944 resultados para Plug-filling


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The severity of left ventricular (LV) dysfunction in rats with myocardial infarction (MI) varies widely. Because homogeneity in baseline parameters is essential for experimental investigations, a study was conducted to establish whether Doppler echocardiography (DE) could accurately identify animals with high LV end-diastolic pressure as a marker of LV dysfunction soon after MI. Direct measurements of LV end-diastolic pressure were made and DE was performed simultaneously 1 week after surgically induced MI (N = 16) or sham-operation (N = 17) in female Wistar rats (200 to 250 g). The ratio of peak early (E) to late (A) diastolic LV filling velocities and the ratio of E velocity to peak early (Em) diastolic myocardial velocity were the best predictors of high LV end-diastolic pressure (>12 mmHg) soon after MI. Cut-off values of 1.77 for the E/A ratio (P = 0.001) identified rats with elevated LV end-diastolic pressure with 90% sensitivity and 80% specificity. Cut-off values of 20.4 for the E/Em ratio (P = 0.0001) identified rats with elevated LV end-diastolic pressure with 81.8% sensitivity and 80% specificity. Moreover, E/A and E/Em ratios were the only echocardiographic parameters independently associated with LV end-diastolic pressure in multiple linear regression analysis. Therefore, DE identifies rats with high LV end-diastolic pressure soon after MI. These findings have implications for using serial DE in animal selection and in the assessment of their response to experimental therapies.


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Current therapy for pancreatic cancer is multimodal, involving surgery and chemotherapy. However, development of pancreatic cancer therapies requires a thorough evaluation of drug efficacy in vitro before animal testing and subsequent clinical trials. Compared to two-dimensional culture of cell monolayer, three-dimensional (3-D) models more closely mimic native tissues, since the tumor microenvironment established in 3-D models often plays a significant role in cancer progression and cellular responses to the drugs. Accumulating evidence has highlighted the benefits of 3-D in vitro models of various cancers. In the present study, we have developed a spheroid-based, 3-D culture of pancreatic cancer cell lines MIAPaCa-2 and PANC-1 for pancreatic drug testing, using the acid phosphatase assay. Drug efficacy testing showed that spheroids had much higher drug resistance than monolayers. This model, which is characteristically reproducible and easy and offers rapid handling, is the preferred choice for filling the gap between monolayer cell cultures and in vivo models in the process of drug development and testing for pancreatic cancer.


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Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) apples from Pacajus, Ceará State, Brazil, were processed into high pulp content juice. The juice was packed either by hot fill or an aseptic process and evaluated for physical, physical-chemical, and sensorial changes during a 12-month storage period at room temperature. The results indicated that pH, soluble solids, total acidity, total sugar content and color did not change significantly during storage nor were affected by the type of filling. The sensorial analysis showed that juice acceptance remained high throughout the storage period regardless of the filling system. Differences in juice viscosity persisted between both processes.


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Vuoden 2013 sähkömarkkinalain uudistuksen myötä verkonhaltijoiden tulee varautua suurhäiriötilanteisiin aiempaa tehokkaammin. Lain toimitusvarmuusvaatimusten täyttäminen vaatii sähköverkkoyhtiöiltä entistä suurempia investointimääriä nopeassa aikataulussa. Caruna Oy investoi vuosittain noin 100 miljoonaa euroa säävarman verkon kehittämiseen ja rakentamiseen. Eltel Networks Oy toimii Carunan pääurakoitsijana useissa saneerausprojekteissa muun muassa Satakunnan ja Lounais-Suomen alueilla. Diplomityö tehtiin Eltel Networks Oy:lle ja tavoitteena oli laatia saneeraussuunnitelma Carunan Vahdon keskustan sähkönjakeluverkkoon sekä kehittää Eltelin suunnitteluprosessia Vahdon case-projektin avulla. Nykyverkon ongelmakohdiksi osoittautuivat käyttöikänsä päähän tulleet tai lähivuosina tulevat verkkokomponentit, verkon alhainen nykykäyttöarvo sekä korkeat keskeytyskustannukset. Suunnitellun verkon nykykäyttöarvo yli kaksinkertaistui nykyverkon arvosta, verkon keski-ikä pieneni seitsemällä vuodella ja keskeytyskustannukset pienenivät yli puolella. Case-projektin aikana suunnitteluprosessissa ilmeni useita kehityskohteita. Esimerkiksi kartta-aineistoja ja ilmakuvia kannattaisi hyödyntää monipuolisemmin suunnittelussa ja ohjemuutosten täytäntöönpanoajankohta tulisi määrittää ohjeen tärkeyden mukaan. Vierekkäisille suunnitteluprojekteille kannattaa hakea jatkossa esimerkiksi yhteiset ELY- ja AVI-luvat erillisten lupahakemusten sijaan, koska se vähentää suunnittelijoiden työmäärää ja nopeuttaa hakuprosessia. Suunnittelijoiden yhteistyötä kannattaa laajentaa niin lupahakemusten, sopimusten laadinnan kuin koko prosessin kattavaksi, koska yhteistyö vähentää virheiden määrää ja nopeuttaa suunnitteluprosessia. Yhteistyöllä suunnittelu voidaan toteuttaa nopeammin laadusta tinkimättä.


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Fiber-reinforced composite fixed dental prostheses – Studies of the materials used as pontics University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry, Department of Biomaterials Science, Finnish Doctoral Program in Oral Sciences – FINDOS, Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Turku, Finland 2015 Fiber-reinforced composites (FRC), a non-metallic biomaterial, represent a suitable alternative in prosthetic dentistry when used as a component of fixed dental prostheses (FDPs). Some drawbacks have been identified in the clinical performance of FRC restorations, such as delamination of the veneering material and fracture of the pontic. Therefore, the current series of studies were performed to investigate the possibilities of enhancing the mechanical and physical properties of FRC FDPs by improving the materials used as pontics, to then heighten their longevity. Four experiments showed the importance of the pontic design and surface treatment in the performance of FRC FDPs. In the first, the load-bearing capacities of inlay-retained FRC FDPs with pontics of various materials and thicknesses were evaluated. Three different pontic materials were assessed with different FRC framework vertical positioning. Thicker pontics showed increased load-bearing capacities, especially ceramic pontics. A second study was completed investigating the influence of the chemical conditioning of the ridge-lap surface of acrylic resin denture teeth on their bonding to a composite resin. Increased shear bond strength demonstrated the positive influence of the pretreatment of the acrylic surfaces, indicating dissolution of the denture surfaces, and suggesting potential penetration of the monomer systems into the surface of denture teeth. A third study analyzed the penetration depth of different monomer systems on the acrylic resin denture teeth surfaces. The possibility of establishing a durable bond between acrylic pontics and FRC frameworks was demonstrated by the ability of monomers to penetrate the surface of acrylic resin denture teeth, measured by a confocal scanning type microscope. A fourth study was designed to evaluate the load-bearing capacities of FRC FDPs using the findings of the previous three studies. In this case, the performance of pre-shaped acrylic resin denture teeth used as pontics with different composite resins as filling materials was evaluated. The filling material influenced the load-bearing capacities, providing more durable FRC FDPs. It can be concluded that the mechanical and physical properties of FRC FDPs can be improved as has been shown in the development of this thesis. The improvements reported then might provide long lasting prosthetic solutions of this kind, positioning them as potentially permanent rehabilitation treatments. Key words: fiber-reinforced composite, fixed dental prostheses, inlay-retained bridges, adhesion, acrylic resin denture teeth, dental material.


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Pelillistetyissä järjestelmissä saavutetut pisteet ja muut saavutukset näkyvät yleensä vain kyseisessä palvelussa. Edward Decin ja Richard Ryanin teorian mukaan on tärkeää, että käyttäjä pystyy jakamaan saavutetun maineensa ystävilleen. Viestintäjärjestelmän suosiota, vertaisviestintää ja pelillistämistä pyrittiin parantamaan mahdollistamalla sen profiilin jakaminen sosiaalisessa mediassa käyttäjän ystäville, jotka eivät ole rekisteröityneet kyseiseen viestintäjärjestelmään. Tätä varten toteutettiin liitännäinen, joka mahdollistaa profiilin jakamisen Facebookissa yhdellä klikkauksella. Toteutetun liitännäisen avulla käyttäjä voi jakaa profiilinsa Facebookissa, jonka lisäksi se on helppokäyttöinen ja muokattavissa pääkäyttäjän toimesta. Suurimmaksi ongelmaksi liitännäisen kehityksessä osoittautui Facebookin vielä kehityksessä olevat kirjastot, jota käytetään yhteyden muodostamiseen. Liitännäisen julkaisu vaatisi laajempaa testausta sen yleisen toiminnallisuuden ja käytettävyyden suhteen.


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Chocolate is the most popular product made from cocoa. It is mainly consumed with fillings, such as fondant, hydrogenated fat or fruits. This work aimed at assessing the sensory acceptability of chocolate filled with strawberry, orange or passion fruit pulps, mixed in fondant, in a hydrogenated fat base and as truffles. Ninety four consumers participated in the test using a 10 cm hedonic scale to rate the overall liking of the samples. Two-way analysis of variance and the Internal Preference Mapping technique were used to analyze the data. Results showed a good overall liking for almost all samples, especially for strawberry and passion fruit truffles, which obtained 8.4 and 8.8 global means, respectively (p < 0.05), in liking ratings, followed by the hydrogenated fat and fondant fillings. The Internal Preference Map presented two dimensions explaining 72.5% of the variation found. Regarding the flavors, strawberry - traditional in chocolate and confectionary in Brazil - and passion fruit obtained better acceptance, unlike the orange fillings, which showed significantly lower ratings (p < 0.05). The orange fondant filling obtained a global mean of 6.5.


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Syrups with high sugar content and dehydrated fruits in its composition can be added to chocolate fillings to reduce the need of artificial flavor and dyes attributing a natural appeal to the product. Fruit bases were produced with lyophilized strawberry, passion fruit, and sliced orange peel. Rheological dynamic oscillatory tests were applied to determine the products stability and tendency of shelf life. Values of G´< G´´ were observed for strawberry and passion fruit flavor, whereas values of G´ > G´´ were found for orange flavor during the 90 days of storage. It was observed that shear stress values did not vary significantly suggesting product stability during the studied period. For all fillings, it was found a behavior similar to the fruit base indicating that it has great influence on the filling behavior and its stability. The use of a sugar matrix in fillings provided good shelf life for the fruit base, which could be kept under room temperature conditions for a period as long as one year. The good stability and storage conditions allow the use of fruit base for handmade products as well as for industrialized products.


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Sähkömarkkinalakimuutokset ovat ohjanneet useita verkkoyhtiötä muuttamaan investoin-tistrategioitaan. Kiristyneet toimitusvarmuusvaatimukset edellyttävät useilta verkkoyh-tiöiltä aiempaa suurempaa panostusta jakeluverkon kehittämiseksi. Toimitusvarmuusvaa-timusten täyttäminen edellyttää myös merkittäviä muutoksia verkkoyhtiöiden käyttämiin verkostotekniikoihin. Suurhäiriöille alttiita ilmajohtoja muutetaan verkkoyhtiöissä totuttua nopeammalla aikataululla maakaapeleiksi tiukentuneiden toimitusvarmuusvaatimusten täyttämiseksi. PKS Sähkönsiirto Oy:n 20 kV sähköverkko on ollut suurimmalta osalta avojohtoverkkoa jossa toimitusvarmuus ei ole nykyisellään muuttuneen sähkömarkkinalain asettamalla ta-solla. Tämä on johtanut verkostostrategian luomiseen, jossa yhtenä toimena toimitusvar-muuden lisäämiseksi vaaditulle tasolle on avojohtolinjojen korvaaminen maakaapeleilla. Maakaapelointien nopea rakennusaikataulu tuo monia haasteita verkkoyhtiöille. Maakaa-pelointien korkea maasulkuvirran ja loistehon tuotto verrattuna avojohtoverkkoon tulee huomioida yhtiössä verkkoa rakennettaessa. Tässä diplomityössä selvitetään PKS Sähkönsiirto Oy:n verkostostrategian mukaisten maakaapelointien vaikutuksia sähköverkolle. Työssä on arvioitu tavoiteverkon mukaisten maakaapeleiden aiheuttamaa maasulkuvirran ja loistehon tuoton tasoa. Tulosten perusteel-la on tehty johtopäätökset mihin verkkoyhtiön on kiinnitettävä huomioita kaapelointeja suunnitellessa ja toteuttaessa.


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Sunflower crop was based, as yet, on high linoleic cultivars, but in the last years request for oil with higher content of oleic acid has increased, due to their dietary characteristics. At the beginning, high oleic cultivars were used to be sown in warm regions, but then the concern about growing it in temperate areas, as the south-east of Buenos Aires Province, was posed. In this region, early sowings are recommended, so that grain filling matches with a period of appropriate hydric and light conditions, as to result in greater yields. However, early sowings are limited by low soil temperature, that delays seedling emergence, resulting in heterogeneous stand establishment. The aim of this work was to evaluate seed performance of four high oleic cultivars in the southern area of Buenos Aires Province, by means of vigor tests and field trials. Germination, cold, tetrazolium viability, tetrazolium viability with cold, accelerated ageing tests and three field sowings at different soil temperatures were performed. Data were analyzed by Anova using generalised linear models, and tests and cultivars were contrasted among themselves. Similar seedling emergence under optimal and suboptimal temperatures for high oleic and high linoleic cultivars was recorded. The success of seedling establishment does not appear to be related to the acidic composition of seeds.


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Tämän kandidaatintyön tavoitteena oli tutkia sähköautoissa käytettäviä akkuteknologioita ja verrata niiden ominaisuuksia keskenään sekä sähköautojen asettamien akkuvaatimusten kanssa. Akkuteknologiakartoituksen ja ominaisuusvertailun avulla tutkimuksessa oli tarkoitus selvittää sähköautojen akkujen kehitystä menneestä nykyhetkeen ja luoda katsaus akkuteknologian tulevaisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa painotettiin akkujen suorituskykynäkökulmaa, mutta tutkimuksessa otettiin kantaa myös eri akkuteknologioiden turvallisuuteen, ympäristötekijöihin ja hintaan. Työ toteutettiin kirjallisuustutkimuksena ja lähteinä käytettiin alan kirjallisuutta, IEEE artikkeleita, tutkimusraportteja ja verkkodokumentteja. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin akku- ja sähköautovalmistajilta saatavaa tietoa, johon suhtauduttiin varauksin. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että erilaisia litiumioniakkuteknologioita käytetään tällä hetkellä eniten sekä täyssähköautoissa että pistokehybrideissä. Huomattiin, että akkujen suorituskyvyn kehittyminen on nopeutunut viime vuosina. Erityisesti akkujen energianvarastointikykyyn vaikuttavat ominaisenergiatasot ovat kasvaneet selkeästi. Nykyisen kehittyneen litiumioniakkuteknologian todettiin täyttävän jo osittain lähivuosien suorituskykytavoitteet. Tutkimuksessa tultiin siihen tulokseen, että litiumrikkiakkuteknologia voi korvata litiumioniakkuteknologian ainakin täyssähköautoissa parempien ominaisenergiatasojen ja halvempien valmistuskustannuksien takia. Myös litiumilma-akkuteknologialla havaittiin olevan mahdollisuuksia haastaa muut litiumakkuteknologiat seuraavalla vuosikymmenellä. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että sähköautot voivat kaupallistua laajemmin lähivuosina akkujen suorituskykyominaisuuksien kehittyessä jatkuvasti. Suorituskykyominaisuuksien parantuminen tulee todennäköisesti johtamaan siihen, että täyssähköautot yleistyvät enemmän ja pistokehybridit tulevat jäämään sähköautojen välivaiheeksi. Uusien akkuteknologioiden käyttöönotto kaupallisiin sähköautoihin voi viedä kuitenkin odotettua kauemmin, sillä akut tarvitsevat huolellista testausta ja käyttöönotto edellyttää, että kaikki ominaisuudet ovat vaaditulla tasolla.


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A large amount of fly ash is produced in power plants and a big fraction of it ends up as waste to landfills. Disposal of fly ash to landfills is expensive for power plants due to for example waste taxation. However fly ash can utilized in different applications. Possibility of utilizing fly ash can be increased by granulation which also removes the dustiness problems of ash. This Thesis deals with the prerequisites for commercialization of a new granulation technique, tube granulation. Tube granulation technique utilizes water, calcium oxide in fly ash plus carbon dioxide and heat from flue gas. This Thesis determines the necessary auxiliary equipment for tube granulation, approaches for process dimensioning and implementation of the granulation process into a continuous power plant process. In addition, the economic benefits of tube granulation are examined from the user’s perspective. A continuous tube granulation process requires the following auxiliary systems to function: ash system, water feed system and flue gas system. Implementation of tube granulation system into a power plant process depends on the specific power plant but a general principle is that fly ash should be obtained to the granulator as fresh as possible and flue gas should be taken from the pressure side of a flue gas fan. Dimensioning of the process can be examined for example in terms of degree of filling and residence time in the granulator or in terms of granule drying. Determining the optimal dimensioning parameters requires pilot tests with the granulator.


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The Sand Creek Prospect is located within the eastern exposed margin of the Coast Plutonic Complex. The occurrence is a plug and dyke porphyry molybdenum deposit. The rock types, listed in decreasing age: 1) metamorphlc schists and gneisses; 2) diorite suite rocks - diorite, quartz diorite, tonalite; 3) rocks of andesitic composition; 4) granodiorites, coarse porphyritic granodiorite, quartzfeldspar porphyry, feldspar porphyry; and 5) lamprophyre. Hydrothermal alteration is known to have resulted from emplacement of the hornblende-feldspar porphyry through to the quartz-feldspar porphyry. Molybdenum mineralization is chiefly associated with the quartz-feldspar porphyry. Ore mineralogy is dominated by pyrite with subordinate molybdenite, chalcopyrite, covelline, sphalerite, galena, scheelite, cassiterite and wolframite. Molybdenite exhibits a textural gradation outward from the quartz-feldspar porphyry. That is, disseminated rosettes and rosettes in quartz veins to fine-grained molybdenite in quartz veins and potassic altered fractures to fine-grained molybdenite paint or 6mears in the peripheral zones. The quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes were emplaced in an inhomogeneous stress field. The trend of dykes, faults and shear zones is 0^1° to 063° and dips between 58° NW and 86* SE. Joint Pole distribution reflects this fault orientation. These late deformatior maxima are probably superimposed upon annuli representing diapiric emplacement of the plutons. A model of emplacement involving two magmatic pulses is given in the following sequence: Diorite pulse (i) dioritequartz diorite, (ii) tonalites; granodiorite pulse (iii) hornblende-fildspar microporphyry, hornblende/biotite porphyry, (iv) coarse grained granodiorite, (v) quartz-feldspar porphyry, (vi) feldspar porphyry, and (vii) lamprophyre. The combination of plutonic and coarse porphyritic textures, extensive propylitic overprinting of potassic alteration assemblages suggests that the. prospect represents the lower reaches of a porphyry system.


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The present study was the first of its kind to systematically explore the psychometric properties of dream content questionnaires as measures of dream experience. One hundred and six University students filled out the Dream Content Questionnaire (DCQ) and kept a 14-day dream diary on two separate occasions, in addition to filling out the NEO-PI-R and Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire and measures of spatial ability and imaginativeness. The DCQ's reliability was acceptable, as was its discriminant and construct validity. Six of eight predicted relationships between trait personality and DCQ reported dream content were significant. In contrast, dream diaries showed instability over time and were unrelated to personality traits. The DCQ's concurrent validity could not be adequately appraised due to the inconsistency in dream diary content over time. The results suggest that questionnaires may be used to measure dream experience; however, the precise utility of dream questionnaires remains unclear. The findings raise important questions concerning measures of dream experience.


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In March 1931, Captain Bruce Angus was sent to Sarnia by Gordon C. Leitch, general manager of Toronto Elevators. He was sent to inspect the Sarnian to ensure it was still seaworthy. Leitch was a savvy business man, who had been active in the business community for a number of years. Leitch began his career with a partner in the lumber business. When that went under he moved into graineries and worked for the Winnipeg Wheat Pool for 12 years. After Winnipeg he moved to Toronto, which was closer to his home town of Ridgetown, Ontario. In Toronto Leitch became manager of the Toronto branch of the Canadian Wheat Pool. While managing the wheat pools in Toronto Leitch became aware of huge costs associated with shipping the grains from the praries into the Toronto area. He felt that there was no need for such costs and decided to do something to make them better and cheaper for the business. Originally the grain was loaded onto Lakers that would bring the grain from the praries to Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. It was stored there until needed by the Toronto graineries and then hauled across land by either truck or train. The land journey was the most expensive and the one which Leitch wanted to eliminate. This was a fine plan except for 2 obstacles that were quickly overcome. First of all the Welland canals were not large enough to accommodate the large carriers that were bringing in the grain. This was changing as the expansion and widening of the canals was already underway. The second issue was the lack of storage in Toronto for the grain. The grain elevators had been destroyed by fire in the late 1880s and never replaced. Leitch propsed his company built its own storage elevators along the water front to allow not only for easier access to the grain, and more timely production of products. The elevators would aslo create a reduction in shipping costs and an overall more competitoive price for the customers of the grainery. The company refused, so Leitch went elsewhere to friends and contacts within the grain industry. The elevators were built and Leitch quit his job with the Canadian Wheat Pool and became the general manager of the elevators. Although the elevators were built and ready for storage the next issue was filling them. None of the carriers wanted to do business with Leitch because the competition in Georgian Bay threatened to cancel their contracts if they did. Leitch saw no way around this, but to provide his own transportation. This is when he sent Captain Bruce Angus to scout out potential ships. The ship was purchased for $37,000 and after another $30,000 was spent to fix it up, it was ready for business. The need for transportation and the finding of a seaworthy ship, lead to the beginnings of the Northland Steamship Company. The Sarnian proved to not be enough for the business underway. Leitch decided another ship was necessary. He joined forces with James Norris the owner of the Norris Grain Company. He proposed they join forces to create a more economical means of transportating their products.