953 resultados para RESTORATIVE RESINS
Glass ionomer cements are widely used in dentistry as restorative materials and adhesives for composite restorations. However, the results of genotoxicity studies using these materials are inconclusive in literature. The goal of this study was to examine the genotoxic and cytotoxic potential of three different glass ionomer cements available commercially (Ketac Cem, Ketac Molar and Vitrebond) by the single cell gel (comet) assay and trypan blue exclusion test, respectively. For this, such materials were exposed to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells in vitro for 1 h at 37 degrees C. Data were assessed by Kruskall-Wallis nonparametric test. The results showed that the powder from Ketac Molar displayed genotoxicity only in the maximum concentration evaluated (100 mu g/mL). In the same way, the liquid from Vitrebond at 0.1% dilution caused an increase of DNA injury. Significant differences (P < 0.05) in cytotoxicity provoked by all powders tested of glass ionomer cements were observed for exposure at 1000 mu g/mL concentration. With respect to liquids of glass ionomer cements evaluated, the major toxic effect on cell viability was produced at 10%, beginning at the dilution of 0.5% for Vitrebond. Taken together, we conclude that some components of glass ionomer cements show both genotoxic and cytotoxic effects.
Glass-ionomer cements are widely used in dentistry as restorative materials and adhesives for composite restorations. A number of genotoxicity studies have been conducted using these materials with results conflicting so far. Thus, the approach was aimed to look at the genotoxic and cytotoxic potential of three different glass-ionomer cements available commercially (Ketac Cem, Ketac Molar and Vitrebond) by the single cell gel (comet) assay and trypan blue exclusion test, respectively. For this, such materials were exposed to mouse lymphoma cells in vitro for 1 h at 37 degrees C. Data were assessed by Kruskall-Wallis non-parametric test. The results showed that all powders assayed did not show genotoxic effects. on the other hand, the liquid from Vitrebond at 0.1% dilution caused an increase of DNA injury. Significant statistically differences (P < 0.05) in cytotoxicity provoked by all powders tested were observed for exposure at 1000 mu g mL(-1) concentration and 100 mu g mL(-1) for Ketac Molar. With respect to liquids of glass-ionomer cements evaluated, the major toxic effect on cell viability was produced at 1%, beginning at the dilution of 0.5% for Vitrebond. Taken together, these results support the notion that some components of glass-ionomer cements show both genotoxic and cytotoxic effects in higher concentrations.
This article describes an alternative surgical approach to the harvesting of subepithelial connective tissue grafts from thin palates. A partial-thickness flap is raised, and a graft composed of epithelium and connective tissue is removed from the palate. The superficial layer ( epithelium and a thin zone of connective tissue) is then dissected from the graft and replaced at the donor site to facilitate faster healing. The subjacent layer of connective tissue is placed as needed to obtain root coverage. The clinical application of this technique is described in two patients with multiple gingival recessions.
Background: the purpose of this study was to histomorphometrically evaluate the response of periodontal tissues covering Class V resin restorations in dogs.Methods: After raising a mucoperiosteal flap, bony defects measuring 5 x 5 mm were created on the buccal aspect of the canines of five dogs followed by cavity preparations on the root surface measuring 3 x 3 x 1 mm. Before repositioning the flap to cover the bone defect, the cavities were restored with composite resin (CR) or resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) or were left unrestored as control (C). The dogs were euthanized 90 days after surgery. Specimens comprising the tooth and periodontal tissues were removed, processed routinely, cut into longitudinal serial sections in the bucco-lingual direction, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) or Masson's trichrome. The most central sections were selected for histomorphometric analysis.Results: Histomorphometric analysis revealed apical migration of epithelial tissue onto the restorative materials (RMGIC and CR). The C group presented significantly longer connective tissue attachment (P < 0.05) than the RMGIC and CR groups and significantly higher bone regeneration (P < 0.05) compared to the RMGIC group. Histologically, the cervical third (CT) of all groups had the most marked chronic inflammatory infiltrate.Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that the restorative materials used exhibit biocompatibility; however, both materials interfered with the development of new bone and the connective tissue attachment process.
Os cimentos ionoméricos representam importante opção de material restaurador em Odontologia e sua adesão à estrutura dental, diminuindo a infiltração marginal, somada à liberação de flúor, inibindo o metabolismo de microrganismos acidogênicos e favorecendo a remineralização dental, podem diminuir a ocorrência de cárie secundária. A aplicação tópica de géis acidulados ou neutros contendo flúor tem sido largamente utilizada em Odontologia. No entanto, este procedimento pode afetar a integridade dos materiais restauradores, aumentando sua rugosidade e a retenção de placa bacteriana. Dessa forma, o presente estudo avaliou o período de tempo no qual o cimento ionomérico Vitremer mantém sua capacidade inibitória sobre Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 e a adesão dos mesmos sobre a superfície do material, bem como a influência da aplicação tópica de flúor acidulado e neutro sobre esses parâmetros microbiológicos e as características superficiais daquele material. Verificou-se que a atividade antimicrobiana do cimento ionomérico Vitremer se mantém por aproximadamente quatro dias e não é recuperada com o uso de flúor gel acidulado ou neutro. Observou-se, também, que Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 adere ao material restaurador testado sendo que a aplicação tópica de flúor não influenciou esta adesão. As características superficiais desses materiais não se alteraram com a aplicação dos géis.
This case report describes a technique that uses a palatal mucosal graft and an acrylic resin postoperative stent in an attempt to increase the layer of keratinized tissue around osseointegrated implants in an atrophic mandible. During second-stage surgery a split-thickness labial flap is reflected and apically repositioned by being sutured onto the periosteum and connective tissue. A palatal mucosal graft is then sutured onto the recipient site. The stent is worn for at least 4 weeks following surgery. This procedure helps to eliminate mobility of the mucosa in the area, deepen the vestibule, and prevent muscle reinsertion. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2008;28:617-623.)
\ The biologic width is an essential dental space that always needs to be maintained to ensure periodontal health in any dental prosthetic restorations. An iatrogenic partial fixed prosthesis constructed in lower posterior teeth predisposed the development of subgingival caries, which induced violation of the biologic width in involved teeth, resulting in an uncontrolled inflammatory process and periodontal tissue destruction. This clinical report describes a periodontal surgical technique to recover a violated biologic width in lower posterior teeth, by crown lengthening procedure associated with free gingival graft procedure, to ensure the possibility to place a modified partial fixed prosthesis in treated area. The procedure applied to recover the biologic width was crown lengthening with some modifications, associated with modified partial fixed prosthesis to achieve health in treated area. The modified techniques in both surgical and prosthetic procedures were applied to compensate the contraindications to recover biologic width by osteotomy in lower posterior teeth. The result, after 4 years under periodic control, seems to achieve the projected goal. Treating a dental diseased area is necessary to diagnose, eliminate, or control all etiologic factors involved in the process. When the traditional methods are not effective to recover destructed tissues, an alternative, compensatory, and adaptive procedure may be applied to restore the sequelae of the disease, applying a restorative method that respects the biology of involved tissues.
Foi avaliada a resistência de união entre dentes e base de dentadura, ambos de resina acrílica. Os dentes foram incluídos em blocos cilíndricos de resina e, posteriormente, torneados, para se obterem cilindros de 5mm de diâmetro. Sobre a extremidade do dente, era adaptado um padrão de cera de mesmo diâmetro, que, após inclusão na mufla, era substituído por resina acrílica termicamente ativada pelo método de processamento convencional de base de dentadura. Como variáveis, usaram-se duas marcas de dentes, duas fases de inclusão (plástica e borrachóide) e aplicação ou não de detergente e monômero sobre os dentes. Os corpos-de-prova, antes dos ensaios de ruptura por tração, foram armazenados em água destilada, a 37ºC, por 2 semanas. Os resultados mostraram que: marca de dente e fase de condensação não influíram nos resultados; somente o uso de detergente ou de monômero aumenta a retentividade e o seu uso conjunto apresenta efeito acumulativo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Bond failures at the acrylic teeth and denture base resin interface are still a common clinical problem in prosthodontics. The effect of methyl methacrylate (MMA) monomer on the bond strength of three types of denture base resins (Acron MC, Lucitone 550 and QC-20) to two types of acrylic teeth (Biotone and Trilux) was evaluated. Twenty specimens were produced for each denture base resin/acrylic tooth combination and were randomly divided into control (acrylic teeth received no surface treatment) and experimental groups (MMA was applied to the surface of the acrylic teeth for 180 s) and were submitted to shear tests (1 mm/mm). Data (MPa) were analyzed using three-way ANOVA/Student's test (alpha = 0.05). MMA increased the bond strength of Lucitone denture base resins and decreased the bond strength of QC-20. No difference was detected for the bond strength of Acron MC base resin after treatment with MMA. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aims of this in vivo study were to compare the effectiveness and color stability of at-home and in-office bleaching techniques and to evaluate whether the use of light sources can alter bleaching results. According to preestablished criteria, 40 patients were selected and randomly divided into four groups according to bleaching treatment: (1) at-home bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide, (2) in-office bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP) without a light source, (3) in-office bleaching with 35% HP with quartz-tungsten-halogen light, and (4) in-office bleaching with 35% HP with a light-emitting diode/laser. Tooth shade was evaluated using the VITA Classical Shade Guide before bleaching as well as after the first and third weeks of bleaching. Tooth shade was evaluated again using the same guide 1 and 6 months after the completion of treatment. The shade guide was arranged to yield scores that were used for statistical comparison. Statistical analysis using the Kruskal-Wallis test showed no significant differences among the groups for any time point (P > .01). There was no color rebound in any of the groups. The bleaching techniques tested were equally effective. Light sources are unnecessary to bleach teeth. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2012;32:303-309.)
The cementation procedure of metal-free fixed partial dentures exhibits special characteristics about the porcelains and cementation agents, which turns the correct association between these materials necessary. Our purpose in this literature review was to point the main groups of cements associated to metal-free restoration and discuss about the advantages, disadvantages, and recommendations of each one. Our search was confined to the electronic databases PubMed and SciELO and to books about this matter. There are essentially 3 types of hard cement: conventional, resin, or a hybrid of the two. The metal-free restorations can be fixed with conventional or resin cements. The right choice of luting material is of vital importance to the longevity of dental restorative materials. Conventional cements are advantageous when good compressive straight, good film thickness, and water dissolution resistance are necessary. However, they need an ideal preparation, and they are not acid dissolution resistant. Conventional cements are indicated to porcelains that cannot be acid etched. Resin cements represent the choice to metal-free restoration cementation because they present better physical properties and aesthetic than conventional agents.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)