Of mermaids and spirit men

Autoria(s): Mackinlay, Elizabeth; Bradley, John



A late afternoon and two elderly people sit on an old, steel, wire-sprung camp stretcher bed. They sit back-to-back, engaging in commentary on the vehicles and people that pass them by. One of them, the old man, says suddenly, 'Me! I'm number one singer myself!' Without hesitation the old woman says, simply and bluntly, 'Bullshit!' For the next half an hour the dialogue between the two never varies though the utterances increase both in auditory levels and passion. To the outside observer the dialogue seems simple and nonsensical. However in the world of Yanyuwa music, composition and performance these two people - in their old age in the early 1980s - are unique. The old man Jerry Brown Ngarnawakajarra and the old woman Elma Brown a-Bunubunu are the last two people in Yanyuwa society to have had revealed to them what in this article we will call 'dream state' songs.






Australian National University

Palavras-Chave #C1 #750201 The performing arts (incl. music, theatre and dance) #379902 Aboriginal Studies #410104 Indigenous Performing Arts #370302 Social and Cultural Anthropology #410101 Music #750805 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage #751005 Communication across languages and cultures

Journal Article