965 resultados para Rating-Skala
The main advantage of organic electronics over the more widespread inorganic counterparts lies not in the electrical performance, but rather in the solution processability that opens up for low-cost flexible electronics (e.g. displays, sensors and smart tags) fabricated by using printing techniques. Replacing the commonly used laboratory-scale fabrication techniques with mass-printing techniques is, however, truly challenging, especially when low-voltage operation is required. In this thesis it is, nevertheless, demonstrated that low-voltage organic transistors can be fully printed with a similar performance to that of transistors made by laboratory scale techniques. The use of an ion-modulated type of organic field effect transistor (OFET) not only enabled low-voltage operation and printability, but was also found to result in low sensitivity to the surface roughness of the substrate. This allows not only the use of low-cost plastic substrates, but even the use of paper as a substrate. However, while absorption into the porous paper surface is advantageous in a graphical printing process, by reducing the spreading and the coffee-stain effect and by improving the adhesion, it provides great challenges when applying thin electrically active layers. In spite of these difficulties we were able to demonstrate the first low-voltage OFET to be fabricated on paper. We have also shown that low-cost incandescent lamps can be used for sintering printed metal-nanoparticles, and that the process was especially suitable on paper and compatible with a roll-to-roll manufacturing process.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto da prática de atividade física na qualidade de vida de mulheres de meia idade. MÉTODOS: Estudo de base populacional e corte transversal, que incluiu uma amostra estratificada de 370 mulheres de meia idade entre 40 a 65 anos, recrutadas a partir de uma população de 20.801 mulheres atendidas no período de um ano nas redes básicas de saúde, inseridas nos quatro distritos (Norte, Sul, Leste e Oeste) que compõem o sistema de saúde da cidade de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, de junho a setembro de 2011. O cálculo da amostra teve por base um nível de confiança de 95%, com poder do teste de 80%, erro de estimativa de 5% e considerou-se a proporção de pacientes classificadas com qualidade de vida adequada (indicador >26) da amostra piloto. Os dados foram coletados enquanto as mulheres aguardavam na sala de espera para a consulta de rotina. Para avaliar a qualidade de vida geral, utilizou-se a versão abreviada do WHOQOL (WHOQOL-Bref-WHO Quality of Life - BREF), e sua relação com os sintomas do climatério foi avaliada por meio do Menopause Rating Scale (MRS). O nível de atividade física foi avaliado pelo questionário International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), versão curta, semana usual. Para obter-se a classificação dos níveis de atividade física, utilizaram-se três categorias: sedentária, moderadamente ativa e muito ativa. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando o programa estatístico Minitab, versão 16. RESULTADOS: A média de idade das mulheres foi de 49,8 anos (±8.1), foram predominantemente caucasianas (72,7%), casadas (61,6%), não fumantes (93,5%) e com o Ensino Médio completo (47,8%). Considerando os domínios presentes no WHOQOL-Bref para avaliar qualidade de vida, os escores foram significativamente diferentes entre os grupos de mulheres sedentárias, moderadamente ativas e muito ativas (p<0,01). Em relação à atividade física e aos sintomas do climatério, foram observadas diferenças significativas para todos os domínios: psicológico (p<0,01), somático-vegetativo (p<0,01) e urogenital (p<0,01). CONCLUSÕES: A prática de atividade física melhora significativamente a qualidade de vida das mulheres de meia idade.
OBJETIVO: Associar a qualidade de vida com o estado nutricional da mulher climatérica. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo transversal, no qual foi incluída uma amostra com 200 mulheres climatéricas, de 40 a 65 anos, que responderam a um Recordatório Alimentar de 24 horas e questões sobre fatores socioeconômicos, história clínica atual, pregressa e familiar. Para a avaliação antropométrica, foram utilizados índice de massa corpórea (IMC), circunferência da cintura (CC) e relação cintura/quadril. Para avaliação da qualidade de vida, foi aplicado o MRS-menopause rating scale. RESULTADOS: A média do IMC e da CC foi de 30,1 kg/m² (obesidade grau 1) e 99 cm (risco muito aumentado para doença cardiovascular), respectivamente. Constatou-se consumo aumentado de proteínas e diminuído de fibras, cálcio e vitamina D. A comorbidade mais prevalente foi a hipertensão arterial, 48,5% faziam uso de medicação para doenças cardiovasculares e 23%, de medicações antidepressivas. Quanto à qualidade de vida, foram encontrados resultados significativos relacionados ao IMC, como também à pressão arterial. CONCLUSÕES: Uma intervenção nutricional visando corrigir ou melhorar o consumo alimentar e o perfil antropométrico poderá resultar em benefícios relativos à saúde da mulher climatérica. A prevalência de obesidade, associada com pior qualidade de vida e morbimortalidade, reforça a necessidade de existir um programa de reeducação alimentar no climatério.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência dos sintomas climatéricos na função sexual de mulheres de meia-idade. MÉTODOS: Estudo populacional de corte transversal, com amostra de 370 mulheres entre 40 e 65 anos, atendidas nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde da cidade de Natal, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Aplicou-se um questionário referente s características sociodemográficas, clínicas e comportamentais das mulheres. A função sexual foi avaliada pelo Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), enquanto os sintomas do climatério pelo Menopause Rating Scale (MRS). RESULTADOS: No grupo estudado, 67% das mulheres apresentaram risco de disfunção sexual (FSFI≤26,5). Todos os domínios do FSFI (desejo, excitação, lubrificação, orgasmo, satisfação e dor) apresentaram escores mais baixos nas mulheres com risco de disfunção sexual (p<0,001). Os domínos excitação, orgasmo e dor foram os que mais contribuíram para os baixos escores do FSFI. Os sintomas somatovegetativos, urogenitais e psicológicos do MRS apresentaram-se mais elevados nas mulheres com risco de disfunção sexual, sendo significativos para todas as comparações (p<0,001). A análise de regressão logística revelou que as chances de mulheres com riscos de disfunção sexual apresentarem fogachos, humor depressivo, problemas sexuais e ressecamento vaginal foram, respectivamente, 2,1 (IC95% 1,2 - 3,5); 2,4 (IC95% 1,5 - 4,1); 2,3 (IC95% 1,4 - 3,8) e 2,2 (IC95% 1,3 - 3,6) vezes maior, quando comparadas quelas sem risco. CONCLUSÃO: Os sintomas climatéricos parecem influenciar a função sexual de mulheres na meia-idade.
PURPOSE: To assess quality of life and climacteric symptoms in women with and without liver transplants. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of 52 women undergoing follow-up at a university hospital in southeastern Brazil from February 4th, 2009 to January 5th, 2011. Twenty-four of these women were 35 years old or older and had undergone liver transplantation at least one year before study entry. The remaining 28 women had no liver disease and were matched by age and menstrual patterns to the patients with transplants. The abbreviated version of the World Health Organization (WHOQOL-BREF) questionnaire was used to assess quality of life. Menopausal symptoms were assessed using the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS). Statistical analysis was carried out by Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney test and analysis of variance. Correlations between MRS and the WHOQOL-BREF were established by correlation coefficients. RESULTS: The mean age of the women included in the study was 52.2 (±10.4) years and the mean time since transplantation was 6.1 (±3.3) years. Women with liver transplants had better quality of life scores in the environment domain (p=0.01). No difference was noted between the two groups in any domain of the MRS. For women in the comparison group, there was a strongly negative correlation between somatic symptoms in the MRS and the physical domain of the WHOQOL-BREF (p<0.01; r=-0.8). In contrast, there was only a moderate association for women with liver transplants (p<0.01; r=-0.5). CONCLUSIONS: Women with liver transplants had better quality of life scores in the domain related to environment and did not exhibit more intense climacteric symptoms than did those with no liver disease. Climacteric symptoms negatively influenced quality of life in liver transplant recipients, although less intensely than in women without a history of liver disease.
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a idade da menopausa e os fatores associados aos sintomas menopausais em mulheres de uma região metropolitana do sudeste do Brasil.MÉTODOS: Um estudo exploratório de corte-transversal foi realizado com 749 mulheres entre 45 e 60 anos (pesquisa de base populacional). A variável dependente foi a intensidade dos sintomas menopausais avaliada através do escore total do questionário Menopause Rating Scale (MRS). As variáveis independentes foram características sociodemográficas, problemas e hábitos de saúde, auto-percepção de saúde e antecedentes ginecológicos. A análise estatística foi realizada com o teste do χ2 e regressão de Poisson.RESULTADOS: A média etária das mulheres entrevistadas foi 52,5 (±4,4) anos. Com relação ao estado menopausal, 16% das mulheres encontravam-se na pré-menopausa, o mesmo número na perimenopausa e 68% estavam na pós-menopausa. A média de idade de ocorrência da menopausa foi 46,5±5,8 anos. A intensidade dos sintomas menopausais foi definida de acordo com a mediana do escore total do MRS e foi considerada severa para valores acima de 8. Depressão/ansiedade (RP=1,8; IC95% 1,5-2,2; p<0,01), doenças osteoarticulares (RP=1,5; IC95% 1,2-1,7; p<0,01), auto-percepção do estado geral de saúde regular, ruim ou péssimo (RP=1,4; IC95% 1,2-1,7; p<0,01), antecedente de algum aborto (RP=1,3; IC95% 1,1-1,5; p<0,01), tratamento para menopausa atual ou prévio (RP=1,2; IC95% 1,1-1,4; p<0,01), estar na perimenopausa ou pós-menopausa (RP=1,4; IC95% 1,1-1,8; p=0,01), número de partos normais >1 (RP=1,2; IC95% 1,02-1,4; p=0,02) e asma (RP=1,2; IC95% 1,01-1,4; p=0,03) se associaram a maior severidade de sintomas menopausais. Apresentar maior idade (RP=0,96; IC95% 0,96-0,97; p<0,01) se associou a menor intensidade de sintomas da menopausa.CONCLUSÃO: A intensidade dos sintomas menopausais está relacionada a um amplo conjunto de fatores. Entender e controlar estes fatores pode auxiliar na redução dos sintomas menopausais, além de fornecer dados para definir grupos que necessitam maior atenção por parte dos serviços de saúde.
The purpose of this study is to examine attributes which have explanation power to the probability of default or serious overdue in secured auto loans. Another goal is to find out differences between defaulted loans and loans which have had payment difficulties but survived without defaulting. 19 independent variables used in this study reflect information available at the time of credit decision. These variables were tested with logistic regression and backward elimination procedure. The data includes 8931 auto loans from a Finnish finance company. 1118 of the contracts were taken by company customers and 7813 by private customers. 130 of the loans defaulted and 584 had serious payment problems but did not default. The maturities of those loans were from one month to 60 months and they have ended during year 2011. The LTV (loan-to-value) variable was ranked as the most significant explainer because of its strong positive relationship with probability of payment difficulties. Another important explainer in this study was the credit rating variable which got a negative relationship with payment problems. Also maturity and car age performed well having both a positive relationship with the probability of payment problems. When compared default and serious overdue situations, the most significant differences were found in the roles of LTV, Maturity and Gender variables.
Ilmavoimien taistelunjohtoalaa on tutkittu hyvin vähän. Alan tietoturvatasot ja asioiden tuottaminen kirjallisiksi ohjeiksi eivät ole vielä sillä tasolla, jolla niiden voisi toivoa olevan. Hiljaista tietoa on paljon. Menetelmävalinnan perusteella tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli luoda alan julkista teoriaa. Tutkimusstrategisina valintoina olivat laadulliset tapaustutkimus ja nelivaiheinen Critical Decision Method. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli hahmottaa vaatimuksia ilmavoimien taistelunjohtajan päätöksenteon pohjaksi sekä luoda kuvaus päätöksentekoprosessista tarkastellussa tapauksessa. Päätutkimuskysymyksenä oli selvittää, millaista päätöksentekotapaa taistelunjohtaja käyttää. Tutkimus rajattiin rationaalisen ja naturalistisen päätöksenteon esiintyvyyksien vertailuun valitussa taistelunjohtotehtävässä. Alakysymyksinä selvitettiin, millaisia tunnistettavia vaatimuksia ja vihjeitä ilmenee taistelunjohtajien päätöksentekoon liittyen sekä millainen on taistelunjohtajan tilannetietoisuus tarkastellussa tapauksessa ja miten tilannetietoisuutta voidaan jälleenrakentaa tukemaan päätöksentekoa sen romahdettua. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin päätöksentekoa tapauksessa observoidun kokeneen yksittäisen taistelunjohtajan haastattelujen ja tilannetietoisuuden subjektiivisten arvioiden perusteella. Tilannetietoisuutta tarkasteltiin Mica Endsleyn kolmen tilannetietoisuuden tason ja Robert Taylorin Situational Awareness Rating Techniquen kymmenen ulottuvuuden perusteella. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat ilmavoimien taistelunjohtajien päätöksenteon perustuvan Gary Kleinin kehittämään tilanteen tunnistavaan The Recognition-Primed Decision -malliin. Siinä taistelunjohtaja muodostaa mentaalisen mallin ja testaa ideologian toimivuuden mielessään ennen mahdollisesti toimeenpanevaa päätöksentekoa. Toimintaa ohjaa vahvasti koulutus. Samalla taistelunjohtaja rakentaa jatkuvasti tilannetietoisuuttaan, joka nousi merkittävimpänä tekijänä esiin ilmentyen intuitiivisen päätöksenteon perustaksi. Tulokset osoittivat, että taistelunjohtajan päätöksenteko perustuu naturalistiseen päätöksentekoon, koska tehtävän hektisyyden takia ei ole aikaa vaihtoehtojen laajalle vertailulle. Tehtäväkentän laajuuden takia taistelunjohtajan päätöksenteon vaatimuksiksi ilmeni useita elementtejä. Huolimatta tehtävänaikaisesta aikapaineesta, taistelunjohtajan tilannetietoisuus oli tarkastellussa tapauksessa jatkuvasti korkealla tasolla. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että taistelunjohtajien koulutusjärjestelmä on kattava ja se toimii. Päätöksenteon koulutuksessa on kuitenkin kiinnitettävä huomiota kommunikaation merkitykseen. Siinä tilanteen tunnistamiseen johtavat vihjeet olivat epäselviä. Saatuja tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää ilmavoimien taistelunjohtajien ja taistelunjohto-opettajien koulutuksessa, valinnoissa sekä alan ohjeistusten luomisessa ja kehittämisessä.
The power rating of wind turbines is constantly increasing; however, keeping the voltage rating at the low-voltage level results in high kilo-ampere currents. An alternative for increasing the power levels without raising the voltage level is provided by multiphase machines. Multiphase machines are used for instance in ship propulsion systems, aerospace applications, electric vehicles, and in other high-power applications including wind energy conversion systems. A machine model in an appropriate reference frame is required in order to design an efficient control for the electric drive. Modeling of multiphase machines poses a challenge because of the mutual couplings between the phases. Mutual couplings degrade the drive performance unless they are properly considered. In certain multiphase machines there is also a problem of high current harmonics, which are easily generated because of the small current path impedance of the harmonic components. However, multiphase machines provide special characteristics compared with the three-phase counterparts: Multiphase machines have a better fault tolerance, and are thus more robust. In addition, the controlled power can be divided among more inverter legs by increasing the number of phases. Moreover, the torque pulsation can be decreased and the harmonic frequency of the torque ripple increased by an appropriate multiphase configuration. By increasing the number of phases it is also possible to obtain more torque per RMS ampere for the same volume, and thus, increase the power density. In this doctoral thesis, a decoupled d–q model of double-star permanent-magnet (PM) synchronous machines is derived based on the inductance matrix diagonalization. The double-star machine is a special type of multiphase machines. Its armature consists of two three-phase winding sets, which are commonly displaced by 30 electrical degrees. In this study, the displacement angle between the sets is considered a parameter. The diagonalization of the inductance matrix results in a simplified model structure, in which the mutual couplings between the reference frames are eliminated. Moreover, the current harmonics are mapped into a reference frame, in which they can be easily controlled. The work also presents methods to determine the machine inductances by a finite-element analysis and by voltage-source inverters on-site. The derived model is validated by experimental results obtained with an example double-star interior PM (IPM) synchronous machine having the sets displaced by 30 electrical degrees. The derived transformation, and consequently, the decoupled d–q machine model, are shown to model the behavior of an actual machine with an acceptable accuracy. Thus, the proposed model is suitable to be used for the model-based control design of electric drives consisting of double-star IPM synchronous machines.
Teollisuudessa yleinen trendi on saada entistä tehokkaampia, halvempia, hyötysuhteeltaan parempia ja fyysisiltä mitoiltaan pienempiä sähkökäyttöjä. Luonnollisesti nämä vaatimukset ovat samoja myös taajuusmuuttajilla. Näiden vaatimusten välillä täytyy aina tehdä kompromisseja ja kehittää uusia menetelmiä. Monissa teollisuuden sähkökäytöissä tarvitaan verkkovaihtosuuntaajaa syöttämään tehoa generaattorilta tai jarrutettavalta moottorilta sähköverkkoon. Verkkovaihtosuuntaajassa käytännössä tarvitaan aina LCL-suodin, joka on fyysisesti järjestelmän suurin ja kallein yksittäinen komponentti, ja luonnollisesti suuritehoinen laite vaatii suuren LCL-suotimen. LCL-Suotimen fyysinen koko on kääntäen verrannollinen kytkentätaajuuteen. Tässä diplomityössä esitellään interleaving eli limittelymenetelmä, jonka avulla pystytään kasvattamaan verkkovaihtosuuntaajan ekvivalenttista kytkentätaajuutta ja pienentämään virran värettä sekä kokonaisharmonista säröä. Menetelmästä aiheutuu myös merkittävä haaste, kiertovirrat, joiden suodatusta tutkitaan kahdella eri menetelmällä. Käytetyt suodatustavat ovat LCL-suodin, jossa on lisäksi CM-kuristin ja LCL-suodin, jossa käytetään solujen välistä muuntajaa, ICT:tä. Työ suoritettiin teoriatutkimuksena ja simuloimalla. Tulokset osoittavat, että molemmat suodatustavat voivat toimia todellisessa sovelluksessa. Kuitenkin vain ICT:n omaava suodin on selkeästi vastaavan kokoista kaksitasoista verkkovaihtosuuntaajan suodinta pienempi. Tutkimus osoittaa myös sen, että tutkitussa sovelluskohteessa pelkkä fyysinen suodin ei riitä suodattamaan kiertovirtoja, vaan säätimeen täytyy tehdä myös muutoksia.
Concerns about the sustainability of large-scale, direct-drilled RR-soybeans (Glycine max), and RR-maize (Zea mays) under monoculture in central Argentina are growing steadily. An experiment was conducted during three consecutive years to determine the effects of crops and systems (monocultures and strips) and herbicide strategy on weed density, population rate of change (l), b community diversity (H´), crop yields and Land Equivalent Ratio (LER). Not only crops but also crop systems differentially influenced weed densities along their growth and development. For crop harvests, weed densities increased in both maize crop systems as compared to in the one for soybeans, but the lowest increase occurred in soybean strips. Differences were leveled by both herbicide strategies, which achieved 73% efficacy during the critical periods in both crops. l of annual monocotyledonous increased, thus shifting the weed community composition. Species richness and H´ were not affected by crop systems, but both herbicide strategies, particularly POST, either in soybeans in monoculture or in maize strips, significantly enhanced H´. Crop yields significantly increased in the maize-strip system with POST (Year 1) or PRE (Years 2 and 3) strategies, thus increasing LER above 1. Herbicide Environmental Load treatments fall within very low or low field use rating.
Mobile applications market shows one of the highest growth rates for the market of intellectual products. The market is attractive to investors, despite the fact that the major companies of this industry already firmly consolidated its position. Experts predict the growth of the market for mobile applications with the development of mobile technologies in general. To demonstrate the explosive growth of the market and the scale of its impact, it is worth recalling the mobile game Angry Birds, which was able to achieve a huge reach and formed a full-fledged media brand, comparable to the film industry brands. The reasons why some games become popular and others not, are important for understanding the driving factors of the games industry. The Master’s Thesis explores the factors for mobile games applications popularity and ranking and propose recommendations for mobile games app store optimization of app representation. It discovers particular features of mobile games applications and releases’ influence on their popularity. Also the study assumes usage of such business models as The Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder and The Lean Startup Methodology by Ries, and describes the best practices of mobile application development process and market positioning. Moreover, the Master’s Thesis gives examples of multiple case studies about successful mobile apps developers.
Norms for a battery of instruments, including Denckla's and Garfield's tests of Motor Persistence, Benton's Right-Left Discrimination, two recall modalities (Immediate and Delayed) of the Bender Test, Wechsler's Digit Span, the Color Span Test and the Human Figure Drawing Test, were developed for the neuropsychological assessment of children in the greater Rio de Janeiro area. Additionally, the behavior of each child was assessed with the Composite Teacher Rating Scale (Brito GNO and Pinto RCA (1991) Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 13: 417-418). A total of 398 children (199 boys and 199 girls balanced for age) with a mean age of 9.3 years (SD = 2.8), who were attending a public school in Niterói, were the subjects of this study. Gender and age had significant effects on performance which depended on the instrument. Nonachievers performed worse than achievers in most neuropsychological tests. Comparison of our data to the available counterparts in the United States revealed that American children outperformed Brazilian children on the Right-Left Discrimination, Forward Digit Span, Color Span and Human Figure Drawing Tests. Further analysis showed that the neurobehavioral data consist of different factorial dimensions, including Human Body Representation, Motor Persistence of the Legs, Orbito-Orobuccal Motor Persistence, Attention-Memory, Visuospatial Memory, Neuropsychomotor Speed, Hyperactivity-Inattention, and Anxiety-Negative Socialization. We conclude that gender and age should be taken into account when using the normative data for most of the instruments studied in the present report. Furthermore, we stress the need for major changes in the Brazilian public school system in order to foster the development of secondary cognitive abilities in our children
Controversy still exists concerning the potential ergogenic benefit of caffeine (CAF) for exercise performance. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of CAF ingestion on endurance performance during exercise on a bicycle ergometer at two different intensities, i.e., approximately 10% below and 10% above the anaerobic threshold (AT). Eight untrained males, non-regular consumers of CAF, participated in this study. AT, defined as the intensity (watts) corresponding to a lactate concentration of 4 mM, was determined during an incremental exercise test from rest to exhaustion on an electrically braked cycle ergometer. On the basis of these measurements, the subjects were asked to cycle until exhaustion at two different intensities, i.e., approximately 10% below and 10% above AT. Each intensity was performed twice in a double-blind randomized order by ingesting either CAF (5 mg/kg) or a placebo (PLA) 60 min prior to the test. Venous blood was analyzed for free fatty acid, glucose, and lactate, before, during, and immediately after exercise. Rating of perceived exertion and time to exhaustion were also measured during each trial. There were no differences in free fatty acids or lactate levels between CAF and PLA during and immediately after exercise for either intensity. Immediately after exercise glucose increased in the CAF trial at both intensities. Rating of perceived exertion was significantly lower (CAF = 14.1 ± 2.5 vs PLA = 16.6 ± 2.4) and time to exhaustion was significantly higher (CAF = 46.54 ± 8.05 min vs PLA = 32.42 ± 14.81 min) during exercise below AT with CAF. However, there was no effect of CAF treatment on rating of perceived exertion (CAF = 18.0 ± 2.7 vs PLA = 17.6 ± 2.3) and time to exhaustion (CAF = 18.45 ± 7.28 min vs PLA = 19.17 ± 4.37 min) during exercise above AT. We conclude that in untrained subjects caffeine can improve endurance performance during prolonged exercise performed below AT and that the decrease of perceived exertion can be involved in this process
In the evaluation of exercise intolerance of patients with respiratory diseases the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS) have proposed similar classifications for rating aerobic impairment using maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) normalized for total body weight (ml min-1 kg-1). However, subjects with the same VO2max weight-corrected values may have considerably different losses of aerobic performance (VO2max expressed as % predicted). We have proposed a new, specific method for rating loss of aerobic capacity (VO2max, % predicted) and we have compared the two classifications in a prospective study involving 75 silicotic claimants. Logistic regression analysis showed that the disagreement between rating systems (higher dysfunction by the AMA/ATS classification) was associated with age >50 years (P<0.005) and overweight (P = 0.04). Interestingly, clinical (dyspnea score) and spirometric (FEV1) normality were only associated with the VO2max, % predicted, normal values (P<0.01); therefore, in older and obese subjects the AMA/ATS classification tended to overestimate the aerobic dysfunction. We conclude that in the evaluation of aerobic impairment in patients with respiratory diseases, the loss of aerobic capacity (VO2max, % predicted) should be used instead of the traditional method (remaining aerobic ability, VO2max, in ml min-1 kg-1).