844 resultados para Salaries and Fringe Benefits


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O crescimento populacional aliado à migração tem aumentado a pressão sobre o uso do solo urbano perpetuando sucessivos problemas de assentamentos informais e saneamento ambiental nos grandes centros. Esta situação se agrava ainda mais em épocas de chuvas intensas devido à ocorrência de enchentes. Este projeto faz parte de um conjunto de ações integradas de cidadania e inclusão social na região hidrográfica da baixada de Jacarepaguá, especificamente envolvendo a Comunidade da Vila Cascatinha, em Vargem Grande, a fim de gerar subsídios para políticas públicas em áreas de assentamentos informais, integrado ao projeto HIDROCIDADES (CNPq/CTHIDRO/CTAGRO), que visa a conservação da água em meios urbanos e periurbanos associado à cidadania, inclusão social e melhoria da qualidade de vida nas grandes cidades. Este projeto utilizou uma tecnologia adaptada dos telhados verdes para edificação popular (telhado de fibrocimento), com o objetivo de verificar aspectos construtivos, possíveis espécies com potencial de geração de renda, custos, efeitos no retardo do escoamento superficial das águas pluviais e outros benefícios associados a questões climáticas locais e de conforto do ambiente interno. Os resultados gerados demonstraram, entre outros, o estabelecimento de metodologia para implantação dos telhados verdes em habitações populares, o valor dos custos e resultados preliminares de espécies com potencial para geração de renda. Ainda, a implantação dos telhados verdes demonstrou ser promissora no controle do escoamento superficial, na aplicação do sistema de irrigação. Na simulação das chuvas, observou-se uma retenção de até 56% do volume precipitado. Observou-se o retardo da ocorrência do pico de até 8 minutos no telhado vegetado em relação ao telhado testemunho (convencional telhas fibrocimento). Foi observada a eficiência tanto no comportamento térmico interno como também no externo, uma redução da amplitude térmica interna em dia característico de verão (35,9 C), sendo capaz de r eduzir a temperatura interna em cerca de 2,0 C nos períodos mais quentes do dia e cerca de 4,0 C no ambiente externo em comparação com o telhado-testemunha (sem plantio), com potencial de modificação do microclima local.


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This is the Salmonid & Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England & Wales 1996 produced by the Environment Agency in 1997. The principal aim of the Environment Agency in respect of fisheries is to maintain improve and develop fish stocks, the basic fisheries resource, in order to optimise the social and economic benefits from their sustainable exploitation. This report is the second collation of salmon and migratory trout catch statistics for England and Wales produced by the Environment Agency. For the years 1989-94, these statistics were published by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) and the years 1983-88 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Directorate of Fisheries Research in its Data Report series. The 1996 data, have been presented in a broadly similar format to those of 1995. This report makes a general review of different catches: Northumbria, Yorkshire, Anglian, Thames, Southern, Wessex, South West, Severn-Trent, Welsh and North West.


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O presente trabalho resultou de um estudo antropológico sobre o Museu Severina Paraíso da Silva, dedicado à história e às tradições do grupo de candomblé da nação Xambá, cujo diferencial é estar instalado dentro de uma casa de culto afro brasileiro, o Terreiro de Santa Bárbara Ylê Axé Oyá Meguê, em Olinda, Pernambuco, Brasil. Este é um exemplo de Museu que representa a memória de um grupo social minoritário, criado por seus membros, com o objetivo de preservar seu patrimônio étnico-cultural, o qual é utilizado como categoria política para obtenção de reconhecimento perante a sociedade. Foram analisadas, neste estudo, as inter-relações em torno do Museu, observando-se aspectos como sua criação pelos próprios membros; coleta e utilização dos objetos; público-alvo; espaço físico e objetos, em especial os que não perderam seu poder simbólico, embora expostos no Museu e, principalmente, as mensagens transmitidas para a sociedade. Tais aspectos são importantes fios condutores para entender a postura dos membros do grupo em relação à sociedade e à formação de suas autoconsciências individuais e coletivas, ou seja, como eles elaboram e interpretam a identidade como grupo através do Museu; e entender também a importância do Museu na construção da memória e preservação da identidade étnica do grupo Xambá e da cultura negra em Pernambuco. A questão principal, porém, foi verificar se o Memorial e o Museu, como espaços de preservação, criam em seus membros um sentimento de pertencimento. Para a pesquisa foram coletados dados bibliográficos, documentais, no site do terreiro, na cartilha do grupo, em vídeos, plantas, em entrevistas formais com os criadores do museu e informais com outros membros do grupo, mas principalmente através da observação participante nas visitas dirigidas ao Museu e nos toques. Durante a pesquisa verificou-se que uma parte do grupo se destaca pela busca de sua visibilidade como estratégia de reivindicação de direitos sociais. Busca esta que procura legitimar a tradição usando categorias como autenticidade e pureza e pela presença de pesquisadores e pessoas ilustres, além da afirmação da importância do Museu para a construção do patrimônio cultural do negro no Estado. Um ganho substancial nesta busca pela visibilidade foi a concessão do título de Quilombo Urbano, alguns anos após a criação do Museu, sugerindo que este contribuiu para o reconhecimento do local como espaço de preservação de práticas culturais de descendentes de africanos. Há outros elementos que representam vitórias, na luta pelo reconhecimento, ou seja, um empoderamento para o grupo, como o nome de Xambá, dado ao Terminal Integrado de Passageiros construído próximo ao terreiro dentro do perímetro do Quilombo. Além da visibilidade para o grupo, o Museu trouxe outros ganhos, ele cria uma coesão entre seus membros, que passam a se ver como um grupo, como uma nação.


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Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de simulação para avaliação da recarga de veículos elétricos em redes de distribuição de energia, com foco na adequação da capacidade dos transformadores. Com base em medições efetuadas, foi possível o tratamento dos dados para a modelagem de curvas de recarga de veículos elétricos e a análise do acréscimo da demanda da recarga em transformadores de distribuição. O modelo de simulação permite avaliar os efeitos das variáveis relacionadas à distância percorrida e ao horário da conexão dos veículos elétricos à rede, tanto de forma determinística quanto de forma aleatória. Estes efeitos foram comparados e permitiram concluir a importância da utilização deste método mais realista para calcular a capacidade dos transformadores, visando suprir esta nova demanda. Além disso, o trabalho apresenta indicadores dos benefícios ambientais e energéticos da penetração dos veículos elétricos no que diz respeito ao gasto com reabastecimento e às emissões evitadas, respectivamente, ao se utilizar veículos elétricos à bateria em substituição aos tradicionais veículos à combustão interna.


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Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar um estudo sobre as contribuições do serviço de registro imobiliário, com destaque em procedimentos de regularização fundiária de imóveis urbanos. Não raras vezes, empreendedores, administradores públicos, juízes, sociedade deparam-se com situações em que há a necessidade de titulação da terra como mecanismo de formalização da propriedade, oportunidade em que são exigidos os requisitos estabelecidos na legislação de regência. A adoção em caráter estrito das regras estabelecidas, em contraposição às peculiaridades e ao desregramento de assentamentos informais, importaria em eterna manutenção dos mesmos à margem da lei. Há, assim, de se criar mecanismos de consenso e soluções de compromisso, em que poder público, registrador imobiliário, operadores do direito e a própria comunidade envolvam-se no sentido de colmatar uma solução intermediária. Solução esta que, sem perder a necessária segurança jurídica dos registros públicos, possibilite a adoção de mecanismos que facilitem o acesso dos ocupantes à titulação da terra em que vivem. O título de propriedade representa mais do que mero papel. Traduz o poder de direito sobre determinado terreno, alçando-o da condição de um capital morto para elemento ativo em um mercado cada dia mais globalizado. Nesta esteira, arregimenta economicamente não apenas a população diretamente envolvida, quanto também possibilita, através da inserção dos imóveis regularizados no mercado, um aproveitamento e um incremento econômico catalisador de transformações econômico-sociais. Novos direitos, novos bens em garantia, novas condições de crédito, renovada segurança jurídica, enfim, novas oportunidades são desdobradas aos detentores, que agora podem investir sem o receio da precariedade decorrente de mera situação de posse. Estuda-se, assim, neste trabalho a importante atuação do registrador imobiliário e as vantagens decorrentes do processo de regularização fundiária, como um processo a ser estimulado e incrementado, concretizador de cidadania e efetivador dos direitos fundamentais de propriedade (art 5 CF/88) e de moradia (art. 6 da CF/88).


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The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States. It is a unique and valuable national treasure because of its ecological, recreational, economic and cultural benefits. The problems facing the Bay are well known and extensively documented, and are largely related to human uses of the watershed and resources within the Bay. Over the past several decades as the origins of the Chesapeake’s problems became clear, citizens groups and Federal, State, and local governments have entered into agreements and worked together to restore the Bay’s productivity and ecological health. In May 2010, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order number 13508 that tasked a team of Federal agencies to develop a way forward in the protection and restoration of the Chesapeake watershed. Success of both State and Federal efforts will depend on having relevant, sound information regarding the ecology and function of the system as the basis of management and decision making. In response to the executive order, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) has compiled an overview of its research in Chesapeake Bay watershed. NCCOS has a long history of Chesapeake Bay research, investigating the causes and consequences of changes throughout the watershed’s ecosystems. This document presents a cross section of research results that have advanced the understanding of the structure and function of the Chesapeake and enabled the accurate and timely prediction of events with the potential to impact both human communities and ecosystems. There are three main focus areas: changes in land use patterns in the watershed and the related impacts on contaminant and pathogen distribution and concentrations; nutrient inputs and algal bloom events; and habitat use and life history patterns of species in the watershed. Land use changes in the Chesapeake Bay watershed have dramatically changed how the system functions. A comparison of several subsystems within the Bay drainages has shown that water quality is directly related to land use and how the land use affects ecosystem health of the rivers and streams that enter the Chesapeake Bay. Across the Chesapeake as a whole, the rivers that drain developed areas, such as the Potomac and James rivers, tend to have much more highly contaminated sediments than does the mainstem of the Bay itself. In addition to what might be considered traditional contaminants, such as hydrocarbons, new contaminants are appearing in measurable amounts. At fourteen sites studied in the Bay, thirteen different pharmaceuticals were detected. The impact of pharmaceuticals on organisms and the people who eat them is still unknown. The effects of water borne infections on people and marine life are known, however, and the exposure to certain bacteria is a significant health risk. A model is now available that predicts the likelihood of occurrence of a strain of bacteria known as Vibrio vulnificus throughout Bay waters.


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If you own property on one of North Carolina’s estuaries, you can use this guide as a tool to learn about the choices you have to control your shoreline erosion and help decide which approach may be right for you. In North Carolina, we make a distinction between waterfront property that is located on the estuary, referred to as estuarine, shoreline, soundfront or riverside property, and waterfront property located directly on the ocean, referred to as oceanfront. Why? State laws and regulations addressing estuarine and oceanfront property, and the available erosion control methods, are quite different. This guide focuses on estuarine property. We’ll introduce you to the six main erosion control options in use in North Carolina and give you information about the out-of-pocket costs and tangible benefits of each option. We’ll also give you information about “hidden” costs and benefits that you may want to factor into your decision-making. You are fortunate to have a piece of estuarine shoreline to call your own, whether it’s your year-round residence or a weekend getaway. And if you’ve noticed some shoreline erosion lately, you’re probably a little concerned. But there are ready solutions.


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In March of 2005, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Special Projects Office released "Population Trends along the Coastal United States: 1980-2008." This report includes population changes and trends between 1980 and 2003 and projected changes in coastal populations by 2008. Given the findings, pressure on coastal resources around the country will continue to rise, particularly in Florida. ... One of our most valuable coastal resources is seagrass, but human desire and need to live on the coast means that our habitat overlaps with suitable seagrass habitat. Seagrasses can be found in coastal areas around the world but are limited to relatively shallow, relatively clear water because of their reliance on light for photosynthesis. Seagrasses provide food for both small and large marine organisms, larval and adult stage. They provide shelter and habitat to a variety of commercially important fish and invertebrates. They baffle the water column and inhibit the resuspension of sediments. They prevent erosion and fix and recycle nutrients. The physical and ecological benefits of seagrasses make them very important to human welfare, but their light-limited coastal distribution makes them highly susceptible to anthropogenic influences.


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Fishermen co-operatives can be a potent agency for bringing about the social and economic progress of the fishermen community. Streamlining of marketing procedures and provision of infrastructural facilities would result in lowering of production costs and increased benefits accruing to the producers. Another consequence will be an increase in fish yield whereby the problem of the nutritional food gap can be resolved. Success in cooperation is determined by diverse factors like effective leadership and management, loyal and informed members, availability of adequate and timely finance and infrastructure. Proximity to a large metropolis will also have a significant impact on the creation of a favourable environment.


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The objective of the current report produced for the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) is to provide basic information on key constraints driving poverty and vulnerability in aquatic agricultural systems in the Tonle Sap region in Cambodia. Six objectives and corresponding research themes are included in the program: sustainable increases in productivity; equitable access to markets; resilience and adaptive capacity; empowering policies and institutions; reduced gender disparity; and expanded benefits for the resource-poor. In this report, the authors review the main aquatic agricultural systems (status, specific policies and strategies, interventions, challenges, and options), then review the main drivers of change. This leads to an identification of plans and strategies important to AAS, with a particular focus on perspectives, gaps and opportunities in national policies, community engagement, increased benefits, adaptive capacity, and gender. This review, of potential interest to decision makers and all development partners, leads to conclusions and recommendations aimed at policymakers and institutional as well as private investors in development.


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Kisinja (Barbus altianalis)is an indigenous omnivorous fish, of high economic value in Uganda. It was widely distributed in most lakes and rivers in the country but its stocks were depleted due to overfishing and degradation of its natural habitat. 1t can grow up to a maximum length of 120m and a weight of 15kg in the wild and grows faster, attains larger size than commonly farmed fishes in Uganda, including the Nile tilapia, the African catfish, and mirror carp. Kisinja is a highly valuable table fish with good taste and aroma especially when smoked. Increased production of Kisinja is therefore necessary to meet economic and nutritional benefits of the communities and conservation of the spedes.


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Introducing a "Cheaper, Faster, Better" product in today's highly competitive market is a challenging target. Therefore, for organizations to improve their performance in this area, they need to adopt methods such as process modelling, risk mitigation and lean principles. Recently, several industries and researchers focused efforts on transferring the value orientation concept to other phases of the Product Life Cycle (PLC) such as Product Development (PD), after its evident success in manufacturing. In PD, value maximization, which is the main objective of lean theory, has been of particular interest as an improvement concept that can enhance process flow logistics and support decision-making. This paper presents an ongoing study of the current understanding of value thinking in PD (VPD) with a focus on value dimensions and implementation benefits. The purpose of this study is to consider the current state of knowledge regarding value thinking in PD, and to propose a definition of value and a framework for analyzing value delivery. The framework-named the Value Cycle Map (VCM)- intends to facilitate understanding of value and its delivery mechanism in the context of the PLC. We suggest the VCM could be used as a foundation for future research in value modelling and measurement in PD.


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Urbanisation is the great driving force of the twenty-first century. Cities are associated with both productivity and creativity, and the benefits offered by closely connected and high density living and working contribute to sustainability. At the same time, cities need extensive infrastructure – like water, power, sanitation and transportation systems – to operate effectively. Cities therefore comprise multiple components, forming both static and dynamic systems that are interconnected directly and indirectly on a number of levels, all forming the backdrop for the interaction of people and processes. Bringing together large numbers of people and complex products in rich interactions can lead to vulnerability from hazards, threats and even trends, whether natural hazards, epidemics, political upheaval, demographic changes, economic instability and/or mechanical failures; The key to countering vulnerability is the identification of critical systems and clear understanding of their interactions and dependencies. Critical systems can be assessed methodically to determine the implications of their failure and their interconnectivities with other systems to identify options. The overriding need is to support resilience – defined here as the degree to which a system or systems can continue to function effectively in a changing environment. Cities need to recognise the significance of devising adaptation strategies and processes to address a multitude of uncertainties relating to climate, economy, growth and demography. In this paper we put forward a framework to support cities in understanding the hazards, threats and trends that can make them vulnerable to unexpected changes and unpredictable shocks. The framework draws on an asset model of the city, in which components that contribute to resilience include social capital, economic assets, manufactured assets, and governance. The paper reviews the field, and draws together an overarching framework intended to help cities plan a robust trajectory towards increased resilience through flexibility, resourcefulness and responsiveness. It presents some brief case studies demonstrating the applicability of the proposed framework to a wide variety of circumstances.


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Pico-PV is an excellent technology for bringing electric light to rural areas in the developing world and replacing kerosene lanterns and candles. However, as pico-PV is a comparatively new technology, relatively little is known about appropriate methods for sustainable product development and deployment. For this reason current dissemination methods are often ineffective and unsustainable. This research aims to help project developers deploy pico-PV technologies successfully and in a sustainable manner. To achieve this, a conceptual framework of key sustainability criteria along the value chain was developed and tested. The analysis revealed that the most important criteria for the sustainable deployment of pico-PV systems are: (a) easy and safe operation of the product; (b) that a system for product return is established; (c) the retailer understands the target market and (d) the end-user is aware of the product's existence and its benefits. This research reveals that criteria (b) and (c) are of greatest concern. In light of these findings, the authors propose to focus on the following five factors; namely: (a) raising awareness for certification and creating market reassurance; (b) introducing support mechanisms to facilitate local repair; (c) using existing supply channels and establishing in-country (dis)assembly; (d) introducing financial support mechanisms at product supply stages and; (e) undertaking marketing campaigns. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Urbanisation is one of the great driving forces of the twenty-first century. Cities generate both productivity and creativity, and the benefits offered by high-density living and working contribute to sustainability. Cities comprise multiple components, forming both static and dynamic systems that are interconnected directly and indirectly on a number of levels. Bringing together large numbers of people within a complex system can lead to vulnerability from a wide range of hazards, threats and trends. The key to reducing this vulnerability is the identification of critical systems and determination of the implications of their failure and their interconnectivities with other systems. One emerging approach to these challenges focuses on building resilience – defined here as the degree to which a system can continue to function effectively in a changing environment. This paper puts forward a framework designed to help engineers, planners and designers to support cities in understanding the hazards, threats and trends that can make them vulnerable, and identify focus areas for building resilience into the systems, which allow it to function and prosper. Four case studies of cities whose resilience was tested by recent extreme weather events are presented, seeking to demonstrate the application of the proposed framework.