954 resultados para POISONING PSP TOXINS
Attaching and effacing (AE) lesions were observed in the caecum, proximal colon and rectum of one of four lambs experimentally inoculated at 6 weeks. of age with Escherichia coli O157:H7. However, the attached bacteria did not immunostain with O157-specific antiserum. Subsequent bacteriological analysis of samples from this animal yielded two E. coli O115:H- strains, one from the colon (CO) and one from the rectum (RC), and those bacteria forming the AE lesions were shown to be of the O115 serogroup by immunostaining. The O115:H(-)isolates formed microcolonies and attaching and effacing lesions, as demonstrated by the fluorescence actin staining test, on HEp-2 tissue culture cells. Both isolates were confirmed by PCR to encode the epsilon (epsilon) subtype of intimin. Supernates of both O115:H- isolates induced cytopathic effects on Vero cell monolayers, and PCR analysis verified that both isolates encoded EAST1, CNF1 and CNF2 toxins but not Shiga-like toxins. Both isolates harboured similar sized plasmids but-PCR analysis indicated that only one of the O115:H- isolates (CO) possessed the plasmid-associated virulence determinants ehxA and etpD. Neither strain possessed the espP, katP or bfpA plasmid-associated virulence determinants. These E. coli O115:H- strains exhibited a novel combination of virulence determinants and are the first isolates found to possess both CNF1 and CNF2.
Escherichia coli O86:K61 has long been associated with outbreaks of infantile diarrhea in humans and with diarrheal disease in many animal species. Studies in the late 1990s identified E. coli 086:K61 as the cause of mortality in a variety of wild birds, and in this study, 34 E. coli 086:K61 isolates were examined. All of the isolates were nonmotile, but most elaborated at least two morphologically distinct surface appendages that were confirmed to be type I and curli fimbriae. Thirty-three isolates were positive for the eaeA gene encoding a gamma type of intimin. No phenotypic or genotypic evidence was obtained for elaboration of Shiga-like toxins, but most isolates possessed the gene coding for the cytolethal distending toxin. Five isolates were selected for adherence assays performed with tissue explants and HEp-2 cells, and four of these strains produced attaching and effacing lesions on HEp-2 cells and invaded the cells, as determined by transmission electron microscopy. Two of the five isolates were inoculated orally into 1-day-old specific-pathogen-free chicks, and both of these isolates colonized, invaded, and persisted well in this model. Neither isolate produced attaching and effacing lesions in chicks, although some pathology was evident in the alimentary tract. No deaths were recorded in inoculated chicks. These findings are discussed in light of the possibility that wild birds are potential zoonotic reservoirs of attaching and effacing E. coli.
Enteric bacteria with a demonstrable or potential ability to form attaching-effacing lesions, so-called attaching-effacing (AE) bacteria, have been found in the intestinal tracts of a wide variety of warm-blooded animal species, including man. In some host species, for example cattle, pigs, rabbits and human beings, attaching-effacing Escherichia coli (AEEC) have an established role as enteropathogens. In other host species, AE bacteria are of less certain significance. With continuing advances in the detection and typing of AE strains, the importance of these bacteria for many hosts is likely to become clearer. The pathogenic effects of AE bacteria result from adhesion to the intestinal mucosa by a variety of mechanisms, culminating in the formation of the characteristic intimate adhesion of the AE lesion. The ability to induce AE lesions is mediated by the co-ordinated expression of some 40 bacterial genes organized within a so-called pathogenicity island, known as the "Locus for Enterocyte Effacement". It is also believed that the production of bacterial toxins, principally Vero toxins, is a significant virulence factor for some A-EEC strains. Recent areas of research into AE bacteria include: the use of Citrobacter rodentium to model human AEEC disease; quorum-sensing mechanisms used by AEEC to modulate virulence gene expression; and the potential role of adhesion in the persistent colonization of the intestine by AE bacteria. This review of AE bacteria covers their molecular biology, their occurrence in various animal species, and the diagnosis, pathology and clinical aspects of animal diseases with which they are associated. Reference is made to human pathogens where appropriate. The focus is mainly on natural colonization and disease, but complementary experimental data are also included. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
It is common practice to freeze dry probiotic bacteria to improve their shelf life. However, the freeze drying process itself can be detrimental to their viability. The viability of probiotics could be maintained if they are administered within a microbially produced biodegradable polymer - poly-γ-glutamic acid (γ-PGA) - matrix. Although the antifreeze activity of γ-PGA is well known, it has not been used for maintaining the viability of probiotic bacteria during freeze drying. The aim of this study was to test the effect of γ-PGA (produced by B. subtilis natto ATCC 15245) on the viability of probiotic bacteria during freeze drying and to test the toxigenic potential of B. subtilis natto. 10% γ-PGA was found to protect Lactobacillus paracasei significantly better than 10% sucrose, whereas it showed comparable cryoprotectant activity to sucrose when it was used to protect Bifidobacterium breve and Bifidobacterium longum. Although γ-PGA is known to be non-toxic, it is crucial to ascertain the toxigenic potential of its source, B. subtilis natto. Presence of six genes that are known to encode for toxins were investigated: three component hemolysin (hbl D/A), three component non-haemolytic enterotoxin (nheB), B. cereus enterotoxin T (bceT), enterotoxin FM (entFM), sphingomyelinase (sph) and phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase (piplc). From our investigations, none of these six genes were present in B. subtilis natto. Moreover, haemolytic and lecithinase activities were found to be absent. Our work contributes a biodegradable polymer from a non-toxic source for the cryoprotection of probiotic bacteria, thus improving their survival during the manufacturing process.
The social cost of food scares has been the object of substantial applied research worldwide. In Italy, meat and dairy products are often the vectors of food-borne pathogens, and this is well known by the public. Most cases of food contamination and poisoning find their causes in the way food is handled after, rather than before purchase. However, a large fraction is still caused by mishandling at the industrial stage. With this in mind, we set out to estimate Italian households’ willingness to pay (WTP) for a reduction in the risk of meat and dairy food contamination using contingent valuation. The survey design incorporated features specifically conceived to overcome difficulties faced in previous survey research, especially with respect to individualized food expenditures and risk communication. In order to achieve this objective a CAPI (computer-assisted personal interview) survey was devised to tackle two major issues which emerged in previous contingent valuation studies. The first issue is connected to the way of communicating risk to consumers in order to allow them to make optimal choices and the second one to the results deriving from these studies. In fact, estimates from contingent valuation regarding food safety are given just for single products and so marketers may find it hard to extrapolate them to the aggregate. Our results show that in Italy there are segments of consumers who would benefit from higher standards of food safety for farm animal products.
Offsite pesticide losses in tropical mountainous regions have been little studied. One example is measuring pesticide drift soil deposition, which can support pesticide risk assessment for surface water, soil, bystanders, off target plants and fauna. This is considered a serious gap, given the evidence of pesticide-related poisoning in those regions. Empirical data of drift deposition of a pesticide surrogate, Uranine tracer, within one of the highest potato producing regions in Colombia, characterized by small plots and mountain orography, is presented. High drift values encountered in our study reflect the actual spray conditions using handled knapsack sprayers. Comparison between measured and predicted drift values using three existing empirical equations showed important underestimation. However, after their optimization based on measured drift information, the equations showed a strong predictive power for this study area and the study conditions. The most suitable curve to assess mean relative drift was the IMAG calculator after optimization.
The White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis (WhV) is uncommon and largely restricted to protected areas across its range in sub-Saharan Africa. We used the World Database on Protected Areas to identify protected areas (PAs) likely to contain White-headed Vultures. Vulture occurrence on road transects in Southern, East, and West Africa was adjusted to nests per km2 using data from areas with known numbers of nests and corresponding road transect data. Nest density was used to calculate the number of WhV nests within identified PAs and from there extrapolated to estimate the global population. Across a fragmented range, 400 PAs are estimated to contain 1893 WhV nests. Eastern Africa is estimated to contain 721 nests, Central Africa 548 nests, Southern Africa 468 nests, and West Africa 156 nests. Including immature and nonbreeding birds, and accounting for data deficient PAs, the estimated global population is 5475 - 5493 birds. The identified distribution highlights are alarming: over 78% (n = 313) of identified PAs contain fewer than five nests. A further 17% (n = 68) of PAs contain 5 - 20 nests and 4% (n = 14) of identified PAs are estimated to contain >20 nests. Just 1% (n = 5) of PAs are estimated to contain >40 nests; none is located in West Africa. Whilst ranging behavior of WhVs is currently unknown, 35% of PAs large enough to hold >20 nests are isolated by more than 100 km from other PAs. Spatially discrete and unpredictable mortality events such as poisoning pose major threats to small localized vulture populations and will accelerate ongoing local extinctions. Apart from reducing the threat of poisoning events, conservation actions promoting linkages between protected areas should be pursued. Identifying potential areas for assisted re-establishment via translocation offers the potential to expand the range of this species and alleviate risk.
Sodium channel toxins from sea anemones are employed as tools for dissecting the biophysical properties of inactivation in voltage-gated sodium channels. Cangitoxin (CGTX) is a peptide containing 48 amino acid residues and was formerly purified from Bunodosoma cangicum. Nevertheless, previous works reporting, the isolation procedures for such peptide from B. cangicum secretions are controversial and may lead to incorrect information. In this paper, we report a simple and rapid procedure, consisting of two chromatographic steps, in order to obtain a CGTX analog directly from sea anemone venom. We also report a substitution of N16D in this peptide sample and the co-elution of an inseparable minor isoform presenting the R14H substitution. Peptides are named as CGTX-II and CGTX-III, and their effects over Nav1.1 channels in patch clamp experiments are demonstrated. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new acylamino acid, bunodosine 391 (BDS 391), was isolated from the venom of the sea anemone Bunodosoma cangicum. The structure was elucidated by spectroscopic analyses (2D NMR, ESIMS/MS) and verified by its synthesis. Intraplantar injection of BDS 391 into the hind paw of a rat induced a potent analgesic effect. This effect was not altered by naloxone (an opioid receptor antagonist), but was completely reversed by methysergide (a serotonin receptor antagonist), indicating that the effect is mediated by activation of serotonin receptors:
Microcystins (MCs) produced by some freshwater cyanobacterial species possess potent liver toxicity as evidenced by acute neutrophil infiltration. Here, we investigate the ability of three structurally distinct toxins (MC-LA, MC-LR, and MC-YR) to evoke neutrophil recruitment per se and their effects on migration pathways. Intravital Microscopic Studies showed that topical application of only MC-LR enhanced the numbers of rolling and adhered leukocytes in the endothelium of postcapillary mesenteric venules. The latter effects may be dependent upon induction of the synthesis and expression Of L-selectin and beta(2)-integrin in neutrophils, as assessed by flow cytometry and RT-PCR, respectively. Conversely, the three toxins promoted direct locomotion of neutrophils and enhanced their migration in response to NO, as measured by Boyden chamber assays, and increased intracellular calcium, a messenger in the chemotaxic process. In conclusion, our results show that MCs act on specific pathways of neutrophil recruitment, indicating their potential effect on neutrophils activation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Innumerous protocols, using the mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells as model for in vitro study of neurons functional properties and features, have been developed. Most of these protocols are short lasting, which, therefore, does not allow a careful analysis of the neurons maturation, aging, and death processes. We describe here a novel and efficient long-lasting protocol for in vitro ES cells differentiation into neuronal cells. It consists of obtaining embryoid bodies, followed by induction of neuronal differentiation with retinoic acid of nonadherent embryoid bodies (three-dimensional model), which further allows their adherence and formation of adherent neurospheres (AN, bi-dimensional model). The AN can be maintained for at least 12 weeks in culture under repetitive mechanical splitting, providing a constant microenvironment (in vitro niche) for the neuronal progenitor cells avoiding mechanical dissociation of AN. The expression of neuron-specific proteins, such as nestin, sox1, beta III-tubulin, microtubule-associated protein 2, neurofilament medium protein, Tau, neuronal nuclei marker, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and 5-hydroxytryptamine, were confirmed in these cells maintained during 3 months under several splitting. Additionally, expression pattern of microtubule-associated proteins, such as lissencephaly (Lis1) and nuclear distribution element-like (Ndel1), which were shown to be essential for differentiation and migration of neurons during embryogenesis, was also studied. As expected, both proteins were expressed in undifferentiated ES cells, AN, and nonrosette neurons, although presenting different spatial distribution in AN. In contrast to previous studies, using cultured neuronal cells derived from embryonic and adult tissues, only Ndel1 expression was observed in the centrosome region of early neuroblasts from AN. Mature neurons, obtained from ES cells in this work, display ionic channels and oscillations of membrane electrical potential typical of electrically excitable cells, which is a characteristic feature of the functional central nervous system (CNS) neurons. Taken together, our study demonstrated that AN are a long-term culture of neuronal cells that can be used to analyze the process of neuronal differentiation dynamics. Thus, the protocol described here provides a new experimental model for studying neurological diseases associated with neuronal differentiation during early development, as well as it represents a novel source of functional cells that can be used as tools for testing the effects of toxins and/or drugs on neuronal cells.
Symptoms evoked by Thalassophryne nattereri fish envenomation include local oedema, severe pain and intense necrosis with strikingly inefficient healing, continuing for several weeks or months. Investigations carried out in our laboratory showed that, in the venom-induced acute inflammation, thrombosis in venules and constrictions in arterioles were highly visible, in contrast to a notable lack of inflammatory cell. Nevertheless, the reason that the venom toxins favour delayed local inflammatory response is poorly defined. In this study, we analysed the movement of leucocytes after T. nattereri venom injection in the intraplantar region of Swiss mice, the production of pro-inflammatory mediators and the venom potential to elicit matrix metalloproteinase production and extracellular matrix degradation. Total absence of mononuclear and neutrophil influx was observed until 14 days, but the venom stimulates pro-inflammatory mediator secretion. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-2 and MMP-9 were detected in greater quantities, accompanied by tissue degradation of collagenous fibre. An influx of mononuclear cells was noted very late and at this time the levels of IL-6, IL-1 beta and MMP-2 remained high. Additionally, the action of venom on the cytoskeletal organization was assessed in vitro. Swift F-actin disruption and subsequent loss of focal adhesion was noted. Collectively these findings show that the altered specific interaction cell-matrix during the inflammatory process creates an inadequate environment for infiltration of inflammatory cells.
Introduction. Coitus in snakes may last up to 28 hours; however, the mechanisms involved are unknown. Aim. To evaluate the relevance of the nitric oxide (NO)-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) system in snake corpus cavernosum reactivity. Methods. Hemipenes were removed from anesthetized South American rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus terrificus) and studied by light and scanning electronic microscopy. Isolated Crotalus corpora cavernosa (CCC) were dissected from the non-spiny region of the hemipenises, and tissue reactivity was assessed in organ baths. Main Outcome Measures. Cumulative concentration-response curves were constructed for acetylcholine (ACh), sodium nitroprusside (SNP), 5-cyclopropyl-2-[1-(2-fluorobenzyl)-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine-3-yl]pyrimidin-4-ylamine (BAY 41-2272), and tadalafil in CCC precontracted with phenylephrine. Relaxation induced by electrical field stimulation (EFS) was also done in the absence and presence of N omega nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 100 mu M), 1H-[1, 2, 4] oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ; 10 mu M) and tetrodotoxin (TTX; 1 mu M). Results. The hemipenes consisted of two functionally concentric corpora cavernosa, one of them containing radiating bundles of smooth muscle fibers (confirmed by alpha-actin immunostaining). Endothelial and neural nitric oxide synthases were present in the endothelium and neural structures, respectively; whereas soluble guanylate cyclase and PDE5 were expressed in trabecular smooth muscle. ACh and SNP relaxed isolated CCC, with the relaxations being markedly reduced by L-NAME and ODQ, respectively. BAY 41-2272 and tadalafil caused sustained relaxations with potency (pEC(50)) values of 5.84 +/- 0.17 and 5.10 +/- 0.08 (N = 3-4), respectively. In precontracted CCC, EFS caused frequency-dependent relaxations that lasted three times longer than those in mammalian CC. Although these relaxations were almost abolished by either L-NAME or ODQ, they were unaffected by TTX. In contrast, EFS-induced relaxations in marmoset CC were abolished by TTX. Conclusions. Rattlesnake CC relaxation is mediated by the NO-cGMP-PDE5 pathway in a manner similar to mammals. The novel TTX-resistant Na channel identified here may be responsible for the slow response of smooth muscle following nerve stimulation and could explain the extraordinary duration of snake coitus. Capel RO, Monica FZ, Porto M, Barillas S, Muscara MN, Teixeira SA, Arruda AMM, Pissinatti, L, Pissinatti A, Schenka AA, Antunes E, Nahoum C, Cogo JC, de Oliveira MA, and De Nucci G. Role of a novel tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channel in the nitrergic relaxation of corpus cavernosum from the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus. J Sex Med 2011;8:1616-1625.
The natural diversity of the eft operons, encoding the heat-labile toxin LT-I (LT), carried by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains isolated from humans was investigated. For many years, LT was supposed to be represented by a rather conserved toxin, and one derivative, produced by the reference H10407 strain, was intensively studied either as a virulence factor or as a vaccine adjuvant. Amplicons encompassing the two LT-encoding genes (eltA and eltB) of 51 human-derived ETEC strains, either LT+ (25 strains) only or LT+/ST+ (26 strains), isolated from asymptomatic (24 strains) or diarrheic (27 strains) subjects, were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and DNA sequencing. Seven polymorphic RFLP types of the H10407 strain were detected with six (BsaI, DdeI, HhaI, HincII, HphI, and MspI) restriction enzymes. Additionally, the single-nucleotide polymorphic analysis revealed 50 base changes in the eft operon, including 21 polymorphic sites at eltA and 9 at eltB. Based on the deduced amino acid sequences, 16 LT types were identified, including LT1, expressed by the H10407 strain and 23 other strains belonging to seven different serotypes, and LT2, expressed by 11 strains of six different serotypes. In vitro experiments carried out with purified toxins indicated that no significant differences in GM1-binding affinity could be detected among LT1, LT2, and LT4. However, LT4, but not other toxin types, showed reduced toxic activities measured either in vitro with cultured cells (Y-1 cells) or in vivo in rabbit ligated ileal loops. Collectively, these results indicate that the natural diversity of LTs produced by wild-type ETEC strains isolated from human hosts is considerably larger than previously assumed and may impact the pathogeneses of the strains and the epidemiology of the disease.