928 resultados para SQUID magnetometer


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A stable isotope record from the eastern Weddell Sea from 69°S is presented. For the first time, a 250,000-yr record from the Southern Ocean can be correlated in detail to the global isotope stratigraphy. Together with magnetostratigraphic, sedimentological and micropalaeontological data, the stratigraphic control of this record can be extended back to 910,000 yrs B.P. A time scale is constructed by linear interpolation between confirmed stratigraphic data points. The benthic d18O record (Epistominella exigua) reflects global continental ice volume changes during the Brunhes and late Matuyama chrons, whereas the planktonic isotopic record (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma) may be influenced by a meltwater lid caused by the nearby Antarctic ice shelf and icebergs. The worldwide climatic improvement during deglaciations is documented in the eastern Weddell Sea by an increase in production of siliceous plankton followed, with a time lag of approximately 10,000 yrs, by planktonic foraminifera production. Peak values in the difference between planktonic and benthic d13C records, which are 0.5 per mil higher during warm climatic periods than during times with expanded continental ice sheets, also suggest increased surface productivity during interglacials in the Southern Ocean.


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Paleomagnetic studies conducted on board JOIDES Resolution during Leg 119 indicate that the cores collected at Site 744 range from Quaternary through Eocene in age. Initial studies of the sediments completed on board the ship measured the magnetization of the archive halves of the sedimentary cores, using the pass-through cryogenic magnetometer. Stratigraphic plots of the declination and inclination derived from these measurements displayed numerous long intervals with essentially constant magnetic directions. Further study of these intervals led to a discovery that the background signal had been incorrectly computed due to faulty software on the ship. Because this background signal was not recorded in the data-processing system, corrections could not be made. Therefore, subsequent shorebased studies have been made on the individual samples collected at approximately 30-cm intervals in the cores in order to verify the initial magnetostratigraphy reported in the Initial Reports volume for Leg 119 (Barron, Larsen, et al., 1989, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.119.1989). Numerous reversals were identified and correlations were suggested with the seafloor magnetic anomaly sequence of Berggren et al. (1985, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1985)96<1407:CG>2.0.CO;2) back to anomaly number 17.


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Surface currents and sediment distribution of the SE South American upper continental margin are under influence of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) and the Southern Westerly Wind Belt (SWWB). Both climatic systems determine the meridional position of the Subtropical Shelf Front (STSF) and probably also of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC). We reconstruct the changing impact of the SAMS and the SWWB on sediment composition at the upper Rio Grande Cone off southern Brazil during the last 14 cal kyr combining sedimentological, geochemical, micropaleontological and rock magnetic proxies of marine sediment core GeoB 6211-2. Sharp reciprocal changes in ferri- and paramagnetic mineral content and prominent grain-size shifts give strong clues to systematic source changes and transport modes of these mostly terrigenous sediments. Our interpretations support the assumption that the SAMS over SE South America was weaker than today during most of the Late Glacial and entire Early Holocene, while the SWWB was contracted to more southern latitudes, resembling modern austral summer-like conditions. In consequence, the STSF and the BMC were driven to more southern positions than today's, favoring the deposition of Fe-rich but weakly magnetic La Plata River silts at the Rio Grande Cone. During the Mid Holocene, the northern boundary of the SWWB migrated northward, while the STSF reached its northernmost position of the last 14 cal kyr and the BMC most likely arrived at its modern position. This shift enabled the transport of Antarctic diatoms and more strongly magnetic Argentinean shelf sands to the Rio Grande Cone, while sediment contributions from the La Plata River became less important. During the Late Holocene, the modern El Niño Southern Oscillation set in and the SAMS and the austral tradewinds intensified, causing a southward shift of the STSF to its modern position. This reinforced a significant deposition of La Plata River silts at the Rio Grande Cone. These higher magnetic silts with intermediate Fe contents mirror the modern more humid terrestrial climatic conditions over SE South America.


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