respondents reiterated their worry that the outcomes would not be known until retirement. In terms of analysis by the level of ‘financial literacy’, respondents who scored in the upper quartile were more inclined to be on a higher income, less inclined to evaluate on charges and more proactive in discussing the investment strategy of their pension fund. Respondents who scored in the lower quartile had opposite results. One of the implications of these findings is that the younger respondents’ recognition of pension savings favours the government's intention to reverse the existing balance of pension distribution. The other main implication is that the findings will be of help to managers in appreciating the dominance of the IFA channel by providing an explanation of why consumers choose this route, and, additionally, can assist direct marketing managers in identifying customers who will be more likely to use multichannel or single-channel shoppers. It can also help the marketing manager increase the usage of different channels by addressing the factors driving the purchase decision and distribution choice.
This study presents and discusses the tsunami hazard posed by an updated CSZ earthquake scenerio to the coastal communities of Port Angeles and Port Townsend, based on the results of a high resolution GeoClaw simulation with 2/3 arc second resolution (about 20.56 meters) surrounding these towns. In addition, we will also present the results of a coarse regional simulation of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. This coarse study encompasses 28 regions that span the Strait’s coast, including the communities of Anacortes, Bellingham, Friday Harbor, and Victoria, BC in addition to extended areas around Port Angeles and Port Townsend. The finest grid for these 28 regions where we collected results had 2 arc sec resolution (around 62 meters). Finally, we will discuss some inherent uncertainties in the specification of the earthquake scenario, the limitations of the GeoClaw model, and the associated uncertainites in the results.
The idea of departmental select committees in the House of Commons was floated as long ago as the Haldane Report in 1918 and periodically mooted by figures from both left and right as varied as Amery and Laski in the inter‐war years. It was raised again during the wartime investigations of the Machinery of Government committee, only to be shot down by the then Cabinet Secretary, Sir Edward Bridges, on the grounds that it would constrain the frankness with which the Civil Service could advise ministers. Departmental select committees were not to be introduced until 1979. Ten years ago the Institute of Contemporary British History organised a symposium to review their progress. On 31 January 1996 in committee room 10 at the House of Commons the ICBH, in conjunction with the Hansard Society, held another seminar to re‐examine the development of the departmental select committee system, its successes and failings. It was chaired by George Cunningham (Labour MP 1970–82, SDP MP 1982–83). The principal participants were Sir Peter Kemp (Deputy Secretary, Treasury 1983–88, Next Steps Project Manager, Cabinet Office, 1988–92), Douglas Millar (Clerk of Select Committees, House of Commons since 1994), Dr Ann Robinson (author of Parliament and Public Spending, head of the policy unit at the Institute of Directors [IOD], 1989–95 and Director‐General of the National Association of Pension Funds Ltd since 1995), Robert Sheldon (Labour MP since 1964, Financial Secretary to the Treasury 1974–75, member of the Public Accounts Committee [PAC] 1965–70 and 1975–79 and chairman since 1983, member, Public Expenditure Committee 1972–74, and member of the Treasury and Civil Service Committee [TCSC] 1979–81) and Sandy Walkington (head of corporate affairs at BT [British Telecom] plc), with further contributions from Peter Riddell (assistant editor: politics, The Times, since 1993), Chloe Miller, Sean McDougall, Tim King and Chris Stevens.
A família de especificações WS-* define um modelo de segurança para web services, baseado nos conceitos de claim, security token e Security Token Service (STS). Neste modelo, a informação de segurança dos originadores de mensagens (identidade, privilégios, etc.) é representada através de conjuntos de claims, contidos dentro de security tokens. A emissão e obtenção destes security tokens, por parte dos originadores de mensagens, são realizadas através de protocolos legados ou através de serviços especiais, designados de Security Token Services, usando as operações e os protocolos definidos na especificação WS-Trust. O conceito de Security Token Service não é usado apenas no contexto dos web services. Propostas como o modelo dos Information Cards, aplicável no contexto de aplicações web, também utilizam este conceito. Os Security Token Services desempenham vários papéis, dependendo da informação presente no token emitido. São exemplos o papel de Identity Provider, quando os tokens emitidos contêm informação de identidade, ou o papel de Policy Decision Point, quando os tokens emitidos definem autorizações. Este documento descreve o projecto duma biblioteca software para a realização de Security Token Services, tal como definidos na norma WS-Trust, destinada à plataforma .NET 3.5. Propõem-se uma arquitectura flexível e extensível, de forma a suportar novas versões das normas e as diversas variantes que os Security Token Services possuem, nomeadamente: o tipo dos security token emitidos e das claims neles contidas, a inferência das claims e os métodos de autenticação das entidades requerentes. Apresentam-se aspectos de implementação desta arquitectura, nomeadamente a integração com a plataforma WCF, a sua extensibilidade e o suporte a modelos e sistemas externos à norma. Finalmente, descrevem-se as plataformas de teste implementadas para a validação da biblioteca realizada e os módulos de extensão da biblioteca para: suporte do modelo associado aos Information Cards, do modelo OpenID e para a integração com o Authorization Manager.
Relatório de estágio realizado por: Tiago André Nogueira da Cruz Trabalho orientado pela Mestre Célia Sousa
Versão editor: http://www.isegi.unl.pt/docentes/acorreia/documentos/European_Challenge_KM_Innovation_2004.pdf
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Assessoria de Administração