978 resultados para Poéticas


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En estas páginas haremos un rastreo de los orígenes, los cambios y las mutaciones del personaje y su historia hasta el modo en que lo conocimos y lo adoptamos como universal y nuestro a través de numerosos y diversos medios, como el cine, la televisión, el comic, el merchandising (por qué no), y los libros, por supuesto; pero también veremos que este niño que no quiere crecer ya nació volátil, inaprehensible, en la mente de J. M. Barrie, quien lo imaginó literario, teatral, cinematográfico, visual. ¿Quién es Peter Pan? ¿Qué imagen, idea, frase, se nos aparece apenas oímos ese nombre? ¿Será el pequeño bebé desnudo que habita los jardines de Kensington, los recorre montado en una cabra y actúa como orquesta de las hadas con la música de su flauta; o ese que se lleva a los hermanitos Darling a Nunca Jamás? ¿O será ese otro que viste de verde, como si fuera un Robin Hood niño, que todos, sin excepción, hemos visto alguna vez en la película de Disney, y/o en remeras, tazas, álbumes de figuritas, cuadernos, y un largo etcétera?


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A opressão e a resistência são um fio condutor dos Salmos de peregrinação, o grupo que vai do Salmo 120 até o 134. O distintivo situa-se nas formas variadas com que estas categorias são apresentadas. Este conjunto de salmos impressiona pela maneira simples e direita de dizer as coisas, sem deixar de ser profunda. A partir da análise, observamos que a opressão e a resistência surgem em variadas formas, deixando transparecer que não se trata de falar delas em sentido geral, pois envolvem diferentes formas e facetas que se entrecruzam, sendo manifestas por meio de relações de gênero, classe e raça/etnia. O objetivo desta tese é provar que a partir dos movimentos dos corpos, suas falas e suas memórias é possível apontar para práticas de relacionamentos sociais, econômicos, políticos ou religiosos, marcadas por relações de gênero, raça/etnia, classe, que não se vinculam aos interesses de sistemas institucionais. Mas surgem da interação entre experiências de opressão e resistência e se colocam como alternativas de vida. Cada salmo traz marcas de um contexto particular que se junta às particularidades do outro até revelar um único contexto e nessa dinâmica possibilitar o conjunto. Através das estruturas, formas literárias e dos conteúdos, aponta-se para a centralidade do corpo como sendo fator hermenêutico ativo que, com seu movimento, sua fala, suas memórias, mostra situações de opressão e busca por prazer. O estudo literário e os conteúdos são determinantes, tanto para a estrutura do conjunto, dividida em três grandes partes (Sl 120-122; 123-129 e 130-134), para a tematização do desenvolvimento do conjunto, quanto para a credibilidade da proposta histórica de opressão e resistência apresentada. Constata-se que a vida religiosa aparece integrada à vida social e política da qual constitui um aspecto se bem que existe mais de uma experiência religiosa, inter-relacionada. Estas experiências revelam que as visitas ao templo de Jerusalém não só eram para cumprir com os costumes religiosos, daquela época, mas principalmente, pelo interesse que peregrinos e peregrinas tinham no cotidiano de suas vidas, seus trabalhos, suas necessidades. Elas e eles souberam fazer a articulação entre a festa e a práxis. Assim, o conjunto de salmos torna-se ponte para o diálogo que revela outras vozes e outras maneiras de identificar opressão e resistência. Não para fugir ou acomodar-se, senão reconhecendo a opressão, superando-a na criatividade e na esperança. O estudo desenvolve-se em quatro capítulos. No primeiro, enfatiza-se que os textos estão entre teologia e literatura, especificamente em serem textos poéticos. A partir daí levanta-se o estado atual do estudo sobre este conjunto de salmos e aponta-se ao contexto histórico ao qual estão relacionados estes salmos. No segundo, realiza-se a análise das estruturas poéticas, até entenderque o conjunto de salmo está relacionado como um todo. No terceiro e quarto, pelos resultados do segundo, destacam-se os principais temas que de forma indiciária levam-nos à demonstração da hipótese.


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This dissertation, called “The gauche (O gauche): the poetry of crossing between Renato Russo and Carlos Drummond de Andrade”, discusses on the problematic subjection of the gauche which brings Drummond’s poetry into Renato Russo’s singularizing one, emphasizing such subjection and seeking to find the tension which dwells between both, pointing out at the poet and the songwriter the dislocations, the non-territorial process and the repetition of the difference. Thus, the act, the esthetics and the policy of writing do move from a textual, inter-textual character to a range of references, perceptions, dislocations, establishing within those spaces, elements residing in poetical cartographies which relate both writers on this rizomatic crossing for the writing of both is bound by desire and minorities. To do so, we chose, as research basis, authors such as Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Félix Guattari, Jacques Ranciére, Michel Foucault, Maurice Blanchot, Julia Kristeva, Linda Hutcheon, among others who can wander through the established relations of this work.Thus, it constitutes the theoretical and discussion corpus responding to the qualitative implicit requirements of this dissertation. The literary body of this research has a selection of lyrics by Renato Russo and poems by Carlos Drummond presented as subjectivity corpus embracing ideas, affects, perceptions and images


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Throughout our history as an actor, director and teacher, we appreciate comedic performances they proposed a dialogue with the public through the body language of the performers whose performances abdicate the use of speech of the actors. This way of representing, in the silence of the stage, caught our attention and sparked our curiosity about the subject, which is directly related to the poetic constructions of the body on the scene. Before initial readings on the subject, we begin to understand that for a long time in human history, especially in the West, understanding body was constructed from various epistemological looks disregarded the body as a unit, an incarnation of the subject in all . This kind of thinking, reflecting the philosophy of modernity, reverberated strongly about the aesthetic issues of art making, here specifically in Theatre. For several centuries the theatrical make up molded from various aesthetic elements, but ignoring the potential of embodiment of the artist, ie the theatrical text, for example, was considered for a long time, as the main element of the scene and gave little emphasis on dramaturgy elaborate body. With the emergence of reflections on the subject, brought especially from the early twentieth century, the perception of the body as a creative element and creator, also began to gain ground. Over time artistic practices began to glimpse the creative possibilities of the body, including rethinking its relationship with the text written with the spoken word. And as part of these new reflections on the body in the creation process, we proposed this research, we have entitled "A poetics of non-verbal body: a look at the comic on the scene." In our research on this subject, also seek to understand how the corporeality of the actor may give us clues to realize / build nonverbal body and comical scene. From this perspective we can analyze how could the construction of a comical and non-verbal dramaturgy from the phenomenology of laughter. And with that look, we want to point out some aspects and procedures, arising from reflections on corporeality and comedy, that constitute, among other possible, non-verbal construction methodology scenic.


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In the context of poetic productions of modernity and postmodernity (Hutcheon, 1999), this paper, from the concept of nomadism (Deleuze, 2012), together with the philosopher Derrida's notion of writing (2009), has the objective to study Harmada the novel (1993), written by artist Joao Gilberto Noll, the aspect of Nolliana nomadic scripture and boredom towards deconstruction of the Romanesque style. The narrative focus on introducing a transit fiction, promoted by nomadisms scripture of the wandering narrator who, in the work constitution, will the conduct of language, a plot that invades the body of the characters full of boredom and foreigners themselves, moving in fragmented and fluid spatiality of narrating. In this perspective, the research is limited with theoretical and methodological foundation in poststructuralist discussions in relation to considerations of literary aesthetics and concerning the thinkers-teóricos- critics: Derrida (2009), Deleuze (1995), Foucault (1996, 2001), Barthes (1977), Svendsen (2006). Against the background of critical understanding, the nomadic writing Harmada interlace in three stages: first, in the author's language; Second, the characters, the narrator-protagonist leading, unnamed, living overwhelming crises and painful existential ambiguity, placed through the artist's metaphor failed under the sign of "missing" while searching for other possible artistic ways of being in the world; and, finally, the nomadic reading instance as presentification effect (GUMBRECHT, 2010) for a reader experimentation. Finally, our work addresses the relationship between the nomadic scripture and the experience of boredom as a strategic power in the literature do Noll gear.


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This thesis presents a research that links cultural history and visual culture in a sociobiographical approach. It gives a “political treatment” to the educational experience in the transition of art teaching from the modern to the postmodern. By taking into account my experiences as an educator and the poetic practice in Daniel Francisco de Souza’s visual art, I propose a dialogue with his art and a series of visual narratives this artist/student produced at the time of his education and recently. Such visual narratives were taken as research source and research subject. They were created in a rural setting in dialogue with formal art teaching in two phases: 1992–6, when Daniel Fran cisco attended elementary school in the rural area of Uberlândia, MG; and 2008–10, when he attended Visual Arts graduation at Federal University of Uberlândia city. I analyze historical processes related to art and teaching, from the early sixteenth century to the present times, to realize residues in students’ poetic experiences. I relate Brazilian educational public policies with experi- ences in that rural school. I try to show the extent to which our educational practices triggered experiences — from ones common to intense ones — and promoted forms of “emancipation-knowledge” or “regulation-knowledge” and how the “selective tradition” was and how art predetermined history images gave way to everyday visual references, pointing to the “broad field” of visual culture. I make an effort to show Daniel Francisco’s work as an adult by tak- ing it according to different approaches. In a poetic reading, first, I emphasixe the material and the symbolic in his art. In a second look, I approach his work through the intertwining experiences of three characters from different times and places that participated in the making of his art: the artist farmer, the artist teacher and the teacher researcher. I assume the existence of a mutual cultural incompleteness in these three characters; which means that parts of their “structures of feeling” built on the interrelationship among them are part of the artist’ work as a historical content decanted. Thirdly, I demonstrate how the artist sees his place as a key re ference to his poetic creation. His work does not reflect the rural bucolic as something untouched. In showing the difficulty in distinguishing the archaic residual, I identify emerging issues in his work. I conclude that the artist — Daniel Francisco — and the researcher — myself — present maverick features: both are scavengers; their productions approach the working with scraps in art and in the academy; even momentarily, they live in exile in the warmth of the borders or the edges, from where one sees the center clearly. In these spaces, when certain structures and normative codes enter into coalition, they fragment pre-established strategies and stimulate the creation of survival tactics.


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El poeta nicaragüense Rubén Darío fue uno de los principales representantes del modernismo y uno de los escritores que han tenido mayor influencia en la literatura en lengua española de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Su archivo personal, formado por más de 5.000 documentos, reúne materiales producidos entre los años 1893-1923 relativos a su actividad diplomática, a la literaria y a su vida personal. La tipología documental es muy variada: borradores, fotografías, cartas, notas manuscritas, postales, tarjetas de visita, testamentos, telegramas, recortes de prensa, oficios, facturas, menús, etc. Entre todos ellos podemos destacar el "cuaderno de hule negro" que contiene poemas autógrafos de Darío, dibujos infantiles y otros escritos relativos a su ámbito familiar más íntimo. Está inventariado dentro del Archivo con el nº 540, carpeta 6. Se trata de un cuaderno escolar, con tapas de hule, que llevó consigo Rubén Darío durante su viaje a Nicaragua de 1907 a 1908 y que trajo de regreso a España. Tanto las tapas de hule como las páginas acusan la acción del tiempo, así como la huella de otros usos, como el de servir de cuaderno de dibujo para su hijo Rubén Darío Sánchez "Güicho", ya de vuelta en el hogar, apreciándose dibujos infantiles, rayas y garabatos a lápiz en casi todas las páginas, incluso en la que contienen autógrafos de Darío. Faltan cuatro hojas al principio y las páginas han sido numeradas a posteriori. Las primeras 38 contienen una serie de composiciones poéticas autógrafas, completas e incompletas de Rubén, varios poemas editados, algunos de ellos con variantes entre las versiones autógrafas y las versiones impresas, tratándose de los primeros originales, y varios poemas y cinco estrofas de un poema inéditos. Destacan el "Poema de otoño" (páginas 1-11), incompleto, y el manuscrito original del poema "Canción otoñal" (páginas 13-14). Abriendo el cuaderno por el final (páginas 41-59) se observan páginas copiadas por Francisca Sánchez, en letra irregular, probablemente de un capítulo de la novela inédita de Darío "La isla del oro". Francisca fue la compañera del poeta desde 1899 y a ella la enseñaron a escribir el propio Darío y Amado Nervo. En la página 40 del cuaderno se observa una curiosa anotación de puño y letra de Darío con claves telegráficas para comunicarse Rubén y Francisca. Tras el fallecimiento de Rubén en 1916, Francisca Sánchez custodió el conjunto documental en un baúl en su hogar de Navalsaúz (Ávila) hasta 1956, cuando decidió donarlo al Ministerio Español de Educación Nacional. El archivo permaneció en la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid hasta 2008. En esta fecha ingresó en la Biblioteca Histórica de la UCM, institución que alberga y da servicio público del Archivo actualmente


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Fil: Abel, Santiago. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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