788 resultados para Realismo Postmoderno
Introduz-se o estudo da estreia literária de Guerra Junqueiro feito pelo estudioso Henrique Manuel Pereira, dando-se relevo ao poeta João Penha e à sua revista, "A Folha".
In this article I develop an analysis in the context of the global society, a context split into its practical subsystems, due to the prevailing logic of confrontation and violence. Some of its expressions are studied, in the fields of international law and geopolitical relations between given societies. Also discussed are analyses of the relations between religions and cultural systems, from the perspective of mutual destruction logistics. In a context of violent interactions through diverse levels of social reality, I claim for a different strategy to guide social practices, from the recognition of universal human rights for concrete human beings, understanding that such recognition implies reducing the historical production of deaths, and the magnification of human life and of the conditions for its reproduction.
Este artículo presenta una reseña, y no intenta ser más que eso, de la vida y obra del cientista político Karl Deutsch. Así, presenta aspectos biográficos de la vida de Deutsch. Su extraordinaria y muy activa vida académica. Sus análisis y aportes a las ciencias políticas y las Relaciones Internacionales, poniendo el énfasis en las críticas que hace al realismo político y en su contribución teórica y metodológica al estudio de la integración regional.
A proposta deste trabalho é mostrar o caráter inovador de Machado de Assis através de sua maior inovação que foi Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas. É ressaltado aqui e comprovado através da análise desta obra que o autor não se prendeu a modelos pré-estabelecidos; sendo pelo contrário, um inovador em todas as escolas pelas quais transitou. É por isso que detectamos numa mesma obra a negação do Romantismo, a utilização de algumas características do Realismo e o uso de outras que não corresponde a esse período, mas ao estilo literário próprio do autor. Essas características chegam de forma caprichosa e astuta, como se mostra o narrador - defunto. É por isso que essa pesquisa expõe algumas das questões que cercam o narrador e sua posição no romance já citado. Por todoo trabalho, são analisados alguns pontos peculiares à obra machadiana, como as interrupções e volubilidade do narrador que, são características fortemente marcadas na obra para intensificar a negação de alguns dos principais pilares do Realismo, como a neutralidade, a imparcialidade e a objetividade. No decorrer do texto é observado o modo como o narradorpersonagem desconstroi, com sua ironia e seus “vaivens”, os ditames da onisciência e mistura com a subjetividade o tempo cronológico ao psicológico, de acordo com sua memória e imaginação criadora. Destacam-se nesse estudo, não só a posição do autor perante as características já mencionadas do Realismo, como o árduo combate ao sentimentalismo contido nas obras do Romantismo, assim como a compreensão e questionamento do autor acerca dos mecanismos que comandam as ações humanas através da sondagem psicológica; visto que Machado de Assis além de inovar no enredo, criar um narrador fora do padrão, retrata também os ditames sociais.
In the late nineteenth century, the discoveries of the unconscious universe and the fondness for mysterious dimensions of existence have influenced a group of young artists to probe world mysteries through the incantatory power of words. From the opposition to scientific Realism and Naturalism, and also inspired by the revolutionary poetry of Charles Baudelaire, thus arose Decadentism. The novel À Rebours, by the French novelist and art critic Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848-1907), is an important expression of that spirit. In that work, there is a fruitful dialogue between painting and literature, which inaugurates a new style opposing the already exhausted realistic model. Duke Des Esseintes, the eccentric protagonist of the novel, struggles to modernity and emerging bourgeoisie’s unrefined taste of emerging bourgeoisie. In his searching for a new literary model, Huysmans bet on environment descriptions and art transpositions. The painting served as an aesthetic paradigm for the novel construction, not limited only to the frequent descriptions of Moreau or Redon’s paintings, but also encompassing the way Huysmans described the furniture, tapestries, artificial flowers and fishes, book covers etc... Being outstanding was his idea, things beyond the reach for the common man, devoted to trivialities of everyday life. The transposition of art, or the creation of an artistic work by language, acquires immeasurable value to the critical Huysmans engrossing him in À Rebours. There, the critical superimpose the writer. The decadent style of Huysmans opposes the analytical reason. In his work, the art aims to retake the passion, the dream, the mystery, fear, death, totally disengaged of the desire to represent the reality.
RESUMO: O presente estudo busca explicitar o anti-conformismo ideológico que norteia a escritura do romance de estréia de Italo Calvino, Il Sentiero dei nidi di ragno. Claramente na contra-mão da produção literária italiana do imediato pós-guerra, Calvino não se rende ao padrão quase obrigatório do neo-realismo, e manifesta em sua obra sua visão desencantada da História.
The present work proposes a reading of the artistic-intellectual project of the Portuguese writer Augusto Abelaira, from de novels The City of Flowers and Bolor, in order to place him in the scenery of the Portuguese neo-realism and the intellectual resistance against fascism. The expression of the idealizations and disappointments in the work of Abelaira points to an opposite direction to that identified with the socialist realism and with what was conventionally called doctrinaire neo-realism in Portugal before the public emergency of the controversy between those who defended the primacy of the content and another aesthetic response that problematizes the pre-eminence of a specular model. Thus, there never was an internal homogeneity neither aesthetic nor theoretical in the movement. The public emergency of this debate translates a controversy that is not confined to the aesthetic, but is, in its most profound dimension, theoretical and political. The objective of the work is to demonstrate the writing procedures of Augusto Abelaira as susceptible techniques to represent conceptions of life and of the world able to translate a social demand, that are, ultimately, writing programs appropriate to the envisioned transformations. Therefore, there is not one unique neo-realistic writing program, but there is a neo-realistic aesthetics which is the literary neo-realism itself that the works of Augusto Abelaira helps to compose. Keywords: Augusto Abelaira; Intellectual writer; Neo-realism.
Starting by the productive flourishing that children’s literature has been through between the decades of 1960 and 1980, this paper analyses the most inovating aspects of the book A bolsa Amarela (1976), by Lygia Bojunga Nunes. This literary piece is highly relevant because it incorporates an inovating structure combined with an inovating theme. In this sense, aspects such as language, fantasy, the seek for identity and individuality in an oppressive family environment and the constant questioning of family structure are all delineated here. In this way, A Bolsa Amarela is a proof that there are no restrictions concerning the young readers, since it is possible to approach the most intimate and complex feelings of the young people. Besides, this literary piece metaphorically represents Brazil in the 60‘s by focalizing the child’s viewpoint, revealing inumerous situations which constitute real analogies to dictatorship in Brazil, resulting in thorough criticism to reality.