915 resultados para Open source information retrieval
[ES] El objetivo de este Trabajo Final de Grado (TFG) es la creación de un prototipo de aplicación web para la gestión de recursos geoespaciales. Esta propuesta surgió a partir de la necesidad de disponer de una herramienta que no tuviera que ser instalada en un dispositivo, sino servida por un servidor web, permitiendo su acceso desde cualquier parte y dispositivo. El resultado fue el Gestor Web de Recursos Geoespaciales con Tecnología OpenLayers, una aplicación que combina diversas herramientas (OpenLayers, GeoServer, PostgreSQL, jQuery…) – todas ellas basadas en Software Libre – para cumplir funcionalidades como la creación de primitivas vectoriales sobre un mapa, gestión y visualización de la información asociada, edición de estilos, modificación de coordenadas, etc. siendo todas éstas funcionalidades características de un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) y ofreciendo una interfaz de uso cómoda y eficaz, que abstraiga al usuario de detalles internos y complejos. El material desarrollado dispone del potencial necesario para convertirse en una solución a las necesidades de gestión de información geoespacial de la ULPGC, especialmente en el campus de Tafira, sobre el que se ha ejemplificado su uso. Además, a diferencia de las herramientas ofertadas por empresas como Google o Microsoft, esta aplicación está por completo bajo una licencia GNU GPL v3, lo que permite que se pueda indagar dentro de su código, mejorarlo y añadir funcionalidades a cualquier persona interesada.
[EN]The human face provides useful information during interaction; therefore, any system integrating Vision- BasedHuman Computer Interaction requires fast and reliable face and facial feature detection. Different approaches have focused on this ability but only open source implementations have been extensively used by researchers. A good example is the Viola–Jones object detection framework that particularly in the context of facial processing has been frequently used.
Questo lavoro ha come obiettivo l’utilizzo del Geographical Information System (GIS) per effettuare analisi di sicurezza, monitoraggio e valutazioni di impatto ambientale. Oggi, la totalità delle operazioni GIS possono essere svolte con software open source e in questa sedi si è scelto di utilizzare il GIS GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) disponibile nei termini della GNU public license (GPL), mostrando l’usabilità e le notevoli potenzialità di tale software, nonché la qualità dei prodotti ottenibili, mai inferiori ai prodotti e agli strumenti messi a disposizione dai più radicati e diffusi programmi proprietari. Nel capitolo 4, vedremo l’applicazione all’analisi delle conseguenze di ipotetici incidenti, durante le operazioni di dismissione dell’impianto di processamento del combustibile nucleare, di Bosco Marengo (AL). Nel capitolo 5, vedremo applicazioni nel campo del monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria tramite analisi di immagini satellitari.
Healthcare, Human Computer Interfaces (HCI), Security and Biometry are the most promising application scenario directly involved in the Body Area Networks (BANs) evolution. Both wearable devices and sensors directly integrated in garments envision a word in which each of us is supervised by an invisible assistant monitoring our health and daily-life activities. New opportunities are enabled because improvements in sensors miniaturization and transmission efficiency of the wireless protocols, that achieved the integration of high computational power aboard independent, energy-autonomous, small form factor devices. Application’s purposes are various: (I) data collection to achieve off-line knowledge discovery; (II) user notification of his/her activities or in case a danger occurs; (III) biofeedback rehabilitation; (IV) remote alarm activation in case the subject need assistance; (V) introduction of a more natural interaction with the surrounding computerized environment; (VI) users identification by physiological or behavioral characteristics. Telemedicine and mHealth [1] are two of the leading concepts directly related to healthcare. The capability to borne unobtrusiveness objects supports users’ autonomy. A new sense of freedom is shown to the user, not only supported by a psychological help but a real safety improvement. Furthermore, medical community aims the introduction of new devices to innovate patient treatments. In particular, the extension of the ambulatory analysis in the real life scenario by proving continuous acquisition. The wide diffusion of emerging wellness portable equipment extended the usability of wearable devices also for fitness and training by monitoring user performance on the working task. The learning of the right execution techniques related to work, sport, music can be supported by an electronic trainer furnishing the adequate aid. HCIs made real the concept of Ubiquitous, Pervasive Computing and Calm Technology introduced in the 1988 by Marc Weiser and John Seeley Brown. They promotes the creation of pervasive environments, enhancing the human experience. Context aware, adaptive and proactive environments serve and help people by becoming sensitive and reactive to their presence, since electronics is ubiquitous and deployed everywhere. In this thesis we pay attention to the integration of all the aspects involved in a BAN development. Starting from the choice of sensors we design the node, configure the radio network, implement real-time data analysis and provide a feedback to the user. We present algorithms to be implemented in wearable assistant for posture and gait analysis and to provide assistance on different walking conditions, preventing falls. Our aim, expressed by the idea to contribute at the development of a non proprietary solutions, driven us to integrate commercial and standard solutions in our devices. We use sensors available on the market and avoided to design specialized sensors in ASIC technologies. We employ standard radio protocol and open source projects when it was achieved. The specific contributions of the PhD research activities are presented and discussed in the following. • We have designed and build several wireless sensor node providing both sensing and actuator capability making the focus on the flexibility, small form factor and low power consumption. The key idea was to develop a simple and general purpose architecture for rapid analysis, prototyping and deployment of BAN solutions. Two different sensing units are integrated: kinematic (3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscopes) and kinetic (foot-floor contact pressure forces). Two kind of feedbacks were implemented: audio and vibrotactile. • Since the system built is a suitable platform for testing and measuring the features and the constraints of a sensor network (radio communication, network protocols, power consumption and autonomy), we made a comparison between Bluetooth and ZigBee performance in terms of throughput and energy efficiency. Test in the field evaluate the usability in the fall detection scenario. • To prove the flexibility of the architecture designed, we have implemented a wearable system for human posture rehabilitation. The application was developed in conjunction with biomedical engineers who provided the audio-algorithms to furnish a biofeedback to the user about his/her stability. • We explored off-line gait analysis of collected data, developing an algorithm to detect foot inclination in the sagittal plane, during walk. • In collaboration with the Wearable Lab – ETH, Zurich, we developed an algorithm to monitor the user during several walking condition where the user carry a load. The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows. Chapter I gives an overview about Body Area Networks (BANs), illustrating the relevant features of this technology and the key challenges still open. It concludes with a short list of the real solutions and prototypes proposed by academic research and manufacturers. The domain of the posture and gait analysis, the methodologies, and the technologies used to provide real-time feedback on detected events, are illustrated in Chapter II. The Chapter III and IV, respectively, shown BANs developed with the purpose to detect fall and monitor the gait taking advantage by two inertial measurement unit and baropodometric insoles. Chapter V reports an audio-biofeedback system to improve balance on the information provided by the use centre of mass. A walking assistant based on the KNN classifier to detect walking alteration on load carriage, is described in Chapter VI.
The contemporary media landscape is characterized by the emergence of hybrid forms of digital communication that contribute to the ongoing redefinition of our societies cultural context. An incontrovertible consequence of this phenomenon is the new public dimension that characterizes the transmission of historical knowledge in the twenty-first century. Awareness of this new epistemic scenario has led us to reflect on the following methodological questions: what strategies should be created to establish a communication system, based on new technology, that is scientifically rigorous, but at the same time engaging for the visitors of museums and Internet users? How does a comparative analysis of ancient documentary sources form a solid base of information for the virtual reconstruction of thirteenth century Bologna in the Metaverse? What benefits can the phenomenon of cross-mediality give to the virtual heritage? The implementation of a new version of the Nu.M.E. project allowed for answering many of these instances. The investigation carried out between 2008 and 2010 has shown that, indeed, real-time 3D graphics and collaborative virtual environments can be feasible tools for representing philologically the urban medieval landscape and for communicating properly validated historical data to the general public. This research is focused on the study and implementation of a pipeline that permits mass communication of historical information about an area of vital importance in late medieval Bologna: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana. The originality of the developed project is not limited solely to the methodological dimension of historical research. Adopted technological perspective is an excellent example of innovation that digital technologies can bring to the cultural heritage. The main result of this research is the creation of Nu.ME 2010, a cross-media system of 3D real-time visualization based on some of the most advanced free software and open source technologies available today free of charge.
The aim of this study is the creation of a Historical GIS that spatially reference data retrieved from Italian and Catalan historical sources and records. The generation of locates these metasource was achieved through the integral acquisition of source-oriented records and the insertion of mark-up fields, yet maintaining, where possible, the original encoding of the source documents. In order to standardize the set of information contained in the original documents and thus allow queries to the database, additional fields were introduced. Once the initial phase of data research and analysis was concluded the new virtual source was published online within an open WebGIS source. As a conclusion we have created a dynamic and spatially referenced database of geo-historical information. The configuration of this new source is such to guarantee the best possible accessibility.
Il Cloud computing è probabilmente l'argomento attualmente più dibattuto nel mondo dell'Information and Communication Technology (ICT). La diffusione di questo nuovo modo di concepire l'erogazione di servizi IT, è l'evoluzione di una serie di tecnologie che stanno rivoluzionando le modalit à in cui le organizzazioni costruiscono le proprie infrastrutture informatiche. I vantaggi che derivano dall'utilizzo di infrastrutture di Cloud Computing sono ad esempio un maggiore controllo sui servizi, sulla struttura dei costi e sugli asset impiegati. I costi sono proporzionati all'eettivo uso dei servizi (pay-per-use), evitando dunque gli sprechi e rendendo più efficiente il sistema di sourcing. Diverse aziende hanno già cominciato a provare alcuni servizi cloud e molte altre stanno valutando l'inizio di un simile percorso. La prima organizzazione a fornire una piattaforma di cloud computing fu Amazon, grazie al suo Elastic Computer Cloud (EC2). Nel luglio del 2010 nasce OpenStack, un progetto open-source creato dalla fusione dei codici realizzati dall'agenzia governativa della Nasa[10] e dell'azienda statunitense di hosting Rackspace. Il software realizzato svolge le stesse funzioni di quello di Amazon, a differenza di questo, però, è stato rilasciato con licenza Apache, quindi nessuna restrizione di utilizzo e di implementazione. Oggi il progetto Openstack vanta di numerose aziende partner come Dell, HP, IBM, Cisco, e Microsoft. L'obiettivo del presente elaborato è quello di comprendere ed analizzare il funzionamento del software OpenStack. Il fine principale è quello di familiarizzare con i diversi componenti di cui è costituito e di concepire come essi interagiscono fra loro, per poter costruire infrastrutture cloud del tipo Infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Il lettore si troverà di fronte all'esposizione degli argomenti organizzati nei seguenti capitoli. Nel primo capitolo si introduce la definizione di cloud computing, trattandone le principali caratteristiche, si descrivono poi, i diversi modelli di servizio e di distribuzione, delineando vantaggi e svantaggi che ne derivano. Nel secondo capitolo due si parla di una delle tecnologie impiegate per la realizzazione di infrastrutture di cloud computing, la virtualizzazione. Vengono trattate le varie forme e tipologie di virtualizzazione. Nel terzo capitolo si analizza e descrive in dettaglio il funzionamento del progetto OpenStack. Per ogni componente del software, viene illustrata l'architettura, corredata di schemi, ed il relativo meccanismo. Il quarto capitolo rappresenta la parte relativa all'installazione del software e alla configurazione dello stesso. Inoltre si espongono alcuni test effettuati sulla macchina in cui è stato installato il software. Infine nel quinto capitolo si trattano le conclusioni con le considerazioni sugli obiettivi raggiunti e sulle caratteristiche del software preso in esame.
Le sfide dell'Information Visualisation ed i limiti dei sistemi di visualizzazione esistenti hanno portato alla creazione di un nuovo sistema per la generazione automatica di visualizzazioni di Open Data quantitativi, presentato in questa tesi.
In these last years, systems engineering has became one of the major research domains. The complexity of systems has increased constantly and nowadays Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are a category of particular interest: these, are systems composed by a cyber part (computer-based algorithms) that monitor and control some physical processes. Their development and simulation are both complex due to the importance of the interaction between the cyber and the physical entities: there are a lot of models written in different languages that need to exchange information among each other. Normally people use an orchestrator that takes care of the simulation of the models and the exchange of informations. This orchestrator is developed manually and this is a tedious and long work. Our proposition is to achieve to generate the orchestrator automatically through the use of Co-Modeling, i.e. by modeling the coordination. Before achieving this ultimate goal, it is important to understand the mechanisms and de facto standards that could be used in a co-modeling framework. So, I studied the use of a technology employed for co-simulation in the industry: FMI. In order to better understand the FMI standard, I realized an automatic export, in the FMI format, of the models realized in an existing software for discrete modeling: TimeSquare. I also developed a simple physical model in the existing open source openmodelica tool. Later, I started to understand how works an orchestrator, developing a simple one: this will be useful in future to generate an orchestrator automatically.
The municipality of San Juan La Laguna, Guatemala is home to approximately 5,200 people and located on the western side of the Lake Atitlán caldera. Steep slopes surround all but the eastern side of San Juan. The Lake Atitlán watershed is susceptible to many natural hazards, but most predictable are the landslides that can occur annually with each rainy season, especially during high-intensity events. Hurricane Stan hit Guatemala in October 2005; the resulting flooding and landslides devastated the Atitlán region. Locations of landslide and non-landslide points were obtained from field observations and orthophotos taken following Hurricane Stan. This study used data from multiple attributes, at every landslide and non-landslide point, and applied different multivariate analyses to optimize a model for landslides prediction during high-intensity precipitation events like Hurricane Stan. The attributes considered in this study are: geology, geomorphology, distance to faults and streams, land use, slope, aspect, curvature, plan curvature, profile curvature and topographic wetness index. The attributes were pre-evaluated for their ability to predict landslides using four different attribute evaluators, all available in the open source data mining software Weka: filtered subset, information gain, gain ratio and chi-squared. Three multivariate algorithms (decision tree J48, logistic regression and BayesNet) were optimized for landslide prediction using different attributes. The following statistical parameters were used to evaluate model accuracy: precision, recall, F measure and area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The algorithm BayesNet yielded the most accurate model and was used to build a probability map of landslide initiation points. The probability map developed in this study was also compared to the results of a bivariate landslide susceptibility analysis conducted for the watershed, encompassing Lake Atitlán and San Juan. Landslides from Tropical Storm Agatha 2010 were used to independently validate this study’s multivariate model and the bivariate model. The ultimate aim of this study is to share the methodology and results with municipal contacts from the author's time as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer, to facilitate more effective future landslide hazard planning and mitigation.
As more and more open-source software components become available on the internet we need automatic ways to label and compare them. For example, a developer who searches for reusable software must be able to quickly gain an understanding of retrieved components. This understanding cannot be gained at the level of source code due to the semantic gap between source code and the domain model. In this paper we present a lexical approach that uses the log-likelihood ratios of word frequencies to automatically provide labels for software components. We present a prototype implementation of our labeling/comparison algorithm and provide examples of its application. In particular, we apply the approach to detect trends in the evolution of a software system.
Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Konzeption, den Funktionsumfang und Erfahrungswerte der Open-Source-eLearning-Plattform Stud.IP. Der Funktionsumfang umfasst für jede einzelne Veranstaltung Ablaufpläne, das Hochladen von Hausarbeiten, Diskussionsforen, persönliche Homepages, Chaträume u.v.a. Ziel ist es hierbei, eine Infrastruktur des Lehrens und Lernens anzubieten, die dem Stand der Technik entspricht. Wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen finden zudem eine leistungsstarke Umgebung zur Verwaltung ihres Personals, Pflege ihrer Webseiten und der automatischer Erstellung von Veranstaltungs- oder Personallisten vor. Betreiber können auf ein verlässliches Supportsystem zugreifen, dass sie an der Weiterentwicklung durch die Entwickler- und Betreiber-Community teilhaben lässt.
The aim of the web-based course “Advertising Psychology – The Blog Seminar” was to offer a contemporary teaching design using typical Web 2.0 characteristics such as comments, discussions and social media integration which covers facebook and Twitter support, as nowadays, this is a common part of students’ everyday life. This weblog (blog)-based seminar for Advertising Psychology was set up in order to make the course accessible to students from different campuses in the Ruhr metropolitan area. The technical aspect of the open-source content management system Drupal 6.0 and the didactical course structure, based on Merrill’s five first principles of instruction, are introduced. To date, this blog seminar has been conducted three times with a total of 84 participants, who were asked to rate the course according to the benefits of different didactical elements and with regard to Kirkpatrick’s levels of evaluation model. This model covers a) reactions such as reported enjoyment, perceived usefulness and perceived difficulty, and b) effects on learning through the subjectively reported increase in knowledge and attitude towards the seminar. Overall, the blog seminar was evaluated very positively and can be considered as providing support for achieving the learning objectives. However, a successful blended learning approach should always be tailored to the learning contents and the environment.
The usage of social media in leisure time settings has become a prominent research topic. However, less research has been done on the design of social media in collaboration settings. In this study, we investigate how social media can support asynchronous collaboration in virtual teams and specifically how they can increase activity awareness. On the basis of an open source social networking platform, we present two prototype designs: a standard platform with basic support for information processing, communication and process – as suggested by Zigurs and Buckland (1998) – and an advanced platform with additional support for activity awareness via specialfeed functions. We argue that the standard platform already conveys activity awareness to a certain extent, however, that this awareness can be increased even more by the feeds in the advanced platform. Both prototypes are tested in a field experiment and evaluated with respect to their impact on perceived activity awareness, coordination and satisfaction. We show that the advanced design increases coordination and satisfaction through increased perceived activity awareness.