1000 resultados para Pós-cura


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This paper discusses of the use of the Impact Factor in the evaluation of chemistry graduate courses by CAPES and the internationalization of the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society and Química Nova.


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Mental models play an important role in the evolution of an individual's so-called knowledge. Using such representations, students can explain, foresee, and attribute causality to observed phenomena. In the case of Chemistry, the ability to work mentally with models assumes great importance, due to the microscopic component that is characteristic of this science. With the objective of exploring students' ability to work with models, 27 students of the Chemistry Institute of UNESP were asked to describe the mechanisms of dissolution, in water, of NaCl, HCl and HCN, as well as the partial dissolution of I2. Due to difficulties of access to complex descriptors of these processes, each student was asked to explain the phenomena using words and drawings. The results of these investigations were analyzed, and enabled construction of a framework representing the Chemistry students' theoretical training, especially with respect to their most important transferred skill: an ability to model the physical world.


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This work intends to present the history of top-level Chemistry education in Rio de Janeiro. It's important to rescue the history of Chemistry Institute of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro since 1959. It's also important to understand the incorporation of two undergraduate courses: Chemistry and Chemistry bachelor's degree. It covers historical background of Chemistry education in old National Faculty of Philosophy, considering power disputes between Industrial Chemistry Course and Chemical Engineering; when and in which circumstances the Institute was created; political context and its relation with postgraduate. Finally, discuss the incorporation of undergraduate courses and curriculum modifications since 1968.


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Invocatio: D.F.G.


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Invocatio: D.D.


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A fruit chemical composition reflects its maturation stage. For coffee, it is also the reflex of the post-harvesting processing type, dry, semi-wet and wet. The object of this work was to verify if headspace solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography (HS-SPME-GC) could be used to discriminate between samples harvested in different maturation stages and treated by different processes. With application of principal component analysis to the area of 117 compounds extracted by SPME, using divinylbenzene/Carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane fiber, it was possible to discriminate, in the roasted and ground coffee, the maturity stage and processing type used .


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The pedagogic training of university professors has been overlooked in institutions of higher education. In the second semester of 2009, students of the Graduate Chemistry Program at the Federal University of Minas Gerais participated in an investigation that aimed to evaluate the students' perceptions of their own training to become professors. It was found that a large number of students felt prepared to teach at institutions of higher education, despite their lack of experience at this education level. A significant point in this work was the finding that most students do not acknowledge the need of associating the teaching practice with teaching-learning theories, but instead consider the knowledge of scientific content important.


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Ion exchange method was employed by means of surface modification of the glass powders of LZSA (Li2O-ZrO2-SiO2-Al2O3) system submitted to a 70wt% NaNO3/30wt% NaSO4 bath salt followed by a heat treatment. Chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence was used to evaluate the efficiency of ion exchange, while optical dilatometry was employed to evaluate sintering of compacts. Evaluation of the structure of sintered bodies was made by scanning electron microscopy. Substitution of Li+ ions by Na+ ions on the surface of powders during heat treatments of 450 and 600 ºC for 2-10 h promoted an increase in densification of the sintered bodies.


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Several problems are involved the treatment plants of textile effluents, mainly the low efficiency of color removal. This paper presents an alternative of post-treatment by UV/H2O2 process, for color removal in biologically treated textile effluents. The tests were performed in a photochemical reactor and samples were taken at different times to perform analyses. Using 250 mgH2O2.L-1, 96% removal of color was verified, indicating the dyes degradation. A reduction of 84% of aromatics compounds, 90% of TSS removal, and a further reduction of the organic fraction were observed, demonstrating that the process is effective as a post-treatment of effluents from textile industries.


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This work presents a route for processing spent ink-jet cartridges in an experimental course. The disassembly of the cartridges requires several steps and the recognition of their different components is essential to define the best final destination (recycling, co-processing). The plastic strips were chemically processed so as to recover gold and copper. The students recognized the difficulty of processing multicomponent wastes and the importance of the chemical work under the best safety conditions; they also experienced many laboratory techniques and recognized the value of the selective collection and the reverse logistics to reach a viable commercial scale recycling.


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Foi avaliada a influência da temperatura (5, 15, 25 e 35 °C), da duração do período de molhamento (0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 e 72 h) e da concentração de inóculo (10¹, 10², 10(4), 10(6) e 10(8) esporos/ml) na incidência de podridões de pós-colheita em frutos de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum) (cv. Santa Clara) causadas por Fusarium verticillioides, Geotrichum candidum e Rhizopus stolonifer. A temperatura influenciou significativamente (P=0,05) a incidência de podridões, ocorrendo maior incidência de lesões em frutos incubados a 25 °C. Não foi observado o desenvolvimento de podridão em frutos inoculados com F. verticillioides e incubados nas temperaturas de 5 e 35 °C, sendo nesta última verificada a menor incidência de podridões causadas por G. candidum e R. stolonifer. Nas temperaturas de 5, 15 e 25 °C, a incidência de podridões causadas por R. stolonifer variou entre 97,5 e 100%. A presença de água livre na superfície dos frutos de tomateiro foi desnecessária para a incidência de podridões causadas por F. verticillioides, G. candidum e R. stolonifer, embora os níveis de incidência tenham aumentado com o incremento no período de molhamento, exceto para R. stolonifer, que causou a incidência máxima de doença (100%), na ausência de molhamento. A incidência de podridões aumentou com o incremento na concentração de inóculo de 10¹ a 10(8) esporos/mL, atingindo o máximo (100%) na concentração de 10(4) esporos/ml para F. verticillioides e R. stolonifer, enquanto o mesmo nível foi atingido por G. candidum com 10(8) esporos/ml.


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A podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) causa danos relevantes nos pessegueiros (Prunus persicae) apesar das práticas de profilaxia e produtos químicos utilizados em pré e pós-colheita. O controle biológico vem sendo pesquisado como alternativa, e neste trabalho foram selecionados microrganismos antagônicos ao patógeno e avaliada a eficiência destes antagônicos, de fungicidas (iminoctadine tris albesilate e azoxystrobin) e de fosfitos (CaB e K) no controle da doença em pós-colheita. No laboratório, o antagonismo de fungos filamentosos obtidos de pêssegos da região da Lapa, PR, foi avaliado utilizando dois métodos: culturas pareadas e difusão de metabólitos por membrana. Em pós-colheita, dois ensaios foram realizados utilizando frutos da safra 1997 e 1999. Cada fruto foi imerso nas suspensões preparadas com os produtos químicos e com os fungos antagônicos e, em seguida, inoculado com o patógeno por aspersão. Avaliou-se a incidência da doença em ferimentos provocados e fora deles. Os fungos que mostraram produção de substâncias inibitórias foram Trichothecium spp. (isolados F1, F2 e F4), e Trichoderma spp. (F8 e F12) e, com crescimento sobre o patógeno foram Trichoderma spp. (F7, F8 e F12) e Penicillium sp (F9). Nos frutos, os antagonistas que exerceram maior controle da doença foram os isolados de Trichothecium spp. (F1 e F2), acima de 80% de controle, não diferindo estatisticamente dos fungicidas testados, iminoctadine e azoxystrobin. O fosfito de K proporcionou um controle superior a 85% de lesões latentes em ambos experimentos.


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A new post-harvest disease of coconut (Cocos nucifera) was recently detected in fruits exported to European countries. The main symptoms are the blacking and cracking of basal parts of the fruits. Water oozing may occurs as the infection progresses. The fungus Lasiodiplodia theobromae has been frequently isolated from the lesions. Inoculation tests proved that this pathogen is the causal agent of the coconut fruit basal rot. This is the first occurrence of this post-harvest disease in Brazil.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar o efeito do tratamento com água quente no controle da podridão branca (Botryosphaeria dothidea) em maçãs (Malus domestica) cv. Fuji. Os tratamentos foram combinações de três tempos de imersão em água quente (1, 2, e 3 min) e três temperaturas da água (47, 49 e 52 °C), utilizando frutos inoculados com o patógeno. As maçãs foram armazenadas na temperatura de 0-1 °C em atmosfera controlada (AC) de 1,2 a 1,6 kPa de O2 e 0,2 a 0,4 kPa de CO2 e em ar refrigerado (AR). As amostras armazenadas foram avaliadas ao final um, três e cinco meses em AC ou AR mais sete dias em temperatura ambiente. Avaliou-se o diâmetro de lesão e variáveis da qualidade dos frutos. Os tratamentos de imersão em água quente reduziram o tamanho das lesões das maçãs quando o tratamento foi de 47 °C por 3 min em armazenamento em AC. A armazenagem em AC manteve melhores as características qualitativas das maçãs.