950 resultados para Policy actions
This paper estimates a standard version of the New Keynesian Monetary (NKM) model augmented with financial variables in order to analyze the relative importance of stock market returns and term spread in the estimated U.S. monetary policy rule. The estimation procedure implemented is a classical structural method based on the indirect inference principle. The empirical results show that the Fed seems to respond to the macroeconomic outlook and to the stock market return but does not seem to respond to the term spread. Moreover, policy inertia and persistent policy shocks are also significant features of the estimated policy rule.
Published as an article in: Spanish Economic Review, 2008, vol. 10, issue 4, pages 251-277.
The Comovement between Monetary and Fiscal Policy Instruments during the Post-War Period in the U.S.
This paper empirically studies the dynamic relationship between monetary and fiscal policies by analyzing the comovements between the Fed funds rate and the primary deficit/output ratio. Simple economic thinking establishes that a negative correlation between Fed rate and deficit arises whenever the two policy authorities share a common stabilization objective. However, when budget balancing concerns lead to a drastic deficit reduction the Fed may reduce the Fed rate in order to smooth the impact of fiscal policy, which results in a positive correlation between these two policy instruments. The empirical results show (i) a significant negative comovement between Fed rate and deficit and (ii) that deficit and output gap Granger-cause the Fed funds rate during the post-Volcker era, but the opposite is not true.
This paper analyzes the consequences of the interaction between two different levels of government (regulators) in the development of housing policy when their decisions determine the level of competition in the housing market. The analysis discusses the implications derived from a lack of coordination between a local regulator who controls the supply of land for housing development and a central regulator who decides on housing subsidies. The results suggest that lack of coordination has significant effects on prices and supply of houses, housing developers’ profits, and buyers’ surplus.
The aim of this paper is to analyze how active R&D policies affect the growth rate of an economy with endogenous growth and non-renewable resources. We know from Scholz and Ziemens (1999) and Groth (2006) that in infinitely lived agents (ILA) economies, any active R&D policy increases the growth rate of the economy. To see if this result also appears in economies with finite lifetime agents, we developed an endogenous growth overlapping generations (OLG) economy à la Diamond which uses non-renewable resources as essential inputs in final good’s production. We show analytically that any R&D policy that reduces the use of natural resources implies a raise in the growth rate of the economy. Numerically we show that in economies with low intertemporal elasticity of substitution (IES), active R&D policies lead the economy to increase the depletion of non-renewable resources. Nevertheless, we find that active R&D policies always imply increases in the endogenous growth rate, in both scenarios. Furthermore, when the IES coefficient is lower (greater) than one, active R&D policies affect the growth rate of the economy in the ILA more (less) than in OLG economies.
This paper investigates optimal fiscal policy in a static multisector model. A Ramsey type planner chooses tax rates on each good type as well as spending levels on each good type subject to an exogenous total expenditure constraint and requirements that some minimum amount of spending be undertaken in each sector. It is shown that optimal policy does not equally spend in each sector but instead results in one of the minimum expenditure constraints binding.
This paper investigates the exploitation of environmental resources in a growing economy within a second-best scal policy framework. Agents derive utility from two types of consumption goods one which relies on an environmental input and one which does not as well as from leisure and from environmental amenity values. Property rights for the environmental resource are potentially incomplete. We connect second best policy to essential components of utility by considering the elasticity of substitution among each of the four utility arguments. The results illustrate potentially important relationships between environmental amentity values and leisure. When amenity values are complementary with leisure, for instance when environmental amenities are used for recreation, taxes on extractive goods generally increase over time. On the other hand, optimal taxes on extractive goods generally decrease over time when leisure and environmental amenity values are substitutes. Unders some parameterizations, complex dynamics leading to nonmonotonic time paths for the state variables can emerge.
Descreve o atual panorama normativo para as cotas raciais no Brasil. Os resultados indicaram que a ausência de uma norma federal implicou na baixa adesão ao sistema de cotas, o que é ratificado pelo insignificante número de Instituições Públicas de Ensino Superior - IPES que adotaram norma de cota racial - apenas 17,79%. Verificou-se, ainda, que essa ausência cria lacunas na adoção de diretrizes nacionais para a interpretação e a compreensão das ações afirmativas. Tais lacunas refletem diretamente no ciclo da política pública, comprometendo a avaliação e o acompanhamento da efetividade e do sucesso da política, o que é extremamente perigoso para a segurança jurídica na área de direitos humanos e para a garantia da equidade de fato nos espaços político, econômico e sociais.
We evaluate the management of the Northern Stock of Hake during 1986-2001. A stochastic bioeconomic model is calibrated to match the main features of this fishing ground. We show how catches, biomass stock and profits would have been if the optimal Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) consistent with the target biomass implied by the Fischler’s Recovery Plan had been implemented. The main finding are: i) an optimal CFP would have generated profits of more than 667 millions euros, ii) if side-payments are allowed (implemented by ITQ’s, for example) these profits increase 26%.
Apresenta e discute os dados obtidos em uma pesquisa sobre a participação da mulher na política brasileira a partir da Lei de Cotas. Estuda a questão das cotas como ação afirmativa e a sua votação no legislativo brasileiro como resultado de discussões e embates nacionais e internacionais que constataram a falta ou a pouca participação da mulher na política. Aborda a conquista da cidadania feminina, a dívida da sociedade para com elas e a conquista do voto feminino no Brasil. Apresenta a trajetória do feminismo brasileiro na ditadura militar, destacando-o como um movimento de caráter mais político, que lutava contra o regime ditatorial.
Published as an article in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 2003, vol. 50, issue 6, pages 1311-1331.
Published as an article in: Topics in Macroeconomics, 2005, vol. 5, issue 1, article 17.
Addendum publicado en Cuadernos de Gestión 2(1): 113-113 (2002), disponible en ADDI: http://hdl.handle.net/10810/7030
The purpose of the workshop was to enable professionals and organizations working with fishing communities in response to HIV and AIDS in Africa to share experiences, appraise the efficacy of their approaches and identify actions in research and development that will further improve their impact. The workshop pursued and achieved the following objectives: 1)Review and compare research findings and approaches applied in response to HIV and AIDS in fishing communities and the wider fishery sector. 2)Identify good practice examples for wider application. 3)Identify next steps in development and research to scale up these examples. 4)Initiate a network of practitioners in Africa for capacity building, scaling-up and further development of approaches. The range of papers presented at the conference reveals the diversity of responses to HIV and AIDS in the fishery sector at all levels. The papers discussed a range of issues within this broad remit, from community level impacts of disease to policy implementation, from spatial mapping to theatre as a mode of communication. (Document contains 92 pages)