832 resultados para Patrimonio neto


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educación y difusión que responde a la urgente necesidad de crear conciencia y sentido de pertenencia alrededor del patrimonio arqueológico de la nación, para generar su protección y respeto por parte de la comunidad mediante el desarrollo de un KIT PEDAGÓGICO INTERACTIVO compuesto por tres CD’s: CD1. Parque arqueológico virtual. CD2. Juegos virtuales relacionados con el parque arqueológico. CD3. Tutoriales para los docentes.


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Jaén (España) coronó la producción mundial de aceite de oliva en la pasada campaña, aportando en torno a un 20% del preciado zumo, consolidando una gran tradición. Este cultivo es el más característico de su agricultura y el más importante en su relación con el patrimonio agroindustrial. De la misma manera, ocurre en Calabria (Italia) donde este reparto tiene una considerable relevancia socio-económica, base fundamental en la economía de esta región que es la segunda en Italia, según el área cultivada de olivar y la producción de aceite de oliva. Son diferentes las manifestaciones agroindustriales que surgen como consecuencia del proceso productivo del preciado caldo. Desde los tiempos más remotos, el aceite de oliva se ha fabricado en los molinos, ubicados en la mayoría de los casos en las casas de los propietarios, ubicadas en las fincas de olivar. Después de haber realizado un metodológico trabajo de campo de manera presencial y haber llevado a cabo una importante revisión historiográfica tanto en España como en Italia, con esta comunicación se pretende establecer las relaciones que, dentro del patrimonio agroindustrial, existen entre los espacios de producción y la forma en la que se aborda su nuevo uso cuando dejan de tener la función para la que fueron construidos. Tomando como casos de estudio la finca del Marqués de Viana en Garcíez (Jaén), que atesora un palacio renacentista y una de las pocas almazaras del sistema tradicional de rulos del siglo XX —víctima del abandono y la ruina en la actualidad—y Villa Mazza, en Roccelleta di Borgia (Italia) hoy, el Parque Arqueológico de Scolacium, ejemplo de conservación, dinamización y difusión de su patrimonio; pondremos de manifiesto las diferentes opciones que existen en la gestión del patrimonio, entre el descuido y la valorización.


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Pretendemos, neste texto, equacionar a possibilidade de se considerar a construção de uma disciplina escolar como um processo semelhante ao que leva à validação do que se entenderia como património. Parte-se, para tal, num primeiro momento do texto, da identificação de um enquadramento teórico que considere este processo de construção e validação como algo de eminentemente ideológico. Num segundo momento, descrevendo e discutindo o processo de construção do Português enquanto disciplina escolar, o seu território e as suas funções, equacionamos os possíveis pontos de intersecção do conceito de património com este espaço. Refletiremos, a este respeito, sobre o caso particular da construção do cânone literário (e da importância da escola enquanto instância legitimadora).


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Almanaque histórico costarricense preparado por la comisión nacional de conmemoraciones históricas Departamento de Patrimonio Histórico Ministerio de Cultura Juventud y Deportes


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Neste texto o propósito de descrever aspectos culturais e patrimoniais dos estados de Goiás, Ceará e Sergipe. As festas natalinas desses lugares são descritas e problematizadas sob um ponto de vista cultural-geográfico-patrimonial. O estudo tem revelado que o tema demanda novos olhares e não se esgota na valorização de bens culturais como fator de desenvolvimento e de cidadania.  Com envolvimento das Universidades Federais de Goiás, do Ceará e de Sergipe, estamos desenvolvendo e produzindo conjuntamente a análise das políticas culturais e os seus impactos; a percepção das festas populares; a caracterização do território das festas populares enfocando os pontos fortes e os pontos fracos para o turismo e as oportunidades e ameaças em cada festa.


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La decisión de realizar este trabajo, cuyo objetivo fue salvar y dar a conocer el Mural de la Segunda República, fue tomada después de analizar la situación de esta obra-mural de Lucio Ranucci, elaborada en 1954, para el gobierno de Costa Rica en el Aeropuerto Internacional El Coco (actual Aeropuerto Internacional Juan Santamaría).Este mural estaba en peligro de perderse, pues la empresa concesionaria para la construcción y remodelación del aeropuerto iba a demoler el edificio que por más de 48 años, había albergado esta obra y hasta ese momento nadie se había preocupado por su suerte. AbstractThe decision to undertake this work, aimed at rescuing and bringing to light the Mural de la Segunda República, was taken after carefully analyzing the conditions of this masterpiece, a mural painted, by request of the Costa Rican government, in 1954 by Lucio Ranucci at the El Coco Airport, today known as Juan Santamaría International Airport. This mural was in danger, since the contracting company for the building and remodeling of the new airport was about to demolish the building that have had hosted work of art for over 48 years. Up to then no one had shown interest in its relocation.


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There is little evidence that workshops alone have a lasting impact on the day-to-day practice of participants. The current paper examined a strategy to increase generalization and maintenance of skills in the natural environment using pseudo-patients and immediate performance feedback to reinforce skills acquisition. A random half of pharmacies (N=30) took part in workshop training aimed at optimizing consumers' use of nonprescription analgesic products. Pharmacies in the training group also received performance feedback on their adherence to the recommended protocol. Feedback occurred immediately after a pseudo-patient visit in which confederates posed as purchasers of analgesics, and combined positive and corrective elements. Trained pharmacists were significantly more accurate at identifying people who misused the medication (P<0.001). The trained pharmacists were more likely than controls to use open-ended questions (P<0.001), assess readiness to change problematic use (P <0.001), and to deliver a brief intervention that was tailored to the person's commitment to alter his/her usage (P <0.001). Participants responded to the feedback positively. Results were consistent with the hypothesis that when workshop is combined with on-site performance feedback, it enhances practitioners' adherence to protocols in the natural setting.


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Summary There are four interactions to consider between energy intake (EI) and energy expenditure (EE) in the development and treatment of obesity. (1) Does sedentariness alter levels of EI or subsequent EE? and (2) Do high levels of EI alter physical activity or exercise? (3) Do exercise-induced increases in EE drive EI upwards and undermine dietary approaches to weight management and (4) Do low levels of EI elevate or decrease EE? There is little evidence that sedentariness alters levels of EI. This lack of cross-talk between altered EE and EI appears to promote a positive EB. Lifestyle studies also suggest that a sedentary routine actually offers the opportunity for over-consumption. Substantive changes in non exercise activity thermogenesis are feasible, but not clearly demonstrated. Cross talk between elevated EE and EI is initially too weak and takes too long to activate, to seriously threaten dietary approaches to weight management. It appears that substantial fat loss is possible before intake begins to track a sustained elevation of EE. There is more evidence that low levels of EI does lower physical activity levels, in relatively lean men under conditions of acute or prolonged semi-starvation and in dieting obese subjects. During altered EB there are a number of small but significant changes in the components of EE, including (i) sleeping and basal metabolic rate, (ii) energy cost of weight change alters as weight is gained or lost, (iii) exercise efficiency, (iv) energy cost of weight bearing activities, (v) during substantive overfeeding diet composition (fat versus carbohydrate) will influence the energy cost of nutrient storage by ~ 15%. The responses (i-v) above are all “obligatory” responses. Altered EB can also stimulate facultative behavioural responses, as a consequence of cross-talk between EI and EE. Altered EB will lead to changes in the mode duration and intensity of physical activities. Feeding behaviour can also change. The degree of inter-individual variability in these responses will define the scope within which various mechanisms of EB compensation can operate. The relative importance of “obligatory” versus facultative, behavioural responses -as components of EB control- need to be defined.


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Paesaggio ed infrastrutture viarie sono un binomio molto forte: il primo ha insito il concetto di accessibilità, in quanto non può esistere senza la presenza di un osservatore; la strada, invece, trova i fattori che la connotano nel suo rapporto con la morfologia su cui insiste. Le infrastrutture viarie sono elemento strutturale e strutturante non solo di un territorio, ma anche di un paesaggio. Le attuali esigenze di mobilità portano oggi a ripensare ed adeguare molte infrastrutture viarie: laddove è possibile si potenziano le strutture esistenti, in diversi casi si ricorre a nuovi tracciati o a varianti di percorso. Porsi il problema di conservare itinerari testimoni della cultura materiale ed economica di una società implica considerazioni articolate, che travalicano i limiti del sedime: una via è un organismo più complesso della semplice linea di trasporto in quanto implica tutta una serie di manufatti a supporto della mobilità e soprattutto il corridoio infrastrutturale che genera e caratterizza, ovvero una porzione variabile di territorio definita sia dal tracciato che dalla morfologia del contesto. L’evoluzione dei modelli produttivi ed economici, che oggi porta quote sempre maggiori di popolazione a passare un tempo sempre minore all’interno del proprio alloggio, rende la riflessione sulle infrastrutture viarie dismesse o declassate occasione per la progettazione di spazi per l’abitare collettivo inseriti in contesti paesaggistici, tanto urbani che rurali, tramite reti di percorsi pensate per assorbire tagli di mobilità specifici e peculiari. Partendo da queste riflessioni la Tesi si articola in: Individuazioni del contesto teorico e pratico: Lo studio mette in evidenza come la questione delle infrastrutture viarie e del loro rapporto con il paesaggio implichi riflessioni incrociate a diversi livelli e tramite diverse discipline. La definizione dello spazio fisico della strada passa infatti per la costruzione di un itinerario, un viaggio che si appoggia tanto ad elementi fisici quanto simbolici. La via è un organismo complesso che travalica il proprio sedime per coinvolgere una porzione ampia di territorio, un corridoio variabile ed articolato in funzione del paesaggio attraversato. Lo studio propone diverse chiavi di lettura, mettendo in luce le possibili declinazioni del tema, in funzione del taglio modale, del rapporto con il contesto, del regime giuridico, delle implicazioni urbanistiche e sociali. La mobilità dolce viene individuata quale possibile modalità di riuso, tutela e recupero, del patrimonio diffuso costituito dalle diversi reti di viabilità. Antologia di casi studio: Il corpo principale dello studio si basa sulla raccolta, analisi e studio dello stato dell’arte nel settore; gli esempi raccolti sono presentati in due sezioni: la prima dedicata alle esperienze più significative ed articolate, che affrontano il recupero delle infrastrutture viarie a più livelli ed in modo avanzato non concentrandosi solo sulla conversione del sedime, ma proponendo un progetto che coinvolga tutto il corridoio attraversato dall’infrastruttura; la seconda parte illustra la pratica corrente nelle diverse realtà nazionali, ponendo in evidenza similitudini e differenze tra i vari approcci.


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The Codex Alimentarius Commission of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) develops food standards, guidelines and related texts for protecting consumer health and ensuring fair trade practices globally. The major part of the world's population lives in more than 160 countries that are members of the Codex Alimentarius. The Codex Standard on Infant Formula was adopted in 1981 based on scientific knowledge available in the 1970s and is currently being revised. As part of this process, the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses asked the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition to initiate a consultation process with the international scientific community to provide a proposal on nutrient levels in infant formulae, based on scientific analysis and taking into account existing scientific reports on the subject. ESPGHAN accepted the request and, in collaboration with its sister societies in the Federation of International Societies on Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, invited highly qualified experts in the area of infant nutrition to form an International Expert Group (IEG) to review the issues raised. The group arrived at recommendations on the compositional requirements for a global infant formula standard which are reported here.


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To study the genetic basis of tick burden and milk production and their interrelationship, we collected a sample of 1961 cattle with multiple tick counts from northern Australia of which 973 had dairy production data in the Australian Dairy Herd Information Service database. We calculated heritabilities, genetic and phenotypic correlations for these traits and showed a negative relationship between tick counts and milk and milk component yield. Tests of polymorphisms of four genes associated with milk yield, ABCG2, DGAT1, GHR and PRLR, showed no statistically significant effect on tick burden but highly significant associations to milk component yield in these data and we confirmed separate effects for GHR and PRLR on bovine chromosome 20. To begin to identify some of the molecular genetic bases for these traits, we genotyped a sample of 189 of these cattle for 7397 single nucleotide polymorphisms in a genome-wide association study. Although the allele effects for adjusted milk fat and protein yield were highly correlated (r = 0.66), the correlations of allele effects of these milk component yields and tick burden were small (|r| <= 0.10). These results agree in general with the phenotypic correlations between tick counts and milk component yield and suggest that selection on markers for tick burden or milk component yield may have no undesirable effect on the other trait.


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Maize is one of the most important crops in the world. The products generated from this crop are largely used in the starch industry, the animal and human nutrition sector, and biomass energy production and refineries. For these reasons, there is much interest in figuring the potential grain yield of maize genotypes in relation to the environment in which they will be grown, as the productivity directly affects agribusiness or farm profitability. Questions like these can be investigated with ecophysiological crop models, which can be organized according to different philosophies and structures. The main objective of this work is to conceptualize a stochastic model for predicting maize grain yield and productivity under different conditions of water supply while considering the uncertainties of daily climate data. Therefore, one focus is to explain the model construction in detail, and the other is to present some results in light of the philosophy adopted. A deterministic model was built as the basis for the stochastic model. The former performed well in terms of the curve shape of the above-ground dry matter over time as well as the grain yield under full and moderate water deficit conditions. Through the use of a triangular distribution for the harvest index and a bivariate normal distribution of the averaged daily solar radiation and air temperature, the stochastic model satisfactorily simulated grain productivity, i.e., it was found that 10,604 kg ha(-1) is the most likely grain productivity, very similar to the productivity simulated by the deterministic model and for the real conditions based on a field experiment. © 2012 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.


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Adaptation of global food systems to climate change is essential to feed the world. Tropical cattle production, a mainstay of profitability for farmers in the developing world, is dominated by heat, lack of water, poor quality feedstuffs, parasites, and tropical diseases. In these systems European cattle suffer significant stock loss, and the cross breeding of taurine x indicine cattle is unpredictable due to the dilution of adaptation to heat and tropical diseases. We explored the genetic architecture of ten traits of tropical cattle production using genome wide association studies of 4,662 animals varying from 0% to 100% indicine. We show that nine of the ten have genetic architectures that include genes of major effect, and in one case, a single location that accounted for more than 71% of the genetic variation. One genetic region in particular had effects on parasite resistance, yearling weight, body condition score, coat colour and penile sheath score. This region, extending 20 Mb on BTA5, appeared to be under genetic selection possibly through maintenance of haplotypes by breeders. We found that the amount of genetic variation and the genetic correlations between traits did not depend upon the degree of indicine content in the animals. Climate change is expected to expand some conditions of the tropics to more temperate environments, which may impact negatively on global livestock health and production. Our results point to several important genes that have large effects on adaptation that could be introduced into more temperate cattle without detrimental effects on productivity.


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A distinctive feature of the Nhecolandia, a sub-region of the Pantanal wetland in Brazil, is the presence of both saline and freshwater lakes. Saline lakes used to be attributed to a past and phase during the Pleistocene. However, recent studies have shown that saline and fresh water lakes are linked by a continuous water table, indicating that saline water could come from a contemporary concentration process. This concentration process could also be responsible for the large chemical variability of the waters observed in the area. A regional water sampling has been conducted in surface and sub-surface water and the water table, and the results of the geochemical and statistical analysis are presented. Based on sodium contents, the concentration shows a 1: 4443 ratio. All the samples belong to the same chemical family and evolve in a sodic alkaline manner. Calcite or magnesian calcite precipitates very early in the process of concentration, probably followed by the precipitation of magnesian silicates. The most concentrated solutions remain under-saturated with respect to the sodium carbonate salt, even if this equilibrium is likely reached around the saline lakes. Apparently, significant amounts of sulfate and chloride are lost simultaneously from the solutions, and this cannot be explained solely by evaporative concentration. This could be attributed to the sorption on reduced minerals in a green sub-surface horizon in the "cordilhieira" areas. In the saline lakes, low potassium, phosphate, magnesium, and sulfate are attributed to algal blooms. Under the influence of evaporation, the concentration of solutions and associated chemical precipitations are identified as the main factors responsible for the geochemical variability in this environment (about 92 % of the variance). Therefore, the saline lakes of Nhecolandia have to be managed as landscape units in equilibrium with the present water flows and not inherited from a past and phase. In order to elaborate hydrochemical tracers for a quantitative estimation of water flows, three points have to be investigated more precisely: (1) the quantification of magnesium involved in the Mg-calcite precipitation; (2) the identification of the precise stoichiometry of the Mg-silicate; and (3) the verification of the loss of chloride and sulfate by sorption onto labile iron minerals.


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El objetivo de este estudio fue a nalizar el cambio de uso de suelo durante un periodo de 18 años en las áreas de bosque de pino y su influencia en la fijación de bióxido de carbono en el Municipio de Dipilto, Nueva Segovia . Se seleccionaron 3 Fincas : San Martín, El Sarrete y Campofresco que presentaron estados de desarrollo: bosque maduro, bosque joven y bosque en regeneración. Se establecieron 9 parcelas temporales (con predominancia P. oocarpa ), utilizándose una parcela temporal para cada es tado d esarrollo. En cada estado de desarrollo se derribó un árbol tipo, se separó en tallo, ramas y follaje. La mayor par te de biomasa seca se encuentra en la finca San Martin con 99.12 Mg/ha estado en desarrollo maduro , estado en desarrollo joven con 77.70 Mg/ ha y estado en desarrollo regeneración 38.63 Mg/ha . El Factor de expansión de biomasa en San Martin 1.59 esta do en desarrollo regeneración, El Sarrete para el estado en desarrollo maduro 1 .40 y finca Campofresco 1.27 estado desarrollo joven . El total de ca rbono almacenado lo presentó San Martín para el estado en desarrollo maduro con 27.13 Mg/ha , joven 22.06 Mg/ha y estado en desarrollo regeneraci ón con 9.82 Mg/ha . El contenido de carbono en el suelo 826.89 Mg/ha regeneración, 503.96 Mg/ha Joven , 294.55 Mg/ ha maduro en San Martín de 0 a 20 cm de profundidad. En un 38.49 % de esa área se emitieron entre 0 - 15 Mg/ha . Emisiones de 26 - 30 Mg/ha se presentaron en un 17.8 1 % del área. Existe un 48.19 % del área total que fijo rangos de 26 - 30 Mg/ha y un 38. 49 % de las áreas fij aron entre 0 - 15 Mg /ha . Se encontró un balance neto positivo de 2925. 2 1 hectáreas, de las cuales 1981.25 hectáreas fijaron rangos de 26 - 30 Mg/ha, 606.06 hectáre as fijaron en un rango entre 0 - 15 Mg /ha y el rango 16 - 25 Mg/ha 337.89 hect áreas .