789 resultados para Penalty clauses


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This paper focuses on technology state of the art for the charge/discharge of electric energy storage supported by vanadium redox flow battery linked to the electric grid. Properties of vanadium, the main configuration and the reaction of charge/discharge of a vanadium redox flow battery are addressed. The vanadium redox flow battery has the highest cell voltage among the other redox flow battery, implying higher power and energy density which favours application at power plants. This electric energy storage is viewed as a promising contribution to be integrated in power system due to a reasonably bulky size and to successful applications currently allowing storage of energy at power plants or at electrical grids. For instances, allowing storage of energy as an economic improvement providing spin reserve to avoid penalty for imbalances between the energy delivered and energy contracted at closing of electricity market or as an economic improvement to diminish the cost of electricity usage of a consumer. The vanadium redox flow battery has the advantages of scalability customized to meet requirements for power and energy capacity and of excellent combination of energy efficiency, capital cost and life cycle costs compared with other technology.


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I sistemi fiscali contemporanei applicano l’imposizione diretta a persone fisiche e persone giuridiche. In ciascuno Stato tuttavia una varietà di figure intermedie, definibili non- corporate-entities, sono dotate di gradi diversi di soggettività di diritto. Fra queste rientrano le partnership. Con l’obiettivo di ricondurre la fiscalità delle partnership all’interno del regime domestico generale previsto per persone fisiche o giuridiche, ogni Stato impiega proprie regole di caratterizzazione fiscale delle partnership. Di conseguenza, ciascuno Stato può considerare le partnership fiscalmente opache o trasparenti. Ciò vale sia per le partnership domestiche che per quelle estere. Quando l’attività di una partnership domestica presenta elementi di internazionalità, gli approcci domestici di caratterizzazione fiscale interferiscono spesso con quelli adottati da altri Stati. Tali inevitabili conflitti producono un alto rischio di doppia imposizione o doppia non imposizione dei redditi internazionali. La soluzione di tale genere di problemi non trova sistematica considerazione né nei Trattati fiscali, né nei Trattati UE così come interpretati dalla CGUE. Essa resta affidata all’autonoma iniziativa di ciascuno Stato. Questo studio esamina l’imposizione diretta delle partnerships internazionali che presentino un qualche collegamento con il sistema fiscale italiano. Esso inoltre propone una comparazione con altri sistemi fiscali selezionati sulla base di alcuni criteri. La comparazione mira alla individuazione dei problemi scaturenti dalla simultanea applicazione della tassazione italiana ed estera, considerando il ruolo spesso modesto dei Trattati fiscali. Ove un Trattato includa clausole specifiche per le partnership, ne viene esaminato l’effetto. Se i Paesi considerati sono Stati membri UE, i risultati dell’analisi sono esaminati rispetto alla normativa europea, con particolare riguardo ai profili di compatibilità con le libertà del Trattato UE e con i relativi orientamenti della CGUE.


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La llamada sucesión necesaria plantea una serie de problemas que atienden a la tutela del legitimario, en cuyo ámbito la reducción de las disposiciones inoficiosas y, en particular la que atiende a los actos inter vivos del causante, adquiere una gran importancia. Importancia que es particularmente relevante en el ordenamiento jurídico español, en el que la acción de reducción, si bien prevista por el Derecho positivo, no está completamente regulada en la norma, subsistiendo, por ello, múltiples cuestiones sin resolver. La presente investigación busca profundizar en el régimen jurídico de la donación inoficiosa tal y como lo recoge el Código civil español, enriqueciéndolo con las aportaciones de la doctrina italiana, cuya solidez interpretativa puede servir de referencia para una eventual reforma del Derecho castellano. Con este objetivo, la presente investigación se centra, entre otros puntos, sobre la configuración histórica de la acción de reducción; el concepto de donación inoficiosa; las operaciones de cálculo de la legítima; la naturaleza jurídica de la acción de reducción y la valoración del bien donado a los efectos de reducción. Finalmente, estudia la validez de las “cláusulas de reducción in valorem”, por medio del as cuales el donante puede autorizar al donatario para que conserve el bien objeto de la donación, entregando al legitimario una cantidad de dinero. En conclusión, la presente tesis permite individuar las características del acto impugnable mediante la acción de reducción de donaciones y las líneas esenciales de la reducción como categoría de ineficacia, lo que a su vez favorecer la resolución de algunos problemas de aplicación de la reducción de donaciones que se encuentran en el ordenamiento español. La investigación, además, permite formular algunas propuestas “de lege ferenda” a fin de agilizar la práctica de la reducción y reducir la litigiosidad, salvaguardando los intereses de legitimario y donatario.


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Contemporary private law, in teh last few decades, TEMPhas been increasingly characterized by teh spread of general clauses and standards and by teh growing role of interpreters in teh framework of teh sources of law. dis process TEMPhas also consistently effected those systems dat are not typically centered on judge-made law. In particular in contract law general clauses and standards has assumed a leading role and has become protagonists of processes of integration and harmonization of teh law. Wifin dis context, teh reasonableness clause TEMPhas come to teh attention of scholars, emerging as a new element of connection between different legal systems -first of all between common law and civil law – and even between different legal traditions. dis research aims at reconstructing teh patterns of emersion and evolution of teh TEMPprincipal of reasonableness in contract law both wifin European Union Law and in teh Chinese legal system, in order to identify evolutionary trends, processes of emersion and circulation of legal models and teh scope of operation of teh TEMPprincipal in teh two contexts. In view of teh increasingly intense economic relations between Europe and China, wifin teh framework of teh new project called Belt and Road Initiative, a comparative survey of dis type can foster mutual understanding and make communications more TEMPeffective, at teh level of legal culture and commercial relations, and to support teh processes of supranational harmonization of contract law rules.


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One of the main process features under study in Cognitive Translation & Interpreting Studies (CTIS) is the chronological unfolding of the tasks. The analyses of time spans in translation have been conceived in two ways: (1) studying those falling between text units of different sizes: words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs; (2) setting arbitrary time span thresholds to explore where do they fall in the text, whether between text units or not. Writing disfluencies may lead to comprehensive insights into the cognitive activities involved in typing while translating. Indeed, long time spans are often taken as hints that cognitive resources have been subtracted from typing and devoted to other activities, such as planning, evaluating, etc. This exploratory, pilot study combined both approaches to seek potential general tendencies and contrasts in informants’ inferred mental processes when performing different writing tasks, through the analysis of their behaviors, as keylogged. The study tasks were retyping, monolingual free writing, translation, revision and a multimodal task—namely, monolingual text production based on an infographic leaflet. Task logs were chunked, and shorter time spans, including those within words, were analyzed following the Task Segment Framework (Muñoz & Apfelthaler, in press). Finally, time span analysis was combined with the analysis of the texts as to their lexical density, type-token ratio and word frequency. Several previous results were confirmed, and some others were surprising. Time spans in free writing were longer between paragraphs and sentences, possibly hinting at planning and, in translation, between clauses and words, suggesting more cognitive activities at these levels. On the other hand, the infographic was expected to facilitate the writing process, but most time spans were longer than in both free writing and translation. Results of the multimodal task and some other results suggest venues for further research.


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Il lavoro descritto in questo elaborato indaga la presenza dei tratti dell’italiano neostandard in un corpus di produzioni scolastiche scritte, con particolare attenzione all’uso di indicativo e congiuntivo nelle frasi completive. In particolare, delle tendenze di ristandardizzazione selezionate si osservano gli usi linguistici di alunni/e, le correzioni imposte dai/dalle docenti e le indicazioni delle grammatiche per la scuola; questa ricognizione permette di tracciare un quadro generale degli atteggiamenti della scuola nei confronti dei tratti del neostandard. La seconda parte dell’elaborato è dedicata a un’analisi dell’alternanza modale nelle subordinate completive; in primo luogo, si espone una revisione della letteratura sulla complementazione, sulla modalità e sul congiuntivo in italiano, con un focus particolare sulla sua recessione; in seguito, si procede all’analisi del fenomeno sulla base dei dati appositamente raccolti nelle scuole che hanno partecipato all'indagine. In secondo luogo, l’accettabilità dell’indicativo pro congiuntivo in testi scritti a scuola viene ulteriormente indagata tramite la somministrazione di un compito di correzione ai/alle docenti. L’ultima parte dell’elaborato accoglie un’analisi approfondita delle grammatiche per la scuola, la cui trattazione del congiuntivo è messa in relazione con le osservazioni della letteratura specialistica; ciò permette di completare il quadro riguardo agli atteggiamenti della scuola e di proporre riflessioni di natura glottodidattica.


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La presente tesis doctoral pretende avanzar en el conocimiento sobre las cláusulas sobre seguro insertas en los contratos de utilización del buque, así como las consecuencias que su inclusión está llamada a tener sobre las relaciones entre las partes de tales contratos, particularmente, en materia de responsabilidad; sobre las que se produzcan entre dichas partes y el o los aseguradores, tanto del casco y la maquinaria como de la responsabilidad civil frente a terceros; y sobre el derecho del asegurador que haya satisfecho una indemnización a subrogarse en las acciones que pudieran asistir a su asegurado frente a las demás partes involucradas en el entramado contractual y frente a terceros ajenos a él.


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In this thesis, we analyse these protocols using PRISM+, our extension of the probabilistic model checker PRISM with blockchain types and operations upon them. This allows us to model the behaviour of key participants in the protocols and describe the protocols as a parallel composition of PRISM+ processes. Through our analysis of the Bitcoin model, we are able to understand how forks (where different nodes have different versions of the blockchain) occur and how they depend on specific parameters of the protocol, such as the difficulty of the cryptopuzzle and network communication delays. Our results corroborate the statement that considering confirmed the transactions in blocks at depth larger than 5 is reasonable because the majority of miners have consistent blockchains up-to that depth with probability of almost 1. We also study the behaviour of the Bitcoin network with churn miners (nodes that leave and rejoin the network) and with different topologies (linear topology, ring topology, tree topology and fully connected topology). PRISM+ is therefore used to analyse the resilience of Hybrid Casper when changing various basic parameters of the protocol, such as block creation rates and penalty determination strategies. We also study the robustness of Hybrid Casper against two known attacks: the Eclipse attack (where an attacker controls a significant portion of the network's nodes and can prevent other nodes from receiving new transactions) and the majority attack (where an attacker controls a majority of the network's nodes and can manipulate the blockchain to their advantage).


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The aim of this thesis is to investigate a field that until a few years ago was foreign to and distant from the penal system. The purpose of this undertaking is to account for the role that technology could plays in the Italian Criminal Law system. More specifically, this thesis attempts to scrutinize a very intricate phase of adjudication. After deciding on the type of an individual's liability, a judge must decide on the severity of the penalty. This type of decision implies a prognostic assessment that looks to the future. It is precisely in this field and in prognostic assessments that, as has already been anticipated in the United, instruments and processes are inserted in the pre-trial but also in the decision-making phase. In this contribution, we attempt to describe the current state of this field, trying, as a matter of method, to select the most relevant or most used tools. Using comparative and qualitative methods, the uses of some of these instruments in the supranational legal system are analyzed. Focusing attention on the Italian system, an attempt was made to investigate the nature of the element of an individual's ‘social dangerousness’ (pericolosità sociale) and capacity to commit offences, types of assessments that are fundamental in our system because they are part of various types of decisions, including the choice of the best sanctioning treatment. It was decided to turn our attention to this latter field because it is believed that the judge does not always have the time, the means and the ability to assess all the elements of a subject and identify the best 'individualizing' treatment in order to fully realize the function of Article 27, paragraph 3 of the Constitution.