933 resultados para Resource–capability Combination


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The subject of investigation of the present research is the use of smart hydrogels with fibre optic sensor technology. The aim was to develop a costeffective sensor platform for the detection of water in hydrocarbon media, and of dissolved inorganic analytes, namely potassium, calcium and aluminium. The fibre optic sensors in this work depend upon the use of hydrogels to either entrap chemotropic agents or to respond to external environmental changes, by changing their inherent properties, such as refractive index (RI). A review of current fibre optic technology for sensing outlined that the main principles utilised are either the measurement of signal loss or a change in wavelength of the light transmitted through the system. The signal loss principle relies on changing the conditions required for total internal reflection to occur. Hydrogels are cross-linked polymer networks that swell but do not dissolve in aqueous environments. Smart hydrogels are synthetic materials that exhibit additional properties to those inherent in their structure. In order to control the non-inherent properties, the hydrogels were fabricated with the addition of chemotropic agents. For the detection of water, hydrogels of low refractive index were synthesized using fluorinated monomers. Sulfonated monomers were used for their extreme hydrophilicity as a means of water sensing through an RI change. To enhance the sensing capability of the hydrogel, chemotropic agents, such as pH indicators and cobalt salts, were used. The system comprises of the smart hydrogel coated onto an exposed section of the fibre optic core, connected to the interrogation system measuring the difference in the signal. Information obtained was analysed using a purpose designed software. The developed sensor platform showed that an increase in the target species caused an increase in the signal lost from the sensor system, allowing for a detection of the target species. The system has potential applications in areas such as clinical point of care, water detection in fuels and the detection of dissolved ions in the water industry.


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Substantial altimetry datasets collected by different satellites have only become available during the past five years, but the future will bring a variety of new altimetry missions, both parallel and consecutive in time. The characteristics of each produced dataset vary with the different orbital heights and inclinations of the spacecraft, as well as with the technical properties of the radar instrument. An integral analysis of datasets with different properties offers advantages both in terms of data quantity and data quality. This thesis is concerned with the development of the means for such integral analysis, in particular for dynamic solutions in which precise orbits for the satellites are computed simultaneously. The first half of the thesis discusses the theory and numerical implementation of dynamic multi-satellite altimetry analysis. The most important aspect of this analysis is the application of dual satellite altimetry crossover points as a bi-directional tracking data type in simultaneous orbit solutions. The central problem is that the spatial and temporal distributions of the crossovers are in conflict with the time-organised nature of traditional solution methods. Their application to the adjustment of the orbits of both satellites involved in a dual crossover therefore requires several fundamental changes of the classical least-squares prediction/correction methods. The second part of the thesis applies the developed numerical techniques to the problems of precise orbit computation and gravity field adjustment, using the altimetry datasets of ERS-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon. Although the two datasets can be considered less compatible that those of planned future satellite missions, the obtained results adequately illustrate the merits of a simultaneous solution technique. In particular, the geographically correlated orbit error is partially observable from a dataset consisting of crossover differences between two sufficiently different altimetry datasets, while being unobservable from the analysis of altimetry data of both satellites individually. This error signal, which has a substantial gravity-induced component, can be employed advantageously in simultaneous solutions for the two satellites in which also the harmonic coefficients of the gravity field model are estimated.


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Many planning and control tools, especially network analysis, have been developed in the last four decades. The majority of them were created in military organization to solve the problem of planning and controlling research and development projects. The original version of the network model (i.e. C.P.M/PERT) was transplanted to the construction industry without the consideration of the special nature and environment of construction projects. It suited the purpose of setting up targets and defining objectives, but it failed in satisfying the requirement of detailed planning and control at the site level. Several analytical and heuristic rules based methods were designed and combined with the structure of C.P.M. to eliminate its deficiencies. None of them provides a complete solution to the problem of resource, time and cost control. VERT was designed to deal with new ventures. It is suitable for project evaluation at the development stage. CYCLONE, on the other hand, is concerned with the design and micro-analysis of the production process. This work introduces an extensive critical review of the available planning techniques and addresses the problem of planning for site operation and control. Based on the outline of the nature of site control, this research developed a simulation based network model which combines part of the logics of both VERT and CYCLONE. Several new nodes were designed to model the availability and flow of resources, the overhead and operating cost and special nodes for evaluating time and cost. A large software package is written to handle the input, the simulation process and the output of the model. This package is designed to be used on any microcomputer using MS-DOS operating system. Data from real life projects were used to demonstrate the capability of the technique. Finally, a set of conclusions are drawn regarding the features and limitations of the proposed model, and recommendations for future work are outlined at the end of this thesis.


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Many pesticides are used increasingly in combinations during crop protection and their stability ensures the presence of such combinations in foodstuffs. The effects of three fungicides, pyrimethanil, cyprodinil and fludioxonil, were investigated together and separately on U251 and SH-SY5Y cells, which can be representative of human CNS glial and neuronal cells respectively. Over 48h, all three agents showed significant reductions in cellular ATP, at concentrations that were more than tenfold lower than those which significantly impaired cellular viability. The effects on energy metabolism were reflected in their marked toxic effects on mitochondrial membrane potential. In addition, evidence of oxidative stress was seen in terms of a fall in cellular thiols coupled with increases in the expression of enzymes associated with reactive species formation, such as GSH peroxidase and superoxide dismutase. The glial cell line showed significant responsiveness to the toxin challenge in terms of changes in antioxidant gene expression, although the neuronal SH-SY5Y line exhibited greater vulnerability to toxicity, which was reflected in significant increases in caspase-3 expression, which is indicative of the initiation of apoptosis. Cyprodinil was the most toxic agent individually, although oxidative stress-related enzyme gene expression increases appeared to demonstrate some degree of synergy in the presence of the combination of agents. This report suggests that the impact of some pesticides, both individually and in combinations, merits further study in terms of their impact on human cellular health.


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The mechanism behind the immunostimulatory effect of the cationic liposomal vaccine adjuvant dimethyldioctadecylammonium and trehalose 6,6′- dibehenate (DDA:TDB) has been linked to the ability of these cationic vesicles to promote a depot after administration, with the liposomal adjuvant and the antigen both being retained at the injection site. This can be attributed to their cationic nature, since reduction in vesicle size does not influence their distribution profile yet neutral or anionic liposomes have more rapid clearance rates. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a combination of reduced vesicle size and surface pegylation on the biodistribution and adjuvanticity of the formulations, in a bid to further manipulate the pharmacokinetic profiles of these adjuvants. From the biodistribution studies, it was found that with small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs), 10% PEGylation of the formulation could influence liposome retention at the injection site after 4 days, whilst higher levels (25 mol%) of PEG blocked the formation of a depot and promote clearance to the draining lymph nodes. Interestingly, whilst the use of 10% PEG in the small unilamellar vesicles did not block the formation of a depot at the site of injection, it did result in earlier antibody response rates and switch the type of T cell responses from a Th1 to a Th2 bias suggesting that the presence of PEG in the formulation not only control the biodistribution of the vaccine, but also results in different types of interactions with innate immune cells. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Lyophilised orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs) have achieved a great success in overcoming dysphagia associated with conventional solid dosage forms. However, the extensive use of saccharides within the formulation limits their use in treatment of chronic illnesses. The current study demonstrates the feasibility of using combination of proline and serine to formulate zero sacharide ODTs and investigates the effect of freezing protocol on sublimation rate and tablets characteristics. The results showed that inclusion of proline and serine improved ODT properties when compared to individual counterparts. Additionally, annealing the ODTs facilitated the sublimation process and shortened the disintegration time. © 2010 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland.


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This paper presents a model for measuring personal knowledge development in online learning environments. It is based on Nonaka‘s SECI model of organisational knowledge creation. It is argued that Socialisation is not a relevant mode in the context of online learning and was therefore not covered in the measurement instrument. Therefore, the remaining three of SECI‘s knowledge conversion modes, namely Externalisation, Combination, and Internalisation were used and a measurement instrument was created which also examines the interrelationships between the three modes. Data was collected using an online survey, in which online learners report on their experiences of personal knowledge development in online learning environments. In other words, the instrument measures the magnitude of online learners‘ Externalisation and combination activities as well as their level of internalisation, which is the outcome of their personal knowledge development in online learning.


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Cleavage by the proteasome is responsible for generating the C terminus of T-cell epitopes. Modeling the process of proteasome cleavage as part of a multi-step algorithm for T-cell epitope prediction will reduce the number of non-binders and increase the overall accuracy of the predictive algorithm. Quantitative matrix-based models for prediction of the proteasome cleavage sites in a protein were developed using a training set of 489 naturally processed T-cell epitopes (nonamer peptides) associated with HLA-A and HLA-B molecules. The models were validated using an external test set of 227 T-cell epitopes. The performance of the models was good, identifying 76% of the C-termini correctly. The best model of proteasome cleavage was incorporated as the first step in a three-step algorithm for T-cell epitope prediction, where subsequent steps predicted TAP affinity and MHC binding using previously derived models.


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Eight otherwise healthy diabetic volunteers took a daily antioxidant supplement consisting of vitamin E (200 IU), vitamin C (250 mg) and α-lipoic acid (90 mg) for a period of 6 weeks. Diabetic dapsone hydroxylamine-mediated methaemoglobin formation and resistance to erythrocytic thiol depletion was compared with age and sex-matched non-diabetic subjects. At time zero, methaemoglobin formation in the non-diabetic subjects was greater at all four time points compared with that of the diabetic subjects. Resistance to glutathione depletion was initially greater in non-diabetic compared with diabetic samples. Half-way through the study (3 weeks), there were no differences between the two groups in methaemoglobin formation and thiol depletion in the diabetic samples was now lower than the non-diabetic samples at 10 and 20 min. At 6 weeks, diabetic erythrocytic thiol levels remained greater than those of non-diabetics. HbA1c values were significantly reduced in the diabetic subjects at 6 weeks compared with time zero values. At 10 weeks, 4 weeks after the end of supplementation, the diabetic HbA1c values significantly increased to the point where they were not significantly different from the time zero values. Total antioxidant status measurement (TAS) indicated that diabetic plasma antioxidant capacity was significantly improved during antioxidant supplementation. Conversion of α-lipoic acid to dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) in vivo led to potent interference in a standard fructosamine assay kit, negating its use in this study. This report suggests that triple antioxidant therapy in diabetic volunteers attenuates the in vitro experimental oxidative stress of methaemoglobin formation and reduces haemoglobin glycation in vivo. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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To avoid counter-intuitive result of classical Dempster's combination rule when dealing with highly conflict information, many improved combination methods have been developed through modifying the basic probability assignments (BPAs) of bodies of evidence (BOEs) by using a certain measure of the degree of conflict or uncertain information, such as Jousselme's distance, the pignistic probability distance and the ambiguity measure. However, if BOEs contain some non-singleton elements and the differences among their BPAs are larger than 0.5, the current conflict measure methods have limitations in describing the interrelationship among the conflict BOEs and may even lead to wrong combination results. In order to solve this problem, a new distance function, which is called supporting probability distance, is proposed to characterize the differences among BOEs. With the new distance, the information of how much a focal element is supported by the other focal elements in BOEs can be given. Also, a new combination rule based on the supporting probability distance is proposed for the combination of the conflicting evidences. The credibility and the discounting factor of each BOE are generated by the supporting probability distance and the weighted BOEs are combined directly using Dempster's rules. Analytical results of numerical examples show that the new distance has a better capability of describing the interrelationships among BOEs, especially for the highly conflicting BOEs containing non-singleton elements and the proposed new combination method has better applicability and effectiveness compared with the existing methods.


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Binocular combination for first-order (luminancedefined) stimuli has been widely studied, but we know rather little about this binocular process for spatial modulations of contrast (second-order stimuli). We used phase-matching and amplitude-matching tasks to assess binocular combination of second-order phase and modulation depth simultaneously. With fixed modulation in one eye, we found that binocularly perceived phase was shifted, and perceived amplitude increased almost linearly as modulation depth in the other eye increased. At larger disparities, the phase shift was larger and the amplitude change was smaller. The degree of interocular correlation of the carriers had no influence. These results can be explained by an initial extraction of the contrast envelopes before binocular combination (consistent with the lack of dependence on carrier correlation) followed by a weighted linear summation of second-order modulations in which the weights (gains) for each eye are driven by the first-order carrier contrasts as previously found for first-order binocular combination. Perceived modulation depth fell markedly with increasing phase disparity unlike previous findings that perceived first-order contrast was almost independent of phase disparity. We present a simple revision to a widely used interocular gain-control theory that unifies first- and second-order binocular summation with a single principle-contrast-weighted summation-and we further elaborate the model for first-order combination. Conclusion: Second-order combination is controlled by first-order contrast.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 68T50.


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 94A17.


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Energy crops production is considered as environmentally benign and socially acceptable, offering ecological benefits over fossil fuels through their contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gases and acidifying emissions. Energy crops are subjected to persistent policy support by the EU, despite their limited or even marginally negative impact on the greenhouse effect. The present study endeavors to optimize the agricultural income generated by energy crops in a remote and disadvantageous region, with the assistance of linear programming. The optimization concerns the income created from soybean, sunflower (proxy for energy crop), and corn. Different policy scenarios imposed restrictions on the value of the subsidies as a proxy for EU policy tools, the value of inputs (costs of capital and labor) and different irrigation conditions. The results indicate that the area and the imports per energy crop remain unchanged, independently of the policy scenario enacted. Furthermore, corn cultivation contributes the most to iFncome maximization, whereas the implemented CAP policy plays an incremental role in uptaking an energy crop. A key implication is that alternative forms of motivation should be provided to the farmers beyond the financial ones in order the extensive use of energy crops to be achieved.


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Chronic bronchopulmonary bacterial infections remain the most common cause of morbidity and mortality among patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Recent community sequencing work has now shown that the bacterial community in the CF lung is polymicrobial. Identifying bacteria in the CF lung through sequencing can be costly and is not practical for many laboratories. Molecular techniques such as terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism or amplicon length heterogeneity-polymerase chain reaction (LH-PCR) can provide many laboratories with the ability to study CF bacterial communities without costly sequencing. The aim of this study was to determine if the use of LH-PCR with multiple hypervariable regions of the 16S rRNA gene could be used to identify organisms found in sputum DNA. This work also determined if LH-PCR could be used to observe the dynamics of lung infections over a period of time. Nineteen samples were analysed with the V1 and the V1_V2 region of the 16S rRNA gene. Based on the amplicon size present in the V1_V2 region, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was confirmed to be in all 19 samples obtained from the patients. The V1 region provided a higher power of discrimination between bacterial profiles of patients. Both regions were able to identify trends in the bacterial population over a period of time. LH profiles showed that the CF lung community is dynamic and that changes in the community may in part be driven by the patient's antibiotic treatment. LH-PCR is a tool that is well suited for studying bacterial communities and their dynamics.