870 resultados para Passion fruts
Essays: i. The doctrine of temperaments, 1824. ii. Ennui, 1830. iii. The ruling passion in death, 1833.--Studies in German literature, 1824 and following years: i. General characteristics. ii. The revival of German literature. iii. Men of science and learning. iv. The age of Schiller and Goethe. v. Translations, 1818-1824.--Studies in history: i. Economy of Athens, 1831. ii. Decline of the Roman people, 1834. iii. Russia, 1829.--Occasional addresses: i. A word on Calvin the reformer, Oct. 1834. ii. The office of the people in art, government and religion, 1835. iii. In memory of Wm. Ellery Channing, 1842. iv. Oration commemorative of Andrew Jackson, 1845. v. The necessity, the reality, and the promise of the progress of the human race, 1854.
Volumes four and six have the earliest publication date (1873); volume one published 1876.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Notes on "The stacycons of Rome", by W.M. Rossetti. -- Political poems, etc. -- Love poems, etc. -- Religious poems from ms. Harl. 7322. An A B C poem on the passion of Christ. The Fifty-first psalm. -- Additions: Verse prolog and epilog to a book on medicine, A.B. 1440. A prentise unto woe, by Henry Baradoun, A.B. 1483. Hymn to the Virgin, by William Huchen, A.B. 1460. 'Peare of Provence and the fair Maguelone', a fragment. The Knight Amoryus and the Lady Cleopes ... by John Metham.
Texts: les serments de Strasbourg. Prose de sainte Eulalie. Fragment de Valenciennes. La passion du Christ. Vie de saint Leger. Le mystere de l'Epoux.
Title from spine; each vol. has separate title page.
Explication de la Prophétie d'Isaïe sur l'enfantement de la Sainte Vierge -- Explication littérale du Psaume 21 sur la Passion ... -- Traduction du Pseaume 21 selon l'Hébreu & les Septante -- l'Apocalypse ... -- Avertissement aux protestants sur leur prétendu accomplissement des prophéties -- Instructions sur la version du Nouveau Testament imprimé à Trévoux ... [et al.]
Signatures: A-⁸ B⁴.
"Ed. grand format. Limited to five hundred numbered sets of which this is no. 133."
Complete in 76 vol.
"A sequel to Appearances Our Lord after the passion."
A late afternoon and two elderly people sit on an old, steel, wire-sprung camp stretcher bed. They sit back-to-back, engaging in commentary on the vehicles and people that pass them by. One of them, the old man, says suddenly, 'Me! I'm number one singer myself!' Without hesitation the old woman says, simply and bluntly, 'Bullshit!' For the next half an hour the dialogue between the two never varies though the utterances increase both in auditory levels and passion. To the outside observer the dialogue seems simple and nonsensical. However in the world of Yanyuwa music, composition and performance these two people - in their old age in the early 1980s - are unique. The old man Jerry Brown Ngarnawakajarra and the old woman Elma Brown a-Bunubunu are the last two people in Yanyuwa society to have had revealed to them what in this article we will call 'dream state' songs.