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This paper presents results on the simulation of the solid state sintering of copper wires using Monte Carlo techniques based on elements of lattice theory and cellular automata. The initial structure is superimposed onto a triangular, two-dimensional lattice, where each lattice site corresponds to either an atom or vacancy. The number of vacancies varies with the simulation temperature, while a cluster of vacancies is a pore. To simulate sintering, lattice sites are picked at random and reoriented in terms of an atomistic model governing mass transport. The probability that an atom has sufficient energy to jump to a vacant lattice site is related to the jump frequency, and hence the diffusion coefficient, while the probability that an atomic jump will be accepted is related to the change in energy of the system as a result of the jump, as determined by the change in the number of nearest neighbours. The jump frequency is also used to relate model time, measured in Monte Carlo Steps, to the actual sintering time. The model incorporates bulk, grain boundary and surface diffusion terms and includes vacancy annihilation on the grain boundaries. The predictions of the model were found to be consistent with experimental data, both in terms of the microstructural evolution and in terms of the sintering time. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an easily automated, reliable technique to investigate axial mixing within rotating drums. Moist bran can be clearly differentiated from dry bran using MRI allowing a non-segregating tracer for axial mixing. For a 20-cm diameter drum, the axial dispersion coefficient in the particle bed was 0.51 cm s(-2). Axial dispersion is scale-dependent.


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This present study was undertaken to assess potential effects of cadmium on CYP4A11 apoprotein in human liver and kidney as detected by Western blotting using a highly specific anti-peptide antibody. Liver and kidney cortex samples were autopsy specimens of 37 individuals (26 mates and I I females) whose ages ranged from 3 to 89 years. All were Caucasians who had not been exposed to cadmium in the workplace. Reduced CYP4A11 apoprotein levels were found in chronic hepatitis samples and in liver samples showing fatty changes. In contrast, increased CYP4A11 apoprotein levels were found in liver samples having higher cadmium content compared to the lower cadmium content samples. Increased CYP4A11 levels were also found in liver samples from female donors, compared to male donors; the difference being attributable to higher female liver cadmium burden. In distinction to liver, lowered CYP4A11 levels were seen in the kidney cortex samples which have high cadmium content, It is proposed here that the difference between the absolute cadmium burden of the liver and kidney samples may be responsible for the different patterns of expression of CYP4A11 in these two tissues. Further, since cadmium exposure may be associated with derangement in blood pressure control, it is interesting to note the possible relationship between altered CYP4A11-dependent production of arachidonic acid hydroxy and epoxy metabolites in kidney cortex and altered control of blood pressure. Our findings provide a possible link between these observations. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to review the published literature values for the selenium content of Australian foods. A secondary aim was to compare the results for Australian foods with food composition data from international sources to investigate the extent of geographical variation. Published food composition data sources for the selenium content in Australian foods were identified and assessed for data quality using established criteria. The selenium content is available for 148 individual food items. The highest values found are for fish (12.0-63.2 mug/100 g), meats (4.75-37.9 mug/100 g) and eggs (9.00-41.4 mug/100 g), followed by cereals (1.00-20.3 mug/100 g). Moderate levels are seen in dairy products (2.00-7.89 mug/100 g) while most fruits and vegetables have low levels (trace-3.27 mug/100 g). High selenium foods show the greatest level of geographical variation, with foods from the United States generally having higher selenium levels than Australian foods and foods from the United Kingdom and New Zealand having lower levels. This is the first attempt to review the available literature for selenium composition of Australian foods. These data serve as an interim measure for the assessment of selenium intake for use in epidemiological studies of diet-disease relationships. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Two studies were conducted to examine the effects of including NaCl at various rates in grain-based supplements for Friesian cows grazing established, dominant (>90%), rainfed kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum cv. Common) pastures during summer and autumn in a humid sub-tropical environment. In study 1 (19 January-27 March 1998), 48 cows (36 multiparous, 12 primiparous; 27-96 days postpartum) were allocated to one of four groups based on genetic merit, milk production, liveweight (LW) and days postpartum. They were fed (2.7 kg dry matter (DM) per cow, twice-a-day) one of four isoenergetic and isonitrogenous barley grain-based concentrates containing NaCl at concentrations (% as-fed) of either 0 (SC1), 1.1 (SC2), 2.2 (SC3) or 3.3 (SC4). Maximum temperature humidity index (THImax) was greater than or equal to78 during 50% of the experimental period. Concentrate NaCl content had no effect (P>0.05) on daily milk yield or LW change but daily yields of 4% fat corrected milk (FCM), fat and protein were higher (P0.05) among treatments at 7.6+/-1.24 kg DM per cow. In study 2 (18 January 1999-1 March 1999), 48 cows (32 pluriparous, 16 primiparous: 32-160 days postpartum) were fed (2.7 kg DM per cow twice-a-day) one of two isoenergetic and isonitrogenous barley grain-based concentrates containing NaCl at concentrations (% as-fed) of 0 (control) or 2.2 (HSC). THImax was greater than or equal to78 during 34% of days in the experimental period. Yields of milk, FCM, fat and protein were lower (P0.05) by concentrate NaCl content. These studies indicate that NaCl supplementation can be beneficial in terms of milk production during warm, humid conditions as opposed to milder conditions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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It has been argued that power-law time-to-failure fits for cumulative Benioff strain and an evolution in size-frequency statistics in the lead-up to large earthquakes are evidence that the crust behaves as a Critical Point (CP) system. If so, intermediate-term earthquake prediction is possible. However, this hypothesis has not been proven. If the crust does behave as a CP system, stress correlation lengths should grow in the lead-up to large events through the action of small to moderate ruptures and drop sharply once a large event occurs. However this evolution in stress correlation lengths cannot be observed directly. Here we show, using the lattice solid model to describe discontinuous elasto-dynamic systems subjected to shear and compression, that it is for possible correlation lengths to exhibit CP-type evolution. In the case of a granular system subjected to shear, this evolution occurs in the lead-up to the largest event and is accompanied by an increasing rate of moderate-sized events and power-law acceleration of Benioff strain release. In the case of an intact sample system subjected to compression, the evolution occurs only after a mature fracture system has developed. The results support the existence of a physical mechanism for intermediate-term earthquake forecasting and suggest this mechanism is fault-system dependent. This offers an explanation of why accelerating Benioff strain release is not observed prior to all large earthquakes. The results prove the existence of an underlying evolution in discontinuous elasto-dynamic, systems which is capable of providing a basis for forecasting catastrophic failure and earthquakes.


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The Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is an intermediate-term earthquake prediction approach that has shown considerable promise. It involves calculating the ratio of a specified energy release measure during loading and unloading where loading and unloading periods are determined from the earth tide induced perturbations in the Coulomb Failure Stress on optimally oriented faults. In the lead-up to large earthquakes, high LURR values are frequently observed a few months or years prior to the event. These signals may have a similar origin to the observed accelerating seismic moment release (AMR) prior to many large earthquakes or may be due to critical sensitivity of the crust when a large earthquake is imminent. As a first step towards studying the underlying physical mechanism for the LURR observations, numerical studies are conducted using the particle based lattice solid model (LSM) to determine whether LURR observations can be reproduced. The model is initialized as a heterogeneous 2-D block made up of random-sized particles bonded by elastic-brittle links. The system is subjected to uniaxial compression from rigid driving plates on the upper and lower edges of the model. Experiments are conducted using both strain and stress control to load the plates. A sinusoidal stress perturbation is added to the gradual compressional loading to simulate loading and unloading cycles and LURR is calculated. The results reproduce signals similar to those observed in earthquake prediction practice with a high LURR value followed by a sudden drop prior to macroscopic failure of the sample. The results suggest that LURR provides a good predictor for catastrophic failure in elastic-brittle systems and motivate further research to study the underlying physical mechanisms and statistical properties of high LURR values. The results provide encouragement for earthquake prediction research and the use of advanced simulation models to probe the physics of earthquakes.


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In order to understand the earthquake nucleation process, we need to understand the effective frictional behavior of faults with complex geometry and fault gouge zones. One important aspect of this is the interaction between the friction law governing the behavior of the fault on the microscopic level and the resulting macroscopic behavior of the fault zone. Numerical simulations offer a possibility to investigate the behavior of faults on many different scales and thus provide a means to gain insight into fault zone dynamics on scales which are not accessible to laboratory experiments. Numerical experiments have been performed to investigate the influence of the geometric configuration of faults with a rate- and state-dependent friction at the particle contacts on the effective frictional behavior of these faults. The numerical experiments are designed to be similar to laboratory experiments by DIETERICH and KILGORE (1994) in which a slide-hold-slide cycle was performed between two blocks of material and the resulting peak friction was plotted vs. holding time. Simulations with a flat fault without a fault gouge have been performed to verify the implementation. These have shown close agreement with comparable laboratory experiments. The simulations performed with a fault containing fault gouge have demonstrated a strong dependence of the critical slip distance D-c on the roughness of the fault surfaces and are in qualitative agreement with laboratory experiments.


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The effect of the solid and dissolved organic matter fractions, mineral composition and ionic strength of the soil solution on the sorption behaviour of pesticides were studied. A number of soils, chosen so as to have different clay mineral and organic carbon content, were used to study the sorption of the pesticides atrazine (6-chloro-N-2-ethyl-N-4-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), 2,4-D ((2,4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid), isoproturon (3-(4-isopropylphenyl)1,1-dimethylurea) and paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium) in the presence of low and high levels of dissolved organic carbon and different background electrolytes. The sorption behaviour of atrazine, isoproturon and paraquat was dominated by the solid state soil components and the presence of dissolved organic matter had little effect. The sorption of 2,4-D was slightly affected by the soluble organic matter in the soil. However, this effect may be due to competition for adsorption sites between the pesticide and the soluble organic matter rather than due to a positive interaction between the pesticide and the soluble fraction of soil organic matter. It is concluded that the major factor governing the sorption of these pesticides is the solid state organic fraction with the clay mineral content also making a significant contribution. The dissolved organic carbon fraction of the total organic carbon in the soil and the ionic strength of the soil solution appear to have little or no effect on the sorption/transport characteristics of these pesticides over the range of concentrations studied. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Quantification of calcium in the cuticle of the fly larva Exeretonevra angustifrons was undertaken at the micron scale using wavelength dispersive X-ray microanalysis, analytical standards, and a full matrix correction. Calcium and phosphorus were found to be present in the exoskeleton in a ratio that indicates amorphous calcium phosphate. This was confirmed through electron diffraction of the calcium-containing tissue. Due to the pragmatic difficulties of measuring light elements, it is not uncommon in the field of entomology to neglect the use of matrix corrections when performing microanalysis of bulk insect specimens. To determine, firstly, whether such a strategy affects the outcome and secondly, which matrix correction is preferable, phi-rho (z) and ZAF matrix corrections were contrasted with each other and without matrix correction. The best estimate of the mineral phase was found to be given by using the phi-rho (z) correction. When no correction was made, the ratio of Ca to P fell outside the range for amorphous calcium phosphate, possibly leading to flawed interpretation of the mineral form when used on its own.