884 resultados para Pancreatic insufficiency


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Als països desenvolupats, una de cada cinc persones morirà a causa del càncer. S'ha descrit que les cèl·lules canceroses presenten modificacions en els glicans presents a la superfície cel·lular i aquesta glicosilació anòmala podria reflectir-se en les glicoproteïnes de secreció. Per aquest motiu es planteja l'estudi de la glicosilació de dues proteïnes de secreció en situació normal i tumoral: la ribonucleasa pancreática humana (RNasa 1) i l'antigen prostàtic específic (PSA). La RNasa 1 és una glicoproteïna secretada majoritàriament pel pàncreas. S'ha desenvolupat un mètode immunològic per a detectar els nivells de RNasa 1 en sèrum. Malgrat la millora de la sensibilitat, respecte d'estudis anteriors, no s'han observat diferències significatives entre la concentració de RNasa 1 en sèrum de pacients control sans, afectats de neoplàsia pancreàtica, de pancreatitis o d'altres patologies. L'estudi de les estructures glucídiques de la RNasa 1, mitjançant assaigs immunològics, permet observar diferències importants en la glicosilació entre la situació normal i tumoral: Els antígens sialilats sLex i sLea només apareixen en la RNasa 1 de medi de cultiu de cèl·lules d'adenocarcinoma pancreàtic Capan-1 i MDAPanc-3 i l'antigen fucosilat Ley només apareix en la RNasa 1 de pàncreas de donant. S'ha purificat la RNasa 1 secretada per la línia MDAPanc-3, cosa que ha permès seqüenciar-ne les estructures glucídiques i comparar-les amb les de la RNasa 1 purificada del medi de les cèl·lules Capan-1 i de pàncreas de donant, corroborant els resultats abans esmentats. L'antigen prostàtic específic (PSA) és una glicoproteïna secretada principalment per la pròstata. Els seus nivells sèrics s'utilitzen actualment com a marcador del càncer de pròstata, però la seva especificitat no permet diferenciar clarament una situació benigna d'una maligna. La purificació i caracterització glucídica del PSA secretat per les cèl·lules de carcinoma prostàtic LNCaP mostren diferències molt clares amb la glicosilació que presenta el PSA purificat de plasma seminal de donant. Principalment, el PSA present en situació tumoral, purificat de les cèl·lules de carcinoma prostàtic, no conté àcid siàlic, però presenta nivells més alts de fucosilació que el PSA en situació normal. El PSA purificat de plasma seminal de donant sí que conté àcid siàlic. Aquests resultats s'han obtingut mitjançant assaigs immunològics amb detecció per lectines i s'han corroborat per seqüenciació glucídica. D'acord amb les estructures glucídiques que millor diferencien el PSA de situació normal i tumoral, s'ha portat a terme la caracterització glucídica de mostres biològiques que contenen PSA. S'han desenvolupat diferents assaigs immunològics de detecció per lectines o associats a l'activitat sialiltransferasa, amb un enriquiment previ en PSA per immunoadsorció indirecta o cromatografia per interacció tiofílica. Els resultats dels diferents assaigs permeten concloure que el PSA del sèrum de pacients de neoplàsia prostàtica presenten un contingut en àcid siàlic similar al del plasma seminal de donant, encara que són lleugerament menys sialilats. Aquests resultats s'adiuen amb els determinats sobre mostres de PSA purificat. La separació del PSA per electroforesi bidimensional mostra diverses formes amb pI àcid en el PSA de plasma seminal, explicades per la presència d'àcid siàlic. Es detecten formes de pI més bàsic que el teòric per al PSA en el secretat per les cèl·lules LNCaP, que correspon a formes pPSA. Al sèrum de pacients de neoplàsia prostàtica s'hi observen formes sialilades. Les proteïnes de secreció, RNasa 1 i PSA, es troben alterades a nivell glucídic en situació tumoral, cosa que podria ser d'utilitat per a finalitats diagnòstiques.


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Amb la finalitat d'aprofundir en les bases moleculars de la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases pancreàtiques, es van construir variants derivades de l'HP-RNasa seguint dues estratègies. En la primera, es van generar variants de l'enzim resistents a l'acció de l'inhibidor proteic de les ribonucleases (hRI), substituint residus implicats en la interfície de contacte entre la ribonucleasa i l'hRI. En la segona, es va addicionar el motiu RGD en regions de superfície de la proteïna implicades en la formació del complex amb l'hRI, a fi de promoure la seva interacció amb la membrana plasmàtica de les cèl·lules i a la vegada disminuir l'afinitat de les variants per l'hRI. Es va comprovar que només les variants portadores de substitucions múltiples adquirien la capacitat de resistència a l'hRI. L'estudi del percentatge d'inhibició de la síntesi proteica en cèl·lules incubades amb cadascuna de les variants va mostrar que només dues de les variants construïdes havien adquirit propietats citotòxiques. La citotoxicitat més elevada la va presentar una variant que no era resistent a l'hRI, amb valors que eren només entre 5 i 15 vegades inferiors als de l'onconasa. Aquest resultat demostrà que la sensibilitat a l'hRI no és necessàriament un paràmetre limitant per a la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases. Cap de les variants que incorporava un motiu RGD presentà citotoxicitat, evidenciant que aquest motiu no és efectiu a fi de dotar les ribonucleases pancreàtiques de propietats citotòxiques. Es van estudiar les bases moleculars de la citotoxicitat de la variant més citotòxica. En primer lloc, l'anàlisi de la internalització per marcatge radioactiu d'aquesta variant en relació amb l'onconasa i amb altres variants de l'HP-RNasa no citotòxiques, va posar en evidència que només l'onconasa era internalitzada eficientment. Es descartava així la possibilitat que l'acció citotòxica de l'enzim estudiat fos conseqüència d'una major eficiència d'endocitosi. També es va comprovar que l'addició del motiu RGD no era capaç de promoure la internalització de les proteïnes amb més eficàcia. Per microscòpia confocal de fluorescència, les variants humanes només es van començar a detectar a l'interior de la cèl·lula a partir de les 24 h d'incubació. Totes les variants generades van presentar una eficiència catalítica superior al 50 % de l'activitat de la seva proteïna parental, PM5, indicant que probablement l'estructura del centre actiu no havia estat afectada de manera dràstica per les substitucions introduïdes. No obstant, en tots els casos es va produir una disminució en la termoestabilitat respecte a PM5. Aquest resultat indicà que la correlació descrita a la bibliografia entre l'increment de termoestabilitat i l'increment de citotoxicitat per les ribonucleases no sempre es compleix. Per microscòpia confocal es va comprovar que tant la proteïna més citotòxica, com una variant no citotòxica resistent a l'hRI, així com la proteïna parental, seguien la via de degradació lisosomal. Aquesta ruta de trànsit no va ser afectada per l'addició de drogues que alteren les vies de trànsit retrògrad (monensina i brefeldina A), però sí per l'addició de la bafilomicina A1, una droga que neutralitza el pH endosomal i que va actuar alentint el trànsit de les proteïnes als lisosomes. D'acord amb aquests resultats, els valors de citotoxicitat de les variants es van incrementar de manera significativa només en presència de bafilomicina A1, suggerint que les ribonucleases transloquen al citoplasma a partir d'algun punt de la via de trànsit endosomal. Es va comprovar que l'acció de la variant més citotòxica era deguda a que l'addició d'un segon motiu de tres Arg en PE5 dota a aquesta proteïna amb un senyal de transport nuclear. La fracció d'enzim que aconsegueix translocar al citoplasma a partir d'algun punt de la via endosomal previ als lisosomes, és conduït ràpidament al nucli de la cèl·lula per mitjà del mecanisme clàssic de transport actiu. Per la seva afinitat amb l'rRNA, l'enzim es concentra en el nuclèol, on probablement duu a terme la seva activitat catalítica. La interacció d'aquesta variant amb els receptors nucleocitoplasmàtics, les importines, impediria per altra banda el bloqueig de l'enzim per part de l'hRI. Els resultats obtinguts presenten una nova estratègia de disseny de ribonucleases citotòxiques, basada en l'addició de segments NLS a fi de promoure el transport nuclear dels enzims. Aquesta estratègia podria permetre superar limitacions que fins al moment han estat descrites com a limitants de la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases pancreàtiques, com la sensibilitat a l'hRI o la baixa eficiència d'internalització.


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Many aspects of early embryonic development in the horse are unusual or unique; this is of scientific interest and, in some cases, considerable practical significance. During early development the number of different cell types increases rapidly and the organization of these increasingly differentiated cells becomes increasingly intricate as a result of various inter-related processes that occur step-wise or simultaneously in different parts of the conceptus (i.e., the embryo proper and its associated membranes and fluid). Equine conceptus development is of practical interest for many reasons. Most significantly, following a high rate of successful fertilization (71-96%) (Ball, 1988), as many as 30-40% of developing embryos fail to survive beyond the first two weeks of gestation (Ball, 1988), the time at which gastrulation begins. Indeed, despite considerable progress in the development of treatments for common causes of sub-fertility and of assisted reproductive techniques to enhance reproductive efficiency, the need to monitor and rebreed mares that lose a pregnancy or the failure to produce a foal, remain sources of considerable economic loss to the equine breeding industry. Of course, the potential causes of early embryonic death are numerous and varied (e.g. persistent mating induced endometritis, endometrial gland insufficiency, cervical incompetence, corpus luteum (CL) failure, chromosomal, genetic and other unknown factors (LeBlanc, 2004). However, the problem is especially acute in aged mares with a history of poor fertility in which the incidence of embryonic loss between days 2 and 14 after ovulation has been reported to reach 62-73%, and in which embryonic death is due primarily to embryonic defects rather than to uterine pathology (Ball et al., 1989; Carnevale & Ginther, 1995; Ball, 2000).


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A pancreatite, apesar de relativamente comum na medicina canina, continua a constituir um desafio devido à sua elevada complexidade patogénica, sinais clínicos não patognomónicos, diagnóstico por vezes difícil e tratamento inespecífico. De forma a realizar um estudo retrospectivo foram avaliados registos médicos de 41 canídeos diagnosticados com pancreatite, apresentados à consulta entre 2007 e 2013, de forma a caracterizar o doente pancreático. As características do animal, história clinica, sinais clínicos apresentados, métodos de diagnóstico e tratamento instituído foram analisados. Como critérios de inclusão neste estudo encontram-se a medição de cPLI com resultados acima do valor de referência e a realização de ecografia abdominal. A ecografia demonstrou evidências de pancreatite em 81% dos casos, sendo este valor superior aos 68% encontrados na literatura. Os sinais clínicos apresentados mais comuns foram vómito (39), prostração (38), dor abdominal (36), perda de peso e anorexia (26), desidratação (25), diarreia (21) e febre (5). Todos os animais foram submetidos a tratamento médico, tendo sido apenas 4 deles sujeitos também a cirurgia. A taxa de sobrevivência nos animais com tratamento médico foi de 95% e de 50 % nos animais com tratamento médico e cirúrgico.


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The double triangular test was introduced twenty years ago, and the purpose of this paper is to review applications that have been made since then. In fact, take-up of the method was rather slow until the late 1990s, but in recent years several clinical trial reports have been published describing its use in a wide range of therapeutic areas. The core of this paper is a detailed account of five trials that have been published since 2000 in which the method was applied to studies of pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, myocardial infarction, epilepsy and bedsores. Before those accounts are given, the method is described and the history behind its evolution is presented. The future potential of the method for sequential case-control and equivalence trials is also discussed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Food proteins such as milk and soy are a rich source of bioactive peptides. In the last decade, research into this area has intensified and new bioactive peptide sequences have been discovered with a range of apparent biological functions; for example, antihypertensive, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects and opiate-like qualities have been reported. These peptides could therefore lead to the development of important functional food products and ingredients for the prevention and even treatment of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Peptides can be produced by fermentation with dairy starters for instance, and by enzymatic hydrolysis with pancreatic and microbial enzymes. Further purification is typically carried out by membrane filtration and/or chromatographic methods. The production of novel bioactive peptides and their incorporation into functional food products poses several technological challenges as well as regulatory and marketing issues. Proof of efficacy is of paramount importance; this should be verified by conducting appropriate tests in vivo in animals and in humans. In addition, tests for cytotoxicity and allergenicity must be conducted. Despite all of these hurdles, scientific evidence is increasingly demonstrating the health benefits of diet-based disease prevention, and therefore new developments in this area are likely to continue both at the research and the commercialisation level.


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The present study was carried out to determine whether cephalic stimulation, associated with eating a meal, was sufficient stimulus to provoke the release of stored triacylglycerol (TAG) from a previous high-fat meal. Ten subjects were studied on three separate occasions. Following a 12 h overnight fast, subjects were given a standard mixed test meal which contained 56 g fat. Blood samples were taken before the meal and for 5 h after the meal when the subjects were randomly allocated to receive either water (control) or were modified sham fed a low-fat (6 g fat) or moderate-fat (38 g fat) meal. Blood samples were collected for a further 3 h. Compared with the control, modified sham feeding a low- or moderate-fat meal did not provoke an early entry of TAG, analysed in either plasma or TAG-rich lipoprotein (TRL) fraction (density ,1´006 kg/l). The TRL-retinyl ester data showed similar findings. A cephalic phase secretion of pancreatic polypeptide, without a significant increase in cholecystokinin levels, was observed on modified sham feeding. Although these data indicate that modified sham feeding was carried out successfully, analysis of the fat content of the expectorant showed that our subjects may have accidentally ingested a small amount of fat (0´7 g for the low-fat meal and 2´4 g for the moderate-fat meal). Nevertheless, an early TAG peak following modified sham feeding was not demonstrated in the present study, suggesting that significant ingestion of food, and not just orosensory stimulation, is necessary to provoke the release of any TAG stored from a previous meal.


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Background: Vagal stimulation in response to nutrients is reported to elicit an array of digestive and endocrine responses, including an alteration in postprandial lipid metabolism. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess whether neural stimulation could alter hormone and substrate metabolism during the late postprandial phase, with implications for body fat mobilization. Design: Vagal stimulation was achieved by using the modified sham feeding (MSF) technique, in which nutrients are chewed and tasted but not swallowed. Ten healthy subjects were studied on 3 separate occasions, 4 wk apart. Five hours after a high-fat breakfast (56 g fat), the subjects were given 1 of 3 test meals allocated in random order: water, a lunch containing a modest amount of fat (38 g), or MSF (38 g fat). Blood was collected for 3 h poststimulus for hormone and metabolite analyses. Results: Plasma insulin and pancreatic polypeptide concentrations peaked at 250% and 209% of baseline concentrations within 15 min of MSF. The plasma glucose concentration increased significantly (P = 0.038) in parallel with the changes observed in the plasma insulin concentration. The nonesterified fatty acid concentration was significantly suppressed (P = 0.006); maximum suppression occurred at a mean time of 114 min after MSF. This fall in nonesterified fatty acid was accompanied by a fall in the plasma glucagon concentration from 122 to 85 pmol/L (P = 0.018) at a mean time of 113 min after MSF. Conclusions: Effects on substrate metabolism after MSF in the postprandial state differ from those usually reported in the postabsorptive state. The effects of MSF were prolonged beyond the period of the cephalic response and these may be relevant for longer-term metabolic regulation.


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Background FFAR1 receptor is a long chain fatty acid G-protein coupled receptor which is expressed widely, but found in high density in the pancreas and central nervous system. It has been suggested that FFAR1 may play a role in insulin sensitivity, lipotoxicity and is associated with type 2 diabetes. Here we investigate the effect of three common SNPs of FFAR1 (rs2301151; rs16970264; rs1573611) on pancreatic function, BMI, body composition and plasma lipids. Methodology/Principal Findings For this enquiry we used the baseline RISCK data, which provides a cohort of overweight subjects at increased cardiometabolic risk with detailed phenotyping. The key findings were SNPs of the FFAR1 gene region were associated with differences in body composition and lipids, and the effects of the 3 SNPs combined were cumulative on BMI, body composition and total cholesterol. The effects on BMI and body fat were predominantly mediated by rs1573611 (1.06 kg/m2 higher (P = 0.009) BMI and 1.53% higher (P = 0.002) body fat per C allele). Differences in plasma lipids were also associated with the BMI-increasing allele of rs2301151 including higher total cholesterol (0.2 mmol/L per G allele, P = 0.01) and with the variant A allele of rs16970264 associated with lower total (0.3 mmol/L, P = 0.02) and LDL (0.2 mmol/L, P<0.05) cholesterol, but also with lower HDL-cholesterol (0.09 mmol/L, P<0.05) although the difference was not apparent when controlling for multiple testing. There were no statistically significant effects of the three SNPs on insulin sensitivity or beta cell function. However accumulated risk allele showed a lower beta cell function on increasing plasma fatty acids with a carbon chain greater than six. Conclusions/Significance Differences in body composition and lipids associated with common SNPs in the FFAR1 gene were apparently not mediated by changes in insulin sensitivity or beta-cell function.


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Background: Calpain-10 protein (intracellular Ca2+-dependent cysteine protease) may play a role in glucose metabolism, pancreatic β cell function, and regulation of thermogenesis. Several CAPN10 polymorphic sites have been studied for their potential use as risk markers for type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome (MetS). Fatty acids are key metabolic regulators that may interact with genetic factors and influence glucose metabolism. Objective: The objective was to examine whether the genetic variability at the CAPN10 gene locus is associated with the degree of insulin resistance and plasma fatty acid concentrations in subjects with MetS. Design: The insulin sensitivity index, glucose effectiveness, insulin resistance [homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)], insulin secretion (disposition index, acute insulin response, and HOMA of β cell function), plasma fatty acid composition, and 5 CAPN10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were determined in a cross-sectional analysis of 452 subjects with MetS participating in the LIPGENE dietary intervention cohort. Results: The rs2953171 SNP interacted with plasma total saturated fatty acid (SFA) concentrations, which were significantly associated with insulin sensitivity (P < 0.031 for fasting insulin, P < 0.028 for HOMA-IR, and P < 0.012 for glucose effectiveness). The G/G genotype was associated with lower fasting insulin concentrations, lower HOMA-IR, and higher glucose effectiveness in subjects with low SFA concentrations (below the median) than in subjects with the minor A allele (G/A and A/A). In contrast, subjects with the G/G allele with the highest SFA concentrations (above the median) had higher fasting insulin and HOMA-IR values and lower glucose effectiveness than did subjects with the A allele. Conclusion: The rs2953171 polymorphism at the CAPN10 gene locus may influence insulin sensitivity by interacting with the plasma fatty acid composition in subjects with MetS. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00429195.


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Certain serine proteases signal to cells by cleaving protease-activated receptors (PARs) and thereby regulate hemostasis, inflammation, pain and healing. However, in many tissues the proteases that activate PARs are unknown. Although pancreatic trypsin may be a physiological agonist of PAR(2) and PAR(4) in the small intestine and pancreas, these receptors are expressed by cells not normally exposed pancreatic trypsin. We investigated whether extrapancreatic forms of trypsin are PAR agonists. Epithelial cells lines from prostate, colon, and airway and human colonic mucosa expressed mRNA encoding PAR(2), trypsinogen IV, and enteropeptidase, which activates the zymogen. Immunoreactive trypsinogen IV was detected in vesicles in these cells. Trypsinogen IV was cloned from PC-3 cells and expressed in CHO cells, where it was also localized to cytoplasmic vesicles. We expressed trypsinogen IV with an N-terminal Igkappa signal peptide to direct constitutive secretion and allow enzymatic characterization. Treatment of conditioned medium with enteropeptidase reduced the apparent molecular mass of trypsinogen IV from 36 to 30 kDa and generated enzymatic activity, consistent with formation of trypsin IV. In contrast to pancreatic trypsin, trypsin IV was completely resistant to inhibition by polypeptide inhibitors. Exposure of cell lines expressing PAR(2) and PAR(4) to trypsin IV increased [Ca(2+)](i) and strongly desensitized cells to PAR agonists, whereas there were no responses in cells lacking these receptors. Thus, trypsin IV is a potential agonist of PAR(2) and PAR(4) in epithelial tissues where its resistance to endogenous trypsin inhibitors may permit prolonged signaling.


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PARs (protease-activated receptors) are a family of four G-protein-coupled receptors for proteases from the circulation, inflammatory cells and epithelial tissues. This report focuses on PAR(2), which plays an important role in inflammation and pain. Pancreatic (trypsin I and II) and extrapancreatic (trypsin IV) trypsins, mast cell tryptase and coagulation factors VIIa and Xa cleave and activate PAR(2). Proteases cleave PAR(2) to expose a tethered ligand that binds to the cleaved receptor. Despite this irreversible activation, PAR(2) signalling is attenuated by beta-arrestin-mediated desensitization and endocytosis, and by lysosomal targeting and degradation, which requires ubiquitination of PAR(2). beta-Arrestins also act as scaffolds for the assembly of multi-protein signalling complexes that determine the location and function of activated mitogen-activated protein kinases. Observations of PAR(2)-deficient mice support a role for PAR(2) in inflammation, and many of the effects of PAR(2) activators promote inflammation. Inflammation is mediated in part by activation of PAR(2) in the peripheral nervous system, which results in neurogenic inflammation and hyperalgesia.


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The mammalian bradykinin-degrading enzyme aminopeptidase P (AP-P; E. C. is a metal-dependent enzyme and is a member of the peptidase clan MG. AP-P exists as membrane-bound and cytosolic forms, which represent distinct gene products. A partially truncated clone encoding the cytosolic form was obtained from a human pancreatic cDNA library and the 5' region containing the initiating Met was obtained by 5' rapid accumulation of cDNA ends (RACE). The open reading frame encodes a protein of 623 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 69,886 Da. The full-length cDNA with a C-terminal hexahistidine tag was expressed in Escherichia coli and COS-1 cells and migrated on SDS-PAGE with a molecular mass of 71 kDa. The expressed cytosolic AP-P hydrolyzed the X-Pro bond of bradykinin and substance P but did not hydrolyze Gly-Pro-hydroxyPro. Hydrolysis of bradykinin was inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline and by the specific inhibitor of the membrane-bound form of mammalian AP-P, apstatin. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy of AP-P expressed in E. coli revealed the presence of 1 mol of manganese/mol of protein and insignificant amounts of cobalt, iron, and zinc. The enzymatic activity of AP-P was promoted in the presence of Mn(II), and this activation was increased further by the addition of glutathione. The only other metal ion to cause slight activation of the enzyme was Co(II), with Ca(II), Cu(II), Mg(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) all being inhibitory. Removal of the metal ion from the protein was achieved by treatment with 1,10-phenanthroline. The metal-free enzyme was reactivated by the addition of Mn(II) and, partially, by Fe(II). Neither Co(II) nor Zn(II) reactivated the metal-free enzyme. On the basis of these data we propose that human cytosolic AP-P is a single metal ion-dependent enzyme and that manganese is most likely the metal ion used in vivo.


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The case is made for a more careful analysis of the large time asymptotic of infinite particle systems in the thermodynamic limit beyond zero density. The insufficiency of current analysis even in the model case of free particles is demonstrated. Recent advances based on more sophisticated analytical tools like functions of mean variation and Hardy spaces are sketched.


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Abstract: Introduction Although eye exercises appear to help heterophoria, convergence insufficiency and intermittent strabismus, true treatment effects can be confounded by placebo, practice and encouragement factors. This study assessed objective changes in vergence and accommodation responses in typical naïve young adults after two weeks of exercises compared to control conditions to assess the extent of treatment effects occur above other factors. Methods 156 asymptomatic young adults were randomly assigned to 6 exercise groups or 2 no-treatment groups. Treatment targeted i) accommodation, ii)vergence, iii) both, iv) convergence>accommodation, v)accommodation>convergence, or vi) a placebo. All were re-tested under identical conditions, except for the second control group who were additionally encouraged during testing. Objective accommodation and vergence were assessed to a range of targets moving in depth containing combinations of blur, disparity and proximity/looming cues. Results Response gain improved more for less naturalistic targets where more improvement was possible. Convergence exercises improved vergence for near across all targets (P=.035). Mean accommodation changed similarly,but non-significantly. No other treatment group differed significantly from the non-encouraged control group, while encouraging effort produced significantly increased vergence (P=.004) and accommodation (P=.005) gains in the other control group. Conclusions True treatment effects were small, only significantly better after vergence exercises to a non-accommodative target, and were rarely related to response they were designed to improve. Exercising accommodation without convergence made no difference to accommodation to cues containing detail. Additional effort improved objective responses the most, so should be controlled carefully in research, and considered when auditing treatment.